react-i18next cannot resolve key - internationalization

I have a problem with react-i18next not resolving my keys, so everything I get as an output are the keys themself.
I had to embed my project as gui project to a VisualStudio solution. Running my original project works just fine, the solution project in contrast cannot resolve the key part of my translate function call.
t('user:KEY_CONSTANT') //output: KEY_CONSTANT
My i18n.config looks like this:
lng: i18nHelper.languageDetector(),
load: 'currentOnly',
fallbackLng: 'en-US',
backend: {
loadPath: 'i18n/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.json'
ns: ['admin', 'user'],
defaultNS: 'admin',
debug: false,
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false,
formatSeparator: ',',
format: function (vale, format, lng) {
if (format === 'uppercase') return value.toUpperCase();
return value;
When embedding the project in the solution, I had to change webpacks output folder, which I think is the actual reason of malfunctioning, but I can't find where exact the problem occurs. I tried changing the loadPath, but if thats the source of failure, I just didn't try it the right way :S
My project tree looks like:
| |-src
| |-i18n
| |-de-DE(containing the german admin.json and user.json files)
| |-en-US(containing the english admin.json and user.json files)
| |-utils
| |-i18n.js
| |-prgFiles
| |-html
| |-i18n(contains same items as i18n under src)
In my old project, the webpack output was '/dist/' on the same level as src, in the solution, '../out/prgFiles/html'.
admin.json right now contains no keys at all, user.json contains the keys just like you'd expect:
"KEY_CONSTANT": "Actual string value"
As said, I tried around a bit with path changes, checked for translate, i18next and i18next-Provider beeing found and everythings fine. It just cant resolve KEY_CONSTANT to the actual value.
Do you have an idea what the problem might be?

set debug option to true in i18next init -> i bet you will get an error stating something like backendConnector failed to load namespace user...
make sure the clientside is able to load the translations (the webpack-dev server does a good job in doing so - but in production you will need to serve those file yourself)


Can't get tagging to work with cypress-cucumber-preprocessor

I am currently having issues with using tagging with the cypress-cucumber-preprocessor package. I know that the cypress-tags has been removed and made redundant so I'm trying to set up tagging using the new syntax but to no avail.
Here is my feature:
Rule: I am on a desktop
Scenario: visiting the frontpage
When I visit <site>
Then I should see a search bar
| site |
| |
| site |
| |
And my step definitions:
import { When, Then } from "#badeball/cypress-cucumber-preprocessor";
When(`I visit` + url, () => {
if(url === '') return cy.visit("");
if(url === '') return cy.visit("");
Then("I should see a search bar", () => {
"Search the web without being tracked"
When I try to run my tests with npx cypress run --env tags="#google", it gives me an error saying url in my steps definitions isn't defined. What am I doing wrong?
Try to add script with this command in package.json file this way:
"scripts": {
"open:test": "npm run clean:report && cypress open --env configFile=test,TAGS=#test" (or any tag you need)
And then use it as:
npn run open:test
The main difference besides rapping it into script is not using quotes, maybe this will help you

Where is my GenesisConfig entry for my config storage?

