d3.js fit scale to rgb() range of blue - d3.js

Trying to fill rect colours on a bar chart by a scale,
var x1 = d3.scaleTime()
.domain([parseTime('00:00'), d3.max(data, function(d) {
return d.value
.range([2, 256]);
like this,
.style('fill', function(d) {
return "'rgb(0,0," + x1(d.value) + ")'"
Trying to range over the colour blue on the scale d.value
I'm getting black at the moment, presumable a default colour.

You can simplify this, d3 scales can interpolate between colors, so you could use code such as :
var x1 = d3.scaleLinear()
You could also use:
var x1 = d3.scaleLinear()
And then use the scale to color to the rectangles directly:
.style('fill', function(d) {
return x1(d.value);
Also, yes, black is the default color. For sake of demonstration in the snippet, I'm using a linear rather than date scale:
var svg = d3.select("body")
var x1 = d3.scaleLinear()
var x2 = d3.scaleLinear()
var rects = svg.selectAll(null)
.attr("fill",function(d) { return x1(d); })
.attr("y",function(d) { return Math.floor(d/10) * 12; })
.attr("x",function(d) { return d % 10 * 12; })
var rects = svg.selectAll("null")
.attr("fill",function(d) { return x2(d); })
.attr("y",function(d) { return Math.floor(d/10) * 12; })
.attr("x",function(d) { return d % 10 * 12 + 130 ; })
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/4.10.0/d3.min.js"></script>


How do I get rid of tiny lines between canvas rects

I am very new to D3 and as you can see in the image above there are tiny lines/gaps between each rectangle that I would love to get rid of, this is drawn on a canvas element with each rectangle starting where the last one ends using D3.js following this tutorial almost exactly minus adding the gaps between each square.
I've tried
this.canvas.imageSmoothingQuality = 'low';
draw() {
const canvas = d3
.attr('width', this.width)
.attr('height', this.height)
'translate(' + this.margin.left + ',' + this.margin.top + ')'
this.canvas = canvas.node().getContext('2d');
this.canvas.imageSmoothingQuality = 'low';
const elements = this.shadowContainer.selectAll('custom.rect');
const _this = this;
elements.each(function(d, i) {
const node = d3.select(this);
// Here you retrieve the colour from the individual in-memory node and set the fillStyle for the canvas paint
_this.canvas.fillStyle = node.attr('color');
// Here you retrieve the position of the node and apply it to the fillRect context function which will fill and paint the square.
private dataBind(value) {
const customBase = document.createElement('custom');
this.shadowContainer = d3.select(customBase);
const {
viewModes: {
heatMap: {
chartOptions: { engagementStatus, xAxis, yAxis }
} = value;
const x = this.d3
.range([0, this.width])
.style('font-size', 11)
.attr('class', 'x-axis')
.selectAll('.x-axis text')
.style('text-anchor', 'start')
.attr('transform', function(d) {
return `translate(8, -8)rotate(-90)`;
const y = this.d3
.range([this.height, 0]);
const color = this.d3
.domain([-2, -1, 0, 1])
// #ts-ignore
.range(['#5b717d', '#ffb957', '#ee6b56', '#40a050']);
const join = this.shadowContainer
.data(data, function(d) {
return `${d.Date}:${d.Member}`;
const enterSelection = join
.attr('class', 'rect')
.attr('x', d =>
.attr('y', function(d) {
return y(d.Member);
.attr('width', 24)
.attr('height', 24);
.attr('width', x.bandwidth())
.attr('height', y.bandwidth())
.attr('color', function(d) {
return color(d.score);
const exitSelection = join
.attr('width', 0)
.attr('height', 0)
This is likely an issue stemming from your scales. It can occur with either SVG or canvas and occurs when dealing with coordinates that require plotting at fractions of a pixel.
Here's a demonstration with SVG:
var data = d3.range(20);
var x = d3.scaleBand()
var svg = d3.select("body")
.attr("width", 500);
var rect = svg.selectAll("rect")
.attr("x", d=>x(d) )
.attr("y", 50)
.attr("width", x.bandwidth())
.attrTween("tween", function() {
var i = d3.interpolate(250,480)
return function(t) {
.attr("width", x.bandwidth());
return "";
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/5.7.0/d3.min.js"></script>
And one with Canvas:
var data = d3.range(20);
var x = d3.scaleBand()
var canvas = d3.select("body")
.attr("width", 500);
var rect = d3.create("div").selectAll("rect")
.attr("x", d=>x(d) )
.attr("y", 50)
.attr("width", x.bandwidth())
.attrTween("tween", function() {
var i = d3.interpolate(250,480)
var context = canvas.node().getContext("2d");
return function(t) {
context.fillStyle = "#fff";
.attr("width", x.bandwidth())
.each(function() {
var node = d3.select(this);
context.fillStyle = "crimson"
return "";
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/5.7.0/d3.min.js"></script>
The solution is to be a bit more involved in setting the scale's domain and range. Start with the desired bandwidth, a whole number in pixels, and set the range so that the difference between the minimum and maximum values is equal to the number of values in the domain * the bandwidth.
So instead of:
const x = this.d3
.range([0, this.width])
You'd have:
const length = 10; // length of a box side
const x = this.d3
.range([0,xAxis.categories * length])
You could also calculate length above dynamically, say by using: Math.floor(width/xAxis.categories)
Using the above approach and a slightly contrived example to accommodate the transition, we remove the aliasing/moire pattern. Because we use only full pixels, the transition jumps as each bar increases in width by a full pixel at the same time, as space becomes available in the range:
var data = d3.range(20);
var length = 30;
var x = d3.scaleBand()
var canvas = d3.select("body")
.attr("width", 500);
var rect = d3.create("div").selectAll("rect")
.attr("x", d=>x(d) )
.attr("y", 50)
.attr("width", x.bandwidth())
.attrTween("tween", function() {
var i = d3.interpolate(250,480)
var context = canvas.node().getContext("2d");
return function(t) {
length = Math.floor(i(t)/data.length)
context.fillStyle = "#fff";
.attr("width", x.bandwidth())
.each(function(d,i) {
var node = d3.select(this);
context.fillStyle = d3.schemeCategory10[i%10];
return "";
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/5.7.0/d3.min.js"></script>

