What kind of operation is x%y in golang? - go

I'm going through some golang tutorials, and I came across this for loop:
for n := 0; n <= 5; n++ {
if n%2 == 0 {
I'm confused by the n%2 statement.
The output of this is:
It looks like these are not multiples of 2, but I'm not understanding the == 0 part of the statement if that's the case? Is there a resource that talks about this operation, or something I should look up?

This is called the remainder operator, it returns the remainder of a division operation. Hence X % Y == 0 will be true when X can be evenly divided by Y.
This operator and % to represent it is common in many languages.
See related question: Understanding The Modulus Operator %

It's the remainder/modulo-operator. This returns the rest of the division with the given number:
This code fragment calculates all uneven numbers.


random-acess machine (RAM) - Test square-free n

I'm writing a random-acess machine (RAM) using a simulator that tests whether a given natural number is square-free. My goal is to then analyze its complexity.
At high-level I would use the following test function
def isSquareFree(n):
if n % 2 == 0:
n = n / 2
if n % 2 == 0:
return False
for i in range(3, int(sqrt(n) + 1)):
if n % i == 0:
n = n / i
if n % i == 0:
return False
return True
My problem is, I am not sure how to calculate the square root of n using RAM-commands and can't find much resources online. So I am reconsidering if this is actually the right way to do it.
What are alternative ways to test if a natural number is square-free, that can be implemented using RAM?
If you just want to avoid the sqrt in your code you can simply test for i*i<=n. This probably is a good idea anywise, as calculating the square root is a quite hard thing to do.
Thus I would change your code to:
def isSquareFree(n):
while i*i <= n:
if n % i == 0:
n = n / i
if n % i == 0:
return False
i = i+1
return True
The above only uses pretty atomic operations, so I hope this will help you. But I am not familiar with RAM programming so I am not sure whether this solves your problem.

Modulo of negative integers in Go

I am learning Go and I come from a Python background.
Recently, I stumbled onto a behaviour of the %(modulo) operator which is different from the corresponding operator in Python. Quite contrary to the definition of modular operation and remainder, the modulus of negative integers by a positive integer returns a negative value.
a, b, n = -5, 5, 3
for i in range(a, b):
a, b, n := -5, 5, 3
for i:=a; i<b; i++ {
After reading about the Modulo operator and few similar questions asked about the reason behind these differences, I understand that these were due to design goals of the concerned languages.
Is there a built-in functionality in Go which replicates the modulus operation of Python?
Alternate: Is there an internal method for computing the "modulus" instead of the "remainder"?
See this comment by one of the language designers:
There are a several reasons for the current definition:
the current semantics for % is directly available as a result from x86 architectures
it would be confusing to change the meaning of the elementary operator % and not change its name
it's fairly easy to compute another modulus from the % result
Note that % computes the "remainder" as opposed to the "modulus".
There is not an operator or function in the standard library which replicates the modulus operation of Python.
It is possible to write a function which replicates the modulus operation of Python:
func modLikePython(d, m int) int {
var res int = d % m
if ((res < 0 && m > 0) || (res > 0 && m < 0)) {
return res + m
return res
Note that in Python 5 % -3 is -1 and this code replicates that behavior as well. If you don't want that, remove the second part after || in the if statement.
Is there an internal method for computing the "modulus" instead of the "remainder"?
Note that % computes the "remainder" as opposed to the "modulus".
These quotes are a bit misleading.
Look up any definition of "modulo", by and large it will say that it is the remainder after division. The problem is that when we say "the remainder", it implies that there is only one. When negative numbers are involved, there can be more than one distinct remainder. On the Wikipedia page for Remainder, it differentiates between the least positive remainder and the least absolute remainder. You could also add a least negative remainder (least negative meaning negative, but closest to 0).
Generally for modulus operators, if it returned a positive value, it was the least positive remainder and if it returned a negative value, it was the least negative remainder. The sign of the returned value can be determined in multiple ways. For example given c = a mod b, you could define the sign of c to be
The sign of a (what % does in Go)
The sign of b (what % does in Python)
Non-negative always
Here's a list of programming languages and their modulo implementations defined in this way https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modulo_operation#In_programming_languages
Here's a branchless way to replicate Python's % operator with a Go function
func mod(a, b int) int {
return (a % b + b) % b
To reiterate, this follows the rule:
given c = a mod b, the sign of c will be the sign of b.
Or in other words, the modulus result has the same sign as the divisor
math/big does Euclidean modulus:
package main
import "math/big"
func mod(x, y int64) int64 {
bx, by := big.NewInt(x), big.NewInt(y)
return new(big.Int).Mod(bx, by).Int64()
func main() {
z := mod(-5, 3)
println(z == 1)
On Q2, you could use:
func modNeg(v, m int) int {
return (v%m + m) % m
Would output:
modNeg(-1, 5) => 4
modNeg(-2, 3) => 0
In most cases, just add the second number to the result:
-8%6 => 4
-8%6 + 6 => 4
So the function will be like this:
func PyMod(d int, m int) int {
d %= m
if d < 0 {
d += m
return d
It works for some other situations such as a%-b in addition to -a%b.
But if you want it to work even for -a%-b, do like this:
func PyMod(d int, m int) int {
// Add this condition at the top
if d < 0 && m < 0 {
return d % m
d %= m
if d < 0 {
d += m
return d

