Appveyor builds for all branches instead of specified ones - continuous-integration

We have currently three separated appveyor projects, one for each branch in our repository.
Our problem is follwing:
Appveyor ignores my filter on github branches. Everytime we make a commit to master, stage or dev it builds on all three projects instead of the single one we did make a commit to.
Each branch has a unique appveyor.yml file looking like this:
This is the appveyor.yml for dev
version: 0.0.{build}
- dev
image: Visual Studio 2017
configuration: dev
- nuget restore
project: Core.Api.sln
publish_wap: true
verbosity: minimal
- ps: .\build.ps1
- cmd: dotnet publish src\Core.Api --output %appveyor_build_folder%\dist
test: off
- path: dist
name: dist.web
When we make a commit, it builds on all projects. Any idea??

This happens because each project has Webhook configured on GitHub and each time someone makes a commit, each project build is triggered by webhook. Then, regardless of what branch is configured for project (that is only default branch for manual/API builds), AppVeyor reads appveyor.yml from the branch where commit was done.
Solution is to use either alternative YAML file names or alternative YAML file location.
With alternative YAML file names you can have something like appveyor-dev.yml, appveyor-stage.yml files and set specific AppVeyor project to use specific file. With alternative YAML file location is it basically the same, but in other location than repo. I personally like alternative YAML file location more because of less duplication and potential merging issues.
In both cases when webhook in say branch dev come to stage project, it still will read appveyor-dev.yml and do the right filtering.


How do you import artifacts from one Bitbucket pipeline to another?

We have a complex build system, with a many to many relationship between our libraries and our applications. We put each library and application in it's own repository, and use the output of the library builds in our application builds.
On our old Jenkins server, we simply set up a custom workspace and checked out the projects into standardized relative paths so they could find each other. Post build steps assured that only successful builds copied to the central bin folder at the expected relative path.
On our Bamboo server, our repository was fetched to a Checkout Directory at the expected relative path, and we could fetch artifacts from other builds and put them in the central bin folder at the expected relative path.
Now I'm trying to set up some Bitbucket Pipelines builds, and I can't see an obvious way to do a similar thing. The working folder is set automatically by pipelines, I can't push that repository into a subfolder that is relative to other build outputs. I can create artifacts, but I can't seem to import them into other pipelines. I can create caches, but again I can't seem to import them into other pipelines.
Library bitbucket-pipelines.yml
- step:
name: Build and Test
- dotnetcore
- platform2
- dotnet restore ./NET5/Platform2.sln
- dotnet build ./NET5/Platform2.sln --no-restore --configuration Release
- NET5/Platform2/bin/**
platform2: NET5/Platform2/bin
App bitbucket-pipelines.yml
- step:
name: Build and Test
- dotnetcore
- platform2
- export PROJECT_NAME=./PlatformDataService.sln
- dotnet restore ${PROJECT_NAME}
- dotnet build ${PROJECT_NAME} --no-restore --configuration Release
- PlatformDataService/bin/** did get me to upload a file to the Downloads section of the repository, but how do I pull it into the other pipeline?
Is there a way to solve this within bitbucket pipelines itself or do I have to get a nuget server that's available outside my VPN?

Problem with branch specification (The build was triggered in the branch XXX which does not correspond to any branch monitored by the build VCS roots)