Live Horizontal Bar Chart keeps adding nodes

I am trying to make a horizontal bar chart for test purposes which changes data in real time. I notice that nodes keep adding.
var dataset = [ 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 ]
var w = 1200;
var h = 500;
var barPadding = 1;
var container = d3.select("body")
.attr("width", w)
.attr("height", h)
var rects = container.selectAll("rect")
var yScale = d3.scaleLinear()
.range([h, 0])
function draw(dataset, translate){
yScale.domain([0, d3.max(dataset)])
.attr("x", function(d, i){
return i * 12 + translate
.attr("y", function(d){
return yScale(d)
.attr("width", 11)
.attr("height", function(d) { return (h - yScale(d)) })
var translate = 0
container.attr("transform", "translate("+-translate+",0)")
dataset.push(Math.floor(Math.random() * 30))
draw(dataset, translate)
translate = translate + 12
}, 1000)
rects.exit.remove() doesn't seem to work, how can I fix this? I could not find any examples of live horizontal bar charts on d3 v5 which is what I am using here
Right now you don't have a proper update selection, which is:
var rects = container.selectAll("rect")
Because of that, all rectangles belong to the enter selection.
Here is the updated code, with the size of the update selection in the console:
var dataset = [5, 10, 15, 20, 25]
var w = 500;
var h = 300;
var barPadding = 1;
var container = d3.select("body")
.attr("width", w)
.attr("height", h)
var yScale = d3.scaleLinear()
.range([h, 0]);
var translate = 0
draw(dataset, translate)
function draw(dataset, translate) {
yScale.domain([0, d3.max(dataset)])
var rects = container.selectAll("rect")
.attr("x", function(d, i) {
return i * 12 + translate
.attr("y", function(d) {
return yScale(d)
.attr("width", 11)
.attr("height", function(d) {
return (h - yScale(d))
console.log("the update size is: " + rects.size())
setInterval(function() {
container.attr("transform", "translate(" + -translate + ",0)")
dataset.push(Math.floor(Math.random() * 30))
draw(dataset, translate)
translate = translate + 12
}, 1000)
<script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v5.min.js"></script>

