Error starting "XAMPP" stack: cannot calculate MAC address: signal killed - macos

I recently installed XAMPP-VM on my Mac. I am encountering a problem whenever I click Start in the General tab. Log tab shows that...
INFO: Starting "XAMPP" stack
ERROR: Error starting "XAMPP" stack: cannot calculate MAC address: signal: killed
As an individual who is not knowledgeable of such error, could someone explain what this error means and how to fix it?

I had the same problem and fixed it.
You have to close xampp, then type on your terminal:
rm -rf ~/.bitnami/stackman
And open xampp again.
Hope it works for you :) .

Make sure you have these requirements to use XAMPP-VM platform:
OS X 10.10.3 Yosemite or later
a 2010 or later Mac (i.e. a CPU that supports EPT)
Unfortunately you can not use XAMPP-VM if you don't have this requirements but you can use the regular OS X native installer available at

For people using Apple silicon chips, using installer.dmg instead of vm.dmg works.
For example, I used the following link for version 8.4.1:

Hitting the same error. However, I pressed start after a while it works. lol...
Running Mac OS 10.12.6 (16G29) and XAMPP 7.2.0

Anyone is still facing the issue of macOS Big Sur. Below I have attached few commands please follow the same.
Important: Make sure to take the backup of the working projects manually.
#create a backup of your contents inside htdocs
cp -rp ~/.bitnami ~/.bitnami.back
#note: this command enters tmp folder if you are in Users/ directory
cd ../../tmp
#installs hyper kit
curl -LJO ""
#Check the hash
md5 /tmp/hyperkit-testing-20210430
#move the hyper kit
mv /tmp/hyperkit-testing-20210430 ~/.bitnami/stackman/helpers/hyperkit
#give permission for hyper kit
chmod +x ~/.bitnami/stackman/helpers/hyperkit
Also I have attached the video link:

Another solution for Big Sur (probably works up to, but not including, Ventura) if you are trying to get the contents of your VM working as well.
Rename the current .bitnami/stackman folder to something else like stackman_old
Open up the Bitnami VM and it should rebuild the stackman folder and reassign a new localhost IP address.
Make sure that VM works by starting it up and checking it's all green
If good, quit the VM again
Move the stackman_old/machines/xampp/ssh folder into the same place into the new stackman folder.
Move the stackman_old/machines/xampp/vm folder into the same place into the new stackman folder.
After doing these two folder replacements, open up the VM again and it should start up fine, just will have the new IP address so if you are referencing that ip in your etc/hosts file, you'll have to update those so it's pointing to the right place.
Hopefully this helps someone!


