Can I mix UIKit and TVMLKit within one app? - uikit

I'm exploring tvOS and I found that Apple offers nice set of templates written using TVML. I'd like to know if a tvOS app that utilises TVML templates can also use UIKit.
Can I mix UIKit and TVMLKit within one app?
I found a thread on Apple Developer Forum but it does not fully answer this question and I am going through documentation to find an answer.

Yes, you can. Displaying TVML templates requires you to use an object that controls the JavaScript Context: TVApplicationController.
var appController: TVApplicationController?
This object has a UINavigationController property associated with it. So whenever you see fit, you can call:
let myViewController = UIViewController()
self.appController?.navigationController.pushViewController(myViewController, animated: true)
This allows you to push a Custom UIKit viewcontroller onto the navigation stack. If you want to go back to TVML Templates, just pop the viewController off of the navigation stack.
If what you would like to know is how to communicate between JavaScript and Swift, here is a method that creates a javascript function called pushMyView()
func createPushMyView(){
//allows us to access the javascript context
appController?.evaluateInJavaScriptContext({(evaluation: JSContext) -> Void in
//this is the block that will be called when javascript calls pushMyView()
let pushMyViewBlock : #convention(block) () -> Void = {
() -> Void in
//pushes a UIKit view controller onto the navigation stack
let myViewController = UIViewController()
self.appController?.navigationController.pushViewController(myViewController, animated: true)
//this creates a function in the javascript context called "pushMyView".
//calling pushMyView() in javascript will call the block we created above.
evaluation.setObject(unsafeBitCast(pushMyViewBlock, AnyObject.self), forKeyedSubscript: "pushMyView")
}, completion: {(Bool) -> Void in
//done running the script
Once you call createPushMyView() in Swift, you are free to call pushMyView() in your javascript code and it will push a view controller onto the stack.
Just a few simple changes to method names and casting:
appController?.evaluate(inJavaScriptContext: {(evaluation: JSContext) -> Void in
evaluation.setObject(unsafeBitCast(pushMyViewBlock, to: AnyObject.self), forKeyedSubscript: "pushMyView" as NSString)

