Missing Separator when using shell function? - shell

I'm working on Solaris 11, fully patched. I'm trying to determine if the compiler supports an ISA by dumping preprocessor macros under the ISA.
Make is dying due to a Missing Separator. I'm having trouble finding information about the Missing Separator error when used with GNU make's shell function.
Here is the reduced case. There are no spaces, so its not a space/tab problem like in Make error: missing separator and friends.
$ cat -n GNUmakefile-test
1 EGREP ?= egrep
2 SUN_COMPILER := $(shell $(CXX) -V 2>&1 | $(EGREP) -i -c "CC: (Sun|Studio)")
4 # Begin SunCC
5 ifeq ($(SUN_COMPILER),1)
6 $(info "Sun compiler")
7 $(shell $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -E -xarch=ssse3 -xdumpmacros /dev/null 2>/dev/null)
8 ifeq ($(.SHELLSTATUS),0)
9 $(info "SSSE3")
10 SSSE3_FLAG = -xarch=ssse3 -D__SSSE3__=1
11 endif
12 endif
13 # End SunCC
15 all:
16 $(info "Do nothing")
The idea above is, SunCC does not provide macros for an ISA, like __AES__ or __SHA__. However, SunCC will error if the ISA is not supported, like -xarch=sha on SunCC 12.4. If I don't get an error, then I know the compiler supports the ISA, like -xarch=aes on SunCC 12.4. If there's an error I can fetch it from .SHELLSTATUS. (SunCC is not like Clang, GCC, Intel ICC, or MSVC in this area).
Here is the result:
$ CXX=/opt/solarisstudio12.4/bin/CC gmake -f GNUmakefile-test
"Sun compiler"
GNUmakefile-test:7: *** missing separator. Stop.
Where is the missing separator? Or, what is the real error that make is not reporting? Maybe something else?
My apologies for asking this question given how many times its been asked before.
I added tabs in an attempt to appease make. It produced the same error.
$ cat -n GNUmakefile-test
1 EGREP ?= egrep
2 SUN_COMPILER := $(shell $(CXX) -V 2>&1 | $(EGREP) -i -c "CC: (Sun|Studio)")
4 # Begin SunCC
5 ifeq ($(SUN_COMPILER),1)
6 $(info "Sun compiler")
7 $(shell $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -E -xarch=ssse3 -xdumpmacros /dev/null 2>/dev/null)
8 ifeq ($(.SHELLSTATUS),0)
9 $(info "SSSE3")
10 SSSE3_FLAG = -xarch=ssse3 -D__SSSE3__=1
11 endif
12 endif
13 # End SunCC
15 all:
16 $(info "Do nothing")

The way the shell function works (as discussed in the manual) is that it runs the command, and then it expands to the output of the command. That's why, when you see:
SUN_COMPILER := $(shell $(CXX) -V 2>&1 | $(EGREP) -i -c "CC: (Sun|Studio)")
the variable SUN_COMPILER is set to the output of that shell command.
So when you write this:
$(shell $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -E -xarch=ssse3 -xdumpmacros /dev/null 2>/dev/null)
the command is run, then the output is substituted. After that, make tries to parse the results as make syntax. But the output of that command is clearly NOT make syntax, so you get this error.
If you don't care about the output and only care about the exit code, you need to either throw away the output:
$(shell $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -E -xarch=ssse3 -xdumpmacros /dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1)
or else assign it to a dummy variable:
_x := $(shell $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -E -xarch=ssse3 -xdumpmacros /dev/null 2>/dev/null)
so that make assigns the result to a variable rather than thinking it's make syntax.

