JMeter - how to simulate polling with multiple URLs - jmeter

In JMeter, I can load test many pages using a random variable:
I would like to hit each page X number of times (or until a condition is met). I would also like to wait (e.g. 1 second) in between requests for a specific page (it's fine to have concurrent requests for /path/item/1 and /path/item/2).
Any guidance on setup for that is much appreciated. I can answer clarifying questions if needed.

Add a Constant Timer as a child of this request and set Thread Delay to 1000.
Timer will be fired before each request therefore you will get a 1 second delay between next call. Sleep time will not be added to sampler's response time (unless you are using Transaction Controller configured to do so)
See A Comprehensive Guide to Using JMeter Timers for more information on above and other Timers and their use cases.


JMeter delays takes longer than they should

I am using JMeter in order to test some environment. I build a thread group in JMeter that includes a couple of https requests with a delay between each of them.
somthing like this:
1. https request
2. random delay
3. https requst
4. random delay
6. https requst
7. random delay.
But for some reason the delays take much longer than they should and the test take much longer than it should (a delay of only 3 seconds or 3000 milliseconds takes 13 minutes). I try switching the random delays to constant ones but it still takes longer.
I tried searching online for a reason but I couldn't find a clear answer.
You should put the delay level under the request so it will impact only a single request,
Currently each delay affecting all the requests in the same level and that is causing the inconsistency
See JMeter's execution order
The only reason I can think of is that your test setup violates JMeter Scoping Rules
If you design your test like this:
All 3 timers will be executed before each request so instead of 3 seconds of waiting time after sampler you will get 9 seconds of waiting time before each sampler
If you want to apply a random delay before each sampler - leave only one timer.
If you want to apply different delays before each sampler - make timers children of the respective samplers:
If you want delay after the sampler instead of before the sampler - use Flow Control Action sampler instead of timer

How to generate number of requests per second for one user

I am trying to configure a test for signup-login with invalid credentials imitating bruttforce attack. However, I want to make requests as a single user.
So the scenario is the next:
Request to sign up with valid params;
Attempt to log in with invalid params in a loop.
I am adding throughput timer but then I need to set up a high number of threads to generate for example 1 request per second.
How can I set exactly one user and run only one request per second in a loop?
Everything was rather simple but still strange for me.
Maybe someone will face the same problem.
To get a number of requests per one user throughput timer should be placed not inside the controller but inside the thread itself.
To achieve Target Request Per Second use Throughout Shaping Timer : How to use Throughput Shaping Timer
JMeter Plugin link : Download from here
Few Important Notes:
JMeter threads of Thread Groups in scope of the Element will be
stopped when RPS schedule finishes.
Provide enough working threads for your RPS, JMeter timers can only delay threads (and limit RPS). You may pair this plugin with Concurrency Thread Group using Schedule Feedback Function to dynamically maintain thread count required to achieve target RPS.
If you're using versions of JMeter lower than 3.3 and if you have RPS that lower at the end of test, make threads to lower also. Оtherwise you'll have a spike in last second.
Avoid using zero RPS value as start of test, this produce spike also
Avoid zero RPS during the test, this may lead to nasty effects
Now, practical example showing 1 RPS for 1 User:
You might want to reconsider the location of the timer, it obeys JMeter Scoping Rules so it gets applied to all Samplers which are in your Thread Group.
If you want to apply it to only one - make it a child of the relevant sampler.
Also be aware that Constant Throughput Timer is precise enough on minute level so you might want to switch to the Precise Throughput Timer

Jmeter, delay http request with many extracted urls

i have a issue with to many calls to the server.
I have extracted several urls with the "regex extractor".
In the next step, a "http request" calls these urls by ${extractet-urls}
But all requests after the 8th url gets a error 500 response from the server.
I tried to input several timers between, before and everywhere else, but it hasn't an impact.
So my question is:
how can i delay in this single http request which calls all the extracted urls?
Thanks for your help :)
After the requeat you can add sampler ->Java Request. Then change classname to SleepTest and it'll wait 1 second (configurable)
Add a Constant Timer as a child of the HTTP Request sampler (see Scoping Rules for details) and provide desired delay there (in milliseconds). It will cause the relevant thread to "sleep" for the defined amount of milliseconds before executing the HTTP Request. See A Comprehensive Guide to Using JMeter Timers to learn more about using Timers in JMeter tests.
Another option could be using Test Action sampler to create a delay, it doesn't generate sample result so you won't see it in .jtl results file.
The final approach is depending on what you're trying to achieve and how your test is designed.
Alternatively, you can add a Thread Group and define a ramp up time, then put the request inside this group. The ramp up time takes the startup overload too.

How to add different time delays between page requests in JMeter?

I've a JMeter Script that does the following:
User registers to the site filling out a form with personal information
Reads through Terms, Condition and agrees to the Agreement
Reads through the instructions and answers practice questions before taking the test (next step)
Takes a timed test of multiple choices for 10 minutes and submits answers.
As you can imagine, they require different delays. Users take 1-2 minutes to fill-out the form. Usually goes really quick through the terms and conditions (less than 30 seconds) and hits 'I Agree' button. Then spends 4-5 minutes in reading the instructions and taking the practice tests (I measured, takes approximately 4-5 minutes) and finally takes the 10 minute timed test.
Now, question is: how do I insert these different time delays between different page requests? I saw some posts that shows how to insert variable time delays to 'ALL' pages. But for me that doesn't help. Please see attached image of what I ideally intend to do.
Can anyone please help? Thanks in advance!
I think I got the answer. It's actually in the Manual itself at:
Note that timers are processed before each sampler in the scope in which they are found; if there are several timers in the same scope, all the timers will be processed before each sampler.
Timers are only processed in conjunction with a sampler. A timer which is not in the same scope as a sampler will not be processed at all.
To apply a timer to a single sampler, add the timer as a child element of the sampler. The timer will be applied before the sampler is executed. To apply a timer after a sampler, either add it to the next sampler, or add it as the child of a Test Action Sampler.

Something like thread.join in JMeter?

I have a jmeter test with about 50 users. the beginning of the test performs a login and some set up stuff. I don't want this all to happen at the same time as there would be way too much contention for a part of the test I am not interested in. So I have a ramp up period of 10 seconds. There is then one specific HTTP request where I want the 50 users sending over 1 second interval i.e. a HTTP request every 20 ms. This is to ensure the 50 users are excuting this part concurrently. Ideally, something like a thread.join() after the login / ramp up would help out here, followed by another guassian timer.
Is there something similar to thread.join() in jmeter?
To mimic thread.join you can use a Synchronising Timer, this will block n threads until they reach a point and then execute them all at the same time.
If you want this request load of 1 every 20ms to continue (rather than a single burst) then you can use a Constant Throughput Controller to define the actual rate of requests you want JMeter to run. You can configure each thread to run at a rate of 60 requests per minute and this will give you one hit every 20ms (based on 50 threads with response times always less than 1 second). You can also tell JMeter to just make sure your load is 1/20ms no matter how many threads you use and it will dynamically adjust. This option is perhaps more useful in the context of load testing.
Note. When using a CTT controller, you would probably want to put the login request either in a Once Only COntroller or in a setup thread group.
