Mikrotik router scheduled entry, schedule a firewall rule, using either WebFig or WinBbox - mikrotik

It is not clear how to enter a duration when scheduling a firewall rule.
In particular I am trying to enter a firewall rule that should only be
active at certain times of the day.
The starting value is a time entry that is uses 24 hour notation.
The end value is not clear on how to enter values.
The default value for this field is "1d 00:00:00".

The starting field is a set time using 24 hour notation, and the ending field value is a duration, in this format:
days, hours minutes and seconds.
"days" "hours":"minutes":"seconds"
1d 8h:23:00
This means from the start time "plus" 1 day, 8 hours and 23 minutes.


What is "INTERVAL=0" means in Oracle Schedular?

My Oracle DBA have setup a task with following repeat_interval:
Start Date :"30/JAN/20 08:00AM"
Repeat_interval: "FREQ=DAILY; INTERVAL=0; BYMINUTE=15"
Can I ask what is "Interval=0" means?
Does it means this task will run daily from 8AM, and will repeat every 15 mins until success?
I tried to get the answer from Google, but what I find is what is Interval=1, but nothing for 0.
So would be great if anyone can share me some light here.
Thanks in advance!
INTERVAL is the number of increments of the FREQ value between executions. I believe in this case that a value of 0 or 1 would be the same. The schedule as shown would execute once per day (FREQ=DAILY), at approximately 15 minutes past a random hour (BYMINUTE=15, but BYHOUR and BYSECOND are not set).
Schedule has nothing to do with whether or not the previous execution succeeded or not. Start Date is only the date at which the job was enabled, not when it actually starts processing.
If you want it to run every 15 minutes from the moment you enable it, you should set as follows:
If you want it to run exactly on the quarter hour, then this:
If you want it to run every day at 8am, then this:

Find the difference between 2 dates and check if smaller than a given value

my issue is that I want to be able to get two time stamps and compare if the second (later taken) one is less than 59 minutes away from the first one.
Following this thread Compare two dates with JavaScript
the date object may do the job.
but first thing i am not happy with is that it takes the time from my system.
is it possible to get the time from some public server or something?
cause there always is a chance that the system clock gets manipulated within the time stamps, so that would be too unreliable.
some outside source would be great.
then i am not too sure how to get the difference between 2 times (using 2 date objects).
many issue that may pop up:
time being something like 3:59 and 6:12
so just comparing minutes would give the wrong idea.
so we consider hours too.
biut there the issue with the modulo 24.
day 3 23:59 and day 4 0:33 wouldnt be viewed proper either.
so including days too.
then the modulo 30 thing, even though that on top changes month for month.
so month and year to be included as well.
so we would need the whole date, everything from current year to second (because second would be nice too, for precision)
and comparing them would require tons of if clauses for year, month, etc.
do the date objects have some predfeined date comparision function that actually keeps all these things in mind (havent even mentioned leap years yet, have I)?
time would be very important cause exactly at the 59 minutes mark (+-max 5 seconds wouldnt matter but getting rmeitely close to 60 is forbidden)
a certain function would have to be used that without fail closes a website.
script opens website at mark 0 min, does some stuff rinse and repeat style and closes page at 59 min mark.
checking the time like every few seconds would be smart.
Any good ideas how to implement such a time comparision that doesnt take too more computer power yet is efficient as in new month starting and stuff doesnt mess it up?
You can compare the two Date times, but when creating a date time there is a parameter of DateTime(value) which you can use.
You can use this API to get the current UTC time which returns a example JSON array like this:
So you can use either the currentFileTime or the currentDateTime return from that API to construct your date object.
const date1 = new Date('2019-11-09T21:12Z') // time when I started writing this answer
const date2 = new Date('2019-11-09T21:16Z') // time when I finished writing this answer
const diff = new Date(date2-date1)
console.log(diff.toTimeString()) // time it took me to write this
Please keep in mind that due to network speeds, the time API will be a little bit off (by a few milliseconds)

How to set up nested IFS in google sheets when working with DURATION

I have been asked to set up a Google Sheet for a billing department with the following requirements
Start Time
End Time
These will be formatted using TIME
The Request is to take the duration output (End Time-Start Time) and make"Billable Time" by automatically appling these rules
If Duration is less than 60 minutes, then set Billable Time to 60 minutes
If Duration is more than 60 minutes, but less than 90 minutes, then set Billable Time to 90 minutes
If Duration is more than 90 minutes, then set Billable Time to the nearest quarter hour (15 minutes) rounding up.
My Current Formula is: =IF(AND(TIME(1,0,0)>=(C2-B2),TIME(1,0,0),IF(AND(TIME(1,30,0)>=(C2-B2),TIME(1,30,0),IF(AND(TIME(1,30,0)>(C2-B2),CEILING(C2-B2,TIME(0,15,0))))))))
Where B2 is the Start Time and C2 is the End Time
But I get the error
Wrong number of arguments to IF. Expected between 2 and 3 arguments, but got 1 arguments.
I've had some success with this formula but I can't seem to get the time values to work
=IFS(value(C2-B2)=0," ",value(C2-B2)<=60,"60",value(C2-B2)<=90,"90",value(C2-B2)>90,ceiling(C2-B2,"00:15"))
=IF(C2-B2<=0.04166666667, 0.04166666667,
IF(C2-B2<=0.0625, 0.0625,
IF(C2-B2>0.0625, CEILING(C2-B2, 0.01041666667))))
note: all 3 cells formatted as TIME
=IF(C2-B2<=0.04166666667, TEXT(0.04166666667, "hh:mm"),
IF(C2-B2<=0.0625, TEXT(0.0625, "hh:mm"),
IF(C2-B2>0.0625, TEXT(CEILING(C2-B2, 0.01041666667), "hh:mm"))))
note: all 3 cells formatted as AUTOMATIC