We decided to avoid .SHELLSTATUS since it seems to have some problems. We fell back to grep and the string "illegal value ignored".
ifeq ($(SUN_COMPILER),1)
COUNT := $(shell $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -E -xarch=ssse3 -xdumpmacros /dev/null 2>&1 | $(EGREP) -i -c "illegal value ignored")
ifeq ($(COUNT),0)
SSSE3_FLAG = -xarch=ssse3 -D__SSSE3__=1
ARIA_FLAG = -xarch=ssse3 -D__SSSE3__=1
COUNT := $(shell $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -E -xarch=sse4_2 -xdumpmacros /dev/null 2>&1 | $(EGREP) -i -c "illegal value ignored")
ifeq ($(COUNT),0)
BLAKE2_FLAG = -xarch=sse4_2 -D__SSE4_2__=1
CRC_FLAG = -xarch=sse4_2 -D__SSE4_2__=1
COUNT := $(shell $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -E -xarch=aes -xdumpmacros /dev/null 2>&1 | $(EGREP) -i -c "illegal value ignored")
ifeq ($(COUNT),0)
GCM_FLAG = -xarch=aes -D__PCLMUL__=1
AES_FLAG = -xarch=aes -D__AES__=1
COUNT := $(shell $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -E -xarch=sha -xdumpmacros /dev/null 2>&1 | $(EGREP) -i -c "illegal value ignored")
ifeq ($(COUNT),0)
SHA_FLAG = -xarch=sha -D__SHA__=1
# End SunCC
We are not sure about -xarch=sha. At the moment we are trying to figure out what is needed.


Makefile eval function causing unexpected end of file

I'm trying to increment a Makefile variable with eval function inside a rule (to do a fancy loading bar), by doing
$(eval COUNTER=$(shell echo $$(($(COUNTER) + 1))))
I found on internet that this is working for some people but this line causes me a Syntax Error: unexpected end of file, what should I do to increment my counter? Are there some non-horrific alternatives to this function, or a way to avoid this unexpected end of file? thanks for your help
Here is the entire Makefile I'm working on
SHELL = /bin/sh
.SUFFIXES = .c .h .o
NAME = Necklace
SRCD = src
INCD = inc
OBJD = .obj
SRC = $(addsuffix $(word 1, $(.SUFFIXES)),\
INC = $(addsuffix $(word 2, $(.SUFFIXES)),\
OBJ = $(SRC:$(word 1, $(.SUFFIXES))=$(word 3, $(.SUFFIXES)))
CC = gcc
CFLAGS = -Wall\
-I $(INCD)
COUNT = $(shell cat file.count 2>/dev/null)
COMPILED = $(shell echo $$(($(shell ls src/*$(word 1, $(.SUFFIXES)) | wc -l | tr -d ' ') - $(COUNT))))
define set
set = $(eval $1 := $2)
ifeq ($(COUNT),)
echo $(words $(SRC)) > file.count && $(MAKE) -n | grep $(CC) | wc -l | tr -d ' ' > tmp.txt && rm -f file.count && echo $$(($$(cat tmp.txt) - 1)) > file.count && make
all: $(NAME)
$(NAME): $(addprefix $(OBJD)/, $(OBJ)) | $(addprefix $(INCD)/, $(INC))
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $^ -o $#
mkdir $#
$(OBJD)/%.o: $(SRCD)/%.c | $(OBJD)
#printf '\r\033[2KCompiling [' && sh prc.sh $(COMPILED) $(COUNT) && printf ']' && $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $# && $(eval COMPILED:=$(shell echo $$(($(COMPILED) + 1)))) #Syntax Error is here
rm -rf $(OBJD)
fclean: clean
rm -rf $(NAME)
re: fclean all
I managed to do it by writing and reading the variable into a file instead of using Make variables

