scheduling prefetch in halide rdom update stage - halide

I've been trying to recreate a hand tuned c function via halide. It is a a series of histograms done on vertical scanlines of the source image. As such I'm using an 1 dimension RDom to iterate the source image.
RDom reductionY(0, input.height());
parade(x,y,c) = Halide::cast<uint16_t>(0);
parade(x, input(x, reductionY, c), c) += Halide::cast<uint16_t>(1);
To increase locality, I'm wrapping the rdom in another func so I can schedule it with compute_at.
wrapper(x,y,c) = parade(x, y, c);
parade.update(0).reorder(c, reductionY, x);
parade.update(0).split(x, x_outer, x_inner, THREADWIDTH);
parade.compute_at(wrapper, x_outer);
This (plus some vectorization/parallelization I've stripped out for this question) closely matches my hand tuned original. One thing the original benefits from that I can't figure out how to schedule, is to prefetch the first read of each vertical line from input in the update(0) stage. If I schedule
parade.update(0).prefetch(inputParam, x_inner, 3);
it seems to prefetch every pixel to be read? My hope is to issue a single prefetch to the first pixel to be read.

On first glance, it doesn't seem that the code you posted is complete: parade is computed at the x_outer dimension of wrapper, but wrapper has never been split to create such a dimension. Seeing the exact code would help, and you may also find both print_loop_nest and compiling to a lowered statement file useful in seeing the exact structure and figuring out where you want the prefetch to be executed.
Quickly, though, I don't believe prefetches can be issued for only a subset of the used data—logically, they apply to the whole block of the data to be used at a given granularity. Do you observe poor performance due to prefetching the whole column rather than a single pixel? Explicitly prefetching a single pixel seems likely to help only insofar as it may trigger the hardware prefetcher to speculatively fetch the whole column.
If this is a case where a known-better approach is not representable in the current Halide model, however, you should share it with the halide-dev list or as an issue on GitHub with a simple reproducer for your target platform (x86?).


Halide: Copying a block of memory to an overlapping location (same image)

I need to move a region from a texture to another location. If the two blocks don't overlap, there's not problem there. I know Halide is the right solution but I can't figure out how to wait for a read before writing to an overlapping pixel... I could iterate one way or the other depending on the direction of the move, but I couldn't find a way to express that in Halide. Is Halide able to understand these subtleties?
The way to iterate in the reverse direction is to invert an RDom:
RDom range(0, width);
f(width - range.x) = g(width - range.x); // Copy value going from higher addresses to lower.
(Providing syntactic sugar for this has been on the todo list for a while. I think we've talked about scheduling directives for reversing loops as well. In that case, you'd use specialize to decide which direction handles the overlap correctly and dispatch to the appropriate schedule. At present however, the RDom subtracted from the extent method is probably the only option.)

Ising 2D Optimization

I have implemented a MC-Simulation of the 2D Ising model in C99.
Compiling with gcc 4.8.2 on Scientific Linux 6.5.
When I scale up the grid the simulation time increases, as expected.
The implementation simply uses the Metropolis–Hastings algorithm.
I tried to find out a way to speed up the algorithm, but I haven't any good idea ?
Are there some tricks to do so ?
As jimifiki wrote, try to do a profiling session.
In order to improve on the algorithmic side only, you could try the following:
Lookup Table:
When calculating the energy difference for the Metropolis criteria you need to evaluate the exponential exp[-K / T * dE ] where K is your scaling constant (in units of Boltzmann's constant) and dE the energy-difference between the original state and the one after a spin-flip.
Calculating exponentials is expensive
So you simply build a table beforehand where to look up the possible values for the dE. There will be (four choose one plus four choose two plus four choose three plus four choose four) possible combinations for a nearest-neightbour interaction, exploit the problem's symmetry and you get five values fordE: 8, 4, 0, -4, -8. Instead of using the exp-function, use the precalculated table.
As mentioned before, it is possible to parallelize the algorithm. To preserve the physical correctness, you have to use a so-called checkerboard concept. Consider the two-dimensional grid as a checkerboard and compute only the white cells parallel at once, then the black ones. That should be clear, considering the nearest-neightbour interaction which introduces dependencies of the values.
You can also implement the simulation on a GPGPU, e.g. using CUDA, if you're already working on C99.
Some tips:
- Don't forget to align C99-structs properly.
- Use linear Arrays, not that nested ones. Aligned memory is normally faster to access, if done properly.
- Try to let the compiler do loop-unrolling, etc. (gcc special options, not default on O2)
Some more information:
If you look for an efficient method to calculate the critical point of the system, the method of choice would be finite-size scaling where you simulate at different system-sizes and different temperature, then calculate a value which is system-size independet at the critical point, therefore an intersection point of the corresponding curves (please see the theory to get a detailed explaination)
I hope I was helpful.
It's normal that your simulation times scale at least with the square of the size. Isn't it?
Here some subjestions:
If you are concerned with thermalization issues, try to use parallel tempering. It can be of help.
The Metropolis-Hastings algorithm can be made parallel. You could try to do it.
Check you are not pessimizing the code.
Are your spin arrays of ints? You could put many spins on the same int. It's a lot of work.
Moreover, remember what Donald taught us:
premature optimisation is the root of all evil
Before optimising you should first understand where your program is slow. This is called profiling.

Tips for improving performance of a 2d image 'tracing' CUDA kernel?

Can you give me some tips to optimize this CUDA code?
I'm running this on a device with compute capability 1.3 (I need it for a Tesla C1060 although I'm testing it now on a GTX 260 which has the same compute capability) and I have several kernels like the one below. The number of threads I need to execute this kernel is given by long SUM and depends on size_t M and size_t N which are the dimensions of a rectangular image received as parameter it can vary greatly from 50x50 to 10000x10000 in pixels or more. Although I'm mostly interested in working the bigger images with Cuda.
Now each image has to be traced in all directions and angles and some computations must be done over the values extracted from the tracing. So, for example, for a 500x500 image I need 229080 threads computing that kernel below which is the value of SUM (that's why I check that the thread id idHilo doesn't go over it). I copied several arrays into the global memory of the device one after another since I need to access them for the calculations all of length SUM. Like this
So each value of every array can be accessed by one thread. All are done before the kernel calls. According to the Cuda Profiler on Nsight the highest memcopy duration is 246.016 us for a 500x500 image so that is not taking so long.
But the kernels like the one I copied below are taking too long for any practical use (3.25 seconds according to the Cuda profiler for the kernel below for a 500x500 image and 5.052 seconds for the kernel with the highest duration) so I need to see if I can optimize them.
I arrange the data this way
First the block dimension
dim3 dimBlock(256,1,1);
then the number of blocks per Grid
dim3 dimGrid((SUM+255)/256);
For a number of 895 blocks for a 500x500 image.
I'm not sure how to use coalescing and shared memory in my case or even if it's a good idea to call the kernel several times with different portions of the data. The data is independent one from the other so I could in theory call that kernel several times and not with the 229080 threads all at once if needs be.
Now take into account that the outer for loop
depends on
the value of which depends on each thread but most threads have similar values for it.
According to the Cuda Profiler the Global Store Efficiency is of 0.619 and the Global Load Efficiency is 0.951 for this kernel. Other kernels have similar values .
Is that good? bad? how can I interpret those values? Sadly the devices of compute capability 1.3 don't provide other useful info for assessing the code like the Multiprocessor and Kernel Memory or Instruction analysis. The only results I get after the analysis is "Low Global Memory Store Efficiency" and "Low Global Memory Load Efficiency" but I'm not sure how I can optimize those.
void __global__ t21_trazo(long SUM,int cT, double Bn, size_t M, size_t N, float* imagen_cuda, double* vector_trazo_cuda, long* xb_cuda, long* yb_cuda, long* xinc_cuda, long* yinc_cuda, long* tbegin_cuda, long* tendbegin_cuda){
long xi;
long yi;
int t;
int k;
int a;
int ji;
long idHilo=blockIdx.x*blockDim.x+threadIdx.x;
int neighborhood[31];
int v=0;
xi = xb_cuda[idHilo] + floor((double)t*xinc_cuda[idHilo]);
yi = yb_cuda[idHilo] + floor((double)t*yinc_cuda[idHilo]);
if(fabs((double)neighborhood[v]) < M && fabs((double)ji)<N)
if(tendbegin_cuda[idHilo]>30 && v==30){
Changing the DP flops for SP flops only slightly improved the duration. Loop unrolling the inner loops practically didn't help.
Sorry for the unstructured answer, I'm just going to throw out some generally useful comments with references to your code to make this more useful to others.
Algorithm changes are always number one for optimizing. Is there another way to solve the problem that requires less math/iterations/memory etc.
If precision is not a big concern, use floating point (or half precision floating point with newer architectures). Part of the reason it didn't affect your performance much when you briefly tried is because you're still using double precision calculations on your floating point data (fabs takes double, so if you use with float, it converts your float to a double, does double math, returns a double and converts to float, use fabsf).
If you don't need to use the absolute full precision of float use fast math (compiler option).
Multiply is much faster than divide (especially for full precision/non-fast math). Calculate 1/var outside the kernel and then multiply instead of dividing inside kernel.
Don't know if it gets optimized out, but you should use increment and decrement operators. v=v-1; could be v--; etc.
Casting to an int will truncate toward zero. floor() will truncate toward negative infinite. you probably don't need explicit floor(), also, floorf() for float as above. when you use it for the intermediate computations on integer types, they're already truncated. So you're converting to double and back for no reason. Use the appropriately typed function (abs, fabs, fabsf, etc.)
if(fabs((double)neighborhood[v]) < M && fabs((double)ji)<N)
change to
if(abs(neighborhood[v]) < M && abs(ji)<N)
change to
vector_trazo_cuda[20+idHilo*31] +=
xi = xb_cuda[idHilo] + floor((double)t*xinc_cuda[idHilo]);
change to
xi = xb_cuda[idHilo] + t*xinc_cuda[idHilo];
The above line is needlessly complicated. In essence you are doing this,
convert t to double,
convert xinc_cuda to double and multiply,
floor it (returns double),
convert xb_cuda to double and add,
convert to long.
The new line will store the same result in much, much less time (also better because if you exceed the precision of double in the previous case, you would be rounding to a nearest power of 2). Also, those four lines should be outside the for don't need to recompute them if they don't depend on t. Together, i wouldn't be surprised if this cuts your run time by a factor of 10-30.
Your structure results in a lot of global memory reads, try to read once from global, handle calculations on local memory, and write once to global (if at all possible).
Compile with -lineinfo always. Makes profiling easier, and i haven't been able to assess any overhead whatsoever (using kernels in the 0.1 to 10ms execution time range).
Figure out with the profiler if you're compute or memory bound and devote time accordingly.
Try to allow the compiler use registers when possible, this is a big topic.
As always, don't change everything at once. I typed all this out with compiling/testing so i may have an error.
You may be running too many threads simultaneously. The optimum performance seems to come when you run the right number of threads: enough threads to keep busy, but not so many as to over-fragment the local memory available to each simultaneous thread.
Last fall I built a tutorial to investigate optimization of the Travelling Salesman problem (TSP) using CUDA with CUDAFY. The steps I went through in achieving a several-times speed-up from a published algorithm may be useful in guiding your endeavours, even though the problem domain is different. The tutorial and code is available at CUDA Tuning with CUDAFY.

