Docker network communication issue - windows

I am new to this docker, i have started running the container services in 2016 server. When i run iis image "Docker run -it -p 80:80 microsoft/iis its started successfully. but when try to access the iis sample page its not loading via local host. but i can access the docker host name and ip address of the host. I know it is limitation in WINNAT but when i try to access from my another machine using the ip address of the host ( ex. htt:// form another machine on the same n/w) iis sample page is not accessible. Can anybody help me to resolve the issue.


Docker Desktop on Mac issue with ssh to centos container on localhost

I know there are similar questions on the SO but many of the suggestions have not worked for me. I'm running Docker Desktop for Mac and I startup a docker container I've built that has ssh configured and running (I use these to connect to AWS, Azure etc). I startup the container with something like (the ubc/jlbase/jlbase image has ssh configure... and the following all works on a linux machine with docker0 network in place)
docker run -P --name test -d ubc/jlbase/jlbase
docker inspect test |grep IP
ping -c *the_ip_from_above*
does not connect. From what I can find, this is a known issue with Docker on Mac... but the help and links I've found don't seem to solve the problem. Can someone tell me what I've missed?
You can say that this is a know feature of Docker on Mac, not an issue. Docker on Mac is running on a virtual machine inside macOS, so the IP address you receive is the IP of the container inside the VM, not on macOS.
To address the two issues from the question:
How to enable ssh
To be able to ssh on your container, you will need to have the sshd running in the container and to publish the port 22. Check here to see how you can try this with a container that is already prepared
How to ping
Since the docker is running inside a VM, to be able to route traffic to the containers, you will need to setup the network layer to route the traffic. One approach is to create a tunnel between the VM and the machine.
This is much more complex setup and will require a help of a CNF (Conteinerized Network Function). One of the simplest CNF that was created just for this problem is soctun which creates a tunnel between the host and the docker network layer.

How to find out (or what is) the correct Docker Host Url to use in jenkins to specify Docker host?

I have docker (docker for windows server) and jenkins both running on a windows server 2019 and I am trying to add Docker Host URI in Jenkins but I ran into timeout error or connection refused error all time and cannot connect to docker host.
I tried the following urls:
tcp://:2375 (or 2376),
tcp://localhost:2375 (or 2376),
tcp:// (or 2376)
Do I have to configure anything else on docker or jenkins?. I cannot move forward in this issue. it would really help me if any one can provide some guidance to solve this.
I was facing similar issue. You need to expose your docker demon at port 2375. I did it via docker desktop.
Then added HOST URl as tcp://

How to access a web application running as a container in ubuntu from my windows system

I am running a web application(copied from github examples) that is running as a container in a remote ubuntu VM. The application is a Node JS application that is using mysql database. I brought the application up using docker-compose in ubuntu.
The application came up as http://172....:3000 using a network port. The ip address is displayed in the docker-compose terminal. In the ubuntu system, when i do curl http://172....:3000, it gives a proper success response. The ip address is a container network address. It is not the VM's ip address. There is no firewall.
How to access the web application from my windows 7 machine. When I tried accessing using http://VM Ip address:3000, it is not hitting ubuntu system. I am not getting any message in the docker-compose terminal. Can anyone help here ?
- "3031:3000"
similar line in your docker compose means you have published port 3000 of your container to port 3031 of your Ubuntu VM.
now you can access your client service as http://<ubuntu-ip>:3031 but before this, you need to allow access to port 3031

How to access webserver running on localhost from a docker container on a network?

I have the following system configuration:
Docker container running on user defined network
docker-machine (with VirtualBox on OS:X forwarding port 9000 to 9000)
Local webserver running on http://localhost:9000
I do not know how to make a basic http request against this webserver, from within my docker container.
To test this I am using:
docker exec testcontainer curl --data "foobaz=foo" http://{hostname}:9000/
where I have tried, for hostnames:
'' (docker-machine IP)
Each time I receive errors or timeouts. When I run the curl command locally (not in docker and on my host OS:X machine) I am able to successfully post the http request.
I cannot disconnect the docker container from my user-defined network. I also cannot add my webserver to that network, as it is not running in a container. Also, I know it is trivial to connect the other way (curl to a webserver running in a docker container) but this is not my use case.
How can I successfully route that http request from the docker container which is part of a user defined network to my localhost webserver?
You can do this with the actual IP address of your local computer.
So for example, if your en0 IP is on your host OS, you can run:
docker exec testcontainer curl --data "foobaz=foo"
which will successfully allow you to make the http requests.
Note that if you are doing this from a container on the host docker network, this is trivial, as you can directly access localhost or without having to use the actual machine IP.
You might want to check what the IP address of the container is - you can find this out by running docker inspect.
However, if you want to access the server process running in your container using the docker machine IP, then you should "expose" port 9000 that your contained app is listening on (using Dockerfile) - in this way, you will still need to figure out which port the 9000 container port is mapped to (this shows when you list your containers via $ docker ps. You can also specify port binding option in command line when starting your container like this: $ docker run -p 9000:9000 <your-container>.

How to call a container, running on a virtual machine, from a Windows browser?

I have Windows 7 operating system and have set up Docker. Docker starts on the virtual machine. I create some containers on Docker and test them on the command line, for example:
curl localhost:9200
Now I want to test this container from a Windows browser
How do I call the container, which is running on a virtual machine, from a Windows browser?
Assuming you have 'published' the service to port 9200, just use the IP address of the VM instead of localhost. To get that address, you can inspect your VM setup, or use the boot2docker command:
boot2docker ip
Then, insert that address where I have the 'x's here in your browser:
Or map published IP address from docker container running inside boot2docker like this:
boot2docker ssh -L
That way, you (and others that can access your computer) can acccess it on both of the following links:
