Within Team Explorer, is there a way to persist changes without merging them? - visual-studio

I work on a project that has a series of configuration files. From time to time, these files need to be updated with new properties or settings, or we update how content is stored in some of these fields. This means that we need to update these files to our project source control since we need to push these changes to all of the devs on this project, when these changes occur.
However, 95% of the time we want to ignore the changes in our local configs because they contain data-specific changes that are specific to a particular developer or his machine.
What I'd like to do within TFS is choose whether to commit the changes in these configuration files, or not, with each upload. Preferably, I'd never commit my personal changes (as they relate to my personal, localized data.) However, if I unstage this work, I can't switch branches until the changes are committed. If I undo the work, it's quite a pain to switch branches and then manually recreate all of those personal changes.
Is there away in TFS to store a set of changes, and when I update or switch my local branch, re-apply the changes to my local working set? Also, I don't need TFS to ignore these file-changes. Sometimes I do need to upload changes, especially when we're adding new config keys or changing the structure of the data. In such a case, I push up my file and everyone else will see the change in structure. However, if we can all apply localized patches to the specific regions/portions of the files with our user-specific code, it will save us a lot of time in re-integrating these files into our local, working projects. Can this be done?

According to your description, you could use shelvesets to handle the situation.
Since some of the pending changes that are not ready for check in, you could suspend your work and work on a different task/branch.
You can move your pending changes to a shelveset on the server and then clean your workspace. The shelveset saves and stores not only your file revisions, but also the Comment, the list of Related Work Items, and check-in notes (if you evaluate policies before shelving).
After the work have done, you could resume the shelveset to pending changes, unsheveset to local and keep working on it.
You could do this either from VS IDE or tf command line, more details please refer this tutorial: Suspend your work and manage your shelvesets


TFS - How to carry on working on file which has pending check in changes?

I have shelved my changes in TFS which will be checked in few days time. Now i want to work on different TFS card which belongs to same file. How can i work on the same file when its changes are not checked in yet ?
How can i work on the same file when its changes are not checked in yet ?
You should use Branch. You can create a new branch based on file are not checked in, then you work on different TFS card with previous branch, after that, you can check out the new branch to work on the same file when its changes are not checked in.
Shelvesets are per-user and differently stored in the source control - it is not possible to merge shelvesets, there's no history etc. The only action possible is unshelving; you cannot even merge files while doing so. So, we only use it as a temporary storage for things that are not finished yet and thus cannot be checked into a branch.
So, you should use branches. Maybe a Main branch and different development branches for features & bug fix.
Hope this helps.