How to implement a part of histogram equalization in matlab without using for loops and influencing speed and performance

Suppose that I have these Three variables in matlab Variables
I want to extract diverse values in NewGrayLevels and sum rows of OldHistogram that are in the same rows as one diverse value is.
For example you see in NewGrayLevels that the six first rows are equal to zero. It means that 0 in the NewGrayLevels has taken its value from (0 1 2 3 4 5) of OldGrayLevels. So the corresponding rows in OldHistogram should be summed.
So 0+2+12+38+113+163=328 would be the frequency of the gray level 0 in the equalized histogram and so on.
Those who are familiar with image processing know that it's part of the histogram equalization algorithm.
Note that I don't want to use built-in function "histeq" available in image processing toolbox and I want to implement it myself.
I know how to write the algorithm with for loops. I'm seeking if there is a faster way without using for loops.
The code using for loops:
for k=0:255
Condition = NewGrayLevels==k;
ConditionMultiplied = Condition.*OldHistogram;
NewHistogram(k+1,1) = sum(ConditionMultiplied);
I'm afraid if this code gets slow for high resolution big images.Because the variables that I have uploaded are for a small image downloaded from the internet but my code may be used for sattellite images.
I know you say you don't want to use histeq, but it might be worth your time to look at the MATLAB source file to see how the developers wrote it and copy the parts of their code that you would like to implement. Just do edit('histeq') or edit('histeq.m'), I forget which.
Usually the MATLAB code is vectorized where possible and runs pretty quick. This could save you from having to reinvent the entire wheel, just the parts you want to change.
I can't think a way to implement this without a for loop somewhere, but one optimisation you could make would be using indexing instead of multiplication:
for k=0:255
Condition = NewGrayLevels==k; % These act as logical indices to OldHistogram
NewHistogram(k+1,1) = sum(OldHistogram(Condition)); % Removes a vector multiplication, some additions, and an index-to-double conversion
On rereading your initial post, I think that the way to do this without a for loop is to use accumarray (I find this a difficult function to understand, so read the documentation and search online and on here for examples to do so):
NewHistogram = accumarray(1+NewGrayLevels,OldHistogram);
This should work so long as your maximum value in NewGrayLevels (+1 because you are starting at zero) is equal to the length of OldHistogram.
Well I understood that there's no need to write the code that #Hugh Nolan suggested. See the explanation here:
%The green lines are because after writing the code, I understood that
%there's no need to calculate the equalized histogram in
%"HistogramEqualization" function and after gaining the equalized image
%matrix you can pass it to the "ExtractHistogram" function
% (which there's no loops in it) to acquire the
%equalized histogram.
%But I didn't delete those lines of code because I had tried a lot to
%understand the algorithm and write them.
For more information and studying the code, please see my next question.