good day. i try to ask same question on teamcity support forum but with no luck, so i try to find solution here
i have 4 (actual more, but other configuration not important for the situation):
'verify' - configuration that run test, check that all migration can be applied to database (run in docker) etc. this configuration triggered by gitlab (integration with teamcity feature)
'build' - configuration that build all application components and push docker images to hub
'deploy to test' - use corresponded artifacts from 'build' configuration and perform deploy images to test server
'deploy to staging' - same as 'deploy to test' but use staging server
'deploy to production' - same as 'deploy to production' but use production server
we have several stream in out repository with corresponded rules:
feature/* - feature task that should be build then corresponded merge request to develop was initiated. merged to develop
release/* - release that should be deployed to staging server at each commit. merged to develop and master
hotfix/* - hotfix that should be deployed to staging server at each commit. merged into develop and master
master - stable branch, should be deployed to production on commit.
so, i create following VCS root:
default branch: refs/heads/develop
branch specification:
after that i setup branch filters (for VCS Trigger) for each branch configuration:
verify - none
deploy to staging:
deploy to test:
deploy to production:
so this is my setup, now my problems:
then gitlab trigger teamcity (on merge request) the verify configuration started. but i see following message (for example):
The build was triggered in the branch feature/VTS-610 which does not correspond to any branch monitored by the build VCS roots (the branch is either closed or excluded / not matched by any branch specification). Because of that default branch revisions were set to this build.
same message i can see if merge request initiated for hotfix branch (of course with another branch name, ie hotfix/VTS-654).
after hotfix branch merged (we create two merge-request: one to master and one to develop), i can see that deploy to staging was triggered, but deploy to test does not.
I had the same problem, the root cause in my case was the predefined build parameter (see Build Branch Parameters)
The parameter was set in the build configuration of the failing build under "Parameters / Configuration Parameters". As I had no use for this parameter anymore, it was safe to just delete it. I was then able to run the build configuration with any branch that is accepted in the Branch Filter under Version Control Settings.

Gitlab-CI how to use artifacts in different pipeline

Currently, I have two main project.
1-) Vue Project which contains (webviews for IOS and Android, websites, and renderer for our Electron ) they are sharing components & API's.
2-) Electron Project which builds desktop app for (windows, darwin, linux)
i would like to automate our building, releasing process. my current setup..
- apt-get update
- apt-get install zip unzip
- rm -rf vue-project
- git clone vue-project
- cd vue-project
- git checkout dev
- git pull
- sed -i "/\b\(areaCode\|inline-svg-loader\)\b/d" ./packages/devtool/package.json
- yarn install
- ln -s vue-project/packages/desktop/ web
- npm install
stage: build
- npm run package -- darwin --deploy
- vue-project/node_modules
- node_modules
which basically before bundling electron project it's cloning vue-project install dependencies and bundling electron-renderer then when it's finish. i'm running package.
I would like to separate this two different job from each other. is there anyway i could use artifacts from different project gitlab-CI pipelines ?
any help would be an appreciated.
Gitlab has a API for do a lot of tricks.
for download it as a file.
curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN:YOURPRIVATETOKEN" -o "<projectnumber>/jobs/artifacts/master/download?job=build_desktop
Gitlab can certainly support this. To accomplish this, follow these steps:
In your Vue Project, modify your job(s) of interest to store artifacts relevant to the Electron project. Each job's artifacts are defined using Gitlab Job Artifacts notation, and are uploaded at job completion to Gitlab, and stored associated to your Project, Branch, and Job.
Note: Branch is often overlooked, and matters when you want to retrieve your artifacts, more on this later.
Vue Project .gitlab_ci.yml
- stage1
- ...
stage: stage1
- echo "vue-job1 artifact1" > ./artifact1
- echo "vue-job1 artifact2" > ./artifact2
when: always
- ./artifact1
- ./artifact2
expire_in: 90 days
stage: stage1
# error, would overwrite job1's artifacts since working
# directory is a global space shared by all pipeline jobs
# - echo "vue-job2 artifact1" > ./artifact1
- echo "vue-job2 artifact1" > ./artifact3
when: always
- ./artifact3
expire_in: 90 days
The artifacts generated above are written to the working directory, which is a clone of your project's repo. So be careful with filename conflicts. To be safe, put your artifacts in a subdirectory (eg: cat "foo" > ./subdir/artifact) and reference them in paths the same way (paths: - ./subdir/artifact). You can use 'ls' in your script to view the working directory.
When your job completes, you can confirm the artifacts stored in Gitlb by using the Gitlab UI. View the job output, and use the Browse button under Job Artifacts on the right panel.
In your Electron Project, modify your job(s) of interest to retrieve artifacts stored in the Vue Project using the Gitlab Job Artifacts API and curl. In order to access the Vue artifacts, you will need the Vue Project, Branch, and Job that the artifacts were created under.
Project: For Project, use the Project ID displayed in the Gitlab UI Project Details screen.
Branch: Usually master, but depends on the branch your pipeline executes against. Although this is not relevant for your problem, if you are generating and consuming artifacts across executions of the same pipeline, use the Gitlab variable $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH for the branch.
Job: Generally the Job Name that generated the artifacts for your Project. But if you need artifacts produced by a specific Job, then use the Job Number and the corresponding retrieval API.
Electron Project .gitlab_ci.yml
- stage1
- ...
stage: stage1
- curl -o ./artifact1 -H "PRIVATE-TOKEN:$TOKEN"$VUE_PROJECT_ID/jobs/artifacts/$BRANCH/raw/artifact1?job=vue-job1
- curl -o ./artifact2 -H "PRIVATE-TOKEN:$TOKEN"$VUE_PROJECT_ID/jobs/artifacts/$BRANCH/raw/artifact2?job=vue-job1
- curl -o ./artifact3 -H "PRIVATE-TOKEN:$TOKEN"$VUE_PROJECT_ID/jobs/artifacts/$BRANCH/raw/artifact3?job=vue-job2
This script retrieves artifacts individually to the working directory of your Electron Project. There are also options for retrieving all artifacts for your job at once as a zip archive.
Although this is not in the problem posed, it is worth noting that you can use artifacts both within the lifespan of a single pipeline execution to pass information between jobs. You can also use this to pass information across pipeline executions within the same project.
With recent versions of gitlab, this can be achieved simply by using either the multi-project pipeline feature (then starting a pipeline in one project triggers a build from the other project): see the documentation
Or you can also use the "needs:project" mechanism which allows one job to download artifacts from other pipelines (see the documentation Use needs:project to download artifacts from up to five jobs in other pipelines.)

