maven clean install still loads old version of dependency when updating parent pom file - maven

I am using Maven for building my code. I created module based maven structure like below:
Parent POM
Child POM
Parent POM:
<project ..>
Child POM:
<project ..>
When I update the module version from 1.0 to 2.0 in Parent POM, and I run command mvn clean install -Ponline -Dmaven.test.skip=true, I find it still compiles the 1.0 version of module. However, when I run the mvn command again, I find it starts to use the new 2.0 version, I wonder if there is any cache for mvn?


Maven release plugin and using a single version in the parent pom

I have a multi-module maven project.
I hold the version in one location in the parent pom.xml as a property
and then use this in the parent pom.xml:
And use this in the child module :
Maven release plugin, after running prepare+perform on the child project only (just for testing one module), changed my child pom version from
So i suppose the release plugin did not think of cases using a single point version.
(By the way if i omit the version tag in the child, so it effectively gets it from the parent, the version tag without the property [19.3.25-SNAPSHOT] is still added to the child
Is there any solution to this ?

Build child module without building parent module if there is some changes in parent pom

I have a multi module project with more than 70 modules and it takes 3 Hrs to build the project with tests.
Parent pom.xml
Child pom.xml
How to build only module b only if we change the version number in parent pom.xml
After upgrading the parent POM to a new version (and the reference to it in b's pom.xml), you could run :
mvn --projects b <maven_phase_you_want> # or mvn -pl b [...]
From Maven's help :
-pl,--projects <arg> Comma-delimited list of specified
reactor projects to build instead
of all projects. A project can be
specified by [groupId]:artifactId
or by its relative path
However, this only works if the old version of your parent POM is already in your local repository, or at least is available (it have been deployed on a repository manager). Otherwise, you'll get an error because, even if specifying --projects b, Maven will try to resolve parent POM (that he won't find) for other modules a and c.

Update parent version and artefactId

I want to dynamically update my parent version and artefactId.
Let's say I have the following pom.xml
Is there any possibility to update (set) parent artefactId/version.
I.e. I can set a child version via versions plugin
mvn org.codehaus.mojo:versions-maven-plugin:2.7:set -DnewVersion=1.2.3-SNAPSHOT
Is there something like it for parent updating?
You can use versions:update-parent to update your parent pom to the latest version. I never heard of a plugin to change the artifactId.
I would be interested to know why more than parent pom is required.

How to set project version to all projects for multimodule projects (with Versions-Maven-plugin)?

I have a multi module project that goes deeper then level 1. I'm starting to use 'versions-maven-pluging'.
From my topmost parent pom I ran :
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=13.0.2
Then I got these (sample) pom files for the topmost parent and it's first child module:
Level 0
Level 1
Level 2
When I check the module of the parent in level 0, I see the version is unchanged. Then, the version in level 1, was changed so that is ok. Finally, in the level 2 project, nothing changed.
If I get to the level 1 parent directory, I can run a command to update the child submodule of this level (but not without errors since the repo was not updated for parent 13.0.2).
mvn versions:update-child-modules
Is there a way to change everyone from first parent to the lowermost leave project? For now we are building a single version of everything so no need to create versions for each parent.
Is there a simple workflow that could make simpler? For now this is what I'm about to do:
1- Manually change the version of the topmost parent.
Run theses (in level 0 directory):
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=13.0.2
mvn -N install
Run theses (in level 1 directory):
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=13.0.2
Strangely enough, when I run version:set in level 1, I get the proper result. The parent and all children project POMs are set with version 13.0.2. Any idea what could I be doing wrong?

Maven version not getting updated in the .POM file

I am using Maven for building my code. I created module based maven structure like below
All my module versions, and external dependency versions are maintained in the Parent POM. Everything works fine when I do a complete mvn install, but when I try to build one sub module like SP1_Child1, then the build fails, because it is not able to identify the version of its dependencies. I checked the maven repository in my local machine, and all my modules were installed, but the .POM files do not have the version numbers. This is probably because the where the mvn install on the Parent POM is not replacing the ${module.version} with the actual version for the child modules.
<project ..>
<project ..>
How how can my mvn install update the versions in the .POM files in the maven repository? Or how can I run one of my sub-modules without any version errors?
The default layout of a child pom should look like this.
<project ..>
But you child should not define version separately only in the parent element without using a property. The version is automatically inherited to the child module from the parent. If you have the same group you also don't need to define the group in child. You can use it like this:
<project ..>
Taking the SP1_Child1 version from parent will be very annoying for you because it will force you to install a new version of the parent for any new version of the SP1_Child1 project.
There are 2 different possible situations :
You want to be able to manage different project, with different lifecycles.
Then you specify a version in the SP1_Child1 project, and you specify the version of SP1_Child1 to be used by other projects in the parent POM (in this case, the 2 values can be different).
Your application is monolithic, even if it is organized in different modules for convenience. Then in this case, the best is to do what khmarbaise advises, keep one version for all your projects, and inherit the version from the parent.