Does Global Work Size Need to be Multiple of Work Group Size in OpenCL?

Hello: Does Global Work Size (Dimensions) Need to be Multiple of Work Group Size (Dimensions) in OpenCL?
If so, is there a standard way of handling matrices not a multiple of the work group dimensions? I can think of two possibilities:
Dynamically set the size of the work group dimensions to a factor of the global work dimensions. (this would incur the overhead of finding a factor and possibly set the work group to a non-optimal size.)
Increase the dimensions of the global work to be the nearest multiple of the work group dimensions, keeping all input and output buffers the same but checking bounds in the kernel to avoid segfaulting, i.e. do nothing on the work items out of bound of the desired output. (This seems like the better way.)
Would the second way work? Is there a better way? (Or is it not necessary because work group dimensions need not divide global work dimensions?)
Thx for the link Chad. But actually, if you read on:
If local_work_size is specified, the
values specified in global_work_size[0], … global_work_size[work_dim - 1] must be evenly
divisible by the corresponding values specified in local_work_size[0], …
local_work_size[work_dim – 1].
So YES, the local work size must be a multiple of the global work size.
I also think the assigning the global work size to the nearest multiple and being careful about bounds should work, I'll post a comment when I get around to trying it.
This seems to be an old post, but let me update this post with some new information. Hopefully, it could help someone else.
Does Global Work Size (Dimensions) Need to be Multiple of Work Group
Size (Dimensions) in OpenCL?
Answer: True till OpenCL 2.0. Before CL2.0, your global work size must be a multiple of local work size, otherwise you will get an error message when you execute clEnqueueNDRangeKernel.
But from CL2.0, this is not required anymore. You can use whatever global work size which fits your application dimensions. However, please remember that the hardware implementation might still use the "old" way, which means padding the global work group size. Therefore, it makes the performance highly dependent on the hardware architecture. You may see quite different performance on different hardware/platforms. Plus, you want to make your application back compatible to support older platform which only supports CL up to version 1.2. So, I think this new feature added in CL2.0 is just for easy programming, to get better controllable performance and backward compatibility, I suggest you still use the following method mentioned by you:
Increase the dimensions of the global work to be the nearest multiple
of the work group dimensions, keeping all input and output buffers the
same but checking bounds in the kernel to avoid segfaulting, i.e. do
nothing on the work items out of bound of the desired output. (This
seems like the better way.)
Answer: you are absolutely right. This is the right way to handle such case. Carefully design the local work group size (considering factors such as register usage, cache hit/miss, memory access pattern and so on). And then pad your global work size to a multiple of local work size. Then, you are good to go.
Another thing to consider is that you can utilize the image object to store the data instead of buffer, if there are quite a lot of boundary checking work in your kernel. For image, the boundary check is automatically done by hardware, almost no overhead in most of the implementations. Therefore, padding your global work size, store your data in image object, then, you just need to write your code normally without worrying about the boundary checking.
According to the standard it doesn't have to be from what I saw. I think I would handle it with a branch, but I don't know exactly what kind of matrix operation you are doing.
global_work_size points to an array
of work_dim unsigned values that
describe the number of global
work-items in work_dim dimensions that
will execute the kernel function. The
total number of global work-items is
computed as global_work_size[0] *
... * global_work_size[work_dim –
The values specified in
global_work_size + corresponding
values specified in global_work_offset
cannot exceed the range given by the
sizeof(size_t) for the device on
which the kernel execution will be
enqueued. The sizeof(size_t) for a
device can be determined using
If, for example,
the device uses a 32-bit address
space, size_t is a 32-bit unsigned
integer and global_work_size values
must be in the range 1 .. 2^32 - 1.
Values outside this range return a
