I am not able access api's deployed in hostgator - spring-boot

I am trying to deploy a spring boot application in hostgator javahosting with vps. I have generated jar file locally and deployed in server with "java -jar file.jar" application started successfully with no errors but not able to access using ip of the server. I want to execute only jar file and i have not installed maven.Any dependicies i am missing?permissions?

Changed the server port to 8080 and it is up and running and able to access.


How to deploy a spring boot application to tomcat server from jenkins?

Sample Spring boot application is created and build on Jenkins.
For Deployment of war file in tomcat server ,
I am facing a several issues.
Error :
Credentials At Jenkins :
tomcat-users.xml File :
Still I am facing the same issue. I had searched in google and stackoverflow but still i can't found the correct answer.
Can Any one help me in this ?
Your error message is a connection refused: connect exception. You should check the following:
Your Tomcat server is up and running on port 8082 at the same server where your jenkins server is running (localhost). To make sure, run: telnet localhost 8082 from the same server commandLine ( I see you are in windows). If it connects then your Tomcat server is OK.
Check if the manager application of Tomcat is deployed. Try to load the following web page and check if exists: http://localhost(or hostname of server):8082/manager/html
Try to disable the windows firewall and any other firewall you may have (or antivirus firewall) and check if it prevents jenkins to connect to Tomcat (again check with telnet command)

War deploying tomcat8

I have issue... I have spring-boot web application generated by jhipster. I need to deploy it with tomcat. Earlier I run it on virtual machine in home. Now I'm trying run it on OVH cloud. Everything is ok but when I type 'service tomcat8 start' and checking logs , I see that war is successfully deployed but it not run automatically after this operation. I was trying run it on windows and everything is okay. This same on virtual machine.. but on OVH always this same.
I deploy original file . I have java8 and tomcat8 on server. Maybe I forgot about some configurations in tomcat? It's fresh after install . Can anybody help?

Tomcat Remote Deployment

I want to deploy a WAR from my local windows box to a remote tomcat machine
I am using the following command from Postman
Also I have tried lot of options.
My main requirement is to control deployment to 100 tomcat server from a central location. I was thinking of using tomcat manager remote deployment way but I am not able to do. Please help
Tomcat Version is Tomcat 7.0.78

Docker container from docker cloud on windows

I've some repositories on docker cloud. I build and deploy it on my home ubuntu server and that work well.
On my home server, I can access these services with their url (like http://registry:8761).
I'm trying to run my service on Kitematic on Windows, all of my services are running on localhost, so my configuration in application.yml where I say that my registry service is on http://registry:8761 doesn't work.
Could someone help me ?
Your browser doesn't know what to do with http://registry since it's got no TLD qualifier. I assume your ubuntu server is set up in a way to do all the correct redirections, but with Windows you'd have to add an entry in your hosts file that points http://registry to localhost or wherever it's supposed to go

AWS EC2 : Connecting to PostgreSQL from tomcat 7

I have installed tomcat7 and postgreSQL9 on AWS- Ec2 Micro ,
I am able to connect to the EC2 postgreSQL instance form a spring application running on my local tomcat 7 server.
When I deploy the same war file on the EC2- tomcat7 server, it is throwing the following error..
Cannot create JDBC driver of class '' for connect URL 'jdbc:postgresql://ec2-user#x-x-x-x-x.us-x-x.compute.amazonaws.com/test'
java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver
at java.sql.DriverManager.getDriver(DriverManager.java:279)
I have copied postgresql-9.1-901.jdbc3.jar to /usr/share/tomcat7/lib
I have tried using the AWS internal IP ... No luck..
I don't know what I am doing wrong. The same war with same configuration works from local tomcat7. Am I missing any thing with AWS tomcat7 configuration?
Hi it seems you haven't included the postgresql jdbc jar. Try including that it should work.
