Gitlab-CI how to use artifacts in different pipeline - continuous-integration

Currently, I have two main project.
1-) Vue Project which contains (webviews for IOS and Android, websites, and renderer for our Electron ) they are sharing components & API's.
2-) Electron Project which builds desktop app for (windows, darwin, linux)
i would like to automate our building, releasing process. my current setup..
- apt-get update
- apt-get install zip unzip
- rm -rf vue-project
- git clone vue-project
- cd vue-project
- git checkout dev
- git pull
- sed -i "/\b\(areaCode\|inline-svg-loader\)\b/d" ./packages/devtool/package.json
- yarn install
- ln -s vue-project/packages/desktop/ web
- npm install
stage: build
- npm run package -- darwin --deploy
- vue-project/node_modules
- node_modules
which basically before bundling electron project it's cloning vue-project install dependencies and bundling electron-renderer then when it's finish. i'm running package.
I would like to separate this two different job from each other. is there anyway i could use artifacts from different project gitlab-CI pipelines ?
any help would be an appreciated.

Gitlab has a API for do a lot of tricks.
for download it as a file.
curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN:YOURPRIVATETOKEN" -o "<projectnumber>/jobs/artifacts/master/download?job=build_desktop

Gitlab can certainly support this. To accomplish this, follow these steps:
In your Vue Project, modify your job(s) of interest to store artifacts relevant to the Electron project. Each job's artifacts are defined using Gitlab Job Artifacts notation, and are uploaded at job completion to Gitlab, and stored associated to your Project, Branch, and Job.
Note: Branch is often overlooked, and matters when you want to retrieve your artifacts, more on this later.
Vue Project .gitlab_ci.yml
- stage1
- ...
stage: stage1
- echo "vue-job1 artifact1" > ./artifact1
- echo "vue-job1 artifact2" > ./artifact2
when: always
- ./artifact1
- ./artifact2
expire_in: 90 days
stage: stage1
# error, would overwrite job1's artifacts since working
# directory is a global space shared by all pipeline jobs
# - echo "vue-job2 artifact1" > ./artifact1
- echo "vue-job2 artifact1" > ./artifact3
when: always
- ./artifact3
expire_in: 90 days
The artifacts generated above are written to the working directory, which is a clone of your project's repo. So be careful with filename conflicts. To be safe, put your artifacts in a subdirectory (eg: cat "foo" > ./subdir/artifact) and reference them in paths the same way (paths: - ./subdir/artifact). You can use 'ls' in your script to view the working directory.
When your job completes, you can confirm the artifacts stored in Gitlb by using the Gitlab UI. View the job output, and use the Browse button under Job Artifacts on the right panel.
In your Electron Project, modify your job(s) of interest to retrieve artifacts stored in the Vue Project using the Gitlab Job Artifacts API and curl. In order to access the Vue artifacts, you will need the Vue Project, Branch, and Job that the artifacts were created under.
Project: For Project, use the Project ID displayed in the Gitlab UI Project Details screen.
Branch: Usually master, but depends on the branch your pipeline executes against. Although this is not relevant for your problem, if you are generating and consuming artifacts across executions of the same pipeline, use the Gitlab variable $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH for the branch.
Job: Generally the Job Name that generated the artifacts for your Project. But if you need artifacts produced by a specific Job, then use the Job Number and the corresponding retrieval API.
Electron Project .gitlab_ci.yml
- stage1
- ...
stage: stage1
- curl -o ./artifact1 -H "PRIVATE-TOKEN:$TOKEN"$VUE_PROJECT_ID/jobs/artifacts/$BRANCH/raw/artifact1?job=vue-job1
- curl -o ./artifact2 -H "PRIVATE-TOKEN:$TOKEN"$VUE_PROJECT_ID/jobs/artifacts/$BRANCH/raw/artifact2?job=vue-job1
- curl -o ./artifact3 -H "PRIVATE-TOKEN:$TOKEN"$VUE_PROJECT_ID/jobs/artifacts/$BRANCH/raw/artifact3?job=vue-job2
This script retrieves artifacts individually to the working directory of your Electron Project. There are also options for retrieving all artifacts for your job at once as a zip archive.
Although this is not in the problem posed, it is worth noting that you can use artifacts both within the lifespan of a single pipeline execution to pass information between jobs. You can also use this to pass information across pipeline executions within the same project.

