Build a standalone JMS client using JAVA - client

I am new to JMS and I need to build a generic JMS client to create a connection send and receive message by using queues and topics. I have seen many example using activeMQ connection factory, but I need a generic client which can use any connection factory and create a connection. Any leads or sample codes will be useful.

I have just done that recently. Steps I've taken
Read Java JMS tutorials to understand what is JMS.
You can code in Java or use a framework for example - Spring JMS
Read about MQ provider docs. for example activeMQ or IBM MQ.


Spring Integration - ActiveMQ to Kafka

I am currently trying to write an adapter which will consume messages from ActiveMQ and publish it to Kafka.
I am thinking of using spring integration to integrate these two messaging systems.
My problem is that my application will not maintain registry of the Models using which many applications will publish the records to activeMQ. I want to receive these javax jms message and want to perform some transformation like adding jmscorrelationId into kafka message.
ALso, another requirement is to send acknowledgement to active mq only when kafka send/publish is successfull.
Can ack be send back to activemq using spring integration?
Will spring integration be a good option?
Kindly note my tech architect is not in favor of using Camel/Mule. Also, he does not want to use Kafka Connect as i was planning to use Kafka connect source.
Please suggest.
The Spring Integration Kafka extension project has a sync mode for publishing, which will block the thread until Kafka confirms delivery (or throw an exception on a failure).
The JMS inbound gateway can be used to return a reply to a JMS queue.
You can add transformers (or whatever) in the flow to modify the message.

Multiple ways to configure MQ or ActiveMQ Listener

Can someone explain different ways of configuring message listener.
I know two ways:
Spring Jms Listener
EJB MDB way.
Are there any other ways (should be applicable to both IBM MQ and Active MQ)?
For the first question, your proposed ways are good ones with Camel JMS.
For the second question take a look at Java JMS mix messaging implementations
if you want to use the same client without changing anything you have to use AMQP ptotocol wich is designed for this.
here is 2 examples :
ActiveMQ AMQP with JMS transformer leveraging spring Integration
Unable to access ActiveMQ using JMS based code and amqp 1.0

Configure hornetq on Wildfly8 to send messages on JMS queue

I have recently started using Wildfly 8 and noticed that Wildfly8 has a built-in JMS utility called Hornetq. My question is, how can I configure hornetq to send and receive message on a JMS queue using Wildfly8 server?
There are a number of good tutorials on the net about how to use HornetQ (JMS) from within Widlfly, I like this one for JMS 2.0:
Here is the hello world example from Wildfly themselves, illustrating how to implement an MDB and the respective listeners and topics:
That page describes everything in excellent detail and demonstrates the use of JMS 2.0 and EJB 3.2 Message-Driven Bean in WildFly 8. The project is runnable with maven and creates two JMS resources:
A queue named HELLOWORLDMDBQueue bound in JNDI as java:/queue/HELLOWORLDMDBQueue
A topic named HELLOWORLDMDBTopic bound in JNDI as java:/topic/HELLOWORLDMDBTopic
If you are having trouble with configuration of queues etc. in the standalone, the docs here are actually quite helpful as well:

Trying to use jms publisher/subscriber in jmeter to connect to IBM MQ

We have been using jms point-to-point sampler in jmeter to post an xml based request to the MQ. Since then our application has changed and now the messages that are posted to the MQ are Serialable objects created with spring integration. To have a test around this, we tried using jms publisher/subscriber. All the online support we tried is pointing to connection to ActiveMQ. Has anyone tried using jms published to post object message to and IBM MQ?
The online approach gives you all the elements to switch to IBM MQ.
You would need to:
put IBM MQ jars in lib folder of jmeter
Find the infos needed for :
This will help you:

How does the JMS API work with ActiveMQ

NEWBIE Question here, maybe I am way off...
When I send a JMS text message to an ActiveMQ topic using the activemq-all jar, is a JMS message actually sent over the wire, or does ActiveMQ actually map/transform the message to pure AMQP?
JMS is an API specification and not a wire level protocol specification. It defines a set of APIs a Messaging provider must implement to call the messaging provider a JMS provider. How the JMS APIs are implemented is internal to the implementer. ActiveMQ might(or does) use AMQP protocol under the hood to implement JMS APIs. Others, for example, IBM MQ uses it's own proprietary protocol.
