I cannot run my simulation program using omnet++ in Windows 7 - omnet++

I am learning omnet++ to simulate a network. The code in packeage.ned is shown as follows:
package helloworld.simulations;
import inet.networklayer.configurator.ipv4.FlatNetworkConfigurator;
import inet.node.inet.Router;
import inet.node.inet.StandardHost;
network Network
Client: StandardHost {
router: Router {
Server: StandardHost {
flatNetworkConfigurator: FlatNetworkConfigurator {
Client.ethg++ <--> router.ethg++;
router.ethg++ <--> Server.ethg++;
And the code in omnetpp.ini is shown as follows:
network = helloworld.simulations.Network
**.Client.numTcpApps = 1
**.Client.tcpApp[0].typename = "TCPBasicClientApp"
**.Client.tcpApp[0].connectAddress = "Server"
**.Client.tcpApp[0].connectPort = 80
**.Client.tcpApp[0].thinkTime = 0s
**.Client.tcpApp[0].idleInterval = 0s
**.Server.numTcpApps = 1
**.Server.tcpApp[0].typename = "TCPEchoApp"
**.Server.tcpApp[0].localPort = 80
**.ppp[*].queueType = "DropTailQueue"
**.ppp[*].queue.frameCapacity = 10
However, when I run this program, I encounter the following problem:enter image description here
Now, I do not how to solve this problem. Thank you for your help!

Have you built INET? If yes, go to the mingw console and type:
opp_run -h nedfunctions -l /d/omnetpp-5.1.1/Projects/inet/src/inet | grep firstAvailableOrEmpty
After -l there is a path to your libINET.dll file. You should see something like:
firstAvailableOrEmpty : string firstAvailableOrEmpty(...)
Accepts any number of strings, interprets them as NED type names (qualified or unqualified), and returns the first one that exists and
its C++ implementation class is also available. Returns empty string
if none of the types are available.
Moreover, the instance of FlatNetworkConfigurator must be called configurator, not flatNetworkConfigurator.
Go to INET properties then select OMNeT++ | Makemake | select src | Options... | Compile tab | More >> and ensure that you have set Export include path for other projects and Force compiling object files for use in DLLs. And in Target tab set Export this shared/static library for other projects. Then rebuild INET.
Then in your project:
In Properties | Project References make sure that inet is selected.
In Properties | OMNeT++ | Makemake | select directory with source files | Options... | Compile and make sure that the following options are checked:
Add include paths exported from referenced projects
Add include dir and other compile options from enabled project features
In Properties | OMNeT++ | Makemake | select directory with source files | Options... | Link and make sure that the following options are checked:
Link with libraries exported from referenced projects
Add libraries and other linker options from enabled project features
Rebuild your project.


failed to resolve: maybe a missing crate `image`? Rust

I'm attempting to start my first project in Rust using VScode. I added the '''image = "0.24.5"''' to the dependencies section of the Cargo.toml file, built the project with cargo build. However, whenever I try and run the file I get an error that says:
error[E0433]: failed to resolve: maybe a missing crate `image`?
--> main.rs:1:5
1 | use image::io::Reader;
| ^^^^^ maybe a missing crate `image`?
= help: consider adding `extern crate image` to use the `image` crate
This is the main file:
use image::io::Reader;
fn main() {
println!("Hello, world!");
name = "imaging"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
# See more keys and their definitions at https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html
image = "0.24.5"
Not quite sure why I'm getting this error. My guess is that it may be that VScode is unable to find the dependency.

