Google Coral Dev Board: Fastboot is not found on path? - macos

I am trying to flash my google coral dev board on the macos. I learned that Catalina wouldn't function for using the board, so I downgraded to Mojave. Everything goes smoothly, except when I type the command
Onto my terminal in the process of flashing my board. The terminal returns the command:
Couldn't find fastboot on your PATH -- did you install it?
I am sure I installed it. When I type fastboot devices or version on my terminal, it shows up correctly. And, when I echo path, this comes up
So I am sure that it is on my path also. Does anyone know the solution to this?

Try opening a new terminal and see if it is still in your path. If it is not in your path you can add it to ~/.bash_profile
sudo vim ~/.bash_profile
Add the line:
export PATH=${PATH}:~/.local/bin
Then when you open a new terminal it will still be in $PATH and bash should work

I faced the very same issue as you, and the way I could run to "flash" my Coral dev was by modifying the file ( and added the path where fastboot was located.
(I'm a Mac user) This is how I did it:
I went to check the version of fastboot (It also gives you where is the file located at)
cd ~/.local/bin
./fastboot --version
Command results:
fastboot version 30.0.4-6686687
Installed as /Users/jegamboafuentes/.local/bin/./fastboot.
Then I went to the file, open it and modify the line 19:
FASTBOOT_CMD="$(which fastboot)"
I re-run, and BOOM! it worked, my Coral Dev Board was flashed.

Check your model number using the reference here. If it was manufactured before April 10, 2019, then there are some steps for you to follow.
Similarly, make sure you download the latest fastboot version here. Fastboot should be version 28.0.2 or higher. Hope this helps.


Why /user/local/go isn't recognized as a Go SDK in GoLand

I'm trying to setup GoLand to use WSL 2 as in this guide:
I've installed Go in the Ubuntu distro following the linux instructions on the GoLang website, and go version prints outs the version I downloaded, so it appears that Go is working inside WSL.
So now I tried to create a new project in GoLand, and I'm getting errors, which appear to come from the fact that the SDK isn't loaded in GoLand. The guide doesn't offer much guidance on this, so I just tried to add a local SDK.
When I select /usr/local/go I get an error that it's not a valid SDK.
So I created the ~/go directory, and then updated my .zshrc file to export the GOPATH and GOROOT environment variables, even though they already showed up when I ran go env, doing this got them to show up on a simple env call.
But I'm still getting the invalid SDK error like above.
Is there a configuration step I'm missing that isn't spelled out in the guide? I came across this old post about creating symlinks to fake the expected directory structure. I haven't done this because it's a really old post, has comments that say this has been fixed, and seems like a really odd solution.
Support for Go SDK in WSL2 will be available in the next 2021.3 release, please see GO-10618.
October 2021 update.
2021.3 reaches Early Access Program at the moment. GoLand suggests selecting Go SDK on WSL2 mount if the location of the project is on WSL2 as well.
I experienced this on my Debian machine and I wasn't using WSL2. I found that the actual cause of the issue is that Goland is unable to read the directory /usr/local/go/bin due to inadequate permission.
A possible solution is to run the script as root. The script can be found in the bin/ directory of the Goland IDE folder. Here is a simple command to do run Goland as the root
export HISTIGNORE='*sudo -S*' && echo "sudo-password-here" | sudo -S /
export HISTIGNORE='*sudo -S*' tells bash history to ignore caching any command matching sudo -S* to bash history. This way, your sudo-password isn't saved into the bash-history file.
echo "sudo-password-here" | pipes your sudo password as input to the next command.
sudo -S tells bash to read input for password prompt from stdin, which has been provided through the echo command.
Alternatively, you can just install the latest version of Goland. Hopefully, it doesn't come with this bug

Trying to run a Unix-exec file via MacOS Terminal results in "zsh: exec format error"

I'm on MacOS BigSur 11.4. I'm trying to run an executable file to start a Minecraft server from a folder of set up files associated with a Minecraft/Python coding book (
My order of operations has been. 1) I moved to the file's path via cd/, 2) set the file's executable bit via: chmod +x ./NAME_OF_THE_FILE, and 3) try running the following command to execute the file: ./NAME_OF_THE_FILE
Another post advised that once I run those commands, going forward I just need to run the third command while in the files path. However, no matter how many things I try to I keep getting a "zsh: exec format error."
I suspect this has something to do with the book's publication being in 2015 when the current version of MacOS was Mountain Lion, which was before they switched from bash to zsh with all releases successive to Catalina. This would suggest I'm just formatting something wrong in a way that conflicts with the zsh syntax, but I can't figure it out. I'm searching around zsh format error related posts and they all discuss actions and conflicts that seem only tangentially related to my issue. Any help appreciated.
Thank you

ChromeDriver stopped working after reinstall.. Worked fine before - no other changes made. (macOS)

