Custom view controller class isn't listed in storyboard's class menu - cocoa

My app has a hierarchy of classes for creating custom view controllers.
The first class is AppViewController. It extends NSViewController and contains methods common to all of my view controllers, like displaying alerts, retrieving data from the database, and so forth. It does not define any variables.
class AppViewController: NSViewController
The next class is ListViewController and is common to all of my "list" views. These are views that contain a single NSTableView with a list of all of the records from the associated database table. It extends AppViewController and conforms to the usual protocols.
Note that this class is generic so that it can properly handle the different views and data models.
class ListViewController<Model: RestModel>: AppViewController,
ListViewController defines a number of variables, including an IBOutlet for an NSTableView. That outlet is not wired to anything in the storyboard. The plan is to set it at run-time.
ListViewController also defines various functions including viewDidLoad(), viewWillAppear(), a number of app-specific functions, and so on.
The last class is specific to a database model and view, in this case, the Customers view. It extends ListViewController.
class Clv: ListViewController<CustomerMaster>
CustomerMaster is a concrete class that conforms to the RestModel protocol.
The problem:
The strange thing is that the last class, Clv, does not show up in the storyboard's Custom Class: Class pull-down menu, meaning that I cannot specify it as the custom class for my view.
I tried just typing it in, but that results in a run-time error
Unknown class _TtC9Inventory3Clv in Interface Builder file ...
If I remove the <Model: RestModel> from the ListViewController class definition and also remove the <CustomerMaster> from the Clv class definition, the Clv class then appears in the Class menu (of course that doesn't really help, just an observation).
AppViewController and ListViewController both do appear in that menu.
I am at a loss.

Earlier this year I created a similar architecture for an app, and I have to tell you: It can't work with storyboards, as those don't know anything about generics during instantiation.
What works is using nibs though, as you than still can init your view controller yourself.
an example:
import UIKit
class ViewController<Model: Any>: UIViewController {
var model:Model?
You can instantiate this view controller like
let vc = ViewController<ListItem>(nibName: "ListViewController", bundle: nil)
or subclass it
class ListViewController: ViewController<ListItem> {
and instantiate it like
let vc = ListViewController(nibName: "ListViewController", bundle: nil)
Now it compiles and runs, but you haven't gained much yet, as you cannot wire up your nib with generic properties.
But what you could do is to have a UIView-typed IBOutlet in a non-generic base view controller, subclass it with a generic view controller that has two generic contracts: one for the model, one for the view, ass you most likely want this to be adapted for your model. But now you must have some code that knows how to bring your model on the view. I call this renderer, but you will also find many examples were such an class is called Presenter.
The view controllers:
class BaseRenderViewController: UIViewController {
var renderer: RenderType?
#IBOutlet private weak var privateRenderView: UIView!
var renderView: UIView! {
get { return privateRenderView }
set { privateRenderView = newValue }
class RenderedContentViewController<Content, View: UIView>: BaseRenderViewController {
var contentRenderer: ContentRenderer<Content, View>? {
return renderer as? ContentRenderer<Content, View>
override func viewDidLoad() {
guard let renderer = contentRenderer, let view = self.renderView as? View else {
do {
try renderer.render(on: view)
} catch (let error) {
The renderers:
protocol RenderType {}
class Renderer<View: UIView>: RenderType {
func render(on view: View) throws {
throw RendererError.methodNotOverridden("\(#function) must be overridden")
class ContentRenderer<Content, View: UIView>: Renderer<View> {
init(contents: [Content]) {
self.contents = contents
let contents: [Content]
override func render(on view: View) throws {
throw RendererError.methodNotOverridden("\(#function) must be overridden")
You can now subclass ContentRenderer and overwrite the render method to show your content on the view.
By using the approach I just illustrated you can combine any generic view controller with different models, renderers and views. You gain an incredible flexibility — but you won't be able to use storyboards with it.