As mentioned in the accepted answer, you can call pretty much any Swift function from within the JavaScript context. Note that, as the name implies, setObject:forKeyedSubscript: will also accept objects (if they conform to a protocol that inherits from JSExport) in addition to blocks, allowing you to access methods and properties on that object. Here's an example
import Foundation
import TVMLKit
// Just an example, use sessionStorage/localStorage JS object to actually accomplish something like this
#objc protocol JSBridgeProtocol : JSExport {
func setValue(value: AnyObject?, forKey key: String)
func valueForKey(key: String) -> AnyObject?
class JSBridge: NSObject, JSBridgeProtocol {
var storage: Dictionary<String, String> = [:]
override func setValue(value: AnyObject?, forKey key: String) {
storage[key] = String(value)
override func valueForKey(key: String) -> AnyObject? {
return storage[key]
Then in your app controller:
func appController(appController: TVApplicationController, evaluateAppJavaScriptInContext jsContext: JSContext) {
let bridge:JSBridge = JSBridge();
jsContext.setObject(bridge, forKeyedSubscript:"bridge");
Then you can do this in your JS: bridge.setValue(['foo', 'bar'], "baz")
Not only that, but you can override views for existing elements, or define custom elements to use in your markup, and back them with native views:
// Call lines like these before you instantiate your TVApplicationController
TVInterfaceFactory.sharedInterfaceFactory().extendedInterfaceCreator = CustomInterfaceFactory()
// optionally register a custom element. You could use this in your markup as <loadingIndicator></loadingIndicator> or <loadingIndicator /> with optional attributes. LoadingIndicatorElement needs to be a TVViewElement subclass, and there are three functions you can optionally override to trigger JS events or DOM updates
TVElementFactory.registerViewElementClass(LoadingIndicatorElement.self, forElementName: "loadingIndicator")
Quick custom element example:
import Foundation
import TVMLKit
class LoadingIndicatorElement: TVViewElement {
override var elementName: String {
return "loadingIndicator"
internal override func resetProperty(resettableProperty: TVElementResettableProperty) {
// API's to dispatch events to JavaScript
internal override func dispatchEventOfType(type: TVElementEventType, canBubble: Bool, cancellable isCancellable: Bool, extraInfo: [String : AnyObject]?, completion: ((Bool, Bool) -> Void)?) {
//super.dispatchEventOfType(type, canBubble: canBubble, cancellable: isCancellable, extraInfo: extraInfo, completion: completion)
internal override func dispatchEventWithName(eventName: String, canBubble: Bool, cancellable isCancellable: Bool, extraInfo: [String : AnyObject]?, completion: ((Bool, Bool) -> Void)?) {
And here's how to set up a custom interface factory:
class CustomInterfaceFactory: TVInterfaceFactory {
let kCustomViewTag = 97142 // unlikely to collide
override func viewForElement(element: TVViewElement, existingView: UIView?) -> UIView? {
if (element.elementName == "title") {
if (existingView != nil) {
return existingView
let textElement = (element as! TVTextElement)
if (textElement.attributedText!.length > 0) {
let label = UILabel()
// Configure your label here (this is a good way to set a custom font, for example)...
// You can examine or textElement.textStyle to get the element's style properties
label.backgroundColor = UIColor.redColor()
let existingText = NSMutableAttributedString(attributedString: textElement.attributedText!)
label.text = existingText.string
return label
} else if element.elementName == "loadingIndicator" {
if (existingView != nil && existingView!.tag == kCustomViewTag) {
return existingView
let view = UIImageView(image: UIImage(named: "loading.png"))
return view // Simple example. You could easily use your own UIView subclass
return nil // Don't call super, return nil when you don't want to override anything...
// Use either this or viewForElement for a given element, not both
override func viewControllerForElement(element: TVViewElement, existingViewController: UIViewController?) -> UIViewController? {
if (element.elementName == "whatever") {
let whateverStoryboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Whatever", bundle: nil)
let viewController = whateverStoryboard.instantiateInitialViewController()
return viewController
return nil
// Use this to return a valid asset URL for resource:// links for badge/img src (not necessary if the referenced file is included in your bundle)
// I believe you could use this to cache online resources (by replacing resource:// with http(s):// if a corresponding file doesn't exist (then starting an async download/save of the resource before returning the modified URL). Just return a file url for the version on disk if you've already cached it.
override func URLForResource(resourceName: String) -> NSURL? {
return nil
Unfortunately, view/viewControllerForElement: will not be called for all elements. Some of the existing elements (like collection views) will handle the rendering of their child elements themselves, without involving your interface factory, which means you'll have to override a higher level element, or maybe use a category/swizzling or UIAppearance to get the effect you want.
Finally, as I just implied, you can use UIAppearance to change the way certain built-in views look. Here's the easiest way to change the appearance of your TVML app's tab bar, for example:
// in didFinishLaunching...
UITabBar.appearance().backgroundImage = UIImage()
UITabBar.appearance().backgroundColor = UIColor(white: 0.5, alpha: 1.0)

If you already have a native UIKit app for tvOS, but would like to extend it by using TVMLKit for some part of it, You can.
Use the TVMLKit as a sub app in your native tvOS app. The following app shows how to do this, by retaining the TVApplicationController and present the navigationController from the TVApplicationController. The TVApplicationControllerContext is used to transfer data to the JavaScript app, as the url is transferred here :
class ViewController: UIViewController, TVApplicationControllerDelegate {
// Retain the applicationController
var appController:TVApplicationController?
static let tvBaseURL = "http://localhost:9001/"
static let tvBootURL = "\(ViewController.tvBaseURL)/application.js"
#IBAction func buttonPressed(_ sender: UIButton) {
// Use TVMLKit to handle interface
// Get the JS context and send it the url to use in the JS app
let hostedContContext = TVApplicationControllerContext()
if let url = URL(string: ViewController.tvBootURL) {
hostedContContext.javaScriptApplicationURL = url
// Save an instance to a new Sub application, the controller already knows what window we are running so pass nil
appController = TVApplicationController(context: hostedContContext, window: nil, delegate: self)
// Get the navigationController of the Sub App and present it
let navc = appController!.navigationController
present(navc, animated: true, completion: nil)

Yes. See the TVMLKit Framework, whose docs start with:
The TVMLKit framework enables you to incorporate JavaScript and TVML files in your binary apps to create client-server apps.
From a quick skim of those docs, it looks like you use the various TVWhateverFactory classes to create UIKit views or view controllers from TVML, after which you can insert them into a UIKit app.