gnu makefile: shell function execution order in a recipe

I'm using $(shell ...) gnu make function in a Makefile recipe, and it runs first before the preceding rows. Why?
A very simple example:
.PHONY: all
#echo 1
#echo $(eval a=$(shell echo 2a 1>&2))2b
#echo 3 $(a)
The output is:
First runs the $(shell ...) line (2a), then the other lines.
How can I manage to run the $(shell ...) function when its row runs in the recipe, in this order?
Without $(shell ...) it works as I expected:
.PHONY: all
#echo 1
$(eval a=a)
#echo 2 $(a)
$(eval a=b)
#echo 3 $(a)
2 a
3 b
Edit 2:
Here is a part of the original Makefile. The pieces at >>> show the essence of my problem: I want to put the output of udisksctl into a make variable instead of file $#.loop (and do the same with $#.mount).
dd if=/dev/zero of=$#.ext2 bs=1 seek=$(PSIZEB) count=0 2>/dev/null
$(MKFSEXT2) -F $#.ext2 >/dev/null
dd if=$(word 2,$^) of=$#.ext2 conv=notrunc 2>/dev/null
cp $< $#
dd if=/dev/zero of=$# bs=1 seek=$(HDSIZEB) count=0 2>/dev/null
echo $(PFDISK) | $(TR) | $(FDISK) $# >/dev/null
dd if=$#.ext2 of=$# bs=512 seek=$(PSTART) conv=sparse,notrunc iflag=fullblock 2>/dev/null
>>> udisksctl loop-setup --file $# --offset $(PSTARTB) --size $(PSIZEB) >$#.loop
sed -i -e 's/.* //;s/\.//' $#.loop
cat $#.loop
>>> udisksctl mount --block-device $$(cat $#.loop) >$#.mount
sed -i -e 's/.* //;s/\.//' $#.mount
cat $#.mount
mkdir -p $$(cat $#.mount)/boot/
cp $(word 2,$^) $$(cat $#.mount)/boot/
#/sbin/filefrag -b512 -e /
udisksctl unmount --block-device $$(cat $#.loop)
udisksctl loop-delete --block-device $$(cat $#.loop)
rm $#.loop
When make runs a recipe, it first expands all variables/functions in it, and then runs the shell commands line by line.
You can work around that by executing every shell command with $(shell ...), or, in your case, by using $(info ...) instead of echo:
.PHONY: all
$(info 1)
$(info $(eval a=$(shell echo 2a 1>&2))2b)
$(info 3 $(a))
make: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
The Nothing to be done for 'all'. part is caused by the fact that after expanding the functions, the recipe is effectively empty (has 0 shell commands). Adding a no-op command (e.g. #true) to it removes the message.

Define target for recursive makefiles invocation

What I need: make LAUNCHMAKES target dependent on something in order to not invoke sub makefiles when no source file has been changed.
SUB MakeFile contains collecting of all .cpp files in the dir and stores them to the obj/. Then no src file changed it still invokes and engenders "Entering directory - Leaving directory". I need to get rid of it when there is no need.
I've read about --no-print-directory but it's not the case.
The project's structure:
| |----dir1
| | |----src1.cpp
| | `----Makefile
| |----dir2
| | |----src2.cpp
| | `----Makefile
| |----src1.o
| |----src2.o
| `----main.o
The code:
release: LAUNCHMAKES obj/main.o
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) main.o src1.o src2.o -o result
for i in $(SUBDIRS); do \
obj/main.o: project/main.cpp
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $#
Not a solution to your problem but an example of a non-recursive Makefile, just to show you how simple it could be for your simple example project:
SUBDIRS := dir1 dir2
OBJDIR := obj
SRCS := $(shell find . -type f -name '*.cpp')
OBJS := $(patsubst %.cpp,$(OBJDIR)/%.o,$(notdir $(SRCS)))
.PHONY: release clean
release: result
result: $(OBJS)
$(CXX) $(LDFLAGS) $^ -o $#
$(OBJDIR)/%.o: %.cpp
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $#
rm -f $(OBJDIR)/*.o result
$ make
g++ -c dir2/src2.cpp -o obj/src2.o
g++ -c dir1/src1.cpp -o obj/src1.o
g++ -c main.cpp -o obj/main.o
g++ obj/src2.o obj/src1.o obj/main.o -o result