Visual Studio creating multiple/ additional workspaces

I started using TFS since VS2010. By that time I already created my own TFS server (myname.visualstudio.com). My problem is that I created a new project on the my TFS website (the one with the dashboards). Then when I go to VS2017, and connect to that new project, it asks me to map and get it as expected. Instead of just clicking "Map & Get" button, I instead clicked advanced so that I can configure everything.
On the workspace configuration dialog, I noticed that VS names it as "MYPCBLABLA_1". If I try to remove the "_1", VS says that "the workspace blablabla already exists on computer blablabla", and does not let me use my existing workspace name.
Why does it do so? Can I not use only 1 workspace? From what I understand of workspaces, it is the container of my projects, so different workspace, different set of projects. But what are they really?
Additional info:
I don't know if this helps but on the past, I used to format my PC many times, I'm not sure if that affects the mappings or workspace names when I use VS after reformatting.
Workspaces are maybe the least well-understood feature in TFVC. And you are right in saying they're a way to isolate different sets of files from a TFVC repository.
A lot of people configure a new workspace for a specific project or set of solutions, but let's look at some of the ways workspaces can be used in detail:
Hotfixes: you may need to create a hotfix for something happening now, but you have pending changes in your existing workspace. Instead of shelving these changes, performing a "Get Specific version" on the bugged version, you can also create a new workspace in which to solve this particular problem. After completing the fix you can then continue working with the other workspace without needing to do anything.
Experiments: you may want to do some major refactoring, restructure source control or some other highly impactful operation. Doing this in a new (temporary) workspace helps you prevent messing up your normal work area.
Reviewing other peoples changes: When performing a review on another person's changes, you may want to have a local copy so you can run, annotate and play with the other person's code. Instead of taking these changes into your own workspace, you can easily bring these into a temporary workspace, which you can safely delete afterwards.
Performing a merge, while you are working on other changes: It may be the case that you're working on a new feature an already have some changes merged back to another branch when a release needs to be shipped. In order to prepare this release, without picking up changes or overwriting work in progress in your current workspace, it's often easier to perform these kinds of release activities in a temporary workspace, that way you know that the work is always done on the exact version in source control.
Preventing accidental changes to important branches: By putting your production branch in a separate workspace, you can't accidentally combine changes from say Development and Main into a single check-in. Since Visual Studio often auto-selects all pending changes in the workspace, this may cause unintended changes to your master/main branch. I've written a Check-in policy to prevent these issues, but having separate workspaces is a much safer solution.
Working with multiple developers on the same workstation/server: in some organisations, developers use a remote desktop to a central beefy server to do changes. To ensure each developer has his own set of files, each developer gets his/her own workspace. An alternative is to make the workspace public, which allows multiple developers to use the same workspace folder. But this often leads to all kinds of unexpected issues.
Browsing an old version of the code: if you need to review/compare an older version to a new one, you can often get away with the folder diff view in Visual Studio, but if you need to do more thorough comparisons, you may want to have 2 copies of the same folder in your TFVC repo. Creating two workspaces will allow you to have two different versions of the same folder on your local disk.
Prepare a special version for merges or labels: You can merge and label the workspace version of a set of files. You can create a workspace and then use Get Specific Version to fetch specific versions of specific files, these can all come from different changeset versions. Once you're satisfied, you can perform the label or merge or branch action to store this specific workspace version configuration on the server.
As you can see, Workspaces allow you to do parallel development on one machine, isolate changes etc.
Be creative
As you can see, workspaces are a very powerful concept. Usable for a lot of operations. But you need to understand the concept thoroughly. Many developers don't understand exactly what workspaces are and how they work, they're missing out of some of the most powerful concepts of TFVC.
Consolidating and cleaning up
In your case you now have two workspaces. In order to consolidate these (if you want to), you can unmap the folders from your _1 folder and then map these same folders in your original workspace. You can also delete the _1 workspace from the TFS Server and then update the mappings of the original workspace.
Remember that workspaces are stored on your local machine, but that the TFS server also has a registry of who mapped which TFVC folders to which workstations. So simply deleting files from your local disk is not sufficient. You need to save these changes to the TFS server (this happens automatically after performing a get operation after changing the mappings).
To check which workspaces are registered to your workstation on the TFS server, use:
tf vc workspaces /computer:YOURWORKSTATIONNAME
Then delete old workspaces with
// DELETE the local workspace
tf vc workspace /delete:WORKSPACENAME
// DELETE the workspace registration on the TFS server
tf vc workspaces /remove:WORKSPACENAME
To prevent the creation of a new workspace by VS, I:
Create a local folder to which I’ll map the content of the remote repository;
In VS, connect to the remote repository;
In VS, open Source Control Explorer and navigate to the content I need; VS will show a “not mapped message”.
Click on that message and map locally.
This guarantees that no other workspace will be created, and the current one will be used.

Shelving and then Undo pending changes

I'm new at TFS in Visual Studio and I want to understand something about Shelve and Undo.
Let guess I checked out some files, made some changes and then shelved them.
In that moment - the source code which was before I made changes is restore to original code so all the team members won't see my changes?
-- or --
they see the modified code until I Undo pending changes?
And if I undo the changes - will it affect my shelvset?
So you need to understand what is actually happening. When you make changes, they only exists on your machine until you check them in to the repository.
A shelveset provides a "safe" place for you to store your changes before you check them in.
The rest of the team won't see your changes until you check them in to the repository. So when you undo changes it is merely the changes that you made to your code that is on your machine.
In your example above, your team won't see any changes until you actually check it in.
Changes in Shelvesets can be seen by the other team members, but they are not committed to the repository. They would have to go to Pending Changes -> Actions -> Find Shelveset and type you name in the user search box.
Only when you do a check-in, will others see your changes in the repository.
Undo will remove the changes locally, but the shelveset will remain so that you or anyone on the team can get the changes back locally.

Team Foundation Server: how to split changes to separate check-ins?