How to get data from SwiftUI TextField to NSDokument class

What I'm trying to do is store some data from a MacOS App with NSDocument provided class in a file. I decided to use SwiftUI , but all tutorials I found are using Storyboards. And from those I cannot adapt how to get the data from my textfield into my NSDocument class.
As far as I got it I need to init my variables in the NSDocument class like this
class Document: NSDocument {
#objc dynamic var contents = "Foo"
public init(contentString: String) {
self.contents = contentString
/* ... */
and in the same class I can save this string using
override func data(ofType typeName: String) throws -> Data {
return .utf8) ?? Data()
throw NSError(domain: NSOSStatusErrorDomain, code: unimpErr, userInfo: nil)
So in my view generated with SwiftUI I can access this using
struct MainTableView: View {
#State var doc = Document.init()
var body: some View {
TextField("My text", text: self.$doc.contents)
But - as I'm using only an instance it always saves "Foo" - no matter what I type into my TextField.
Besides - another question that will follow up right away: On the long run I don't want to store a string only. I'll have 3 different 2D-Arrays with different data-structures. Is NSDocument able to handle this by itself or do I need to convert those to JSON/XML/...-String and store this as a file?

Simple Swift Cocoa app with WebKit: Upload picture doesn't work

I decided to make my own FB chat app that simply shows on a WebView after trying other 'freemium' apps.
My ViewController.swift has just a few lines of code that loads URL on the web view
import Cocoa
import WebKit
class ViewController: NSViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var webView: WebView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
let url = NSURL(string: "")
let request = NSURLRequest(URL: url!);
override var representedObject: AnyObject? {
didSet {
// do nothing
Besides adding NSAppTransportSecurity key to info.plist to unblock HTTP traffic via HTTPS connection, I have not done any other settings.
Please take a look at this image first.
Everything looks fine & working except two things.
Uploading image does not work - I labeled as 1 in the picture.
normally (as in other released apps or from web browsers) if you click that icon, it shows an explorer to upload a picture like below.
My app completely ignores user's click on that icon so I cannot upload any pictures to the chat. Interestingly, if I drag and drops the picture to the webview, it uploads fine.
Shared picture does not show up - I labeled as 2 in the picture.
again, from other browsers or released apps, it shows the pictures that I shared with participants like below. (of course I censored the pictures)
my app tries to load the pics, but does not display them. I can see it trying to load because I see circular progress indicator while loading.
I suspect that there might be a way to listen to the JavaScript that's triggered within the WebView and link to a file explorer or something like that?
This I have no idea. I'm logged into Messenger (basically Facebook), so I think session is not a problem here. Maybe some jQuery loading issue??
What should I do to solve these issues?
There is indeed a delegate method to open a new panel called runOpenPanelForFileButtonWithResultListener, documentation here.
In the delegate method, just create a new NSOpenPanel like this:
func webView(sender: WebView!, runOpenPanelForFileButtonWithResultListener resultListener: WebOpenPanelResultListener!, allowMultipleFiles: Bool) {
let openDialog = NSOpenPanel()
if (openDialog.runModal() == NSOKButton) {
let fileName: String = (openDialog.URL?.path)!
resultListener.chooseFilename(fileName) // Use chooseFilenames for multiple files
I just tried to create a WebView from Messagers App and images are loading well.
You should try to enable WebView options like "Autoload Images" or "Enable Animated Images" from interface builder (or by code).
This code works for me and what is nice here is that you make the download of image asynchronous. You can find more about this concept here: and:
I. You have to create new Class or a new iOS Swift File named ImageLoader with this content:
class ImageLoader {
var cache = NSCache()
class var sharedLoader : ImageLoader {
struct Static {
static let instance : ImageLoader = ImageLoader()
return Static.instance
func imageForUrl(urlString: String, completionHandler:(image: UIImage?, url: String) -> ()) {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND, 0), {()in
var data: NSData? = self.cache.objectForKey(urlString) as? NSData
if let goodData = data {
let image = UIImage(data: goodData)
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), {() in
completionHandler(image: image, url: urlString)
var downloadTask: NSURLSessionDataTask = NSURLSession.sharedSession().dataTaskWithURL(NSURL(string: urlString)!, completionHandler: {(data: NSData!, response: NSURLResponse!, error: NSError!) -> Void in
if (error != nil) {
completionHandler(image: nil, url: urlString)
if data != nil {
let image = UIImage(data: data)
self.cache.setObject(data, forKey: urlString)
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), {() in
completionHandler(image: image, url: urlString)
II. In your actual viewController you call the method 'imageForUrl' from ImageLoaded following this lines of code:
ImageLoader.sharedLoader.imageForUrl("", completionHandler:{(image: UIImage?, url: String) in
self.myImage.image = image!
I took the code from this link:
Edited for image loaded on webview
Here is the code. It works perfect for me:
override func viewDidLoad() {
let myWebView:UIWebView = UIWebView(frame: CGRectMake(0, 0, UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.width, UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.height))
myWebView.loadRequest(NSURLRequest(URL: NSURL(string: "")!))