XAMPP doesn't work after update to macOS Big Sur

Today I updated my mac to macOS Big Sur and I can't open XAMPP. When I click on app it doesn't give any response.
Do you know how solve this problem?
You can do a clean installation, but you will lose all your old files and databases. I suggest making a backup of this data.
Uninstall old versions of xampp.
Installation of Xampp by the brew
brew install --cask xampp
If you don't have the brew installed
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
After Big Sur installation if XAMPP is not opening, get newest version of XAMPP (7.4.12) from their web site.
If you end up with error "Error starting “XAMPP” stack: cannot calculate MAC address: signal killed". After installing the latest version, do following:
Go to terminal ->
cd ~/.bitnami/stackman/helpers
Mv hyperkit hyperkit_backup
After that XAMPP opens and tells its the first time opening, but at least I found all the files etc as before Big Sur upgrade.
Install XAMPP 7.4.12, works perfectly in MacOS Big Sur
I had Xampp 7.4.9 and update Mac OS to Big Sur. Xampp didn't want to launch after that. I lost access to all my projects inside of /htdocs folder hidden somewhere in path structure of my virtual machine.
Kindly note I used version 7.4.9-VM (not 7.4.9-Installer) that is why all my files blocked inside of
Actually all files are important here:
not only machine.qcow2
My solution is kind a mix of before mentioned solutions because they didn’t help in full.
First of all make a backup - copy old structure (with blocked files) to some directory - all this structure:
(To see hidden files in MacOS use [Command]+[Shift]+[.])
You also can just rename
to something like
As programmers here advised to install 7.4.12-VM I installed this version. Very important to install "Virtual Machine" version (as you can see there are 2 installers for each version of Xampp)
Right after I launched 7.4.12-VM the new directory was created here:
and Xampp will work properly but with no your old projects.
Do not do this step: As programmers here advised to change only one file
for me it was not enough - Xampp failed with an error:
ERROR: Error starting "XAMPP" stack: cannot start stack: ssh not accessible
My solution was put whole structure from folder xampp
to here:
You may before rename your current folder
to something like
Then launch Xampp (Xampp should say something about incopatible versions but allows to continue), start all services, mount the disk. press "Expore" and you should see all your old projects.
Thank you.
You can solve this problem by updating xampp ver 7.2.34 .
Same thing happened to me but the version 7.4.12 seems to be working. I download it from the link I'll but below. I've been reading and the problem seems to be that Big Sur changes some paths that are set by default and so the apps won't launch. Same thing happened to Apache NetBeans.
XAMPP Download Link:
I had the same problem. This is how I solved it:
First, be sure that you back up your files in XAMPP VM. Your files are in
Then you can reinstall XAMPP again. I have installed 7.4.12 and it worked fine.
If you see stack error message, this is what you have to do:
Open a terminal and remove the stack folder with the following code:
rm -rf ~/.bitnami/stackman
Open XAMPP and check if a new stackman folder is created.
If it does not, then start XAPP and stop again. When the stackman folder is created, override the file below with your backup file.
Close XAMPP again and restart again.
Voila! Here are your files...
I tried reinstalling XAMPP on MACos Big Sur, and it worked. However, my files are not recovered.
you can type this code in terminal
before this code you should close xampp
rm -rf ~/.bitnami/stackman
if you are getting error message saying:
Cannot calculate MAC Address: Using fd 10 for I/O notifications hv_vm_create HV_ERROR (unspecified error)
you need to download new hyperkit from bitnami and replace the current one
cd /tmp
curl -LJO "`20210430"`
mv /tmp/hyperkit-testing-20210430 ~/.bitnami/stackman/helpers/hyperkit
chmod +x ~/.bitnami/stackman/helpers/hyperkit
read tutorial here:

Google Coral Dev Board: Fastboot is not found on path?

I am trying to flash my google coral dev board on the macos. I learned that Catalina wouldn't function for using the board, so I downgraded to Mojave. Everything goes smoothly, except when I type the command
Onto my terminal in the process of flashing my board. The terminal returns the command:
Couldn't find fastboot on your PATH -- did you install it?
I am sure I installed it. When I type fastboot devices or version on my terminal, it shows up correctly. And, when I echo path, this comes up
So I am sure that it is on my path also. Does anyone know the solution to this?
Try opening a new terminal and see if it is still in your path. If it is not in your path you can add it to ~/.bash_profile
sudo vim ~/.bash_profile
Add the line:
export PATH=${PATH}:~/.local/bin
Then when you open a new terminal it will still be in $PATH and bash should work
I faced the very same issue as you, and the way I could run to "flash" my Coral dev was by modifying the file ( and added the path where fastboot was located.
(I'm a Mac user) This is how I did it:
I went to check the version of fastboot (It also gives you where is the file located at)
cd ~/.local/bin
./fastboot --version
Command results:
fastboot version 30.0.4-6686687
Installed as /Users/jegamboafuentes/.local/bin/./fastboot.
Then I went to the file, open it and modify the line 19:
FASTBOOT_CMD="$(which fastboot)"
I re-run, and BOOM! it worked, my Coral Dev Board was flashed.
Check your model number using the reference here. If it was manufactured before April 10, 2019, then there are some steps for you to follow.
Similarly, make sure you download the latest fastboot version here. Fastboot should be version 28.0.2 or higher. Hope this helps.

