What is the Cocoa method for doing the Carbon FSExchangeObjectsCompat call? - macos

There was this great function in the old MoreFilesX, FSExchangeObjectsCompat, that "exchanges the data between two files". It was typically used as part of a safe-save approach, where a temp file was written out, then FSExchangeObjectsCompat was called to exchange the newly-saved temp file with the old "original" file. It preserved all the metadata, privileges, etc.
I'm seeing a failure with this function on High Sierra, on APFS volumes, which never failed on HFS+ volumes. Not a big surprise -- many of those calls are deprecated.
But what is the Cocoa NSFileManager method of doing the same thing?

You want -[NSFileManager replaceItemAtURL:withItemAtURL:backupItemName:options:resultingItemURL:error:].

You can do something similar using lower-level functions. Here's code I wrote to be used with a pre-10.12 SDK. You can make it somewhat simpler if you compile against the 10.12 SDK or later, and even simpler if you have a deployment target that is 10.12 or later.
#define RENAME_SWAP 0x00000002
#function ExchangeFiles
#abstract Given full paths to two files on the same volume,
swap their contents.
#discussion This is often part of a safe-save strategy.
#param inOldFile Full path to a file.
#param inNewFile Full path to a file.
#result 0 if all went well, -1 otherwise.
int ExchangeFiles( const char* inOldFile, const char* inNewFile )
int result = -1;
static dispatch_once_t sOnce = 0;
static renameFuncType sRenameFunc = NULL;
// Try to get a function pointer to renamex_np, which is available in OS 10.12 and later.
dispatch_once( &sOnce,
sRenameFunc = (renameFuncType) dlsym( RTLD_DEFAULT, "renamex_np" );
// renamex_np is only available on OS 10.12 and later, and does not work on HFS+ volumes
// but does work on APFS volumes. Being the latest and greatest, we try it first.
if (sRenameFunc != NULL)
result = (*sRenameFunc)( inOldFile, inNewFile, RENAME_SWAP );
if (result != 0)
// exchangedata is an older function that works on HFS+ but not APFS.
result = exchangedata( inOldFile, inNewFile, 0 );
if (result != 0)
// Neither function worked, we must go old school.
std::string nameTemplate( inOldFile );
nameTemplate += "-swapXXXX";
// Make a mutable copy of the template
std::vector<char> workPath( nameTemplate.size() + 1 );
memcpy( &workPath[0], nameTemplate.c_str(), nameTemplate.size() + 1 );
mktemp( &workPath[0] );
std::string tempPath( &workPath[0] );
// Make the old file have a temporary name
result = rename( inOldFile, tempPath.c_str() );
// Put the new file data under the old name.
if (result == 0)
result = rename( inNewFile, inOldFile );
// Put the old data under the new name.
if (result == 0)
result = rename( tempPath.c_str(), inNewFile );
return result;


std::vector erase issue with MSVC 2010

I have a class defined that just holds the data (different types of data). I also have std::vector that holds a pointers to objects of this class.
Something like this:
class Foo
class Bar
std::vector<Foo *> m_fooVector;
At one point of time in my program I want to remove an element from this vector. And so I write following:
for (std::vector<Foo *>::iterator it = m_fooVector.begin(); it <= m_fooVector.end(); )
if( checking it condition is true )
delete (*it);
(*it) = NULL;
m_fooVector.erase( it );
The problem is that the erase operation fails. When I open the debugger I still see this element inside the vector and when the program finishes it crashes because the element is half way here.
In another function I am trying to remove the simple std::wstring from the vector and everything works fine - string is removed and the size of the vector decreased.
What could be the problem for such behavior? I could of course try to check the erase function in MSVC standard library, but I don't even know where to start.
Your loop is incorrect:
for (std::vector<Foo *>::iterator it = m_fooVector.begin(); it != m_fooVector.end(); )
if (/*checking it condition is true*/)
delete *it;
// *it = NULL; // Not needed
it = m_fooVector.erase(it);
} else {
Traditional way is erase-remove idiom, but as you have to call delete first (smart pointer would avoid this issue), you might use std::partition instead of std::remove:
auto it = std::partition(m_fooVector.begin(), m_fooVector.end(), ShouldBeKeptFunc);
for (std::vector<Foo *>::iterator it = m_fooVector.begin(); it != m_fooVector.end(); ++it) {
delete *it;
m_fooVector.erase(it, m_fooVector.end());