D3.js pie chart to show the percentage of sales in each quarter

Using d3.js I want to make a chart showing each item as pie chart displaying the quarterly sale of tickets for different programs
here is the sample picture of chart I want to make,each segment in the chart represents ticket for a program and its percentage of sales in each quarter. Now using this link enter link description here
I have made a graph but which is not exactly the one I needed.Is there any charts available in d3.js to show a graph as I mentioned in the picture or we need to customize it to get a graph like that.
Is there any charts available in d3.js to show a graph as I mentioned
in the picture or we need to customize it to get a graph like that?
No there isn't a ready made solution, d3 as the comment on the question notes is a collection of methods for manipulating the DOM, this allows a great deal of flexibility in creating custom visualizations (users aren't as limited as with many ready-made solutions that only allow defined modifications). Consequently, yes, you can make a chart like that in d3 taking elements and ideas from both scatter plot and pie chart implementations with d3 to make your chart.
This answer shows one approach that could be used in creating such a graph. Ideally it can provide ideas in crafting your own visualization that meets your need.
First, you need a mechanism to make variable sized pie charts and to place them - arguably this is the hardest part (after that you just have a scatter plot that's easier to manipulate). This requires some thought as to data structure, I've used a structure such as:
var data = [
You could add other properties as needed, all that this does is specify an x and y coordinate for the pie chart center, a radius for the pie chart, and the values of the wedges for each pie chart.
With that, you can append a group element (g) to your svg, one for each pie chart (or item in the data array) using a standard enter cycle in d3, positioning the groups as we go:
var pies = svg.selectAll("g")
.property("radius",function(d) { return d.radius; })
.attr("transform",function(d) { return "translate("+d.x+","+d.y+")"; });
Because the data array used to append the wedges themselves will only include the wedge values, we can save the radius property as a property of the group and access that when appending the wedges:
.data(function(d){ return pie(d.slices); })
.attr("d",function(d) {
var radius = d3.select(this.parentNode).property("radius");
return arc(d) })
return color[i];
A basic example might look like this:
var data = [
var width = 500;
var height = 300;
var svg = d3.select("body").append("svg")
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height);
var arc = d3.arc()
var pie = d3.pie()
.value(function(d) { return d; });
var color = d3.schemeCategory10;
// Append a group for each pie chart, it will store the radius of each pie as a property
var pies = svg.selectAll("g")
.property("radius",function(d) { return d.radius; })
.attr("transform",function(d) { return "translate("+d.x+","+d.y+")"; });
// draw each pie wedge, using the slices property of the data bound to the parent g
.data(function(d){ return pie(d.slices); })
.attr("d",function(d) {
var radius = d3.select(this.parentNode).property("radius");
return arc(d) })
return color[i];
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/4.10.0/d3.min.js"></script>
If you want to set each circle to have it's own color scheme, a few options might be available. If every pie has only two colors, you could assign a fill to the parent group and use the wedge increment to set transparency, creating lighter wedges such as in your image:
var data = [
var width = 500;
var height = 300;
var svg = d3.select("body").append("svg")
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height);
var arc = d3.arc()
var pie = d3.pie()
.value(function(d) { return d; });
var color = ["steelblue","orange","pink","crimson"]
// Append a group for each pie chart, it will store the radius of each pie as a property
var pies = svg.selectAll("g")
.property("radius",function(d) { return d.radius; })
.attr("fill",function(d,i) { return color[i] })
.attr("transform",function(d) { return "translate("+d.x+","+d.y+")"; });
// draw each pie wedge, using the slices property of the data bound to the parent g
.data(function(d){ return pie(d.slices); })
.attr("d",function(d) {
var radius = d3.select(this.parentNode).property("radius");
return arc(d) })
return 1-i*0.2;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/4.10.0/d3.min.js"></script>
Other options are available, such as storing a local variable, storing the color as a property as we did for radius, or modifying our data structure to include a color for each wedge:
var data = [