I'm trying to reconstruct the Sudo module's root key behaviour before I extend it. Following the v1 documentation on GenesisConfig, I have a config() storage variable in my decl_storage:
RootKey get(fn rootkey) config(): T::AccountId;
(in the node-template for now)
Yet, if I look at the macro-expanded output, I have no template item in the GenesisConfig struct, and I cannot put in an entry like the following in the chain_spec's testnet_genesis function
template: Some(TemplateConfig {
rootkey: root_key,
Because I get a complaint about both template and TemplateConfig, even though both are supposed to be constructed by the macro expansion.
Edit: Specifically, if it add the above with a TemplateConfig item in the use runtime::{} list, I am informed:
error[E0432]: unresolved import `runtime::TemplateConfig`
--> node-template/src/
4 | SudoConfig, TemplateConfig, IndicesConfig, SystemConfig, WASM_BINARY, Signature
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ no `TemplateConfig` in the root
error[E0560]: struct `node_template_runtime::GenesisConfig` has no field named `template`
--> node-template/src/
142 | template: Some(TemplateConfig {
| ^^^^^^^^ `node_template_runtime::GenesisConfig` does not have this field
= note: available fields are: `system`, `aura`, `grandpa`, `indices`, `balances`, `sudo`
I also don't see any template items in polkadot.js under storage, whereas I do see sudo's key().
What obvious thing am I missing?
When trying to set up the genesis configuration for a runtime module you need to do the following:
Make sure your runtime module has "configurable storage items". This could be as simple as setting config() in the decl_storage! macro, but could also be a bit more complicated as documented here: `decl_storage! - GenesisConfig.
decl_storage! {
trait Store for Module<T: Trait> as Sudo {
Key get(fn key) config(): T::AccountId;
This will generate a GenesisConfig in your module, which will be used in the next step.
Next you need to expose your module specific GenesisConfig struct to the rest of your runtime's genesis configuration by adding the Config/Config<T> item to your construct_runtime! macro. In this example, we use Config<T> because we are configuring a generic T::AccountId:
pub enum Runtime where
Block = Block,
NodeBlock = opaque::Block,
UncheckedExtrinsic = UncheckedExtrinsic
TemplateModule: template::{Module, Call, Storage, Event<T>, Config<T>},
This will generate an alias to your module specific GenesisConfig object based on the name you configured for your module (name + Config). In this case, the name of the object will be TemplateModuleConfig.
Finally, you need to configure this storage item in the file. To do this, make sure to import the TemplateModuleConfig item:
use node_template_runtime::{
AccountId, AuraConfig, BalancesConfig, GenesisConfig, GrandpaConfig,
SudoConfig, IndicesConfig, SystemConfig, WASM_BINARY, Signature,
And then configure your genesis information:
template: Some(TemplateModuleConfig {
key: root_key,
It sounds like you're missing use TemplateConfig at the beginning of your file. Something like this
If this is not your issue please supply the exact error you're getting, and optionally a link to the full code.

Can't remove file previously created by the application in Qt 4.8 on Win 7

I've copied a .bat-file from Qt-ressources to a file system and executed it.
After that I wanted to delete the file, but it fails in Qt. If fails also when I restart the application. However, the file can be removed in the file-explorer.
I tried QFile::remove as well as QDir::remove. Static as well as not-static versions - no effect.
I tried to call using native file-separator - didn't help either.
What is wrong with this code?
if ( QFileInfo( dataRootPath+"/backupdb.bat" ).exists() )
//debugger stepps in
QFile f( QFileInfo( dataRootPath+"/backupdb.bat" ).canonicalFilePath());
f.remove( );
I had the same problem copying file from resources to file system and trying to remove it after that. QFile::errorString() returns "Access denied". So it seems that resource file has some nasty permissions that are copied by QFile::copy. May be it's possible to change permissions but I used my own 2 functions to copy file:
bool copyTextFile(QString srcPath, QString dstPath)
QFile file(srcPath);
if (! | QIODevice::Text))
return false;
return writeTextFile(QString::fromUtf8(file.readAll()), dstPath);
bool writeTextFile(QString data, QString dstPath)
QFile file(dstPath);
if (! | QIODevice::Text))
return false;
QTextStream stream(&file);
stream << data;
return true;
I change its permissions before remove it.
QFile::copy(":/res/1.txt", "D:\\1.txt");
QFile file("D:\\1.txt");
file.setPermissions(file.permissions() |
QFileDevice::WriteOwner |
QFileDevice::WriteUser |
QFileDevice::WriteGroup |
I encountered the same error, but in my case the posted solutions did not work. However, it turned out that I had created a std::ofstream object in my code, that was unclosed. Thus, this was keeping the source file open which prevented the copying on Windows.