With recent versions of gitlab, this can be achieved simply by using either the multi-project pipeline feature (then starting a pipeline in one project triggers a build from the other project): see the documentation
Or you can also use the "needs:project" mechanism which allows one job to download artifacts from other pipelines (see the documentation Use needs:project to download artifacts from up to five jobs in other pipelines.)


Gitlab working directory not clean when using cache with CLONE_STRATEGY: none

I have a GitLab pipeline setup that has a package step to do a maven build during the tag event and a release to upload the jar to the GitLab generic package registry using curl and GitLab-release cli.
What I'm expecting to happen is a cache of the .m2 to be loaded into the package step to allow the mvn clean package to do its thing. Then archive the created jar and test results only.
The release step should begin clean with no git clone, no cache and only the jar and test results.
Instead the 'find .' shows the release step contains everything including
Git directory (.git)
Full checked out repository
.m2 cache
target (fully built as the Package step produced)
From the cache documentation ( on GitLab it states
Archive: 'dependencies' keyword to control which job fetches the artifacts
Disable Cache uses the 'cache: []'
Why is GitLab putting so much content into the release job? The release job fails at times because its finding multiple Jar files from previous tags (IE the clean and the archiving are holding past version).
MAVEN_CLI_OPTS: "-s $CI_PROJECT_DIR/.m2/settings.xml"
MAVEN_ARTIFACT_NAME: test-component
key: primary
- .m2/repository
- package
- release
stage: package
image: maven:latest
- mvn ${MAVEN_CLI_OPTS} clean package
- target/*.jar
- target/surefire-reports
- tags
- merge_requests
- branches
- main
stage: release
image: alpine:latest
cache: []
- package
- |
apk add curl gitlab-release-cli
find .
JAR_NAME=`basename target/${MAVEN_ARTIFACT_NAME}-${CI_COMMIT_TAG}.jar`
'curl --header "JOB-TOKEN: ${CI_JOB_TOKEN}" --upload-file target/${JAR_NAME} ${PACKAGE_REGISTRY_URL}/${CI_COMMIT_TAG}/${JAR_NAME}'
release-cli create --name "Release $CI_COMMIT_TAG" --description "$TAG_MESSAGE" --tag-name ${CI_COMMIT_TAG} --assets-link "{\"name\":\"jar\",\"url\":\"${PACKAGE_REGISTRY_URL}/${CI_COMMIT_TAG}/${JAR_NAME}\"}"
- tags
See the GitLab docs on GIT_STRATEGY:
A Git strategy of none also re-uses the local working copy, but skips all Git operations normally done by GitLab. GitLab Runner pre-clone scripts are also skipped, if present. This strategy could mean you need to add fetch and checkout commands to your .gitlab-ci.yml script.
It can be used for jobs that operate exclusively on artifacts, like a deployment job. Git repository data may be present, but it’s likely out of date. You should only rely on files brought into the local working copy from cache or artifacts.
So GitLab documentation is pretty clear that you should always expect the git repository to be present. When you want to work exclusively with artifacts, I you can create a new temporary directory and reference the path to the artifacts explicitly rather than relying on a totally clean working directory.

How do you import artifacts from one Bitbucket pipeline to another?

We have a complex build system, with a many to many relationship between our libraries and our applications. We put each library and application in it's own repository, and use the output of the library builds in our application builds.
On our old Jenkins server, we simply set up a custom workspace and checked out the projects into standardized relative paths so they could find each other. Post build steps assured that only successful builds copied to the central bin folder at the expected relative path.
On our Bamboo server, our repository was fetched to a Checkout Directory at the expected relative path, and we could fetch artifacts from other builds and put them in the central bin folder at the expected relative path.
Now I'm trying to set up some Bitbucket Pipelines builds, and I can't see an obvious way to do a similar thing. The working folder is set automatically by pipelines, I can't push that repository into a subfolder that is relative to other build outputs. I can create artifacts, but I can't seem to import them into other pipelines. I can create caches, but again I can't seem to import them into other pipelines.
Library bitbucket-pipelines.yml
- step:
name: Build and Test
- dotnetcore
- platform2
- dotnet restore ./NET5/Platform2.sln
- dotnet build ./NET5/Platform2.sln --no-restore --configuration Release
- NET5/Platform2/bin/**
platform2: NET5/Platform2/bin
App bitbucket-pipelines.yml
- step:
name: Build and Test
- dotnetcore
- platform2
- export PROJECT_NAME=./PlatformDataService.sln
- dotnet restore ${PROJECT_NAME}
- dotnet build ${PROJECT_NAME} --no-restore --configuration Release
- PlatformDataService/bin/** did get me to upload a file to the Downloads section of the repository, but how do I pull it into the other pipeline?
Is there a way to solve this within bitbucket pipelines itself or do I have to get a nuget server that's available outside my VPN?