New Tango 3D Reconstruction API

I use the new 3D reconstruction API's (MIRA release). I have a problem when a call the Tango3DR_update function. It returns TANGO_3DR_INVALID code when I set the parameters associated with an image camera (const Tango3DR_ImageBuffer * image * const Tango3DR_Pose image_pose, Tango3DR_CameraCalibration const * calibration). I have checked my parameters, they seem to be correct. When I call this function without image parameters, this to work properly ... Is this a known bug?
thank you in advance for your answers.
TLDR; The support library ImageBufferManager has a bug with strides. Do color_image.stride = image_buffer->width; when creating your Tango3DR_ImageBuffer.
I think there are two things :
Image Format
First, you have to make sure to use the TANGO_HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YCrCb_420_SP. You can do that by using the ImageBufferManager from the support library.
ImageBufferManager and strides
Second, there is a catch if you use the support library ImageBufferManager though. TangoSupport_getLatestImageBuffer seems to fail to initialize the stride of the returned image (I got 0 and some other very large values) which the 3DR library doesn't like. The original TangoImageBuffer from OnColorAvailable has stride=1280 (=image_width) and forcing that value on the TangoImageBuffer returned
from the ImageBufferManager seems to fix the issue. I believe this is a bug in ImageBufferManager.
This means doing
color_image.stride = image_buffer->width;
instead of
color_image.stride = image_buffer->stride
when creating the Tango3DR_ImageBuffer.
Full code example
I got it working with the following code in my Render method :
TangoImageBuffer* image_buffer;
ret = TangoSupport_getLatestImageBuffer(
image_buffer_manager_, &image_buffer);
if (ret != TANGO_SUCCESS) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error in TangoSupport_getLatestImageBuffer";
Tango3DR_ImageBuffer color_image;
color_image.width = image_buffer->width;
color_image.height = image_buffer->height;
// VERY Important - The support library ImageBufferManager seems to have
// a bug where it will always put the stride of the returned buffer
// at 0, which causes 3DR to fail
color_image.stride = image_buffer->width;
color_image.timestamp = image_buffer->timestamp;
color_image.format = (Tango3DR_ImageFormatType)image_buffer->format;
color_image.data = image_buffer->data;
ret = Tango3DR_update(
I am using the ImageManager from the support library. So my OnColorAvailable looks like that
void SynchronizationApplication::OnColorAvailable(
const TangoImageBuffer* buffer) {
if (tango_3dr_enabled_ && tango_3dr_use_color_) {
TangoErrorType ret = TangoSupport_updateImageBuffer(
image_buffer_manager_, buffer);
if (ret != TANGO_SUCCESS) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error in TangoSupport_updatePointCloud";
And the image_buffer_manager_ is initialized as follow (the pixel format might be important).
I am copying the calibration as follow :
void CopyCalibrationTangoTo3DR(const TangoCameraIntrinsics& tango,
Tango3DR_CameraCalibration* out) {
out->calibration_type =
out->cx = tango.cx;
out->cy = tango.cy;
memcpy(out->distortion, tango.distortion, sizeof(double) * 5);
out->fx = tango.fx;
out->fy = tango.fy;
out->height = tango.height;
out->width = tango.width;

