Validation of properties in GraphQL - graphql

input MessageInput {
content: String
author: String
type Message {
id: ID!
content: String
author: String
type Query {
getMessage(id: ID!): Message
type Mutation {
createMessage(input: MessageInput): Message
Message content can be max length 255. How to document that max length is 255 characters? How/Where to do this validation?

On the server-side, you would validate in the resolver for the createMessage mutation.
I would also recommend having some sort of client-side validation as well!


GraphQL mutation takes an array as an input parameter and returns a json String

I'm trying to implement mutation query with an array as a parameter and String as a return type.
Here is my schema file:
input OrganizationInput {
orgId: String!
orgName: String!
type Mutations {
importOrganizations(input: [OrganizationInput]): String
Here is my mutation:
mutation importOrganizations($orgs: [OrganizationInput]) {
input: {
orgId: id,
orgName: name
This code doesn't work, but I don't know how to do it properly.
Maybe someone more experienced in GraphQL could help me?
Do you have any errors that can help?
Anyways your mutation need to return fields, e.g.:
mutation importOrganizations($orgs: [OrganizationInput]) {
input: {
orgId: id,
orgName: name

GraphQL + SpringBoot: How to hide certain fields from request in response

I created a graphql schema
type Query {
vehicle(id: String): Vehicle
type Vehicle {
producer: String
color: String
engine: String
year: String
price: Float
and received a request
vehicle(id: "123") {
But I wanted the response to contain producer and color only, so price is excluded.
Is it possible to do this with Graphql in Springboot? If yes, how can we do that?

How to document errors in graphql?

type Query {
type EmailDuplicatedError {
email: String!
source: UserSource!
enum UserSource {
register(email: String!, password: String!): AccessToken!
The AccessToken scalar type is a string of 16 characters.
scalar AccessToken
Hope you can get what I mean through the above schema. I'd like to know if there is any code generator can support errors documented this way, so I can reduce the code I write on both client and server side.
I don't want to define errors like the following
type Query {
register(email: String!, password: String!): RegisterResponse
type RegisterResponse {
accessToken: AccessToken
error: EmailDuplicatedError
type EmailDuplicatedError {
email: String!
source: UserSource!
enum UserSource {
The AccessToken scalar type is a string of 16 characters.
scalar AccessToken
Because I'd like errors to be responded in errors field, and api only shows what you can get when you succeeded.
Thank you for your time reading this post.
There's some ways to do error handling with GraphQL, I'll recommend you two:
Using response extensions:
GraphQL JSON response.error has a field called extensions, you can use this to set a code field like:
"error": {
"errors": [
"message": "example",
"extensions": {
"code": "YOUR CODE"
Using unions:
There is an medium post by Sasha Solomon that talks about that:
Using the examples in this post, the way to handle graphql errors with unions is like this:
type User {
id: ID!
name: String
type Suspended {
reason: String
type IsBlocked {
message: String
blockedByUser: User
type UnavailableInCountry {
countryCode: Int
message: String
"User, or reason we can't get one normally"
union UserResult = User | IsBlocked | Suspended
type Query {
user: UserResult!

Array of Objects Apollo Server and post from react

So i'm trying to figure out how to pass an array of objects from a POST request to apollo server on AWS lambda.
I've checked this out but it's not the same problem
Array of objects convert into object of objects when I use Apollo
The post request looks like this...'query', { query : `mutation {saveNewItem(description: "${description}", specials: ${JSON.stringify(specials)}){name}}`})
// comment to get rid of silly scroll bar overlapping code
Schema looks like this...
const { gql } = require('apollo-server-lambda')
const typeDefs = gql`
type ShoppingItem {
description: String
specials: [Specials]
input Specials {
description: String
price: String
qty: String
saved: String
type Mutation {
saveNewItem(description: String!, specials: [Specials]) : ShoppingItem
example Specials looks like this...
[{ // Object One
description: "First One"
price: "1.00"
qty: "1"
saved: "false"
},{ // Object two
description: "Second One"
price: "1.00"
qty: "1"
saved: "false"
The error I get currently is...
'Error: The type of ShoppingItem.specials must be Output Type but got: [Specials].',
'at assertValidSchema (/Users/me/Desktop/Projects/app/build/node_modules/graphql/type/validate.js:71:11)',
If I change it to a normal "type" it complains about it not being Input type.
I've also been through the apollo server docs and can't quite see what I'm doing wrong?
Please that as mentioned by Daniel in comments whilst technically the "duplicate" answer given is correct the information offered here is far more high quality and useful to people facing the problem(in my opinion)
You can only use input types for input (GraphQLInputObjectType) and object types for output (GraphQLObjectType). You are using Specials as both: As output type for the field specials in ShoppingItem and as input type in mutation argument specials. To do this you need two types. The reason for this is that output types (can) have resolvers (this is actually abstracted away from apollo server in your case). You will have to create two different types:
type ShoppingItem {
description: String
specials: [Specials]
type Specials {
description: String
price: String
qty: String
saved: String
input SpecialsDraft {
description: String
price: String
qty: String
saved: String
type Mutation {
saveNewItem(description: String!, specials: [SpecialsDraft]) : ShoppingItem

Graphql with nested mutations?

I am trying to figure out how to mutate a nested object with graphql mutations, if possible. For instance I have the following schema:
type Event {
id: String
name: String
description: String
place: Place
type Place {
id: String
name: String
location: Location
type Location {
city: String
country: String
zip: String
type Query {
events: [Event]
type Mutation {
updateEvent(id: String, name: String, description: String): Event
schema {
query: Query
mutation: Mutation
How can I add the place information inside my updateEvent mutation?
Generally speaking, you should avoid thinking of the arguments to your mutations as a direct mapping to object types in your schema. Whilst it's true that they will often be similar, you're better off approaching things under the assumption that they won't be.
Using your basic types as an example. Let's say I wanted to create a new event, but rather than knowing the location, I just have the longitude/latitude - it's actually the backend that calculates the real location object from this data, and I certainly don't know its ID (it doesn't have one yet!). I'd probably construct my mutation like this:
input Point {
longitude: Float!
latitude: Float!
input PlaceInput {
coordinates: Point!
type mutation {
name: String!
description: String
placeId: ID
newPlace: PlaceInput
): Event
id: ID!
name: String!
description: String
placeId: ID
newPlace: PlaceInput
): Event
A mutation is basically just a function call, and it's best to think of it in those terms. If you wrote a function to create an Event, you likely wouldn't provide it an event and expect it to return an event, you'd provide the information necessary to create an Event.
If you want to add a whole object to the mutation you have to define a graphql element of the type input. Here is a link to a small cheatsheet.
In your case it could look like this:
type Location {
city: String
country: String
zip: String
type Place {
id: String
name: String
location: Location
type Event {
id: String
name: String
description: String
place: Place
input LocationInput {
city: String
country: String
zip: String
input PlaceInput {
id: ID!
name: String!
location: LocationInput!
type Query {
events: [Event]
type Mutation {
updateEvent(id: String, name: String, description: String, place: PlaceInput!): Event
schema {
query: Query
mutation: Mutation