The answer by #vikingosegundo, while explaining Xcode's complaint and being generally very informative, didn't help me solve my particular problem. My project was started in Xcode 8.3.3 and I already have lots of windows and views in the storyboard so I don't really want to abandon or work around the storyboard/generic issue.
That being said, I did some more research and came to the realization that many people prefer delegation to class inheritance so I decided to explore that approach. I was able to get something working that satisfies my needs.
I present here, a simplified, but functional approach.
First, a protocol that our data models must conform to:
protocol RestModel
static var entityName: String { get }
var id: Int { get }
Next, a data model:
/// A dummy model for testing. It has two properties: an ID and a name.
class ModelOne: RestModel
static var entityName: String = "ModelOne"
var id: Int
var name: String
init(_ id: Int, _ name: String)
{ = id = name
Then, a protocol to which all classes that extend our base class must conform:
/// Protocol: ListViewControllerDelegate
/// All classes that extend BaseListViewController must conform to this
/// protocol. This allows us to separate all knowledge of the actual data
/// source, record formats, etc. into a view-specific controller.
protocol ListViewControllerDelegate: class
/// The actual table view object. This must be defined in the extending class
/// as #IBOutlet weak var tableView: NSTableView!. The base class saves a weak
/// reference to this variable in one of its local variables and uses that
/// variable to access the actual table view object.
weak var tableView: NSTableView! { get }
/// This method must perform whatever I/O is required to load the data for the
/// table view. Loading the data is assumed to be asyncronous so the method
/// must accept a closure which must be called after the data has been loaded.
func loadRecords()
/// This method must simply return the number of rows in the data set.
func numberOfRows() -> Int
/// This method must return the text that is to be displayed in the specified
/// cell.
/// - parameters:
/// - row: The row number (as supplied in the call to tableView(tableView:viewFor:row:).
/// - col: The column identifier (from tableColumn.identifier).
/// - returns: String
func textForCell(row: Int, col: String) -> String
} // ListViewControllerDelegate protocol
Now the actual base class:
class BaseListViewController: NSViewController,
// The instance of the extending class. Like most delegate variables in Cocoa
// applications, this variable must be set by the delegate (the extending
// class, in this case).
weak var delegate: ListViewControllerDelegate?
// The extending class' actual table view object.
weak var delegateTableView: NSTableView!
// Calls super.viewDidLoad()
// Gets a reference to the extending class' table view object.
// Sets the data source and delegate for the table view.
// Calls the delegate's loadRecords() method.
override func viewDidLoad()
delegateTableView = delegate?.tableView
delegateTableView.dataSource = self
delegateTableView.delegate = self
// This is called by the extending class' table view object to retreive the
// number of rows in the data set.
func numberOfRows(in tableView: NSTableView) -> Int
return (delegate?.numberOfRows())!
// This is called by the extending class' table view to retrieve a view cell
// for each column/row in the table. We call the delegate's textForCell(row:col:)
// method to retrieve the text and then create a view cell with that as its
// contents.
func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, viewFor tableColumn: NSTableColumn?, row: Int) -> NSView?
if let col = tableColumn?.identifier, let text = delegate?.textForCell(row: row, col: col)
if let cell = delegate?.tableView.make(withIdentifier: (tableColumn?.identifier)!, owner: nil) as? NSTableCellView
cell.textField?.stringValue = text
return cell
return nil
} // BaseListViewController{}
And, finally, an extending class:
/// A concrete example class that extends BaseListViewController{}.
/// It loadRecords() method simply uses a hard-coded list.
/// This is the class that is specified in the IB.
class ViewOne: BaseListViewController, ListViewControllerDelegate
var records: [ModelOne] = []
// The actual table view in our view.
#IBOutlet weak var tableView: NSTableView!
override func viewDidLoad()
super.delegate = self
func loadRecords()
records =
ModelOne(1, "AAA"),
ModelOne(2, "BBB"),
ModelOne(3, "CCC"),
ModelOne(4, "DDD"),
func numberOfRows() -> Int
return records.count
func textForCell(row: Int, col: String) -> String
switch col
case "id":
return "\(records[row].id)"
case "name":
return records[row].name
return ""
} // ViewOne{}
This is, of course, a simplified prototype. In a real-world implementation, loading the records and updating the table would happen in closures after asynchronously loading the data from a database, web service, or some such.
My full prototype defines two models and two view controllers that extend BaseListViewClass. It works as desired. The production version of the base class will contain numerous other methods (which is why a wanted it to be a base class in the first place :-)