Unable to build hello_world cc_grpc_library with bazel 6.0.0

I'm trying to build a hello_world cc_grpc_library using bazel 6.0.0 on Ubuntu 22.04, but I'm unable to do so.
Source tree:
My WORKSPACE file is empty. WORKSPACE.bzlmod does not exist.
MODULE.bazel contains:
module(name = "helloworld", version = "1.0")
bazel_dep(name = "grpc", version = "1.47.0", repo_name = "com_github_grpc_grpc")
BUILD contains:
load("#rules_proto//proto:defs.bzl", "proto_library")
load("#com_github_grpc_grpc//bazel:grpc_deps.bzl", "grpc_deps")
load("#com_github_grpc_grpc//bazel:grpc_extra_deps.bzl", "grpc_extra_deps")
load("#com_github_grpc_grpc//bazel:cc_grpc_library.bzl", "cc_grpc_library")
name = "helloworld_proto",
srcs = ["helloworld.proto"],
name = "helloworld_cc_proto",
deps = [":helloworld_proto"],
name = "helloworld_cc_grpc",
srcs = [":helloworld_proto"],
grpc_only = True,
deps = [":helloworld_cc_proto"],
helloworld.proto is a copy of gRPC's helloworld.proto
When I type bazel build :helloworld_cc_grpc I get the following error and don't know how to solve it:
...external/grpc~1.47.0/bazel/grpc_deps.bzl", line 23, column 11, in grpc_bind_deps
Error: no native function or rule 'bind'
Available attributes: aar_import, action_listener, alias, android_binary, android_device, android_device_script_fixture, android_host_service_fixture, android_instrumentation_test, android_library, android_local_test, android_sdk, android_tools_defaults_jar, apple_cc_toolchain, available_xcodes, cc_binary, cc_host_toolchain_alias, cc_import, cc_libc_top_alias, cc_library, cc_proto_library, cc_shared_library, cc_shared_library_permissions, cc_test, cc_toolchain, cc_toolchain_alias, cc_toolchain_suite, config_feature_flag, config_setting, constraint_setting, constraint_value, environment, existing_rule, existing_rules, exports_files, extra_action, fdo_prefetch_hints, fdo_profile, filegroup, genquery, genrule, glob, j2objc_library, java_binary, java_import, java_library, java_lite_proto_library, java_package_configuration, java_plugin, java_plugins_flag_alias, java_proto_library, java_runtime, java_test, java_toolchain, label_flag, label_setting, objc_import, objc_library, package, package_group, package_name, platform, propeller_optimize, proto_lang_toolchain, proto_library, py_binary, py_library, py_runtime, py_test, repository_name, sh_binary, sh_library, sh_test, subpackages, test_suite, toolchain, toolchain_type, xcode_config, xcode_config_alias, xcode_version
bazel version output:
Bazelisk version: v1.15.0
Build label: 6.0.0
Build target: bazel-out/k8-opt/bin/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/bazel/BazelServer_deploy.jar
Build time: Mon Dec 19 15:52:35 2022 (1671465155)
Build timestamp: 1671465155
Build timestamp as int: 1671465155
I've also found this gRPC github issue but I'm not sure what to do with it.
How to build gRPC's hello world example using bzlmod to manage external dependencies?
I've tried building it with bazel's cc_grpc_library but that wraps actual dependency (gRPC) into yet another layer as it is visible from the comment on the provided link. Either way it wasn't building but I don't recall actual error.
gRPC doesn't yet support Bazel module so it can break but in your case, it looks weird to call grpc_deps() and grpc_extra_deps() functions in BUILD file because those are expected to be called in WORKSPACE file. If it turns out that module doesn't work yet, you may want to use it without module. Please take a look at this example.

How we can run same feature file on multiple browser sequentially? [duplicate]

I am able to execute WebUI feature file against single browser (Zalenium) using parallel runner and defined driver in karate-config.js. How can we execute WebUI feature file against multiple browsers (Zalenium) using parallel runner or distributed testing?
Use a Scenario Outline and the parallel runner. Karate will run each row of an Examples table in parallel. But you will have to move the driver config into the Feature.
Just add a parallel runner to this sample project and try: https://github.com/intuit/karate/tree/master/examples/ui-test
Scenario Outline: <type>
* def webUrlBase = karate.properties['web.url.base']
* configure driver = { type: '#(type)', showDriverLog: true }
* driver webUrlBase + '/page-01'
* match text('#placeholder') == 'Before'
* click('{}Click Me')
* match text('#placeholder') == 'After'
| type |
| chrome |
| geckodriver |
There are other ways you can experiment with, here is another pattern when you have a normal Scenario in main.feature - which you can then call later from a Scenario Outline from a separate "special" feature - which is used only when you want to do this kind of parallel-ization of UI tests.
Scenario Outline: <config>
* configure driver = config
* call read('main.feature')
| config! |
| { type: 'chromedriver' } |
| { type: 'geckodriver' } |
| { type: 'safaridriver' } |
EDIT - also see this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/62325328/143475
And for other ideas: https://stackoverflow.com/a/61685169/143475
EDIT - it is possible to re-use the same browser instance for all tests and the Karate CI regression test does this, which is worth studying for ideas: https://stackoverflow.com/a/66762430/143475

