Magento is ignoring my changes in html files - magento

I am trying to update cart page in Magento, and more specifically files from web/template/cart. I copied all these files to my custom theme, but somehow all changes are ignored and Magento still using files from vendor. It only happens to html file - phtml are updating correctly.
Tried to clear cache etc. but without any success.
Any ideas?

What file are you editing? Put some example for the name and directory. If the changes not applied so don´t rewritting the files.


Can't get child magento theme to work correctly, no changes are made

I'm using Magento Ver. and I'm trying to make a child theme of a free theme I've downloaded. I already try to create the following folders copying all files I need from the original theme
Also tried to make a folder called 'custom' inside of the main theme folder where is 'default' folder. Make all changes in DESIGN section of CONFIG ADMIN SESSION. I tried to do some changes to footer.phtml (just for be sure it's working), and no changes are made at all.
What I'm doing wrong?
It worked by changing the System->Config to 'custom' folder inside of parent theme folder.

Prestashop smarty is not removing the cache

In prestashop I wanted to customize the default bankwire payment module. I have changed many things there in the payment.php file which is working file, but when I tried to change the smarty file(payment_execution.tpl) it did not showed any changes. I tried to remove cache from the cache folder then I tried every process which tells to remove cache, disable cache from the store. But it did not showed the changes in the frontend. I also made the same changes inside prestashop theme folder (themes/default-bootstrap/module/bankwire) but still it did not showed the changes. So can someone tell me what's the issue here?
Delete everything inside cache/smarty/cache and cache/smarty/compile
Set the option Template compilation in ADVANCED PARAMETERS > PERFORMANCE
to Recompile templates if the files have been updated
Search for all files named payment_execution.tpl in PrestaShop
If it doesn't work you'll need to check the file modules\bankwire\controllers\front\payment.php and follow the instruction $this->setTemplate('payment_execution.tpl'); step by step to see the path of the tpl (you will need a php debugger for that)

Uploading Aheadworks blog extension to my custom Magento theme

I'm fairly new to Magento and am having trouble uploading the Aheadworks blog extension to the correct directories. I am using a custom theme for my site, let's call it "themex". The directions state "Navigate inside step_1 directory. If you use a different from default theme - be sure to rename step_1/app/design/frontend/default/default and step_1/skin/frontend/default/default folders to your store's values."
I've located the 'step_1' directory but I'm not quite understanding the latter part of the directions. Am I renaming the 'step_1' directory to "themex" and uploading it to the root directory? Please be as descriptive as possible in your response.
Their instructions are badly phrased, but I'm pretty sure it means that you need to upload the files to app/design/frontend/default/themex
Magento theme files appear in the app/design/frontend/ folder.
The "base" folder here contains the core layout files, and the "default" folder contains the file overrides for other themes. As such, your theme's layout files will appear under app/design/frontend/default/themex (possibly app/design/frontend/themex/default depending on how the theme works)
Magento will first look for design files here first, and then look under app/design/frontend/base if the override does not exist.
Make sure you back-up any files, and if their files over-write any of your theme files then run a comparison on them to make sure they are not over-writing any of your theme's functionality.

Magento - Editing phtml files in adminhtml folder having no effect

When I make a change to “app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/page/head.phtml” or other files in the adminhtml folders, the changes I make have no effect on the site. The site seems to be using old versions of my files but I have no idea where it is getting them from. I have deleted the cache multiple times and logged in/out of admin. I’ve also managed to turn on path hints in the admin panel and can see that the correct files are being used but the code in the files is incorrect. If I rename the file to _head.phtml then as you'd expect, the styling, js and meta tags etc go missing but when I make a simple edit to that same file the change is not reflected.
I recently upgraded from 1.6.2 to 1.7 - Am I missing something?

Magento Onepage Checkout ChildHTML pages not updating?

I am working on a theme for Magento and simply modifying the base theme. When I am editing the app/design/frontend/base/default/template/checkout/onepage/billing.phtml file and any of the other files within the onepage folder it doesn't update the actual process of the checkout. Even if I erase the whole file the contents of that step on the checkout are still there. Is this content being pulled from another spot? ( i have cache disabled )
turn on template hints
add print_r(get_included_files()); at the end to your php to see what files and from where are included
make sure that your site is not APC cached
Has the exact same problem, for some reason there is another billing.phtml in the persistent directory that is being used....
