TFVC: Ignoring local changes to files already checked in - visual-studio

Our projects have configuration files that are checked into source control, essentially as a template, that the developers check out and modify with their local config changes, which shouldn't be checked back in.
Policies are already in place to prevent these local changes from being checked in by accident, but it's still very obnoxious to always have dozens of config files in the Pending Changes view of Team Explorer that I just always have to exclude.
.tfignore only seems to ignore Add operations, not Edits. After some searching I found that some people had success with cloaking the files/folders, but that hasn't worked for me.
The files can't be removed from source control - they exist there for a reason - however I'd really like to not have to see them as pending changes every time I go to check in my work.
Is this even possible?

No, it's not possible.
There isn't a way to ignore detecting the file changes which already been in source control, unless all the developers cloak the configuration files/folders with the workspace mapping, but that seems not available for you case.


How to Resolve TFS Issue when checking files in

I have a project under source control using TFS and Azure DevOps.
It all works normally except for one thing: When I check in a file, I get this error message:
TF10122: The path '$/KnowledgeBuilder/V2/$tf/1/1f8c47a1-8066-42d7-b56c-c9960b0ee7ea.gz' contains a '$' at the beginning of a path component. Remove the '$' and try again.
The check-in does in fact succeed, but I get three of the above error messages each time. I can simply ignore this, but it is starting to get annoying.
It appears the folder in question is a TFS created and controlled folder. I tried deleting the folder, but that remove the Project from Source Control, so I restored them.
Is there a way to resolve this?
This occurs in VS22 on a Blazor Server Project. I have tried opening the Project in VS19, making a change, and then checking it in, and it works fine. So, it must be something specific to VS22.
Someone, sometime, at some point, added that $tf folder to version control. It should not be there, ever, under any circumstances -- that's the folder that TFVC uses to track local workspaces. That's why removing it messes up your workspace.
Make sure any pending changes are committed or shelved first.
Remove that folder from source control. Make sure the change is checked in. You might need to use a server workspace to do this so that the $tf folder isn't relevant.
Use tf get to force a re-sync of your local workspace. tf get /all /overwrite should do the trick. If it doesn't, then just delete and recreate the workspace.
Add $tf to your .tfignore file (although if memory serves, that shouldn't be strictly necessary -- I haven't worked with TFVC in a few years)

Within Team Explorer, is there a way to persist changes without merging them?

I work on a project that has a series of configuration files. From time to time, these files need to be updated with new properties or settings, or we update how content is stored in some of these fields. This means that we need to update these files to our project source control since we need to push these changes to all of the devs on this project, when these changes occur.
However, 95% of the time we want to ignore the changes in our local configs because they contain data-specific changes that are specific to a particular developer or his machine.
What I'd like to do within TFS is choose whether to commit the changes in these configuration files, or not, with each upload. Preferably, I'd never commit my personal changes (as they relate to my personal, localized data.) However, if I unstage this work, I can't switch branches until the changes are committed. If I undo the work, it's quite a pain to switch branches and then manually recreate all of those personal changes.
Is there away in TFS to store a set of changes, and when I update or switch my local branch, re-apply the changes to my local working set? Also, I don't need TFS to ignore these file-changes. Sometimes I do need to upload changes, especially when we're adding new config keys or changing the structure of the data. In such a case, I push up my file and everyone else will see the change in structure. However, if we can all apply localized patches to the specific regions/portions of the files with our user-specific code, it will save us a lot of time in re-integrating these files into our local, working projects. Can this be done?
According to your description, you could use shelvesets to handle the situation.
Since some of the pending changes that are not ready for check in, you could suspend your work and work on a different task/branch.
You can move your pending changes to a shelveset on the server and then clean your workspace. The shelveset saves and stores not only your file revisions, but also the Comment, the list of Related Work Items, and check-in notes (if you evaluate policies before shelving).
After the work have done, you could resume the shelveset to pending changes, unsheveset to local and keep working on it.
You could do this either from VS IDE or tf command line, more details please refer this tutorial: Suspend your work and manage your shelvesets

Visual Studio 2010 is not checking out code from VSS

I have a project that I have been using VSS source control from the VS Pending Checkins tab. This has been working until recently. Now when I make a change to the code, I do not get an entry in the Pending Checkins tab.
I saw this article, but did not see a Go Online option either when right-clicking on the solution or under File -> Source Control. Probably because that person was using TFS rather than VSS.
I tried breaking the source control links and creating a new tree, but it still didn't check out automatically when I made changes. I have been using the Check Out For Edit option, and then checking in, but this gets all classes whether I make changes or not. I use source control in VS because the list makes it simple to determine whether I need to check something in or not.
Does anyone have an idea as to why this may have stopped working with this project. It is still working in other projects. I do have "Check out automatically" selected for On Save and On Edit. Allow checked-in items to be edited is not checked, nor are any of the other options under Source Control -> Environment.
Thank you for any suggestions you may have.
UPDATE: I just added a new class to the solution, and that class appears under pending checkins. However, I also made several changes to other classes, and none of them are appearing under checkins.
I too rely on SourceSafe via Visual Studio to automatically check out files. But it usually just works by default although with certain assumptions you need to know that I learned from this post which explains the risky methodology:
If you Get all files without checking them out then the files will be read only as you can see in Windows Explorer properties. Then, when you type your first edit to any file, VS/ VSS first checks for the read-only attribute on that file. If it is read only then the file will be automatically checked out (this is the default option). Then, when you are ready to check-in a set of files, VS will show you all “Pending Check-ins” and you can check them in as a set.
I have relied on this for years as it has been working great for me in our environment until a few weeks ago when many of my source files lost their read only attribute somehow. So without read-only, some of the files were not getting checked out and therefore not getting checked in. And that’s really hard to detect until your hard-drive crashes and you try to build from another machine!
And I found a method here to fix the read only attributes:
check in all files that were edited (used VSS to find out which files where
changed [using differences] even though VS did not checked them out). Then did a Get Latest with
overwrite of local files and made sure the "Keep writable" checkbox was not

Hide pending changes in Visual Studio

There are some files in my team's solution that almost never need to be checked in. Each one of us has a slightly different version of these files (ex: configuration files pointing to our individual development database or slightly modified app.config). Therefore, these files are permanently present in the pending changes view.
Is it possible to hide these pending changes so we never check them in by mistake?
Here How can I always block checkin of a specific file in TFS are some options named. To not see your changes, you should follow the workspace approach.

AnkhSVN Client Side Ignore

I have a SVN source controlled project which contains some generation scripts that require changes so they apply to the particular machine. However, I don't want to ever check these files back in. Is there some sort of client side ignore mechanism available in the AnkhSVN client that will prevent me from accidentally checking in these changes?
I tried using some different terms and finally ran across this article:
Adding files to the ignore-on-commit changelist affects all clients so regardless of how you make this change it will apply to both Tortoise and AnkhSVN. Also, this doesn't have any effects on the repo itself so you won't be stepping on any toes if someone else on the project does need to make alterations to these files.
I usually recommend to not-check in these files that are changed locally. You can create a template file instead. You can then customize the buildscript to copy the file in the right place if it is not already there.
Then you can just the svn:ignore setting (Right click Subversion->Ignore->... on an unversioned file), to make sure the file is not accidentally added.