WASM/Yew - failed to resolve: could not find `unix` in `os`

Building Yew App on Windows
I'm building a yew app alongside a rocket backend on Windows following
this tutorial
(although the tutorial is for a Linux environment). I'm trying to build the yew app
using wasm-pack. I'm not using the Linux subsystem to build the app, though
I do have it installed.
Code / Configuration
The repository.
I have already installed the wasm toolchain and cargo make:
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
The following is my toolchain list:
nightly-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc (default)
Here is my folder structure:
Project root
├───backend <-- rocket backend
| ├───Cargo.toml
│ └───src
│ ├───bin
│ └───db
├───frontend <-- yew frontend
│ ├───pkg
│ ├───src
| ├───Cargo.toml
| └───Makefile.toml
This is rootdir\Cargo.toml:
name = "sentinel"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["zachdelano <email>"]
edition = "2018"
members = ["backend", "frontend"]
This is rootdir\Makefile.toml:
clear = true
dependencies = ["build"]
This is rootdir\frontend\Cargo.toml:
sentinel = { path = ".." }
yew = "0.17.3"
wasm-pack = "0.9.1"
wasm-bindgen = "0.2.68"
web-sys = "0.3.45"
crate-type = ["cdylib", "rlib"]
This is rootdir\frontend\Makefile.toml:
dependencies = ["create_wasm"]
command = "wasm-pack"
args = ["build", "--target", "web", "--out-name", "package", "--dev"]
dependencies = ["build"]
Expected result
I expect the app to finish building with no errors when I run
cargo make. The Yew tutorial
seems to indicate nothing else is needed.
Actual output
I get a host of errors when running cargo make (from the root directory) like the following:
error[E0433]: failed to resolve: could not find `unix` in `os`
--> C:\Users\Zach\.cargo\registry\src\github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823\dirs-1.0.5\src\lin.rs:41:18
41 | use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStringExt;
| ^^^^ could not find `unix` in `os`
See the entire list of errors.
Is this a toolchain sort of thing? How can I fix this?
Running rustup update
I get the following output
from running rustup update.
Now when I run cargo make from the root directory, I get different errors:
error[E0432]: unresolved import `crate::sys`
--> C:\Users\Zach\.cargo\registry\src\github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823\socket2-0.3.15\src\socket.rs:23:5
23 | use crate::sys;
| ^^^^^^^^^^ no `sys` in the root
See the full list of errors.
Some of the code changed in the repository.
The issue ended up being that I was trying to install wasm-pack and web-sys. I don't know why that was an issue but when I commented them out and ran cargo make, everything built just fine. I also deleted target and reran cargo make just to make sure.
name = "frontend"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["zachdelano <email>"]
edition = "2018"
# See more keys and their definitions at https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html
sentinel = { path = ".." }
yew = "0.17.3"
wasm-bindgen = "0.2.68"
# wasm-pack = "0.9.1"
# web-sys = "0.3.45"
crate-type = ["cdylib", "rlib"]

react-i18next cannot resolve key

I have a problem with react-i18next not resolving my keys, so everything I get as an output are the keys themself.
I had to embed my project as gui project to a VisualStudio solution. Running my original project works just fine, the solution project in contrast cannot resolve the key part of my translate function call.
t('user:KEY_CONSTANT') //output: KEY_CONSTANT
My i18n.config looks like this:
lng: i18nHelper.languageDetector(),
load: 'currentOnly',
fallbackLng: 'en-US',
backend: {
loadPath: 'i18n/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.json'
ns: ['admin', 'user'],
defaultNS: 'admin',
debug: false,
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false,
formatSeparator: ',',
format: function (vale, format, lng) {
if (format === 'uppercase') return value.toUpperCase();
return value;
When embedding the project in the solution, I had to change webpacks output folder, which I think is the actual reason of malfunctioning, but I can't find where exact the problem occurs. I tried changing the loadPath, but if thats the source of failure, I just didn't try it the right way :S
My project tree looks like:
| |-src
| |-i18n
| |-de-DE(containing the german admin.json and user.json files)
| |-en-US(containing the english admin.json and user.json files)
| |-utils
| |-i18n.js
| |-prgFiles
| |-html
| |-i18n(contains same items as i18n under src)
In my old project, the webpack output was '/dist/' on the same level as src, in the solution, '../out/prgFiles/html'.
admin.json right now contains no keys at all, user.json contains the keys just like you'd expect:
"KEY_CONSTANT": "Actual string value"
As said, I tried around a bit with path changes, checked for translate, i18next and i18next-Provider beeing found and everythings fine. It just cant resolve KEY_CONSTANT to the actual value.
Do you have an idea what the problem might be?
set debug option to true in i18next init -> i bet you will get an error stating something like backendConnector failed to load namespace user...
make sure the clientside is able to load the translations (the webpack-dev server does a good job in doing so - but in production you will need to serve those file yourself)