How to get data from SwiftUI TextField to NSDokument class

What I'm trying to do is store some data from a MacOS App with NSDocument provided class in a file. I decided to use SwiftUI , but all tutorials I found are using Storyboards. And from those I cannot adapt how to get the data from my textfield into my NSDocument class.
As far as I got it I need to init my variables in the NSDocument class like this
class Document: NSDocument {
#objc dynamic var contents = "Foo"
public init(contentString: String) {
self.contents = contentString
/* ... */
and in the same class I can save this string using
override func data(ofType typeName: String) throws -> Data {
return .utf8) ?? Data()
throw NSError(domain: NSOSStatusErrorDomain, code: unimpErr, userInfo: nil)
So in my view generated with SwiftUI I can access this using
struct MainTableView: View {
#State var doc = Document.init()
var body: some View {
TextField("My text", text: self.$doc.contents)
But - as I'm using only an instance it always saves "Foo" - no matter what I type into my TextField.
Besides - another question that will follow up right away: On the long run I don't want to store a string only. I'll have 3 different 2D-Arrays with different data-structures. Is NSDocument able to handle this by itself or do I need to convert those to JSON/XML/...-String and store this as a file?

Accessing a content of an IBOutlet from another class

My question is simple , I have an IBoutlet(of a label) declared in a class , I need to change it content from another class , is that possible ?
edit : The view of the IBoutlet is loaded in the other class through a scroll view
the first class :
var historyVariable = ""
class FirstViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
// here a code to set a value to historyVariable when button pressed
the second class
class Text: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet var History: UILabel!
override func viewDidLoad() {
func call() {
History.text = "\(historyVariable)"
it gives me an error unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value when trying to set the text to the History label
Assuming text() is actually Text(), that would create a new, empty Text object. Since it's not part of the controller hierarchy, its view and other outlets aren't loaded at the time you invoke call().
You either need to instantiate the Text controller from a storyboard (or otherwise) and present it so that it's properly initialized or else use one that's already active...if that's your intent.

Can I mix UIKit and TVMLKit within one app?