Comparing two Integers by their divisibility

For instance:
8 > 10 = true, since 8 is divisible by 2 three times and 10 only once.
How can I compare two integers from any range of numbers? Are the modulo and divide operator capable of doing this task?
Use binary caculate to judge it
def devided_by_two(i)
return i.to_s(2).match(/0*$/).to_s.count('0')
To make integer divisibility by 2, just transcode it to binary and judge how many zero from end of banary number. The code I provide can be more simple I think.
Yes, they are capable. A number is even if, when you divide it by two, the remainder is zero.
Hence, you can use a loop to continuously divide by two until you get an odd number, keeping a count of how many times you did it.
The (pseudo-code) function for assigning a "divisibility by two, continuously" value to a number would be something like:
def howManyDivByTwo(x):
count = 0
while x % 2 == 0:
count = count + 1
x = x / 2 # make sure integer division
return count
That shouldn't be too hard to turn into Ruby (or any procedural-type language, really), such as:
def howManyDivByTwo(x)
count = 0
while x % 2 == 0
count = count + 1
x = x / 2
return count
print howManyDivByTwo(4), "\n"
print howManyDivByTwo(10), "\n"
print howManyDivByTwo(11), "\n"
print howManyDivByTwo(65536), "\n"
This outputs the correct:
Astute readers will have noticed there's an edge case in that function, you probably don't want to try passing zero to it. If it was production code, you'd need to catch that and act intelligently since you can divide zero by two until the cows come home, without ever reaching an odd number.
What value you return for zero depends on needs you haven't specified in detail. Theoretically (mathematically), you should return infinity but I'll leave that up to you.
Notice that you will likely mess up much of your code if you redefine such basic method. Knowing that, this is how it's done:
class Integer
def <=> other
me = self
return 0 if me.zero? and other.zero?
return -1 if other.zero?
return 1 if me.zero?
while me.even? and other.even?
me /= 2
other /= 2
return 0 if me.odd? and other.odd?
return -1 if me.odd?
return 1 if other.odd? # This condition is redundant, but is here for symmetry.

What does |operation| mean in Pseudo Code?

I have this line of Pseudo Code:
if |pos(point) - pos(point2)| <= K {
What does the pipe mean which I regard as the "or" operator.
That looks like the mathematical sign for absolute value.
|x| = x if x >= 0
|x| = -x if x < 0
or in Java (most languages have something similar):
In mathematical notation |something| stands for the magnitude of a value, so for example |5|=5 and |-5|=5.
In simpler terms it allows you to create an if statement in which only the size of a number is important not its direction, so;
if |pos(point) - pos(point2)| <= K {
Means "If the size of the difference between pos(point) and pos(point2) ignoring sign is greater than or equal to K then do.....