How can we schedule nifi data flow ? I'm using HDP 2.5

I want to schedule data flow in daily base through nifi.
For Example,
I need to run schedule on 9.00 AM in every morning.
Can anyone tell me what is procedure to make schedule data flow
There are three scheduling strategy available, see below details
Timer driven: This is the default mode. The Processor will be scheduled to run on a regular interval. The interval at which the Processor is run is defined by the ‘Run schedule’ option (see below).
Event driven: When this mode is selected, the Processor will be triggered to run by an event, and that event occurs when FlowFiles enter Connections feeding this Processor. This mode is currently considered experimental and is not supported by all Processors. When this mode is selected, the ‘Run schedule’ option is not configurable, as the Processor is not triggered to run periodically but as the result of an event. Additionally, this is the only mode for which the ‘Concurrent tasks’ option can be set to 0. In this case, the number of threads is limited only by the size of the Event-Driven Thread Pool that the administrator has configured.
CRON driven: When using the CRON driven scheduling mode, the Processor is scheduled to run periodically, similar to the Timer driven scheduling mode. However, the CRON driven mode provides significantly more flexibility at the expense of increasing the complexity of the configuration. The CRON driven scheduling value is a string of six required fields and one optional field, each separated by a space.
You typically specify values one of the following ways:
Number: Specify one or more valid value. You can enter more than one value using a comma-separated list.
Range: Specify a range using the - syntax.
Increment: Specify an increment using / syntax. For example, in the Minutes field, 0/15 indicates the minutes 0, 15, 30, and 45.
You should also be aware of several valid special characters:
* — Indicates that all values are valid for that field.
?  — Indicates that no specific value is specified. This special character is valid in the Days of Month and Days of Week field.
L  — You can append L to one of the Day of Week values, to specify the last occurrence of this day in the month. For example, 1L indicates the last Sunday of the month.
For example:
The string 0 0 13 * * ? indicates that you want to schedule the processor to run at 1:00 PM every day.
The string 0 20 14 ? * MON-FRI indicates that you want to schedule the processor to run at 2:20 PM every Monday through Friday.
The string 0 15 10 ? * 6L 2011-2017 indicates that you want to schedule the processor to run at 10:15 AM, on the last Friday of every month, between 2011 and 2017.
For your schedule time should be like below;
0109*?** - this meaning every 1 seconds 09 minutes is morning 9 AM other * fields run every day and month.
I hope it helps you!!!
Scheduling Strategy: CRON driven
Run Schedule: 0 0 9 * * ? *

CRON: Run job on particular hours

I have a spring batch application and i am using CRON to set how often this application runs. But the problem i am running into is that i want to run the job on specific hours
3 am
7 am
11 am
3 pm
7 pm
11 pm
As you can see it is every 4 hours but starts at 3 am so i cannot use */4 in the hours section of the timing format as this would start the job at 4am
I have also tried '3,7,11,15,19,23' in the hours section but this does not work either (guessing it only works in the minutes section). Does someone know how i can do this?
#Scedule(cron="0 0 3/4 * * ?")
The Pattern x/y means: where <timepart> mod y = x
#Scedule(cron="0 0 3,7,11,15,19,21 * * ?")
According to the Quartz Cron Trigger Tutorial:
The '/' character can be used to specify increments to values. For
example, if you put '0/15' in the Minutes field, it means 'every 15th
minute of the hour, starting at minute zero'. If you used '3/20' in
the Minutes field, it would mean 'every 20th minute of the hour,
starting at minute three' - or in other words it is the same as
specifying '3,23,43' in the Minutes field. Note the subtlety that
"/35" does *not mean "every 35 minutes" - it mean "every 35th minute
of the hour, starting at minute zero" - or in other words the same as
specifying '0,35'.
0 0 3,7,11,15,19,23 * * ?
Fires for 0 minute starting at 3am and ending at 23:00 pm every day.
judging by the two answers above the error i was making was i was keeping the apostrophe at the start and end of my hours... very silly
i managed to solve this by using 3-23/4 for the hour as this starts from 3am and then every other fourth hour (just a different way of doing it to the other answers)