How to include a on my gitlab-ci.yml?

I am implementing a gitlab-ci.yml for my project . in this yml file I will need to execute a file . this is located on a differnet project , Is there anyway to include this python script without uploading it to my project?
Something like:
include: '<project-name>/-/blob/main/
There's no way to 'include' a file that isn't a Pipeline definition template, but you can still grab that file. The way I'd do it is to add a second Pipeline job in a prior stage to clone that other repository, then upload the file you need as an artifact. Then in the job where you need the file, it will have the artifact available.
Here's an example pipeline with just these two Jobs:
- "Setup other Project Files" # or whatever
- Build
Grab Python Script from Other Repo:
stage: "Setup other Project Files"
image: gitscm/git
- git clone
- path/to/
when: on_success # since if the clone fails, there's nothing to upload
expire_in: 1 week # or whatever makes sense
Build Job:
stage: Build
image: python
dependencies: ['Grab Python Script from Other Repo']
- ls -la # this will show `` from the first step along with the contents of "this" project where the pipeline is running
- ./
Let's go through these line by line. For the first job:
We're using the Git image since all we need here is git
The GIT_STRATEGY: none variable tells the Gitlab Runner not to clone/fetch the project the pipeline is running for. This is super useful if the job is doing things like sending notifications to Slack, hitting another API, etc.
For the script, all we do is clone the other project so that we can upload the file as an artifact.
For the second job:
Use whatever image you're using for this job as normal
The dependencies keyword controls which artifacts from previous stages will be 1) required and 2) downloaded for this specific job. By default, all available artifacts are downloaded for all jobs. This keyword controls that since we only need the file.
In the script we just make sure that the file is present, which is just a temporary thing anyway, then you can use it however you need to.

Gitlab Runner configuration to ignore folder builded on server

I'm new with Gitlab CI. Every time Gitlab CI run, it replace old folder on server. I have small problem when I want to reduce time Gradle build for project which include DL4J (very big size and take time to build). So I want it keep build folder from last version. I follow this to reduce time build by gradle.
Question: Is that possible to skip some folder by config of gitlab ci to keep it exist. This is my gitlab ci
- build
stage: build
- gradle build
- systemctl restart myproject
- ml
- master
When it run, gradle will build project and time to build quite long. So I want next time CI run it will not delete last build version.
Take a look at cache (
cache is used to specify a list of files and directories which should be cached between jobs.
GitLab CI/CD provides a caching mechanism that can be used to save time when your jobs are running.
See also

Build docker image including version with bitbucket pipelines

I'm pretty new to Bitbucket Pipelines and I encountered a problem. I'm creating a pipeline to deploy a new version of our Spring Boot application (which runs in a Kubernetes cluster) to our test environment. The problem I encountered is the versioning of our docker build. Our versioning is set up as the following:
So every minor update/bugfix increases the build number by 0.1, and a major update increases the version by 1.0 + every major update gets a new version name.
Currently I have the next setup:
image: java:8
docker: true
- step:
- gradle
- ./gradlew test
- ./gradlew build
- docker build -t <application_name>/<version_name>_<version_number>
What is the best way to include the version_name and the version_number in the bitbucket pipeline? Until now we runned ruby script which allowed user input for version numbering, but bitbucket pipelines are not interactive.
Assuming that alpha_0.1 etc. are tags and that the pipeline runs if a commit is tagged, you can get the tag for the current commit like this:
TAG=$(git tag --contains $BITBUCKET_COMMIT)
You can then use your favorite language or command-line tool to create the <version_name> and <version_number> from the tag you got. It may make sense to export the tag as a shell variable to be able to use it in a script.
This is one of the shippable.yml files I have, feel free to adapt it to Atlassian's pipelines.yml and Gradle:
language: java
- oraclejdk8
- master
# Generates build number
- BUILD_NUMBER=`git log --oneline | wc -l`
- echo "Build number':' ${BUILD_NUMBER}"
# Sets version
- mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=1.0.${BUILD_NUMBER}
# Builds and pushes to Docker Hub
- mvn package
- mvn -X docker:build -Dpush.image=true
My projects version (in pom.xml) are set to 0-SNAPSHOPT
This also uses Spotify's Maven plugin to build the Docker image instead of docker build -t ...