Makefile to compile lists of source files

I have lists of files that I want my Makefile to compile, one list for each source language:
CFILES= Src/Application/main.c Src/Core/data.c Lib/routines.c
ASFILES= Src/Application/startup.s Lib/sqrt.s
I want all the output in one directory:
OBJDIR= output
How do I do the equivalent of:
output/main.o : Src/Application/main.c
cc -c -o output/main.o Src/Application/main.c
output/data.o : Src/Core/data.c
cc -c -o output/data.o Src/Core/data.c
output/routines.o : Lib/routines.c
cc -c -o output/routines.o Lib/routines.c
output/startup.o : Src/Application/startup.s
as -o output/startup.o Src/Application/startup.s
output/sqrt.o : Lib/sqrt.s
as -o output/sqrt.o Lib/sqrt.s
The recipes are the same for every file in its list.
The input files are in all sorts of different directories and it is not acceptable to just list their filenames and use a search path to find them, their explicit paths must be used.
The output filename is the basename of the source file name with the extension changed to o. There are no duplicated basenames between the lists for the different source languages.
I do not want to have to list the object files, this should be derived from the source lists.
I am using gnu make, but bonus points for a portable solution.
Something like the following could do:
all :
OBJDIR := output
CFILES := Src/Application/main.c Src/Core/data.c Lib/routines.c
ASFILES := Src/Application/startup.s Lib/sqrt.s
target = ${OBJDIR}/$(patsubst %.s,%.o,$(notdir ${1}))
obj.c :=
obj.s :=
define obj
$(call target,${1}) : ${1} | ${OBJDIR}
obj$(suffix ${1}) += $(call target,${1})
${1} : ; mkdir -p `dirname $$#` && touch $$# # Create the source for testing. Remove this.
define SOURCES
$(foreach src,${1},$(eval $(call obj,${src})))
$(eval $(call SOURCES,${CFILES}))
$(eval $(call SOURCES,${ASFILES}))
all : ${obj.c} ${obj.s}
${obj.c} : % :
#echo cc -c -o $# $^; touch $# # echo and touch are for testing. Remove these.
${obj.s} : % :
#echo as -o $# $^; touch $# # echo and touch are for testing. Remove these.
mkdir $#
.PHONY: all
$ make
make: Entering directory '/home/max/tmp'
mkdir -p `dirname Src/Application/main.c` && touch Src/Application/main.c # Create the source for testing. Remove this.
mkdir output
cc -c -o output/main.c Src/Application/main.c
mkdir -p `dirname Src/Core/data.c` && touch Src/Core/data.c # Create the source for testing. Remove this.
cc -c -o output/data.c Src/Core/data.c
mkdir -p `dirname Lib/routines.c` && touch Lib/routines.c # Create the source for testing. Remove this.
cc -c -o output/routines.c Lib/routines.c
mkdir -p `dirname Src/Application/startup.s` && touch Src/Application/startup.s # Create the source for testing. Remove this.
as -o output/startup.o Src/Application/startup.s
mkdir -p `dirname Lib/sqrt.s` && touch Lib/sqrt.s # Create the source for testing. Remove this.
as -o output/sqrt.o Lib/sqrt.s
make: Leaving directory '/home/max/tmp'
I have little experience in writing makefiles, so this is just an attempt. In my example I have C and C++ files in a few directories and build a program made of these files.
$ cat Makefile
.PHONY : clean all
CFILES = c/f.c c/g.c
CPPFILES = cpp/main.cpp
OUTPUT = ./output
VPATH = $(sort $(SOURCE_DIRS))
C_FILENAMES := $(notdir $(CFILES))
OBJ_FILES := $(patsubst %.c, $(OUTPUT)/%.o, $(C_FILENAMES) )
OBJ_FILES += $(patsubst %.cpp, $(OUTPUT)/%.o, $(CPP_FILENAMES) )
all : $(OUTPUT)/program
$(OUTPUT)/program : $(OBJ_FILES)
g++ -o $# $^
$(OUTPUT)/%.o : %.cpp
$(shell mkdir -p $(OUTPUT) )
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $#
$(OUTPUT)/%.o : %.c
$(shell mkdir -p $(OUTPUT) )
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $#
rm -fr $(OUTPUT)
And this is an example of using my makefile:
$ make
gcc -c c/f.c -o output/f.o
gcc -c c/g.c -o output/g.o
g++ -c cpp/main.cpp -o output/main.o
g++ -o output/program output/f.o output/g.o output/main.o
The following method should do what you want: compile all of your specified source files and put the object files in the directory ./output automatically. Of course, you need to provide compiler options, proper libraries necessary for linking, and so on.
OBJDIR =./output
SRCDIR1 =./Src/Application
SRCDIR2 =./Src/Core
SRCDIR3 =./Lib
SRC1 =$(SRCDIR1)/main.c
SRC2 =$(SRCDIR2)/data.c
SRC3 =$(SRCDIR3)/routines.c
SRC4 =$(SRCDIR1)/startup.s
SRC5 =$(SRCDIR3)/sqrt.s
OBJ1 =$(patsubst $(SRCDIR1)/%.c,$(OBJDIR)/%.o,$(SRC1))
OBJ2 =$(patsubst $(SRCDIR2)/%.c,$(OBJDIR)/%.o,$(SRC2))
OBJ3 =$(patsubst $(SRCDIR3)/%.c,$(OBJDIR)/%.o,$(SRC3))
OBJ4 =$(patsubst $(SRCDIR1)/%.s,$(OBJDIR)/%.o,$(SRC4))
OBJ5 =$(patsubst $(SRCDIR3)/%.s,$(OBJDIR)/%.o,$(SRC5))
vpath %.c $(SRCDIR1): $(SRCDIR2): $(SRCDIR3)
vpath %.s $(SRCDIR1): $(SRCDIR3)
all: $(OBJ1) $(OBJ2) $(OBJ3) $(OBJ4) $(OBJ5)
cc $^ -o executable
$(OBJDIR)/%.o: %.c | $(OBJDIR)
cc -c $< -o $#
$(OBJDIR)/%.o: %.s | $(OBJDIR)
cc -c $< -o $#
mkdir -p $(OBJDIR)