I'm exploring tvOS and I found that Apple offers nice set of templates written using TVML. I'd like to know if a tvOS app that utilises TVML templates can also use UIKit.
Can I mix UIKit and TVMLKit within one app?
I found a thread on Apple Developer Forum but it does not fully answer this question and I am going through documentation to find an answer.
Yes, you can. Displaying TVML templates requires you to use an object that controls the JavaScript Context: TVApplicationController.
var appController: TVApplicationController?
This object has a UINavigationController property associated with it. So whenever you see fit, you can call:
let myViewController = UIViewController()
self.appController?.navigationController.pushViewController(myViewController, animated: true)
This allows you to push a Custom UIKit viewcontroller onto the navigation stack. If you want to go back to TVML Templates, just pop the viewController off of the navigation stack.
If what you would like to know is how to communicate between JavaScript and Swift, here is a method that creates a javascript function called pushMyView()
func createPushMyView(){
//allows us to access the javascript context
appController?.evaluateInJavaScriptContext({(evaluation: JSContext) -> Void in
//this is the block that will be called when javascript calls pushMyView()
let pushMyViewBlock : #convention(block) () -> Void = {
() -> Void in
//pushes a UIKit view controller onto the navigation stack
let myViewController = UIViewController()
self.appController?.navigationController.pushViewController(myViewController, animated: true)
//this creates a function in the javascript context called "pushMyView".
//calling pushMyView() in javascript will call the block we created above.
evaluation.setObject(unsafeBitCast(pushMyViewBlock, AnyObject.self), forKeyedSubscript: "pushMyView")
}, completion: {(Bool) -> Void in
//done running the script
Once you call createPushMyView() in Swift, you are free to call pushMyView() in your javascript code and it will push a view controller onto the stack.
Just a few simple changes to method names and casting:
appController?.evaluate(inJavaScriptContext: {(evaluation: JSContext) -> Void in
evaluation.setObject(unsafeBitCast(pushMyViewBlock, to: AnyObject.self), forKeyedSubscript: "pushMyView" as NSString)
As mentioned in the accepted answer, you can call pretty much any Swift function from within the JavaScript context. Note that, as the name implies, setObject:forKeyedSubscript: will also accept objects (if they conform to a protocol that inherits from JSExport) in addition to blocks, allowing you to access methods and properties on that object. Here's an example
import Foundation
import TVMLKit
// Just an example, use sessionStorage/localStorage JS object to actually accomplish something like this
#objc protocol JSBridgeProtocol : JSExport {
func setValue(value: AnyObject?, forKey key: String)
func valueForKey(key: String) -> AnyObject?
class JSBridge: NSObject, JSBridgeProtocol {
var storage: Dictionary<String, String> = [:]
override func setValue(value: AnyObject?, forKey key: String) {
storage[key] = String(value)
override func valueForKey(key: String) -> AnyObject? {
return storage[key]
Then in your app controller:
func appController(appController: TVApplicationController, evaluateAppJavaScriptInContext jsContext: JSContext) {
let bridge:JSBridge = JSBridge();
jsContext.setObject(bridge, forKeyedSubscript:"bridge");
Then you can do this in your JS: bridge.setValue(['foo', 'bar'], "baz")
Not only that, but you can override views for existing elements, or define custom elements to use in your markup, and back them with native views:
// Call lines like these before you instantiate your TVApplicationController
TVInterfaceFactory.sharedInterfaceFactory().extendedInterfaceCreator = CustomInterfaceFactory()
// optionally register a custom element. You could use this in your markup as <loadingIndicator></loadingIndicator> or <loadingIndicator /> with optional attributes. LoadingIndicatorElement needs to be a TVViewElement subclass, and there are three functions you can optionally override to trigger JS events or DOM updates
TVElementFactory.registerViewElementClass(LoadingIndicatorElement.self, forElementName: "loadingIndicator")
Quick custom element example:
import Foundation
import TVMLKit
class LoadingIndicatorElement: TVViewElement {
override var elementName: String {
return "loadingIndicator"
internal override func resetProperty(resettableProperty: TVElementResettableProperty) {
// API's to dispatch events to JavaScript
internal override func dispatchEventOfType(type: TVElementEventType, canBubble: Bool, cancellable isCancellable: Bool, extraInfo: [String : AnyObject]?, completion: ((Bool, Bool) -> Void)?) {
//super.dispatchEventOfType(type, canBubble: canBubble, cancellable: isCancellable, extraInfo: extraInfo, completion: completion)
internal override func dispatchEventWithName(eventName: String, canBubble: Bool, cancellable isCancellable: Bool, extraInfo: [String : AnyObject]?, completion: ((Bool, Bool) -> Void)?) {
And here's how to set up a custom interface factory:
class CustomInterfaceFactory: TVInterfaceFactory {
let kCustomViewTag = 97142 // unlikely to collide
override func viewForElement(element: TVViewElement, existingView: UIView?) -> UIView? {
if (element.elementName == "title") {
if (existingView != nil) {
return existingView
let textElement = (element as! TVTextElement)
if (textElement.attributedText!.length > 0) {
let label = UILabel()
// Configure your label here (this is a good way to set a custom font, for example)...
// You can examine or textElement.textStyle to get the element's style properties
label.backgroundColor = UIColor.redColor()
let existingText = NSMutableAttributedString(attributedString: textElement.attributedText!)
label.text = existingText.string
return label
} else if element.elementName == "loadingIndicator" {
if (existingView != nil && existingView!.tag == kCustomViewTag) {
return existingView
let view = UIImageView(image: UIImage(named: "loading.png"))
return view // Simple example. You could easily use your own UIView subclass
return nil // Don't call super, return nil when you don't want to override anything...
// Use either this or viewForElement for a given element, not both
override func viewControllerForElement(element: TVViewElement, existingViewController: UIViewController?) -> UIViewController? {
if (element.elementName == "whatever") {
let whateverStoryboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Whatever", bundle: nil)
let viewController = whateverStoryboard.instantiateInitialViewController()
return viewController
return nil
// Use this to return a valid asset URL for resource:// links for badge/img src (not necessary if the referenced file is included in your bundle)
// I believe you could use this to cache online resources (by replacing resource:// with http(s):// if a corresponding file doesn't exist (then starting an async download/save of the resource before returning the modified URL). Just return a file url for the version on disk if you've already cached it.
override func URLForResource(resourceName: String) -> NSURL? {
return nil
Unfortunately, view/viewControllerForElement: will not be called for all elements. Some of the existing elements (like collection views) will handle the rendering of their child elements themselves, without involving your interface factory, which means you'll have to override a higher level element, or maybe use a category/swizzling or UIAppearance to get the effect you want.
Finally, as I just implied, you can use UIAppearance to change the way certain built-in views look. Here's the easiest way to change the appearance of your TVML app's tab bar, for example:
// in didFinishLaunching...
UITabBar.appearance().backgroundImage = UIImage()
UITabBar.appearance().backgroundColor = UIColor(white: 0.5, alpha: 1.0)
If you already have a native UIKit app for tvOS, but would like to extend it by using TVMLKit for some part of it, You can.
Use the TVMLKit as a sub app in your native tvOS app. The following app shows how to do this, by retaining the TVApplicationController and present the navigationController from the TVApplicationController. The TVApplicationControllerContext is used to transfer data to the JavaScript app, as the url is transferred here :
class ViewController: UIViewController, TVApplicationControllerDelegate {
// Retain the applicationController
var appController:TVApplicationController?
static let tvBaseURL = "http://localhost:9001/"
static let tvBootURL = "\(ViewController.tvBaseURL)/application.js"
#IBAction func buttonPressed(_ sender: UIButton) {
// Use TVMLKit to handle interface
// Get the JS context and send it the url to use in the JS app
let hostedContContext = TVApplicationControllerContext()
if let url = URL(string: ViewController.tvBootURL) {
hostedContContext.javaScriptApplicationURL = url
// Save an instance to a new Sub application, the controller already knows what window we are running so pass nil
appController = TVApplicationController(context: hostedContContext, window: nil, delegate: self)
// Get the navigationController of the Sub App and present it
let navc = appController!.navigationController
present(navc, animated: true, completion: nil)
Yes. See the TVMLKit Framework, whose docs start with:
The TVMLKit framework enables you to incorporate JavaScript and TVML files in your binary apps to create client-server apps.
From a quick skim of those docs, it looks like you use the various TVWhateverFactory classes to create UIKit views or view controllers from TVML, after which you can insert them into a UIKit app.

