How to install Rabbitvcs on centos7? - user-interface

I'm used to tortoise SVN. But after switching to centos 7 it is very difficult to use it without GUI. Please Help me install RabbitVCS instead.

The below instructions worked for me in May 2019. YMMV.
Install EPEL Release
export http_proxy=http://{proxyhost}:{port}
sudo yum install epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
Install Pre-requisites
sudo yum install meld pysvn python-dulwich python-simplejson
Fetch RabbitVCS packages
export ftp_proxy=$http_proxy
Install RabbitVCS packages
sudo yum install rabbitvcs-core-0.17.1-3.2.noarch.rpm
sudo yum install rabbitvcs-cli-0.17.1-3.2.noarch.rpm
sudo yum install python2-rabbitvcs-0.17.1-3.2.noarch.rpm
sudo yum install rabbitvcs-nautilus-0.17.1-3.2.noarch.rpm
sudo reboot
Open File Manager and you can see RabbitVCS Menu
If the above rpm ftp locations become stale, goto and search for the following packages with Centos 7 filter -
You may find these packages at other locations too
NOTE: You may sometimes require these pre-requisite packages too pygtk, python-configobj, python-gobject, python-gtkspell, python-svn

I had same problem when working with centos7, ended up using thunar instead of nautilus. See stackexchange and github issue.
I have successfully build rabbitVCS following steps from the and then copied the nautilus extension.


.sh script to install vscode and newrelic

I am using FAI to make a custom Debian installer. I am trying to make a script to install vscode and newrelic.
sudo apt install ./code_1.74.2-1671533413_amd64.deb
sudo apt install apt-transport-https
sudo apt update
sudo apt install code
Could I have help on installing the newrelic monitoring tool for Debian and improve the VS Code download?
Thank you!
I already tried the vs code install script and it did not work.

Can i install Rstudio in kali linux?

I have installed anaconda on my kali linux OS. I am getting Rstudio as an option to install on navigator but when I click on it, it just loads and there is no progress. I even used terminal to do so, but it just points out some problems and is unable to fix it. I can't even find an option on Rstudio website to install for kali linux OS.
Use the following command to install Rstudio on Kali linux:
sudo apt update<br>
sudo apt -y upgrade<br>
sudo apt -y install r-base<br>
sudo apt install ./rstudio-1.2.5042-amd64.deb<br>
If you encounter any dependency problems, run:
sudo apt -f install
For starting Rstudio, run:<br>
$ rstudio

Can not find the shared

everyone. I'm try to used Dask with Distributed + HDFS for processing some files. when I installed the distributed try to install the HDFS3 plugins, the error was :
Can not find the shared
My environment is Ubuntu 16 Desktop version. I strict according to bewlo, but still not working. Hope someone can help! Thanks a lot
conda install hdfs3 -c conda-forge
echo "deb trusty contrib" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bintray-wangzw-deb.list
sudo apt-get install -y apt-transport-https
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libhdfs3 libhdfs3-dev
pip install hdfs3
If you are not using conda and you are using pip, you can also face this error
Can not find the shared
To ensure requirements in this page
solved my problem.
There are packages that you should install, if you are installing with pip:
cmake (2.8+)
boost (tested on 1.53+)
google protobuf
libgsasl (need
P.S.: OS: Centos7
Since no one answers this question and I figure out the solution by myself , at least it works for me.
conda install libhdfs3
pip install libhdfs3
conda install -c clinicalgraphics libgcrypt11
conda install libprotobuf=2.5
conda update libhdfs3
if still not work try to update.

Installation of Rstudio for ubuntu

I want to install Rstudio for ubuntu, so I used the link after that I choosen RStudio 0.99.893 - Ubuntu 12.04+/Debian 8+ (64-bit) then I opened with Ubuntu software center. In that I clicked the install button I got error box like this,
Requires installation of untrusted packages
This requires installing packages from unauthenticated sources.
How to solve this problem?
The unauthenticated package required by RStudio is libjpeg62, so install the package separately and then install rstudio from software center
In the terminal run the following for installing libjpeg62
sudo apt-get install --allow-unauthenticated libjpeg62
Then go back to installing rstudio.
Note: you need to install r interpretor along with rstudio this you can do by following
sudo apt-get install r-base
# Install R and RStudio on Ubuntu 14.04
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install r-base
sudo apt-get install r-base-dev
# Download and Install RStudio
sudo apt-get install gdebi-core
sudo gdebi rstudio-1.0.44-amd64.deb
Runs following commands :
In order to install RStudio on Ubuntu 18.04 we will first need to install the r-base package. Open up terminal and enter:
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt -y install r-base
To install DEB file on Ubuntu Linux is by using the gdebi command.
In case gdebi is not available on your system you can install it by executing the bellow command:
$ sudo apt install gdebi-core
All Package(builds) are available : in this link or link. You can select different package.
I had download and install : rstudio-xenial-1.1.463-amd64.deb build(package) from above in this link.
$ wget
$ sudo gdebi rstudio-xenial-1.1.463-amd64.deb
To Start R-Studdio from following command :
$ rstudio

how to start scrapyd server on EC2 instance

I have setup an instance on aws. Now I want to start scrapyd on a particular port. according to documentation
aptitude install scrapyd-X.YY
but aptitude is not found. I have tried to installing aptitude using yum but there is no match found (may be it only works with apt-get, but I have yum ap-get is also missing)
can any one please help me that is there any other way to do this ??
If you first install pip:
sudo yum install python-pip
you can use pip to install scrapyd like so
pip install scrapyd
You are using an yum based OS, not an apt based OS. Forget any commands that involve apt or a variation thereof.
Skip the steps you've already done:
yum install python
yum install python-pip
yum install libxml2-python
pip install Scrapy
As for libxml2-python, keep in mind that "versions prior to 2.6.28 are known to have problems parsing certain malformed HTML, and have also been reported to contain leaks, so 2.6.28 or above is highly recommended"