XAMPP Errors on Mac OS X Mojave

I am running MacOS Mojave 10.14 with XAMPP 7.2.5
Earlier today, I tried to start up XAMPP after a crash/restart. XAMPP Manager was unable to start the MYSQL Server. Apache did start correctly.
Figuring there was a potential corruption, I used my Time Machine to restore my XAMPP folder (to a 36-hour old file) in Applications.
Now when I try to run XAMPP Manager, I get a "Cannot find any readable ctl script" error message.
I've tried to run MYSQL Server directly from CLI. I receive the following message:
./mysql.server: line 200: my_print_defaults: command not found
Starting MariaDB
ERROR! Couldn't find MariaDB server (/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/bin/mysqld_safe)
Any thoughts on how to resolve?
The issue has to do with a quirk with Time Machine - it does not completely regenerate all recorded folders/files. A bit of a pain.
I was able to run XAMPP from the command line:
-> cd /Applications/xampp/xamppfiles
-> sudo ./xampp start
To check on MYSQL status:
-> mysql status -u [username] -p [password]
Issue resolved
I spend a day on this and the solution in my case was:
Uninstall XAMPP
Delete all files except my databases folders from ⁨Applications/XAMPP⁩/xamppfiles/var⁩/mysql (there was some .err and log files if I remember well)
Reinstall XAMPP
Reconfigure it. If you use different user than root to access your databases you need to recreate it.
I got the "Cannot find any readable ctl script" error after a Time Machine restoration, too. I'm on 10.12.6 and XAMPP 5.6.
You are correct that it appears to be a TM issue, but I was able to resolve it by entering TM and specifically selecting the directories in XAMPP/xamppfiles/ that TM would not copy over by just selecting XAMPP/xamppfiles/. (In your case, you would not want to copy over /var/mysql, assuming you want to keep your data.)
Relief. There's nothing worse than realizing your trusty backup is not so trusty.

MAMP Apache Won't Start after OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion) update

Today I updated to OS X Mountain Lion. I noticed that Apache won't start in MAMP. Nothing new seems to be in the apache log file. Running sudo apachectl -k start in Terminal gives me this:
httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Ryan-Smiths-MacBook.local for ServerName
I do have ServerName defined in my httpd.conf file.
I also noticed that "Web sharing" is no longer in the Settings pane... weird.
Any Ideas?
Hi Ryan we had this problem
It turns out the systems own apache is running. We've documented it here
To fix the problem, and to start MAMP apache, you can now refer to: (the above link is broken now.)
Or simply run the following command:
sudo apachectl stop
In addition if you run into trouble where your mysql no longer will start, try killing the mysql process that may already be running by doing the following:
Open up the program called "Activity Monitor" on your Mac.
Search for a process called “mysqld“.
Click on that process and “Quit Process”
In MAMP PRO 2.1.1, click Tools > Quit Built-in Apache.
I was able to solve this running OS X 10.8.4 by opening up Activity Monitor, choosing "All Processes" then killing any with "httpd" in the title. After that I was able to start MAMP and both the MYSQL and Apache servers gave the green light!
this one fix my MAMP
Just navigate to /Applications/MAMP/bin/apache2/bin using Finder, and rename envvars to _envvars (yes, just add the underscore). Boom! Done and done.
from codesoap
Had the same problem; no other tricks helped. I found I had an instance with "allow from" – removing the IP did the trick. Don't know why.
The problem with OSX Mountain Lion is that /usr/lib/libpq.5.3.dylib does not exist, but /usr/lib/libpq.5.dylib does.
To fix the issue, open terminal and:
~# sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libpq.5.3.dylib /usr/lib/libpq.5.dylib
just try to modify mamp in httpd.conf with:
LoadModule php5_module /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.5.3/modules/
My solution to the similar problem. I.e. MySQL was running fine from MAMP manager utility. Apache server did not and the "Open start page" was greyed i.e. not working.
It seems that my problem was, that the Apache server was not for one reason or another able to access it's log file apache_error.log in /Applications/MAMP/logs folder. The file seemed to be somehow "stuck" i.e. I was not able to change the access rights to the file with chmod command. Only after I deleted the log file completely and then restarted the MAMP control utility and started there the MySQL and Apache again, everything worked fine.
Had the same problem.
I then set the ServerName to localhost and the Listen port to 8080, because 80 was somehow not available (even not as sudo). In my case it seems to have fixed the problem.
If nothing works for you like me, the problem is likely that you ran your MAMP update with MAMP running, then you closed the existing MAMP without stopping your server. All you need to do is restart your machine.