Conditionally showing NSViewController at app launch

I'm developing an OSX app where I show first a login/register window if the user hasn't logged in yet.
After login success I show my main view controller.
If the user is already logged in (a token is stored), then the app has to launch directly with the main view controller.
I'm new to OSX development, I googled for this kind of scenario but couldn't find anything.
So I went up with what I think should work. It works sometimes, sometimes I get a blank window.
In the storyboard I let the Main Menu and the Window Controller. I removed the "contains" segue to my main view controller.
In AppDelegate, I put this:
func applicationDidFinishLaunching(aNotification: NSNotification) {
if loggedIn {
} else {
let loginController = NSStoryboard.loginViewController()
loginController.delegate = self
private func showViewController(viewController: NSViewController) {
if let mainWindow = NSApplication.sharedApplication().mainWindow {
mainWindow.contentViewController = viewController
} else {
print("Error: No main window!")
About half of the times the window is empty and I see in the console "Error: No main window!". I thought maybe I can use applicationDidBecomeActive but this is called basically when it comes to the foreground and this is not what I need.
Further, the times when it works, and I log in, then I want to show the main view controller:
func onLoginSuccess() {
And here I also get "Error: No main window!" (always) and nothing happens.
The docs say following about mainWindow being nil:
The value in this property is nil when the app’s storyboard or nib file has not yet finished loading. It might also be nil when the app is inactive or hidden.
But why is the storyboard not finished loading or the app inactive when I'm launching it? And on login success the app is definitely active and in the foreground and the main window is always nil.
What am I doing wrong? How can I implement this workflow? Alternatively I could create a "parent" view controller, have that one connected to the window in the storyboard, and add the login or main view controller as nested view controllers to that. But don't really like having to add a do nothing view controller.
I'm using XCode 7(beta 4), Swift 2, OSX 10.10.4
The NSStoryboard methods come from an extension, it looks like this:
extension NSStoryboard {
private class func mainStoryboard() -> NSStoryboard { return NSStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: NSBundle.mainBundle()) }
private class func signupStoryboard() -> NSStoryboard { return NSStoryboard(name: "LoginRegister", bundle: NSBundle.mainBundle()) }
class func mainViewController() -> ViewController {
return self.mainStoryboard().instantiateControllerWithIdentifier("MainViewController") as! ViewController
class func loginViewController() -> LoginViewController {
return self.signupStoryboard().instantiateControllerWithIdentifier("LoginViewController") as! LoginViewController
class func registerViewController() -> RegisterViewController {
return self.signupStoryboard().instantiateControllerWithIdentifier("RegisterViewController") as! RegisterViewController
To put the solution we found in the comments as an answer:
Apparently NSApplication.sharedApplication().mainWindow is a different window than my main window in the storyboard.
So, I created an NSWindowController subclass and assigned it to the window in the storyboard, using the identity inspector.
Then I moved the logic I had in app delegate to this NSWindowController. It looks like this:
class MainWindowController: NSWindowController, LoginDelegate {
override func windowDidLoad() {
if loggedIn {
} else {
let loginController = NSStoryboard.loginViewController()
loginController.delegate = self
self.contentViewController = loginController
func onLoggedIn() {
self.contentViewController = NSStoryboard.mainViewController()
func onLoginSuccess() {
* Thanks Lucas Derraugh for pointing me in the right direction!
enum Storyboards: String {
case main = "Main"
case settings = "Settings"
func instantiateVC<T>(_ identifier: T.Type) -> T? {
let storyboard = NSStoryboard(name: rawValue, bundle: nil)
guard let viewcontroller = storyboard.instantiateController(withIdentifier: String(describing: identifier)) as? T else { return nil}
return viewcontroller
//Need to use like this
//Make sure Storyboard Id and class-name are the same
if let windowController = Storyboards.main.instantiateVC(IDMainController.self) {
//----- OR -----
self.contentViewController = windowController
} else {
print("Cannot find IDMainController")

