TYPO3 htmlArea RTE - cannot select images in Chromium - image

Since upgrading to TYPO3 7.6/rtehtmlarea 7.6.0 I have been unable to select images when using the Chromium browser. This is with Chromium v59 on Linux Mint.
It works fine with Firefox.
I have reproduced this using the latest TYPO3 v7 (7.6.21). However, I have also reproduced it on a v6.2 site - so I think my associating the problem with an upgrade to 7.6 was a mistake.
When I click on an image using Chrome I get the following in the console log:
Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'setBaseAndExtent' on 'Selection': There is no child at offset 1.
at Selection.selectNode (http://localhost/typo3/sysext/rtehtmlarea/Resources/Public/JavaScript/HTMLArea/DOM/Selection.js?bust=d56abf6f622092c31162857ab5937b1f679b5b45:250:20)
at Iframe.onMouse (http://localhost/typo3/sysext/rtehtmlarea/Resources/Public/JavaScript/HTMLArea/Editor/Iframe.js?bust=d56abf6f622092c31162857ab5937b1f679b5b45:604:37)
at HTMLHtmlElement. (http://localhost/typo3/sysext/rtehtmlarea/Resources/Public/JavaScript/HTMLArea/Editor/Iframe.js?bust=d56abf6f622092c31162857ab5937b1f679b5b45:536:36)
at HTMLHtmlElement.dispatch (http://localhost/typo3/sysext/core/Resources/Public/JavaScript/Contrib/jquery/jquery-2.1.4.min.js:3:6466)
at HTMLHtmlElement.r.handle (http://localhost/typo3/sysext/core/Resources/Public/JavaScript/Contrib/jquery/jquery-2.1.4.min.js:3:3241)


Meschat is displaying blank page in Firefox

The other day I noticed that Meshcat was no longer displaying in Firefox on Ubuntu 20.04. The server would load, but just display a blank white page. My recent Firefox version is 100.0.2, and it was working fine last week (before the update). Upon inspection, this is the traceback that appears in the console:
THREE.WebGLRenderer: Error creating WebGL context.
Failed to create WebGL context: WebGL creation failed:
* tryNativeGL ()
I have tried changing webgl.force-enabled=true in about:config, but that did not work. I am tagging as drake in case any other firefox users have experienced the same. My only fix for now is switching to Chrome.
Firefox 100.0.2 on Ubuntu 20.04 with Meshcat git sha 65781fc has been working fine for me.
Have you tried rebooting? Sometimes Ubuntu's automatic upgrades cause OpenGL contexts to stop working until after a reboot.

Flash Debug not displaying properly in Firefox Linux

I installed the debug version of flash using the script given in this link. Alternatively, I also tried downloading the debug version of flash from here and moved libflashplayer.so to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins but still it gives me problems viewing flash contained.
P.S. - In about:plugins page on firefox it says that Flash is installed and enabled.
While trying to view flash content, the following is being displayed:
(On Adobe's website)
(On this website.)
What am I doing wrong? How can I fix this?

CKEditor Error: The environment is incompatible

I am facing a issue related to ckeditor.
When I tried to load the ckeditor on my page it give me environment in incompatible error in console of the browsers.
Please help.
This happens when running ckeditor in an officially non-supported environment, such as an iPad or tablet or old browser. An exception can also be thrown by jquery adapter for ckeditor.
Per the documentation on unsupported environments, you can force compatibility with:
CKEDITOR.env.isCompatible = true;

Firebug 2.0.4 hanging websites in Firefox 32.0 using Polymer

Since the update to Firebug 2.0.4 in Firefox 32.0 on 06-09-2014 I've been experiencing problems using Polymer. Whenever I reload a page using Polymer (also using the website polymer-project.org) with Firebug open on that site Firefox will hang telling that the problem is coming from:
Script: chrome://firebug/content/debugger/script/sourceTool.js:791
I downgraded to an earlier version of Firebug and the browser stops hanging on reloading.
This works for now but does anyone know a different way to resolve this or anything?

Firebug Not working after updating Firefox 14.0.1 (inspect element does not display HTML)

Firebug stops working after auto-updating of Mozilla Firefox V 14.0.1.
I have updated my Firebug but it's still not working. "Inspect Element" does not display HTML.
Found the solution
Firebug stops working after auto updating of Mozilla firefox V 14.0.1 I have updated my Firebug but still it's not working As you can follow the steps to star you firebug inspect element do not work
Just following the following step’s
Open the following link
or for win 32
Download firebug-1.10.0b4-fx.xpi 12-Jul-2012 05:25 1.5M
Or Latest verson
Save on Hard disk
Open download file with fire fox
Click on Install
And FireBug is Again for you to again Play with web....:)
And it works for me
For more information view following link.
Check Firebug's compatibility table on their page and make sure your version is compatible with your version of Firefox.