slices:[{value:1,color:"steelblue"},{value:5,color:"lightblue"} ]},
var width = 500;
var height = 300;
var svg = d3.select("body").append("svg")
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height);
var arc = d3.arc()
var pie = d3.pie()
.value(function(d) { return d.value; });
// Append a group for each pie chart, it will store the radius of each pie as a property
var pies = svg.selectAll("g")
.property("radius",function(d) { return d.radius; })
.attr("transform",function(d) { return "translate("+d.x+","+d.y+")"; });
// draw each pie wedge, using the slices property of the data bound to the parent g
.data(function(d){ return pie(d.slices); })
.attr("d",function(d) {
var radius = d3.select(this.parentNode).property("radius");
return arc(d) })
// remember that d3.pie creates it's own data array, thus using d.data.property:
.attr("fill",function(d){ return d.data.color; })
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/4.10.0/d3.min.js"></script>
Now we can adapt and implement characteristics of a scatter plot such as scales and axes. This would be the same for any other scatter plot essentially, we would scale the max and min (or a defined range) for the x and y scales, and add the axes. Altogether, that might look something like:
var data = [
var width = 500;
var height = 300;
var margin = {left:30,right:10,top:30,bottom:30}
var xScale = d3.scaleLinear()
.domain([0,d3.max(data,function(d) { return d.x + 20 }) ]);
var yScale = d3.scaleLinear()
.domain([0,d3.max(data,function(d) { return d.y + 20}) ]);
var svg = d3.select("body").append("svg")
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height);
var g = svg.append("g")
.attr("transform", "translate("+margin.left+","+margin.top+")")
var xAxis = d3.axisBottom(xScale);
.attr("transform", "translate(0,"+(height-margin.bottom-margin.top)+")")
var yAxis = d3.axisLeft(yScale);
var arc = d3.arc()
var pie = d3.pie()
.value(function(d) { return d; });
var color = d3.schemeCategory10;
var pies = g.selectAll(null)
.property("radius",function(d) { return d.radius; })
.attr("transform",function(d) { return "translate("+xScale(d.x)+","+yScale(d.y)+")"; });
.data(function(d){ return pie(d.slices); })
.attr("d",function(d) {
var radius = d3.select(this.parentNode).property("radius");
return arc(d) })
return color[i];
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/4.10.0/d3.min.js"></script>
Adding grid lines, legends, mouse over functionality, and other features should be relatively straightforward now - look at scatterplot examples with d3 to see how these and other features might be implemented, modifying a scatterplot of cirlces is about the same as modifying a scatterplot of pie charts.
From the sample provided by #Andrew Reid I have made it , the sample code for reference is posted here
<title>TODO supply a title</title>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/4.10.0/d3.min.js"></script>
var data = [
{x: 170, y: 160, radius: 20, slices: [3, 4]},
{x: 180, y: 40, radius: 30, slices: [ 6, 7]},
{x: 50, y: 80, radius: 20, slices: [5, 3]},
{x: 50, y: 180, radius: 40, slices: [6, 3]}
var width = 500;
var height = 300;
var margin = {left: 30, right: 10, top: 30, bottom: 30}
var xScale = d3.scaleLinear()
.range([0, width - margin.left - margin.right])
.domain([0, d3.max(data, function (d) {
return d.x + 20
var yScale = d3.scaleLinear()
.range([height - margin.top - margin.bottom, 0])
.domain([0, d3.max(data, function (d) {
return d.y + 20
var svg = d3.select("body").append("svg")
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height);
var g = svg.append("g")
.attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + margin.top + ")")
var xAxis = d3.axisBottom(xScale);
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + (height - margin.bottom - margin.top) + ")")
var yAxis = d3.axisLeft(yScale);
var lineX= g.append("line")
.attr("x1", 0)
.attr("x2", 500)
.attr("y1", yMid+20)
.attr("y2", yMid+20)
.attr("stroke-width", 1)
.attr("stroke", "black")
.attr("stroke-dasharray", "7,7");
var liney= g.append("line")
.attr("x1", xMid+130)
.attr("x2", xMid+130)
.attr("y1", -10)
.attr("y2", 245)
.attr("stroke-width", 1)
.attr("stroke", "black")
.attr("stroke-dasharray", "7,7");
var arc = d3.arc()
var pie = d3.pie()
.value(function (d) {
return d;
var colors = d3.schemeCategory20;
var color = ["steelblue","orange","green","red"]
var pies = g.selectAll(null)
.property("radius", function (d) {
return d.radius;
.attr("transform", function (d) {
return "translate(" + xScale(d.x) + "," + yScale(d.y) + ")";
.attr("fill", function (d, i) {
return color[i];
.data(function (d) {
return pie(d.slices);
.attr("d", function (d) {
var radius = d3.select(this.parentNode).property("radius");
return arc(d)
.attr("opacity",function(d,i){ return 1-i*0.7; });