I'm new to Selenium webdriver but the issue that I am running into does not seem like a common problem (looked everywhere for solutions for 4+ hours).
macOS High Sierra 10.13.2 - Selenium 3.13.0 [via pip3] -
ChromeDriver 2.40 [via web source] - Chrome 68 - Python 3.7
Here's what happened:
Initially chromedriver is in my Applications directory with .bashrc and .bash_profile including:
export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/Cellar/python/3.7.0/bin:/Applications"
I was building a scraper in Python 3.7 everything is working fine executing from command line:
I want to start running from inside SublimeText3.
I copy chromedriver into /usr/local/Cellar/python/3.7.0/bin to be available for my python3 Sublime build system.
Doesn't work: something to do with it not being the original.
Accidentally deleted original.... So I remove all traces of chromedriver and redownload to Applications directory (original working conditions).
Now, I try to run again from command line and I'm getting Only local connections are allowed.
I try to execute chromedriver on the command line and I get bash: command not found. Even when I am in the Applications directory! Whereas before I could execute chromedriver from any directory.
Every solution online suggests that it's either a compatibility issue or a PATH issue but neither is the case.
Tried rebooting my system, reinstalling python, reinstalling Selenium, reinstalling chromedriver again, moving chromedriver/redirecting PATH, rebooting my system again, everything...
Any input would be greatly appreciated. I'm thinking it has more to do with the OS then anything else. But can't make heads or tails of this. Also wondering if using a virtualenv would be able to circumvent this issue?
UPDATE: To anyone experiencing a similar issue, I would recommend just using a virtualenv. This allows you to work in an isolated python environment without having to clutter up your system with global packages and potentially risking a bug in your system's configuration.

Error starting "XAMPP" stack: cannot calculate MAC address: signal killed

I recently installed XAMPP-VM on my Mac. I am encountering a problem whenever I click Start in the General tab. Log tab shows that...
INFO: Starting "XAMPP" stack
ERROR: Error starting "XAMPP" stack: cannot calculate MAC address: signal: killed
As an individual who is not knowledgeable of such error, could someone explain what this error means and how to fix it?
I had the same problem and fixed it.
You have to close xampp, then type on your terminal:
rm -rf ~/.bitnami/stackman
And open xampp again.
Hope it works for you :) .
Make sure you have these requirements to use XAMPP-VM platform:
OS X 10.10.3 Yosemite or later
a 2010 or later Mac (i.e. a CPU that supports EPT)
Unfortunately you can not use XAMPP-VM if you don't have this requirements but you can use the regular OS X native installer available at
For people using Apple silicon chips, using installer.dmg instead of vm.dmg works.
For example, I used the following link for version 8.4.1:
Hitting the same error. However, I pressed start after a while it works. lol...
Running Mac OS 10.12.6 (16G29) and XAMPP 7.2.0
Anyone is still facing the issue of macOS Big Sur. Below I have attached few commands please follow the same.
Important: Make sure to take the backup of the working projects manually.
#create a backup of your contents inside htdocs
cp -rp ~/.bitnami ~/.bitnami.back
#note: this command enters tmp folder if you are in Users/ directory
cd ../../tmp
#installs hyper kit
curl -LJO ""
#Check the hash
md5 /tmp/hyperkit-testing-20210430
#move the hyper kit
mv /tmp/hyperkit-testing-20210430 ~/.bitnami/stackman/helpers/hyperkit
#give permission for hyper kit
chmod +x ~/.bitnami/stackman/helpers/hyperkit
Also I have attached the video link:
Another solution for Big Sur (probably works up to, but not including, Ventura) if you are trying to get the contents of your VM working as well.
Rename the current .bitnami/stackman folder to something else like stackman_old
Open up the Bitnami VM and it should rebuild the stackman folder and reassign a new localhost IP address.
Make sure that VM works by starting it up and checking it's all green
If good, quit the VM again
Move the stackman_old/machines/xampp/ssh folder into the same place into the new stackman folder.
Move the stackman_old/machines/xampp/vm folder into the same place into the new stackman folder.
After doing these two folder replacements, open up the VM again and it should start up fine, just will have the new IP address so if you are referencing that ip in your etc/hosts file, you'll have to update those so it's pointing to the right place.
Hopefully this helps someone!

Basic terminal commands not working after trying to install Composer

My mac terminal is completely dysfunctional! Every time I open terminal I get this message:
-bash: export: `/Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.5.10/bin/:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/opt/X11/bin': not a valid identifier
The problem came about a while ago, I believe I was attempting to install composer to work with MAMP.
Today I started a beginner tutorial on how to use the Terminal and almost every command does not work such as the basic mkdir , ls , and touch (to make folder, list items, and make a file respectively), (screenshot attached).
I have already tried deleting the ~/Library/Preferences/ file. Your help is greatly appreciated.
I am working with Mac OS X 10.10.2
screenshot of terminal after making basic commands
It looks like you have an error in your .bash_profile or other startup script. Open it on terminal using vi ~/.bash_profile or some other editor of your choice and comment out that line, then type source .bash_profile to reload it.
