Something like thread.join in JMeter? - performance

I have a jmeter test with about 50 users. the beginning of the test performs a login and some set up stuff. I don't want this all to happen at the same time as there would be way too much contention for a part of the test I am not interested in. So I have a ramp up period of 10 seconds. There is then one specific HTTP request where I want the 50 users sending over 1 second interval i.e. a HTTP request every 20 ms. This is to ensure the 50 users are excuting this part concurrently. Ideally, something like a thread.join() after the login / ramp up would help out here, followed by another guassian timer.
Is there something similar to thread.join() in jmeter?

To mimic thread.join you can use a Synchronising Timer, this will block n threads until they reach a point and then execute them all at the same time.
If you want this request load of 1 every 20ms to continue (rather than a single burst) then you can use a Constant Throughput Controller to define the actual rate of requests you want JMeter to run. You can configure each thread to run at a rate of 60 requests per minute and this will give you one hit every 20ms (based on 50 threads with response times always less than 1 second). You can also tell JMeter to just make sure your load is 1/20ms no matter how many threads you use and it will dynamically adjust. This option is perhaps more useful in the context of load testing.
Note. When using a CTT controller, you would probably want to put the login request either in a Once Only COntroller or in a setup thread group.


concurrency test in jmeter

I am new to jmeter, and I would like to do a test in which I send 500 requests per second, this for 10 seconds
The configuration I have is:
I would like to know if my configuration is correct or it can be done better
Your configuration means:
5000 users will be kicked off in 10 seconds, i.e. each second 500 users will be started
Once started the users will start executing Samplers upside down
The actual number of requests per second will depend on the application response time.
In your case you will only be able to achieve 500 requests per second if your application response time will be 1 second precisely. If it will be more - you will get less requests per second and vice versa.
If you need to send 500 requests per second for 10 seconds sharp I would suggest using Concurrency Thread Group and Throughput Shaping Timer combination.
The Throughput Shaping Timer needs to be set up like this:
And the concurrency thread group like this:
The configuration is for example only, in your case the number of threads required to conduct 500 request per second load might be different and again in mainly depends on the application response time.

JMeter How to prevent concurrent calls when running stepping thread group

Ok so I am experiencing an issue where I am supposed to ramp up 10 vusers in 1 minute till it reaches 200 Vusers and hold the load for 60 minutes. However, as it calls 200, it is calling all of them concurrently which is affecting the performance of my test. Right now, I want to call the 200 vusers which each users being called with an interval timing in between instead of one shot concurrent call.
The real users don't hammer the system under test non-stop, they need some time to "think" between operations.
Well-behaved JMeter test must mimic real user using a real browser with 100% accuracy including cookies, headers, cache, etc.
This "think time" is also uber-important, real users need to read the content of the page before navigating to the next one. If they're supposed to type/write/upload something - they will need even more time.
So in order to accurately simulate this "think time" you need to add a suitable Timer(s) and configure them properly in order to introduce reasonable delays between requests.

How to generate number of requests per second for one user

I am trying to configure a test for signup-login with invalid credentials imitating bruttforce attack. However, I want to make requests as a single user.
So the scenario is the next:
Request to sign up with valid params;
Attempt to log in with invalid params in a loop.
I am adding throughput timer but then I need to set up a high number of threads to generate for example 1 request per second.
How can I set exactly one user and run only one request per second in a loop?
Everything was rather simple but still strange for me.
Maybe someone will face the same problem.
To get a number of requests per one user throughput timer should be placed not inside the controller but inside the thread itself.
To achieve Target Request Per Second use Throughout Shaping Timer : How to use Throughput Shaping Timer
JMeter Plugin link : Download from here
Few Important Notes:
JMeter threads of Thread Groups in scope of the Element will be
stopped when RPS schedule finishes.
Provide enough working threads for your RPS, JMeter timers can only delay threads (and limit RPS). You may pair this plugin with Concurrency Thread Group using Schedule Feedback Function to dynamically maintain thread count required to achieve target RPS.
If you're using versions of JMeter lower than 3.3 and if you have RPS that lower at the end of test, make threads to lower also. Оtherwise you'll have a spike in last second.
Avoid using zero RPS value as start of test, this produce spike also
Avoid zero RPS during the test, this may lead to nasty effects
Now, practical example showing 1 RPS for 1 User:
You might want to reconsider the location of the timer, it obeys JMeter Scoping Rules so it gets applied to all Samplers which are in your Thread Group.
If you want to apply it to only one - make it a child of the relevant sampler.
Also be aware that Constant Throughput Timer is precise enough on minute level so you might want to switch to the Precise Throughput Timer

How to uniformly distribute JMeter threads throughtout the entire run of the test

I have the following
but when I run this with 60 threads I don't see the threads being fired off every second. Instead it seems like the requests in the transaction controller are fired off at a rate of 60 requests per min.
Is there a way I can have JMeter create threads at the rate of 60 per minute without a limit on requests?
You need to use Rampup duration in that case. Again that is one time activity, once threads are created they will execute the request and will die / repeat if you need.
Ultimate Threadgroup plugin is also helpful here.
Generally everybody is interested how much throughput(req per unit time) can server take. So in your case its doing correct job i.e. sending requests 60 per sec.
In practice creating multiple threads per sec is bad practice and IMO such testing is not useful (Why it is required?) because client threads in JMeter is not important but requests sent to server by threads (can be 1-10 or 100) many times and how server responds is important.
If your use case is different then share it in detail and we'll discuss. Hope this helps.
If you want JMeter to kick off one thread per second you need to specify Ramp-Up Period equal to the number of threads (virtual users) under Thread Group, if you want 60 virtual users - go for 60 seconds ramp-up.
Also make sure you allow your Thread Group to loop forever as if you don't - you will run into a situation when some threads have already done their job and some haven't been started yet.
Example configuration:
Example output:
More information: JMeter Ramp-Up - The Ultimate Guide

JMeter number of threads in a run

I am quite new to jmeter and try to do a performance test of my application. I want to generate 100 request per second scenario however my server takes 3-4 secs to respond to every request. I am running my test for 1 mins which means number of requests fired should be 60k within the time span. However jmeter actually waits for the response before it sends next request. Which is not what I am looking for.
How can I make sure that jmeter sends a new requests every second with 100 req/sec without waiting for the response so that the number of requests fired per min is 60k.
I am trying to use constant throughput timer with 60k as request per min, however that is not helping. Here is my test screenshot.
I have done like this
And Throughput shaping timer being as
So ideally I should get number of samples as 3000?, still not getting that.
Make sure you provide enough threads (virtual users) under Thread Group, "vanilla" JMeter won't kick off any extra threads if actual throughput is less than target one you specify in the Constant Throughput Timer.
Another solution would be using Concurrency Thread Group along with the Throughput Shaping Timer. They can be tied together via feedback loop so if you use these test elements JMeter will start more threads if the current amount won't be enough to reach the desired requests per second rate.
You can install both using JMeter Plugins Manager
My suggestion is to consider using the Arrivals Thread Group. This TG will allow you to configure the desire average throughput (ATP); the TG will instantiate the required threads needed to achieve the ATP goal.