d3 linear scale with strange output values

Recently I have began exploring D3 and I'm having some issues with scales.
I'm in a earlier stages of a simple bar chart and my yScale is outputting some stranges values.
I've notice that this doesn't happen if I simple define the domain like .domain([0, 8000]) which is not very dynamic…
Here's the link for the csv file:
Google Transparency Report: User data requests
And here's the code:
var dataset;
var w = 500;
var h = 300;
var svg = d3.select("body")
.attr("width", w)
.attr("height", h);
d3.csv("google-user-data-requests.csv", function(data) {
dataset = data;
var generateVis = function () {
var barValue = function(d) {
return d["User Data Requests"];
var xScale = d3.scale.ordinal()
.rangeRoundBands([0, w], 0.05);
var yScale = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([0, d3.max(dataset, barValue)])
.range([0, h]);
var bars = svg.selectAll("rect")
var barsAttr = bars
.attr("x", function(d, i) {
return xScale(i);
.attr("y", function(d) {
return h - yScale(barValue(d));
.attr("width", xScale.rangeBand())
.attr("height", function(d) {
return yScale(barValue(d));
What am I missing?
What you need to do is convert your strings to numbers, i.e.
d3.csv("google-user-data-requests.csv", function(data) {
dataset = data;
dataset.forEach(function(d) {
d['User Data Requests'] = +d['User Data Requests'];
You probably also want to parse the dates and format them as such.

d3.js categorical time series (evolustrip)

Working in d3.js, I am looking for a good way to display categorical time series data. The data values cannot co-occur, and are not evenly spaced, so I've data exactly like:
location = [[time1: home], [time4: work], [time5: cafe], [time7: home]]
and so on. My ideal resulting graph is something like what might be called an evolustrip - one way of seeing this chart is as a time series chart with variable width bars, bar color corresponding to category (e.g. 'home').
Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thank you so much!
So I ended up crafting my own d3.js solution:
I used a d3.time.scale scale for the time dimension, and then a d3.scale.category20 scale to provide colors for the categories. I then plotted the categorical data as same-height rects on the time axis by start time, and used the d3.time.scale scale to compute the appropriate bin width for each rect.
A reusable component (following the pattern at http://bost.ocks.org/mike/chart/) example can be seen here:
function timeSeriesCategorical() {
var w = 860,
h = 70,
margin = {top: 20, right: 80, bottom: 30, left: 50},
width = w - margin.left - margin.right,
height = h - margin.top - margin.bottom;
var xValue = function(d) { return d[0]; },
yValue = function(d) { return d[1]; };
var yDomain = null;
var xScale = d3.time.scale()
.range([0, width]);
var yScale = d3.scale.category20();
var xAxis = d3.svg.axis()
var yAxis = d3.svg.axis()
var binwidth = 20;
function chart(selection) {
selection.each(function(data) {
// convert data to standard representation
data = data.map(function(d, i) {
return [xValue.call(data, d, i), yValue.call(data, d, i)];
//return d;
// scale the x and y domains based on the actual data
xScale.domain(d3.extent(data, function(d) { return d[0]; }));
if (!yDomain) {
yScale.domain(d3.extent(data, function(d) { return d[1]; }));
} else {
// compute binwidths for TODO better comment
// d looks like {timestamp, category}
data.forEach(function(d, i) {
if (data[i+1]) {
w_current = xScale(data[i][0]);
w_next = xScale(data[i+1][0]);
binwidth = w_next - w_current;
d.binwidth = binwidth;
// create chart space as svg
// note: 'this' el should not contain svg already
var svg = d3.select(this).append('svg').data(data);
// external dimensions
svg.attr('width', w)
.attr('height', h);
// internal dimensions
svg = svg.append('g')
.attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + margin.top + ')');
// x axis
.attr('class', 'x axis')
.attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + height + ')')
// TODO bars legend
// bars
.attr('x', function(d, i) { return xScale(d[0]); })
.attr('width', function(d, i) { return d.binwidth; })
.attr('height', height)
.attr('fill', function(d, i) { return yScale(d[1]); })
.attr('stroke', function(d, i) { return yScale(d[1]); });
chart.x = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return xValue;
xValue = _;
return chart;
chart.y = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return yValue;
yValue = _;
return chart;
chart.yDomain = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return yDomain;
yDomain = _;
return chart;
return chart;
and is callable with something like:
d3.csv('./data.csv', function(data) {
var chartActivity = timeSeriesCategorical()
.x(function(d) { return d.when; })
.y(function(d) { return d.activity; })
Hopefully this is helpful to someone! The project this was made for is at https://github.com/interaction-design-lab/stress-sense-portal