"No such file or directory - getcwd" error on rubygems on Mac Os Lion

I'm trying to launch a heroku console that uses rubygems but I keep getting this error:
/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:471:in `expand_path': No such file or directory - getcwd (Errno::ENOENT)
from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:471:in `find_files'
from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:470:in `map'
from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:470:in `find_files'
from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:1103
from /usr/bin/heroku:9:in `require'
from /usr/bin/heroku:9
I'm using Mac OS Lion 10.7.3. Any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks!
Maybe the current working directory of the shell that's used to start your heroku process doesn't exist (maybe removed by another process, as in my case), and therefore getcwd throws an error.
This happened to me. It turned out I had deleted the folder I was running the command in.
I had that same issue.... running sudo gem update --system fixed the problem... give it a try.
I had the same thing, just type cd in the terminal, then navigate back to where you were and it works.
Tried starting the rails server in another console tab.
cd . solved it for me
Faced a similar issue while setting up rails app locally.
The issue was that the server was running in a directory which i had removed from another terminal window to recreate the app.
Close terminal and do it again or go to some other directory and come back and do it...
Anything should work..It did for me.
I encounter a same one, it happened when the working directory has actually been removed.
This doesn't appear to be Heroku issue as something in your code is requiring this getcwd.
What happens if you run this application locally in production mode? Have you defined all of your dependencies for Heroku (either via a .gems file or Bundler)
In my case, I was in a directory that had "unusual" characters in its name: /Volumes/Members/Finance & Accounting/-MC 2008, 7848/2020.
And also, I was in a remote directory, as Mac users will recognize.
I simply did push ~ and ran the command again, then did popd to get back to my remote directory with odd characters in the name.
It could be that gem is ill-behaved in the face of directory names containing whitespace, or it could be that it doesn't work on networked directories.
The bash built-in pwd worked just fine in the remote directory with the funny name.
This whole thing makes me a bit nervous about gem.
solved for me
cd ..
cd -
you have to go back and return to current directory.
Ended up on this page from searching for the same error on AWS Elastic beanstalk.
The problem with getcwd is because EB is trying to repeat the deployment process endlessly. It changes the /var/app/staging directory before it is able to finish the current action. getcwd fails because the directory was already replaced. Try deploying a stable version or a sample app
This just happened to me while I was running a Sinatra app on my localhost and this is what I found.
I'm using Git as my version control and I switched branches from development to master to merge my branches. After the merge, with an active server running, I made a minor html change which shouldn't have blown up the app and when I went to check the change in my broswer my "request" came back with OP's error - just to note this app isn't deployed to heroku.
My guess:
I'm not familiar with the intricacies of Webbrick (or equivalent programs) but I'm guessing you had an active server running (like me) and it was was looking for specific file(s) in memory and when they were modified on a possible branch change or an important file was modified/deleted - Webbrick freaked out and didn't know where to find it/them and threw up this error.
I'm not sure what version control you're using but I know git is popular for heroku so I think this might have something to do with your issue.
Fixing the issue for myself was as simple as restarting the server, hope this helps future trouble shooters.
I solved this problem by closing and restarting my terminal, setting the correct Ruby version in the new Terminal to
$ rvm use 2.1.1
(or whatever Ruby version is relevant to your program)
as explained by gerardk
you could try this before launching back heroku console
$ pwd #ie: /mywork
$ cd ..
$ cd [pwd] #ie: cd mywork
now go launch back heroku console
Restart system fixed this problem in my case
I worked around this error by shutting down the server, restarting my terminal, then restarting the server.
sudo gem update --system (as Israfil Havilah mentioned) and rebooting the server (Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS) helped me
Make sure, you are not switching git branches. To me, it happened due to switching between GIT branches deleted my folder.
