CSS framework used by Vue.js website - css-frameworks

Does anyone have any idea of the CSS framework used by Vue.js website?
I want to use the theme on my website. It's so awesome.

From what I can see in their style.css they are NOT using any framework. It's 100% their code.
The only 3rd party libraries they use are:
Font Awesome
Google Fonts
styles for Algolia's search


How to customize html in Aimeos?

First time using aimeos and I'm having difficulty locating the file with the html code.How do I access the files? e.g, using this demo link https://laravel.demo.aimeos.org/default/en/EUR where do I find the html code responsiveble for displaying the navbar?
You can do this through the settings provided by laravel aimeos: https://aimeos.org/docs/latest/laravel/customize/
You can also create a theme extension (this is the recommended option) and make changes according to your needs.
You can find the documentation at this link: https://aimeos.org/docs/latest/laravel/themes/
Also, you can use the following tool to generate a theme extension: https://aimeos.org/extensions
This way you will be able to customize all the html, css, javascript, php without losing changes when you upgrade the laravel aimeos package.

How to integrate metronic theme with DNN9?

We have a DNN9 platform for our Business2Business website. It has basic look of reports however we wanted to show some advance look to reports and charts so that we are planning to integrate metronic theme in DNN9. I tried multiple ways to do it but failed. kindly help regarding this for the same.
Not sure what you have tried but we succeeded in displaying reports module data using Mandeeps Porto css and boostrap classes.
We achieved this using the xsl stylesheet option in reports module settings.
If the theme resources are part of your portal skin on the page that the reports module resides then xsl elements will display fine. If not part of the portal theme, you can either declare the resource in page setting header or in the xsl stylesheet itself.
Hope this helps

CKEditor stylesSet preset for Bootstrap

Is there any ready made stylesSet setting for using the bootstrap css classes in CKEditor? I know I can build my own rules, but as there are quite a lot of default bootstrap classes it would be a great help to have a preset. I'm talking about CKEditor v4 with it's stylesSet setting
You should investigate the add-ons and plugins by searching the CKEditor website.
The "Bootstrap Include CSS & JS" might do what you're after, though it's a commercial solution and includes more functionality than you've mentioned.
Here you can find more information about this plugin:
on the CKEditor website
on the js.plus website
Note: I have no affiliation with the seller of this plugin, and I've not personally used it before. It just seems to me like the most solid pre-made solution for the functionality you've requested.

How to add Semantic-UI LESS to Codeigniter 3.x

I want to know how to use Semantic-UI to codeigniter 3.x as frontend framework.
I want to use LESS and not css. thanks
First, it is important to understand that LESS is a CSS pre-compiler that extends the CSS language with features that allows creation of CSS that is more maintainable, themeable and extendable. But ultimately it creates CSS files that are used exactly the same as any other CSS file in a website.
In CodeIgniter you use Semantic-UI created assets the same way as any other CSS (or javascript) files by using a <link> tag.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="semantic/dist/semantic.min.css">
<script src="semantic/dist/semantic.min.js"></script>
The CSS classes are used in "view" files exactly the same way any other CSS defined class. For instance, the following would put a button styled by Semantic-UI into a CodeIgniter "view" file.
<button class="ui button">Follow</button>
So, the short answer to your question is that you use Semantic-UI in CodeIgniter the same way any other frontend framework that produces CSS and Javascript.
How to use the tools required to customize Semantic-UI is way beyond the scope of what is a "good" question on Stackoverflow.
If you want to customize and build your own version of the UI, you have a steep learning curve ahead. You can start your learning on Semantic-UI's Getting Started page and on the Learn Semantic website.
I have done Semantic UI integration on my CodeIgniter based application starter: https://github.com/ivantcholakov/starter-public-edition-4
For compilation of your own visual themes you need to install locally on your development machine node.js, less.js, postcss/cssnano, they should be able to start from command line.
See the configuration file platform/common/config/less_compile.php there you can define by example your own visual theme. Also, have a look at the already created themes, you will see how to add your common Semantic UI customizations and your theme-specific styles.
add css link in your header and js in your footer
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/semantic-ui/2.3.3/semantic.min.css">
<script type="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/semantic-ui/2.3.3/semantic.min.js"></script>

What's the fastest was to load Font Awesome?

I'm wondering how will Font Awesome load faster.
Should I use the JavaScript code or the CSS? Where should I put it in my HTML file? If I use the JavaScript code, what options should I use?
Here is a screenshot of the Font Awesome CDN interface when creating an embed code :
screenshot of the Font Awesome CDN interface when creating an embed code
For now, I'm using a JavaScript file and I don't understand why Google PageSpeed tells me to "Remove the JavaScript resources that block the display" although I put the script juste before the </body> closing tag...
NB : I'm using the Font Awesome CDN.
Thanks in advance for your help. :)
Currently the fastest way of loading the font awesome is using cloudflare CDN.
Use this if you are on WordPress.
function add_font_awesome() {
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'add_font_awesome');
Additionally, you could edit font awesome files to remove unnecessary elements too, but it's a waste of time. Also you could load font awesome file in the footer instead of header to have a better score in Google pagespeed.
I think it's better to use CSS, and include it in the head of your HTML file.
Im using a different technique with a way better result.
Loading only a set of selected icons that im using in that particular website.
Its better than loading the all icons at once like in fontawsome
Im using this tool: icomoon