Add completion handler to presentViewControllerAsSheet(NSViewController)?

I am attempting to present a sheet configuration view (AddSoundEffect) for my main window/view controller (I'm using storyboards), and when the configuration view controller is dismissed, take the values entered in the AddSoundEffect view and pass that back to the main view. My current code in the main view controller:
presentViewControllerAsSheet(self.storyboard!.instantiateControllerWithIdentifier("AddSoundEffect") as! AddSoundViewController
And in the AddSoundViewController.swift file, the code to dismiss it is:
To pass the data, I have a class-independent tuple that I save data to. How do I add a completion handler to presentViewControllerAsSheet, and (optionally) is there a better way to pass the data between view controllers?
Setup: Xcode version 6.4, OS X 10.10.4
Delegation pattern is the easiest way for you.
// Replace this with your tuple or whatever data represents your sound effect
struct SoundEffect {}
protocol AddSoundViewControllerDelegate: class {
func soundViewController(controller: AddSoundViewController, didAddSoundEffect: SoundEffect)
// Let's say this controller is a modal view controller for adding new sound effects
class AddSoundViewController: UIViewController {
weak var delegate: AddSoundViewControllerDelegate?
func done(sender: AnyObject) {
// Dummy sound effect info, replace it with your own data
let soundEffect = SoundEffect()
// Call it whenever you would like to inform presenting view controller
// about added sound effect (in case of Done, Add, ... button tapped, do not call it
// when user taps on Cancel to just dismiss AddSoundViewController)
self.delegate?.soundViewController(self, didAddSoundEffect: soundEffect)
// Dismiss self
self.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: {})
// Let's say this controller is main view controller, which contains list of all sound effects,
// with button to add new sound effect via AddSoundViewController
class SoundEffectsViewController: UIViewController, AddSoundViewControllerDelegate {
func presentAddSoundEffectController(sender: AnyObject) {
if let addSoundController = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("AddSoundEffect") as? AddSoundViewController {
addSoundController.delegate = self
self.presentViewController(addSoundController, animated: true, completion: {})
func soundViewController(controller: AddSoundViewController, didAddSoundEffect: SoundEffect) {
// This method is called only when new sound effect is added
Another way is to use closures:
// Replace this with your tuple or whatever data represents your sound effect
struct SoundEffect {}
// Let's say this controller is a modal view controller for adding new sound effects
class AddSoundViewController: UIViewController {
var completionHandler: ((SoundEffect) -> ())?
func done(sender: AnyObject) {
// Dummy sound effect info, replace it with your own data
let soundEffect = SoundEffect()
// Call it whenever you would like to inform presenting view controller
// about added sound effect (in case of Done, Add, ... button tapped, do not call it
// when user taps on Cancel to just dismiss AddSoundViewController)
// Dismiss self
self.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: {})
// Let's say this controller is main view controller, which contains list of all sound effects,
// with button to add new sound effect via AddSoundViewController
class SoundEffectsViewController: UIViewController {
func presentAddSoundEffectController(sender: AnyObject) {
if let addSoundController = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("AddSoundEffect") as? AddSoundViewController {
addSoundController.completionHandler = { [weak self] (soundEffect) -> () in
// Called when new sound effect is added
self.presentViewController(addSoundController, animated: true, completion: {})
Or many other ways like sending notification, ... Whatever suits your needs. But delegation pattern or closures is the best way to go in this specific case.
I missed that your question is about NSViewController. This example is for iOS, but same pattern can be used on OS X without any issues.
The easiest way to detect sheet opening or closing is to use the Sheet Notifications:
class ViewController: NSViewController, NSWindowDelegate {
override func viewDidLoad(){
NSApplication.sharedApplication().windows.first?.delegate = self
func windowDidEndSheet(notification: NSNotification) {
func windowWillBeginSheet(notification: NSNotification) {