Creating N number of instances of MFC application

Can someone please tell me how to go about creating a maximum of N instances of an application in MFC?
Also, if N instances are running, and one instance gets closed, then one new instance can be created (but no more than N instances can run at any one time).
Thank you in advance.
You can create a global semaphore that up to n process instances can enter. The n+1 th instance of your process will fail to enter the semaphore. Of course you should select a short timeout for the locking operation so you can present a meaningful feedback to the user.
For the semaphore stuff you can take a look at MSDN.
I'd use lock files. In your CMyApp::InitInstance() add:
CString Path;
// better get the path to the global app data or local user app data folder,
// depending on if you want to allow the three instances machine-wide or per user.
// Windows' file system virtualization will make GetModuleFileName() per user:
DWORD dw = GetModuleFileName(m_hInstance,
Path.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH), MAX_PATH);
// strip "exe" from filename and replace it with "lock"
Path = Path.Left(Path.GetLength()-3) + T("lock");
int i;
// better have the locking file in your class and do a clean Close on ExitInstance()!
CFile *pLockingFile = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) // restrict to three instances
CString Counter;
Counter.Format(T("%d"), i);
pLockingFile = new CFile(Path + Counter,
break; // got an instance slot
CATCH( CFileException, e )
// maybe do something else here, if file open fails
if (i >= 3)
return TRUE; // close instance, no slot available
Edit: To lock the software machine-wide, retrieve the common app folder using the following function instead of calling GetModuleFileName().
#pragma warning(disable: 4996) // no risk, no fun
BOOL GetCommonAppDataPath(char *path)
*path = '\0';
if (SHGetSpecialFolderPath(NULL, path, CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA, TRUE))
strcat(path, T("\\MyApplication")); // usually found under C:\ProgramData\MyApplication
DWORD dwFileStat = GetFileAttributes(path);
if (dwFileStat == 0xffffffff) // no MyApplication directory yet?
CreateDirectory(path, NULL); // create it
dwFileStat = GetFileAttributes(path); // 2nd try, just to be sure
if (dwFileStat == 0xffffffff || !(dwFileStat & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY))
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
Note: This will only work from Vista on. If you have XP, writing to a global directory is an easy task, e.g. C:\Windows\Temp. I have put the function in a helper dll I only load if the OS is Vista or higher. Otherwise your software won't start because of unresolved references in system dlls.

Which WinAPI function checks permissions of a specific file/folder? [duplicate]

In win32 c++; is there a way to determine if a folder/file is accessible? You know how if you try to access a certain folder in the C:/Windows directory & you will get a popup saying "This folder is not accessible".
Maybe there is a file attribute constant that signifies that the file is private? Maybe something like FILE_ATTRIBUTE_PRIVATE?
WIN32_FIND_DATA dirData;
while (FindNextFile( dir, &dirData ) != 0 )
// I made the following constant up
if ( !(fileData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_PRIVATE) )
// file is accessible so store filepath
files.push_back( fileData.cFileName );
else // file is not accessible so dont store
Or is the only way to know by going:
dir = FindFirstFileEx( (LPCTSTR)directory.c_str(), FindExInfoStandard, &dirData, FindExSearchNameMatch, NULL, 0 );
if ( dir == ??? ) { the file is inaccessible } [/code]
Best thing to do is just try to access it.
You can calculate the access granted by the access control list for a particular user account, but this is quite complicated, and the permission could change after you do the access check. So just open the file and handle access denied errors.
It wouldn't be a flag on the file itself because different accounts may have access to different files/directories. Instead, windows uses ACL's (access control lists), which are data structures that determine who has access to what.
ACLs in windows can be used with just about anything that is referred to by a handle (files, directories, processes, mutexes, named pipes...). You can view file ACLs by going to properties of a file and view "Security" tab.
So in your app you don't really want to check for a flag, but to compare file's ACL against the user account under which your app is running. Check out AccessCheck Win32 function. I think it's exactly what you are looking for.
Personally, I've never used that function, but if you are looking for Win32 solution and you want a function call, that's probably your best bet. However, as others have pointed out, it might be too complicated. I've always used _access (or _waccess) which is part of CRT, uber easy to use, and you don't take a performance hit of acquiring a file handle only to close it (depending on how tight your loop is, those calls can actually add up).
int _access(
const char *path,
int mode
Simple to use:
Yes Aaron Ballman you are a boss! Oh man oh man! Which I could use some useful expletives to expressives my joy right now.
https://blog.aaronballman.com/2011/08/how-to-check-access-rights/ is a link to the example of checking accesss rights in win32 on a fpath. And the explanation behind the poorly documented AccessCheck win32 function. Below is the code.
bool canAccessPath( LPCTSTR folderName, DWORD genericAccessRights )
bool bRet = 0;
DWORD length = 0;
PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR security = static_cast< PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR >( ::malloc( length ) );
if (security && ::GetFileSecurity( folderName, OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION|GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION|DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, security, length, &length ))
HANDLE hImpersonatedToken = NULL;
if (::DuplicateToken( hToken, SecurityImpersonation, &hImpersonatedToken ))
PRIVILEGE_SET privileges = { 0 };
DWORD grantedAccess = 0, privilegesLength = sizeof( privileges );
BOOL result = FALSE;
mapping.GenericRead = FILE_GENERIC_READ;
mapping.GenericWrite = FILE_GENERIC_WRITE;
mapping.GenericExecute = FILE_GENERIC_EXECUTE;
mapping.GenericAll = FILE_ALL_ACCESS;
::MapGenericMask( &genericAccessRights, &mapping );
if (::AccessCheck( security, hImpersonatedToken, genericAccessRights,
&mapping, &privileges, &privilegesLength, &grantedAccess, &result ))
bRet = result == TRUE;
::CloseHandle( hImpersonatedToken );
::CloseHandle( hToken );
::free( security );
return bRet;
Don't be shy to pop into his website and check out his work. I am sure he has more interesting stuff.