TeamCity snapshot build configuration

I have big problem with configuring TC. It's 10.0.2 version.
I want build chain like this:
Main - Restore nuget and rebuild solution.
Code analysis - Analyse code result(do not checkout) use Main as dependency.
Publish - Publish to Azure - Use result of Main.
I set Main to:
Build numer format:%build.counter%.%build.vcs.number....%
VCS checkout dir: auto
Code analysis
Build number format:%build.counter%.%dep.<mainId>%.%build.vcs.number...%
VCS checkout dir:%dep.<mainId>.build.default.checkoutDir%
And the main dir is: 55660246e9f668c3
And Code Analysis searching in: 9ccd5731845f5aba
So it's wrong. Why?
What I set VCS checkout directory in "Code Analysis" build configuration to hardcoded directiory name of "Main" e.x. to 55660246e9f668c3 then it work.
So the problem is with %dep.<mainId>.build.default.checkoutDir%
You can set up a snapshot dependency, that builds from the same chain. This will ensure that the same branch, from the same root, with the same revision number (point in time) is checked out to the directory. If you use an artifact dependency, in addition to the snapshot dependency, you can achieve the same point in time consistency. So after your step 1 build runs, regardless of what new changes exist, your second build will be working with the same files your first had.

How do I get Travis-CI to show build artifacts?

I have added Travic-CI on to my github project.
The .travis.yml file looks like this:
language: csharp
solution: MyProject.sln
So, when I go to
, then it shows the build as passing.
I can also see the log-file, but I can nowhere see the the files generated (the .exe).
Do I have to add anything to .travis.yml so it displays/publishes my .exe as artifact on my project's page on ?
Or do I have to flip a switch somewhere else ?
Or is Travis not thought to do this ?
Show the executable on (so I can link to it from github), not publishing it automagically as release to github, althought that would be fine, too.
By default, the build artifacts are thrown away with the machine. What counts is the build and test result. If you want to retain some or all build artifacts, have a look at the deploy options:
Travis now offers a built-in option to upload build artifacts to AWS: To set it up you just have to enable the add-on and provide some configuration:
For a minimal configuration, add the following to your .travis.yml:
artifacts: true
and add the following environment variables in the repository
ARTIFACTS_KEY=(AWS access key id)
ARTIFACTS_SECRET=(AWS secret access key)
ARTIFACTS_BUCKET=(S3 bucket name)
