War deploying tomcat8 - spring-boot

I have issue... I have spring-boot web application generated by jhipster. I need to deploy it with tomcat. Earlier I run it on virtual machine in home. Now I'm trying run it on OVH cloud. Everything is ok but when I type 'service tomcat8 start' and checking logs , I see that war is successfully deployed but it not run automatically after this operation. I was trying run it on windows and everything is okay. This same on virtual machine.. but on OVH always this same.
I deploy original file . I have java8 and tomcat8 on server. Maybe I forgot about some configurations in tomcat? It's fresh after install . Can anybody help?


Running Spring Boot application but Jenkins hijacks the port

I am following the IntelliJ "Hello World" Spring Boot tutorial (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5kOGdZmpSDI) and when I run the application it sets up the Tomcat server on port 8080, as expected, but when I go to localhost:8080 the Jenkins login page will appear instead as it was previously ran in a Docker container.
Is there a way to check what is running on Tomcat or a way to remove Jenkins entirely?
I have already deleted all running containers and images on Docker desktop and uninstalled Docker, but this issue still persists.
Any help would be appreciated as I am new to using Spring Boot as well as Docker - thank you.
By default springboot uses port 8080,you can change the port from 8080 to someother port,you can configure this in your application.properties file
Server.port= anyportnumber
I think this is the one you are looking for!,,Hope this helps

I am not able access api's deployed in hostgator

I am trying to deploy a spring boot application in hostgator javahosting with vps. I have generated jar file locally and deployed in server with "java -jar file.jar" application started successfully with no errors but not able to access using ip of the server. I want to execute only jar file and i have not installed maven.Any dependicies i am missing?permissions?
Changed the server port to 8080 and it is up and running and able to access.

How to containerize the spring boot application without installing docker and deploying in centos

I have a spring boot application in my local machine , i want to containerize it without installing docker in local machine and i want to deploy it in a Cent Os machine which docker has installed in an offline mode .
while i have tried to containerizing it by building an image file , it is actually looking for Docker Daemon in local and the build is getting failed.
Using GoogleContainerTools' Jib you can easily build a Docker compliant container image without Docker installed.
You need to install the Jib plugin in your pom.xml or gradle.build file.
Here is a simple example: https://www.baeldung.com/jib-dockerizing
Without Docker engine you cannot containerize the application, Docker daemon is needed for creating the container for your spring boot application in unix. You can use ECS on AWS that can create the container without docker but lot of configurations and deep knowledge is needed for that.

Tomcat Remote Deployment

I want to deploy a WAR from my local windows box to a remote tomcat machine
I am using the following command from Postman
Also I have tried lot of options.
My main requirement is to control deployment to 100 tomcat server from a central location. I was thinking of using tomcat manager remote deployment way but I am not able to do. Please help
Tomcat Version is Tomcat 7.0.78

Unable to debug tomcat server using eclipse

I'm using:
Spring Tool Suite Version: 3.2.0.RELEASE
Tomcat v7.0.42
When I just run my tomcat server everything is fine but I'm unable to debug it even locally. It produces following error:
Startich Apache Tomcat v7.0.42 at localhost has encoutered a problem.
Server Apache Tomcat v7.0.42 bat localhost was unable to start within 45 seconds. If the server requires more time, try increasing the timeout in the server editor.
I've tried the following:
increase the timeout.
remove all the apps before starting the debugging.
install new instance of tomcat (the only configuration that I've did on fresh install is turning on Use Tomcat installation and Never publish automatically).
But it didn't help, I still can only run the tomcat, without the debug option. Does anyone know how to make this debugging work?
When I've used new, clear workspace for Spring Tool Suite, debugging started to work.