I work in Visual Studio on C# project.
I edit some files it that project simultaneously. After some work is done i want to divide all changes to "groups" of changes and commit each group changes to separate commit. Its okay when it comes to files - i include one files, exclude others and all is fine.
But problem appears when some changes are in the single common text file. I'd like to split them to different check-ins by TFS itslf, but as far as i know it is not possible.
So tell me please, is there any way to split changes to distinguish them due development process? For example when i start editing common file i press something button or issue a command. Later, when i have to add changes regarding to another check-in to that file, before these changes are really done, i press another button (another command) and since this moment changes are recording as needed to be commited to another check-in.
I hope you understand what i mean. Sorry for my bad English.
If you are going to make a quick change to a file that has work in progress, you should shelve the changes and revert to the source control version (uncheck the "preserve pending changes" box). Then you can make the changes and check in the file. After that, unshelve your changes (your work in progress) from earlier, VS will merge the changes with your checking and you can carry on.
Since it sounds like you have already made the changes and the file contains code you are ready to check in and code you don't, one thing you can do is to shelve the changes now (but do "preserve pending changes"). Then you can delete any code that aren't ready and check in the file. After check in, you can unshelve your changes.
You might want to consider using branches to isolate your long-running changes; although that has its own set of problems.
You could create another workspace on your computer, and use each workspace for a different task. That way, you can work simultaneously on different tasks on the same file without affecting each-other. When you check-in from one workspace, do a "get latest" on the other workspace and merge the changes there before you check-in the other work.

TFS 2010 Gated Checkin with Exclusive Checkouts

We are using TFS 2010 with gated checkins. I've got some question about what I think is strange behaviour. Look at the following process:
File A is checked out by me exclusively.
File A is changed
File A is checked in
TFS asks to build changes
Build started
File A is reverted locally to the old version
Build succeeded
Asks for reconcile -> however during reconcile there are no changes to be made
After clicking OK, the File A is checked in with my changes, however my local file is still the old version.
Why does it have this behaviour? This does not seem logical to me. It seems logical until step 8. There it should get the latest version of File A for my local repository. Is this a setting somewhere?
It is my understanding, that Reconcile works by looking at files checked in for the build (shelved, actually), check if the file in your workspace has pending changes, and matches the built version. If they don't match, (ie. you edited in between) it will ask you to merge. If they do match, it will perform an undo, and getting the latest version (which will be the same content, since the TFS server has just checked your changes in).
In other words, if you do not choose to preserve pending changes locally, reconcile won't work and you need to do a get latest manually to get your most recent changes back into your workspace.
What happens is that, when you check in, your changes are added to a shelve set. In other words, your changes are shelved. When shelving changes you can choose to roll back your local changes.
For instance when you are working on a problem and suddenly you need to fix another problem with higher priority. Then you can shelve your changes (of the problem you're working on) and roll those changes back locally. This allows you to work on the new problem and check its changes in when you're done. Once finished you can unshelve your previous work (of the first problem) and continue your work.
Gated check-ins
With gated check-ins, shelve sets are created automatically. When shelving you have the option whether your local changes are kept or not. I.o.w. you can shelve changes without rolling them back locally. So when the "Keep local changes" checkbox is not checked you will have this strange behaviour (I also find it very unintuitive).
Locks and 'Preserve local changes' option
The "Preserve local changes" checkbox is disabled however if any of the files in your workspace are locked. Even if they have nothing to do with your changes (also not very intuitive i.m.h.o.). Locks can be put manually on files or automatically in the case of exclusive lockouts (disable "Allow multiple checkouts" checkbox in the projects build configuration). So if you have exclusive lockout and someone modifies a file then it becomes locked and therefore you cannot use the "Preserve local changes" option.
To workaround this problem I think you can choose one of several poisons:
Do not use gated checkins
Do not use locking and therefore do not use exclusive lockouts
Do not use colleagues
Learn to wait for the build to finish and always perform Get Latest Version (Reconcile will not do that because it will only do that for files you have modified in the mean time) or make sure that you automatically GLV when editing a file.
Do not use TFS :-)
Hope this helps.
Furthermore, if the gated checkin build failes, shelveset files remains as checked-out by build service account. We found a way to undo checked-out files but reconcile doesn't work becuase "Preserve pending changes locally" is greyed out if "exclusive checkouts" is enabled on team project.