Compiling a program in a loop with qsub

I want to compile a program in a bash for loop. When I run the program from the command line it will compile but when I use qsub it doesn't compile.
Is there something I am missing?
Bash File
#$ -N runTest
#$ -m e
#$ -r y
cd /afs/crc.nd.edu/user/private/NDPICMCC/SAFECODE
originalGUILine="pres = 7.6E1"
for (( i = -3 ; i <= 1 ; i=i+1 ))
newGUILine="pres = $p"
sed -i "s/$oldGUILine/$newGUILine/g" "$GUIfile"
make clean >& /dev/null
make 1D >& /dev/null
make 1D
cp "Anode_ele_eng.csv" "../results/T_${t}_P_${p}_Energies.csv"
sed -i "s/$oldGUILine/$originalGUILine/g" "$GUIfile"
OPTIONS = -warn noalign -autodouble
PRNG = luxury.f90
MAIN = NDPIC1D.v0.f90 GUIVars.f90 GlobalVars.f90 StatisticalDistribution.f90 Emission.f90
TODO = ParticleInCell.f90 MonteCarloCollision.f90 Transformations.f90
EXE = PressurePIC
#$(CC) $(PRNG) $(MAIN) $(TODO) -o $(EXE) $(OPTIONS)
#$(CC) $(PRNG) $(MAIN) $(TODO) -o $(EXE) $(OPTIONS)
#$(CC) $(PRNG) $(MAIN) $(TODO) -o $(EXE) $(OPTIONS)
#rm *.mod $(EXE)
#echo $(EXE)
I'm not sure what flavour of qsub you are using so this may not help ...
Try including
#$ -V
at the start of your script. On some systems which process qsub it ensures that environment variables are exported from your environment to the environment in which the script eventually runs. These environments are not, generally, the same.