Add completion handler to presentViewControllerAsSheet(NSViewController)?

I am attempting to present a sheet configuration view (AddSoundEffect) for my main window/view controller (I'm using storyboards), and when the configuration view controller is dismissed, take the values entered in the AddSoundEffect view and pass that back to the main view. My current code in the main view controller:
presentViewControllerAsSheet(self.storyboard!.instantiateControllerWithIdentifier("AddSoundEffect") as! AddSoundViewController
And in the AddSoundViewController.swift file, the code to dismiss it is:
To pass the data, I have a class-independent tuple that I save data to. How do I add a completion handler to presentViewControllerAsSheet, and (optionally) is there a better way to pass the data between view controllers?
Setup: Xcode version 6.4, OS X 10.10.4
Delegation pattern is the easiest way for you.
// Replace this with your tuple or whatever data represents your sound effect
struct SoundEffect {}
protocol AddSoundViewControllerDelegate: class {
func soundViewController(controller: AddSoundViewController, didAddSoundEffect: SoundEffect)
// Let's say this controller is a modal view controller for adding new sound effects
class AddSoundViewController: UIViewController {
weak var delegate: AddSoundViewControllerDelegate?
func done(sender: AnyObject) {
// Dummy sound effect info, replace it with your own data
let soundEffect = SoundEffect()
// Call it whenever you would like to inform presenting view controller
// about added sound effect (in case of Done, Add, ... button tapped, do not call it
// when user taps on Cancel to just dismiss AddSoundViewController)
self.delegate?.soundViewController(self, didAddSoundEffect: soundEffect)
// Dismiss self
self.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: {})
// Let's say this controller is main view controller, which contains list of all sound effects,
// with button to add new sound effect via AddSoundViewController
class SoundEffectsViewController: UIViewController, AddSoundViewControllerDelegate {
func presentAddSoundEffectController(sender: AnyObject) {
if let addSoundController = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("AddSoundEffect") as? AddSoundViewController {
addSoundController.delegate = self
self.presentViewController(addSoundController, animated: true, completion: {})
func soundViewController(controller: AddSoundViewController, didAddSoundEffect: SoundEffect) {
// This method is called only when new sound effect is added
Another way is to use closures:
// Replace this with your tuple or whatever data represents your sound effect
struct SoundEffect {}
// Let's say this controller is a modal view controller for adding new sound effects
class AddSoundViewController: UIViewController {
var completionHandler: ((SoundEffect) -> ())?
func done(sender: AnyObject) {
// Dummy sound effect info, replace it with your own data
let soundEffect = SoundEffect()
// Call it whenever you would like to inform presenting view controller
// about added sound effect (in case of Done, Add, ... button tapped, do not call it
// when user taps on Cancel to just dismiss AddSoundViewController)
// Dismiss self
self.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: {})
// Let's say this controller is main view controller, which contains list of all sound effects,
// with button to add new sound effect via AddSoundViewController
class SoundEffectsViewController: UIViewController {
func presentAddSoundEffectController(sender: AnyObject) {
if let addSoundController = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("AddSoundEffect") as? AddSoundViewController {
addSoundController.completionHandler = { [weak self] (soundEffect) -> () in
// Called when new sound effect is added
self.presentViewController(addSoundController, animated: true, completion: {})
Or many other ways like sending notification, ... Whatever suits your needs. But delegation pattern or closures is the best way to go in this specific case.
I missed that your question is about NSViewController. This example is for iOS, but same pattern can be used on OS X without any issues.
The easiest way to detect sheet opening or closing is to use the Sheet Notifications:
class ViewController: NSViewController, NSWindowDelegate {
override func viewDidLoad(){
NSApplication.sharedApplication().windows.first?.delegate = self
func windowDidEndSheet(notification: NSNotification) {
func windowWillBeginSheet(notification: NSNotification) {