Make a public var without making its class and related functions public?

I'm starting to learn Swift.
I've a viewController that has a var which needs updating from an outside viewController. So I added public to its declaration but my code won't compile because my class is internal (by default). So i make my class public but then it forces me to make all functions inside my class public including viewDidLoad, the tableView dataSource and delegate methods. What am i doing wrong? I don't want anyone else to call my controller's viewDidLoad.
All I wanted to viewControllerA to access a var inside viewControllerB without exposing every function inside viewControllerB to the outside world.
In ObjC, this can be achieved very easily by marking the property readonly in the headerfile and readwrite in the implementation. In this case, I would've the property in the header file so it's read-writable from outside.
here's some pseudo code
class MyViewController: UIViewController, UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource {
var myTitle: NSString?
override func viewDidLoad() {
// objC part
MyViewController *myViewController = [[MyViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"MyViewController" bundle:nil];
myViewController.myTitle = #""; // not available
Now if i make myTitle a public var, i get this error
Declaring a public var for an internal class
So I make MyViewController a public class.
Now i get bunch of errors
Method 'tableView(_:numberOfRowsInSection:)' must be declared public
because it matches a requirement in public protocol
You could make a protocol to save and access data across view controllers. Here's one way to do it.
// Make a custom protocol delegate with a method to store the variable. In this case I'll store a boolean.
protocol storeViewControllerBVariableDelegate {
func storeVariable(data: Bool?)
// In your view controller A, assign your custom protocol delegate to it and add the new delegate method.
class viewControllerA: UIViewController, storeViewControllerBVariableDelegate {
func storeVariable(data: Bool?) {
self.variableName = data
// In your view controller A's prepare for segue, assign the stored variable to view controller B if you wanted to pass it forward and backward between view controllers.
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {
let viewControllerB = segue.destinationViewController as! viewControllerB
viewControllerB.variableName = variableName
// In your view controller B, initialize a variable and assign it to the delegate.
class viewControllerB: UIViewController {
var variableName: Bool!
var delegate: storeViewControllerBVariableDelegate?
// However you want to save the variable in view controller B, you can do so in an IBAction, viewDidLoad, etc.
#IBAction func saveVariable(sender: UIButton) {
Here are two solutions that I can think of for passing variables between view controllers
Global Option
import UIKit
var globalVariable = String()
class ViewController1: UIViewConroller {
class ViewController2: UIViewController {
overload func viewDidLoad() {
globalVariable = "some string data"
you can now access that variable globally.
Segue Option
I think a better way to handle sending data back and forth between View Controllers is by using delegates and the prepareForSegue function which is covered in depth here.
You declare your prepareForSegue function like so:
View Controller 1
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {
if(segue.identifier == "yourIdentifierInStoryboard") {
var yourNextViewController = (segue.destinationViewController as yourNextViewControllerClass)
yourNextViewController.value = yourValue
ViewController 2
class yourNextViewControllerClass {
var value:Int! // or whatever
The you can call it programmatically
self.performSegueWithIdentifier("yourIdentifierInStoryboard", sender: self)
If you want to set values back from your second View Controller, you can use a delegate Method, to respect the original author of this content I'll redirect you to his post:
Read the rest from the original post.
