In the following example a message box will pop up with an icon to the left. and keep it on top of other windows.
However the following will remove the icon and still keep it on top of the other windows like vbSystemModal.
Why is this? I can't find any documentation on this number or if it even has a name to it. Can anyone explain what exactly this number is doing?
When you are in doubt see the documentation here for MsgBox
I am trying to make a call to JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (Or really any static function in JOptionPane to display a GUI for the matter), and I'm getting a blank yellow GUI with no buttons whatsoever. Can't display the image unfortunately due to me being new to SO :(.
The following is the code. Where when referencing off the showOptionDialog, you can see that the resulting image should have Prompt as the title, and "Choose Option as a message with the options shown in the String array being presented. Does anyone have a solution other than turning the depth to 16? All help is greatly appreciated :).
String[] options = new String[] {"Option1","Option2","Option3"};
JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(null,"Choose Option", "Prompt", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE,null,options,null);
I tried to use the showOptionDialog and showMessageDialog to no avail, even attempted other overriding methods. As stated, I suspected the prompt to show "Choose Option" followed by the array of strings created in "options". Result was a blank GUI :(.
so i have been following this tutorial to get me started on a game creation engine on Godot. link here ==> and i've got to a point around the time 37:09 and then he told me to click "project settings", then "input map", go on to the action bar and type in "move_left" to create a function for me to move left and click "add". so I did exactly what he told me to except from one problem: nothing happened. it just cleared the action bar, i scrolled down, and there was nothing. i tried again and again, but nothing happened still. I tried putting in "ui_left" (which was already there) for a test and it said that it "already existed" so that confirmed my theory that it did not add to the input map. has anybody experienced this before and if so how do i fix it? Thanks.
it adds the new inputs to the bottom of the list. if they're not there and you're certain you're doing it exactly right (it's extremely easy to think you're doing it exactly right but just miss one thing) then you might want to uninstall/reinstall godot and see if it's just a weird bug/error from your install.
I need to create the progress bar on a user form. For inserting progress bar, opened toolbox , right clicked on it and choose “Additional Controls”. (Alternatively, I could go up to the “Tools”/”Additional Controls” menu). But in that list of components, “Microsoft Progress Bar Control 6.0 (SP4)” is missing. I am using Microsoft Office 2010 and Windows 7. Please help me
Two suggestions :)
1) Search your pc for MSCOMCTL.Ocx. If you find it then register it by clicking on Windows Start Button ~~> Run and then typing this text and pressing Enter
regsvr32 C:\Windows\System32\MSCOMCTL.Ocx
I am assuming that the ocx is in C:\Windows\System32
If you don't have that then please download it from here and then repeat the above steps.
Once done, you will now be able to use the control.
2) Please see this link. Sometimes you don't need a progressbar control ;)
Topic: VBA - Working with Scroll Bars - The most simplest way
You can make a makeshift loading bar whit any of the controlls you allready got, by simply useing width.
Example would be useing a label inside a frame, the frame will work as borders for it, so the top and left can be 0, then the total lenght of the frame works as max length for the label.. i think by now you see where im going whit this, basicly now all you gota do is come up whit a counter basicly a loop that counts up to max frame length :)
But, like i said whit creativity, you can use buttons, the form itself, scrollbar basicly contains itself if you dont mind it beeing a unclickable (scroll) button moveing across.
I am writing an app with raw windows API (opensource Win32++) where I have a ListView.
The problem I have now is that whenever an item in the ListView is clicked, the system/app will generate a warning tone/sound "ding". Furthermore, I noticed I cannot get the LVN_ITEMACTIVATE through item-dbl-click or item-keypress-enter, which would normally work if this problem had not occur.
Would anyone have any idea how this might be happening?
I believe there is nothing wrong with Win32++, it just could be one of the things I do is causing this. But my program has become quite big to dissect plus I have no idea where to start looking.
PS: I had my computer muted for the longest time, hence, I don't know when this started eventhough I had the listview since a long time ago. T_T
Start looking with a tool that can show you the Windows messages that the control generates and receives. Like Microsoft's Spy++. Compare it with a working list view to have an idea what might be amiss. Also check the parent window. I haven't otherwise heard of listviews that dingaling, the LVN_ACTIVATEITEM should fire the first WM_LBUTTONDOWN, no double-click necessary.
I'm teaching myself (read hacking) through some old Excel Macros that are quite long. However, as I change quite a few lines I want to be sure that I know when and where my new and re-hashed elements are occuring - or not. So my question/s is:
How do I insert a simple message box function that will pop up when a loop/procedure/event has finished?
Add text to it explaining what happened (hard coded ofcourse)?
Also, include an "OK button" that makes it start the next procedure?
The breakpoint process may be the most effective way of doing this, but I would like to use the message box approach so that I can show my colleagues what is happening. Also it would be something that I'd like to incorporate into future projects.
Many thanks for any examples, links or helpful hints.
Just use
MsgBox ("message here")
And if you want to go to the code so that you can debug from there on use CTRL + BREAK