How does BigCommerce Stencil Theme Editor bundle #import SCSS files? - sass

When I use an #import statement that imports from a node modules folder, the import works perfectly.
#import "../../node_modules/bulma-scss/scss/utilities/functions";
However once a user goes to edit the theme via the backoffice theme editor and saves the changes, there is an error basically saying that that node_modules folder does not exist.
Expected Result
Editing a .scss file via the backoffice editor and 'save and apply' would successfully update the corresponding .css file used in the theme
Actual Result -
A string of 'file doesn't exist' errors occurs as the "#import" statements reference files used in the node modules folder
Video of issue explained: 1min 40s

node_modules are available in the theme, but are not available when editing in the browser. The reason for this is that during "bundling", the contents of node_modules is converted into a different format and placed inside the /parsed directory.
When editing a theme in the control panel of a store, the contents of the /parsed directory/node_modules is not available to edit and not otherwise accessible.
I would recommend including the file through a non-package manage method in order to address this.


How do I customize go-present template?

I am new to Go and just stumbled upon Go's present package which I imported via go get
Is there any way to customize the look of the presentation? E.g. via adjusting the default css file?
If so where are the files used for the style? I cannot find the package anywhere in my Go path...
Let's assume you have a directory myslides with some .slide files in it.
Create a subfolder theme in myslides.
Copy the folders template and static from $GOPATH/src/ to that new theme directory
Start present with a new parameter -base: present -base theme
Modify the styles and template files. Most small things are in styles.css.
If you change the template files, then you need to stop and restart present. If your are changing the styles only, then a reload in the browser will do (take care to disable the cache.)
I found that the only way to change presentation styles is to modify library files directly.
If you use vgo:
Of cause first you need to download present package: go get

Magento is ignoring my changes in html files

I am trying to update cart page in Magento, and more specifically files from web/template/cart. I copied all these files to my custom theme, but somehow all changes are ignored and Magento still using files from vendor. It only happens to html file - phtml are updating correctly.
Tried to clear cache etc. but without any success.
Any ideas?
What file are you editing? Put some example for the name and directory. If the changes not applied so don´t rewritting the files.

Magento 2: File path for changes in css

I am new to magento 2 and I am making css changes in luma theme on below path.
But after content deployment I lost my css changes.
Please help me in that.
You should not edit/modify files within pub/* or vendor/* directory.
Pub is for deployment and vendor is for default structure, which you
override via your template or custom modules
create a new theme inside app/design/frontend/{vendor}/{yourTheme}/.
You can use Blank or Luma theme
You can also create new theme which inherites from Blank (inheritance
is defined within theme.xml). If you are already using some theme
then skip this step.
edit .less within your theme so the changes stay visible and don't
get replaced when clearing the cache or upgrading the system.
Use grunt to compile your .less into deployment files.
You can also setup sourcemaps to pin point your styling within the
theme .less files so you can be more productive.
if you want to override only css file then you don't need to compile it. so follow above steps , change your css and clear the cache. it will worked.

Copy SCSS File to a new SCSS file

I am using Foundation 6 with SASS and have a question.
I would like to make a copy of the _panels.scss file and make some changes, but also keep the formatting of the standard _panels.scss.
I made a direct copy, titled it _panels-foo.scss and added the #import in the foundation.scss file.
I see that my bundle watcher created the new entry in the CSS file, but any changes to the _panels-foo.scss file don't get updated. Only changes to the _panels.scss modify the CSS
What did I do incorrectly?

Magento - Editing phtml files in adminhtml folder having no effect

When I make a change to “app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/page/head.phtml” or other files in the adminhtml folders, the changes I make have no effect on the site. The site seems to be using old versions of my files but I have no idea where it is getting them from. I have deleted the cache multiple times and logged in/out of admin. I’ve also managed to turn on path hints in the admin panel and can see that the correct files are being used but the code in the files is incorrect. If I rename the file to _head.phtml then as you'd expect, the styling, js and meta tags etc go missing but when I make a simple edit to that same file the change is not reflected.
I recently upgraded from 1.6.2 to 1.7 - Am I missing something?
