Joomla - Website showing blank screen now - joomla

I have configured joomla 3.6.x and I have enabled, disabled some module/component. Website stop suddenly, I dont have any clue to resolve it. Could anyone help me out.

The first thing you want to do in case of the white blank screen is enable the error reporting.
Open the configuration.php, serach for the error_reporting and change it to maximum. PHP errors are now visible and you should have some idea about what is wrong. If for example a extension is not found, you can enable it again via the database.


Why do I get a blank page after any saving in joomla 3 administration?

I have turned debugging on, and max error display, but even when saving these settings I get a blank page, nothing. Saving a module, the same. saving an article, the same. I reload the page and the changes were made/saved, but it gets extremely annoying to reload things twice
Blank screen would indicate fatal error
-you need to enable error reporting in joomla configuration (e.g. set it to maximum).
And look for exact error related to plugins or configurations and resolve it as per error existence.

joomla 1.5 adminsitrator: article section editing doesn't load

The client have moved Joomla from old to new server. I am aware of what they did exactly. As a result joomla webpage is working (it seems so) and administrator panel loads correctly. You can edit menu items etc. there.
However, when you try to edit article it doesn't work.
When I click on article, the page start to load (...administrator/index.php?option=com_content&sectionid=-1&task=edit&cid[]=56), but the only thing that is loaded is empty page with one form element with input fields "Title", "Alias", "Section". That is it. So this means that page stoped loading.
I am not so big expert in Joomla and debugging, but can you suggest me how to fix this issue? How to find out why articles stoped working? I understand that you can me give the exact sollution, but can you mention some steps to investigate.
After some investigation I have set
in admin.content.html.php and this showed me an error.
You can check version of php. Joomla 1.5 is pretty old so somewhere it can contain call-time pass-by-reference which was removed in 5.4+, so using it raise a fatal error. Enable error_reporting also error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', 'stdout') or stderr

Magento admin CMS pages content in wrong tab

I've got a Magento site however when I login into the admin area to create a new CMS page the content box is appearing in the Page Information tab and not the Content tab. This is causing the validation to fail when I add the content.
Any help would be much appreciated
Try disabling any third party extensions/customizations you may of installed.
It could also be caused by corrupted database entries.
Try reinstalling Magento to a new database and seeing if the issue persists.
If it's fixed, then it's a problem with your data. If it isn't, then it must be a extension or customization causing the bug.
Go to System>Configuration>Advanced and you will see a brand of extension you recently installed. Set it to disabled and hit Save Config. Flush Cache, log out and log back in to admin and it should be corrected. If it is, contact the extension creator and report the bug as it shouldnt do that.The only realy way for that to happen is for something to overrule its placement which would be a 3rd party extension.
The other possibility is that you moved some folders in adminhtml by accident. If thats the case, try uploading an original copy of adminhtml.

Magento product not saving

I have come across very different kind of problem. Suddenly in Magento products uploaded not updating anymore.
In detail, when we open products to update and click save button, nothing happens. It started happening suddenly, everything was working fine before.
Please help, its a big problem. I dont know what to do and which files to check.
May be you missed some mandatory field to fill. Check every tab if you have any error asking to fill the fields.
Or, there will be some javascript errors. Check if any JS errors are there, and post it here.
I found where it was gone wrong.
in js/prototype/validation.js
This file used by admin product option validation, which I have changed and didn't realize to check for admin validations.
Small change like this solved the problem.
// put your code for front-end validation
Thanks to all.
I came here after having the same problem. "Save" suddenly stopped working on the product page. The only thing I had done was update prototype.js from 1.7 to 1.7.1 to support fade() in IE10 b/c I have a custom fade on thumbnails.
Well prototype.js 1.7.1 responds with TypeError: value.gsub is not a function when you click save.
Had to revert back because I dont know how to fix it.
if magento is configured to work with elasticsearch and elasticsearch is unreachable it also results in this error

Joomla 2.5 shows add/edit form for article/category incompletely

When I click on add new article, Joomla shows the page incompletely.
It doesn't even show the form itself completely.
Even now that I have enabled the debug mode, it doesn't show anything. I think that something die()s the process of outputting the page to the browser.
Please note that I haven't had a bad joomla installation. It was working very well a bit little ago.
I haven't also changed a deep core setting. I think that I have only changed jcomment setting that doesn't look related to the problem.
Add this code in this file root/administrator/components/com_content/content.php
ini_set('display_errors', '1');
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
If no error comes check for die or exit statement with any of the editor which has search functionality.If this also does not work rename the com_content of administrator and upload the fresh one.
let me know if it does not work.
Disable that plugin.
Did you just add it or update?
If the file is there check the ownership.