Find the minimum number of operations required to compute a number using a specified range of numbers

Let me start with an example -
I have a range of numbers from 1 to 9. And let's say the target number that I want is 29.
In this case the minimum number of operations that are required would be (9*3)+2 = 2 operations. Similarly for 18 the minimum number of operations is 1 (9*2=18).
I can use any of the 4 arithmetic operators - +, -, / and *.
How can I programmatically find out the minimum number of operations required?
Thanks in advance for any help provided.
clarification: integers only, no decimals allowed mid-calculation. i.e. the following is not valid (from comments below): ((9/2) + 1) * 4 == 22
I must admit I didn't think about this thoroughly, but for my purpose it doesn't matter if decimal numbers appear mid-calculation. ((9/2) + 1) * 4 == 22 is valid. Sorry for the confusion.
For the special case where set Y = [1..9] and n > 0:
n <= 9 : 0 operations
n <=18 : 1 operation (+)
otherwise : Remove any divisor found in Y. If this is not enough, do a recursion on the remainder for all offsets -9 .. +9. Offset 0 can be skipped as it has already been tried.
Notice how division is not needed in this case. For other Y this does not hold.
This algorithm is exponential in log(n). The exact analysis is a job for somebody with more knowledge about algebra than I.
For more speed, add pruning to eliminate some of the search for larger numbers.
Sample code:
def findop(n, maxlen=9999):
# Return a short postfix list of numbers and operations
# Simple solution to small numbers
if n<=9: return [n]
if n<=18: return [9,n-9,'+']
# Find direct multiply
x = divlist(n)
if len(x) > 1:
mults = len(x)-1
x[-1:] = findop(x[-1], maxlen-2*mults)
x.extend(['*'] * mults)
return x
shortest = 0
for o in range(1,10) + range(-1,-10,-1):
x = divlist(n-o)
if len(x) == 1: continue
mults = len(x)-1
# We spent len(divlist) + mults + 2 fields for offset.
# The last number is expanded by the recursion, so it doesn't count.
recursion_maxlen = maxlen - len(x) - mults - 2 + 1
if recursion_maxlen < 1: continue
x[-1:] = findop(x[-1], recursion_maxlen)
x.extend(['*'] * mults)
if o > 0:
x.extend([o, '+'])
x.extend([-o, '-'])
if shortest == 0 or len(x) < shortest:
shortest = len(x)
maxlen = shortest - 1
solution = x[:]
if shortest == 0:
# Fake solution, it will be discarded
return '#' * (maxlen+1)
return solution
def divlist(n):
l = []
for d in range(9,1,-1):
while n%d == 0:
n = n/d
if n>1: l.append(n)
return l
The basic idea is to test all possibilities with k operations, for k starting from 0. Imagine you create a tree of height k that branches for every possible new operation with operand (4*9 branches per level). You need to traverse and evaluate the leaves of the tree for each k before moving to the next k.
I didn't test this pseudo-code:
for every k from 0 to infinity
for every n from 1 to 9
if compute(n,0,k):
return k
boolean compute(n,j,k):
if (j == k):
return (n == target)
for each operator in {+,-,*,/}:
for every i from 1 to 9:
if compute((n operator i),j+1,k):
return true
return false
It doesn't take into account arithmetic operators precedence and braces, that would require some rework.
Really cool question :)
Notice that you can start from the end! From your example (9*3)+2 = 29 is equivalent to saying (29-2)/3=9. That way we can avoid the double loop in cyborg's answer. This suggests the following algorithm for set Y and result r:
nextleaves = {r}
nops = 0
nops = nops+1
leaves = nextleaves
nextleaves = {}
for leaf in leaves:
for y in Y:
if (leaf+y) or (leaf-y) or (leaf*y) or (leaf/y) is in X:
add (leaf+y) and (leaf-y) and (leaf*y) and (leaf/y) to nextleaves
This is the basic idea, performance can be certainly be improved, for instance by avoiding "backtracks", such as r+a-a or r*a*b/a.
I guess my idea is similar to the one of Peer Sommerlund:
For big numbers, you advance fast, by multiplication with big ciphers.
Is Y=29 prime? If not, divide it by the maximum divider of (2 to 9).
Else you could subtract a number, to reach a dividable number. 27 is fine, since it is dividable by 9, so
(29-2)/9=3 =>
3*9+2 = 29
So maybe - I didn't think about this to the end: Search the next divisible by 9 number below Y. If you don't reach a number which is a digit, repeat.
The formula is the steps reversed.
(I'll try it for some numbers. :) )
I tried with 2551, which is
echo $((((3*9+4)*9+4)*9+4))
But I didn't test every intermediate result whether it is prime.
echo $((8*8*8*5-9))
is 2 operations less. Maybe I can investigate this later.