How to get the length of signing segment of a signed windows executable

My program is combined with some additional data at the end of the original exe. The program would extract the additional data to disk when running the program.
However my program can't get the right offset of the appended data after signing the combined executable program.
I compared the signed exe and the original exe, the signing information is appended at the end of the exe. So I'm looking for a Win32 API to get the length of signing segment from the signed program. After that, my program could find the right offset of combined data, then extract them correctly.
Could anyone give me a hint?
I find a tool named PEDump(written by Matt Pietrek for his book) with source code to demonstrate how to get the size of signing information.
Below is the code extracted from PEDump for my purpose,
// MakePtr is a macro that allows you to easily add to values (including
// pointers) together without dealing with C's pointer arithmetic. It
// essentially treats the last two parameters as DWORDs. The first
// parameter is used to typecast the result to the appropriate pointer type.
#define MakePtr( cast, ptr, addValue ) (cast)( (DWORD)(ptr) + (DWORD)(addValue))
// Names of the data directory elements that are defined
const char *ImageDirectoryNames[] = {
"BOUND_IMPORT", "IAT", // These two entries added for NT 3.51
"DELAY_IMPORT" }; // This entry added in NT 5
(sizeof(ImageDirectoryNames)/sizeof(char *))
HANDLE hFile = (HANDLE)_get_osfhandle(_fileno(getProgramFile()));
HANDLE hFileMapping = CreateFileMapping(hFile, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, NULL);
if ( hFileMapping == 0 )
printf("%s", "Couldn't open file mapping with CreateFileMapping()\n");
} else {
LPVOID lpFileBase = MapViewOfFile(hFileMapping, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0);
if ( lpFileBase == 0 )
printf("%s", "Couldn't map view of file with MapViewOfFile()\n");
} else {
// it's EXE file
if ( dosHeader->e_magic == IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE )
DWORD base = (DWORD)dosHeader;
pNTHeader = MakePtr( PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS, dosHeader, dosHeader->e_lfanew );
for ( int i=0; i < optionalHeader->NumberOfRvaAndSizes; i++)
// DataDirectory[4] represents security directory
if ( 4 == i ) {
signingLength = optionalHeader->DataDirectory[i].Size;
Put a long signature line before and after your data, and then just search for those lines at the expected offsets.