Passing Data in Swift

I have been looking for an answer for this, but have only found answers for segues.
I have viewController1 with a button that segues to viewController2. There is no code for this, I set it up through Interface builder. On viewController2 I have a button that dismisses itself with
self.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion, nil)
I want to pass a string from viewController2 back to viewController1 when the view is dismissed. How do I go about doing this? Also, I am using swift.
Thanks in advance!
There are two common patterns, both of which eliminate the need for viewController2 to know explicitly about viewController1 (which is great for maintainability):
Create a delegate protocol for your for viewController2 and set viewController1 as the delegate. Whenever you want to send data back to viewController1, have viewController2 send the "delegate" the data
Setup a closure as a property that allows passing the data. viewController1 would implement that closure on viewController2 when displaying viewController2. Whenever viewController2 has data to pass back, it would call the closure. I feel that this method is more "swift" like.
Here is some example code for #2:
class ViewController2 : UIViewController {
var onDataAvailable : ((data: String) -> ())?
func sendData(data: String) {
// Whenever you want to send data back to viewController1, check
// if the closure is implemented and then call it if it is
self.onDataAvailable?(data: data)
class ViewController1 : UIViewController {
func doSomethingWithData(data: String) {
// Do something with data
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue!, sender: AnyObject!) {
// When preparing for the segue, have viewController1 provide a closure for
// onDataAvailable
if let viewController = segue.destinationViewController as? ViewController2 {
viewController.onDataAvailable = {[weak self]
(data) in
if let weakSelf = self {
I used the code from the first answer in a transition between controllers WITHOUT prepareForSegue and worked for me as well.
Here's the sample code.
The First View Controller:
#IBAction func dpAgendaClick(sender:UIBarButtonItem) {
///instantiating view controller with identifier
if let datePickerViewController = storyboard?.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("DatePickerViewController")
as? DatePickerViewController {
///bring instantiated view controller to front
self.presentViewController(datePickerViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)
///wrapping the data returned
datePickerViewController.onDataFiltroAvailable = {[weak self]
(dataFiltro) in
if let weakSelf = self {
///use dataFiltro here
The second View Controller:
var onDataFiltroAvailable: ((dataFiltro: String) -> ())?
///private var
var dataFiltro: String = ""
///the returning data is obtained on the datePickerChanged event
#IBAction func datePickerChanged(sender: UIDatePicker) {
let dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateStyle = NSDateFormatterStyle.ShortStyle
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"
dataFiltro = dateFormatter.stringFromDate(
///dismiss the controller on button click
#IBAction func dpOkClick(sender: UIButton) {
///"returning" the data
self.onDataFiltroAvailable?(dataFiltro: dataFiltro)
dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: nil)
(Swift 2.1, Xcode 7, iOS9)
If you don't want it to be tightly coupled only between 2 ViewControllers,
You can also use the Notification Design Pattern (Post & Observe), which is mainly used to pass on the same object/information from one VC to multiple View Controllers.
For your scenario :
In VC2.swift :
#IBAction func BackBtn(sender: UIButton) {
NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().postNotificationName("ThisIsTheMessage", object: nil, userInfo:["ObjectBeingSent":yourObject])
And in VC1.swift :
override func viewDidLoad() {
NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: Selector("yourFunction:"), name: "ThisIsTheMessage", object: nil)
func yourFunction(theNotification : NSNotification) {
if let extractInfo = theNotification.userInfo {
//code to use the object sent from VC2, by extracting the object details
Common Practise is:
Pass data forward -> Use PrepareForSegue
Pass data backward to the previous View Controller-> Protocol and Delegation
Pass data across multiple View Controllers -> Notifications : Post and Observe(observe in all the View controllers where you are using the object details)
