Java code to make connection with ArtemisActiveMQ - jms

Looking java code to connect with ArtemisActiveMQ. Earlier using HornetQ for messaging but now need to migrate on ArtemisActiveMQ.

Apache ActiveMQ Artemis ships with numerous examples. Take a look at super-simple "queue" example for a demonstration of how to use the JMS API to connect.


How to bridge between IBM MQSeries and ActiveMQ Artemis 7.x?

Has anyone succeeded in creating a bridge between IBM MQSeries (MQS) and ActiveMQ Artemis 7.x (AMQ 7) so that the later can send messages to and receive from the first? Currently I have no problem bridging between MQS 7.5 and AMQ 6.3 by deploying a camel route and MQS libraries on the broker itself. However, the same way doesn't work anymore as each route deployment requires a broker reconfiguration and restart.
Thanks in advance for any feedback.
A few examples ship with ActiveMQ Artemis which might be helpful:
The "inter-broker-bridge" example in the examples/features/sub-modules/ directory. This example demonstrates how to deploy an instance of org.apache.activemq.artemis.jms.bridge.impl.JMSBridgeImpl to the broker using Spring in a web application.
The "camel" example in the examples/features/standard/ directory. This example demonstrates how to deploy a Camel route to the broker using Spring in a web application.
I can't speak to whether or not either of these can be updated at runtime as I've not actually attempted that. Both of these options should be able to move messages in either direction (i.e. from Artemis to MQS or from MQS to Artemis).
Another option would simply be to run Camel standalone and deploy your routes there. This would give you more flexibility as it would allow you to specifically choose the hardware where the routes run as well as how many resources the Camel JVM consumes. Running Camel routes directly on the broker, while convenient, isn't a great fit because the broker is a broker and not an application server.
To be clear, ActiveMQ Artemis and IBM MQSeries are not directly compatible with each other and are not expected to be. This true for most (if not all) JMS broker implementations. The role of components like the ActiveMQ Artemis JMS bridge and integration platforms like Camel are to solve the compatibility problem by using a common API to speak to both brokers - JMS in this case. Any broker which implements JMS can be integrated using these methods.

Build a standalone JMS client using JAVA

I am new to JMS and I need to build a generic JMS client to create a connection send and receive message by using queues and topics. I have seen many example using activeMQ connection factory, but I need a generic client which can use any connection factory and create a connection. Any leads or sample codes will be useful.
I have just done that recently. Steps I've taken
Read Java JMS tutorials to understand what is JMS.
You can code in Java or use a framework for example - Spring JMS
Read about MQ provider docs. for example activeMQ or IBM MQ.

java webscoket client for Rabbit mq Stomp

I am looking for creating a websocket client for using rabbit mq stomp over websocker using java.
I using jetty client and i am getting org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api.UpgradeException: Didn't switch protocols
Looks like the issue is with the Rabbit MQ version. After I've upgraded from Ubuntu default one to the newest Rabbit MQ version from it worked for me.
Look at this example: stomp-websockets-java-client
Please read first:
not perfect, it's far from the worst way do messaging in the browser: exposing STOMP through Websockets.

WSO2 ESB MessageStore & MessageProcessor support for RabbitMQ?

I have tested AMQP Transport implementation for RabbitMQ (v3.3.5) from WSO2 ESB (v4.8.1) Proxies with a few minor issues, now everything works fine. For this, I followed this blog post (from 2013/03/26).
Now, I would like to try with WSO2 MessageStore & MessageProcessor with RabbitMQ, because I think this is the best approach to follow, but seems that is not any implementation for RabbitMQ and WSO2's Documentation Portal says nothing of how to implement it.
I know that RabbitMQ (v3.3.5) do not implement JMS1.1 and AMQP1.0 by default, It does need extra plugins. Then, What do I need to follow to implement MS/MP correctly?.
I have started reviewing the source code of the current implementation of and org.apache.synapse.message.processor.impl.forwarder.ScheduledMessageForwardingProcessor, but I need more guidance.
Someone has implement custom MessageStore/MessageProcessor?, Could you share your experience?.
After digging in existing WSO2 JMS MessageStore implementation, I have created a new JMS-AMQP MessageStore for RabbitMQ. Using WSO2 MessageStore I can manage DeadLetter Channel and GuaranteedDelivery Patterns from WSO2 ESB.
The steps followed were:
1) To solve incompatibility issues between AMQP 0.9.1 implementation of RabbitMQ and JMS 1.1.
Right now does not exist any lib to connect to AMQP Broker using JMS, except the Apache Qpid client (0.30). It was a great help.
2) Improve existing code of WSO2 JMS MessageStore.
I added a new second JMS Destination, the first one was to consume and the another one was to produce messages. In this manner I got to connect to RabbitMQ using pre-configured Exchanges, Routing Keys and Queues.
I hope that is useful.

Using existing JMS libraries with a AMQP broker (RabbitMQ)

We use RabbitMQ and Spring-AMQP for our messaging system.
However there are many Java libraries that use JMS that I would rather not rewrite to AMQP.
I failed to Google a JMS client that will use AMQP.
Should I just rewrite the library to use AMQP directly?
qpid , which also speaks amqp , has a JMS client library. Perhaps that also works with rabbitmq.
There's some (old) indications the OpenAMQ library works works with rabbitmq
Depending on what you're actually building, you'll probably find that Spring Integration is useful:
It abstracts the concepts of end points, such that they are pluggable and there is built-in support for JMS & AMQP.
It's fairly trivial to build a simple AMQP <-> JMS adapter.