Mocha test failing using babel and webpack

So I am using webpack, babel, and mocha here. When I have code like this:
import userImage from '../../images/user.png';
and I build with webpack, userImage results in a string to the path of the file since I am using the file loader for images (requirements call for me not to embed images) however when I try to run my mocha tests using:
./node_modules/.bin/babel-node ./node_modules/.bin/babel-istanbul cover ./node_modules/.bin/_mocha
I get a syntax error:
SyntaxError: /repositories/react-seed/web/app/images/user.png: Unexpected character '�' (1:0)
> 1 | �PNG
| ^
2 |
3 |
I also get this error when removing istanbul. So it seems like it is trying to load the actually image file however can parse it as JavaScript since it is not.
Anyone know a way around this issue?
You can use the --compilers option which allows you to customize the nodejs require system in order to let it understand png files. So :
mocha --compilers png:./mochacfg.js
Or create a file 'test/mocha.opts' containing (better for your needs):
--compilers png:./mochacfg.js
With ./mochacfg.js:
require.extensions['.png'] = function(){ return null; }
This ignores png files (should be ok if you do nothing special with them).
If you want to do something with the image data:
var fs = require('fs');
require.extensions['.png'] = function(module, filepath) {
var src = fs.readFileSync(filepath).toString ('base64');
return module._compile('module.exports = "data:image/png;base64,' + src + '";');
Its quite late to answer this question but just for knowledge sharing purpose, I am answering another approach to do this.
Create a test-config.js file and use it while running the mocha test cases.
var jsdom = require('jsdom').jsdom;
process.env.NODE_ENV = 'test';
// -------------------------------
// Disable webpack-specific features for tests since
// Mocha doesn't know what to do with them.
['.css', '.scss', '.png', '.jpg'].forEach(ext => {
require.extensions[ext] = () => null;
and inside package.json use this test command to run the test cases
"test": "mocha ./test/test-setup.js './test/**/*.spec.js' --compilers js:babel-core/register",
I hope it helps someone.

Docpad: confused about extending template data

I'm totally confused about adding mongo data to template data. I haven't even started trying to get the data from a database as I can't get my templates to see test data (see below). This is in for the moment, but ultimately g will be the output of mongoDB.
extendTemplateData: (opts) ->
# {templateData} = opts
getGigsData: ->
g = { "date" : "3-4-2013", "location" : "Gent" }
return g
opts.templateData["getGigsData"] = getGigsData
And I hope to access it with <%= #getGigsData().date %>
Thanks so much for some guidance
I should add that this design is based on wanting to make it easy for the band to add gigs, without letting them edit the page content itself as I fear they would mess up the markup - if there are other ways to achieve this goal, I'd be pleased to hear.
Tried this locally. And hit the issue:
debug: Emitting the event: extendTemplateData
→ [2014-02-14 01:38:50.030] [/Users/balupton/Projects/docpad-extras/skeletons/so-21747504/node_modules/docpad/out/lib/docpad.js:1184] [DocPad.emitSerial]
error: Something went wrong with the action
→ [2014-02-14 01:38:50.037] [/Users/balupton/Projects/docpad-extras/skeletons/so-21747504/node_modules/docpad/out/lib/interfaces/console.js:107] [ConsoleInterface.destroyWithError]
error: An error occured:
ReferenceError: getGigsData is not defined
at (/Users/balupton/Projects/docpad-extras/skeletons/so-21747504/
at ambi (/Users/balupton/Projects/docpad-extras/skeletons/so-21747504/node_modules/docpad/node_modules/ambi/out/lib/ambi.js:25:27)
at DocPad.<anonymous> (/Users/balupton/Projects/docpad-extras/skeletons/so-21747504/node_modules/docpad/out/lib/docpad.js:995:25)
at ambi (/Users/balupton/Projects/docpad-extras/skeletons/so-21747504/node_modules/docpad/node_modules/ambi/out/lib/ambi.js:23:18)
at Task.<anonymous> (/Users/balupton/Projects/docpad-extras/skeletons/so-21747504/node_modules/docpad/node_modules/event-emitter-grouped/out/lib/event-emitter-grouped.js:45:23)
at ambi (/Users/balupton/Projects/docpad-extras/skeletons/so-21747504/node_modules/docpad/node_modules/ambi/out/lib/ambi.js:23:18)
at fire (/Users/balupton/Projects/docpad-extras/skeletons/so-21747504/node_modules/docpad/node_modules/taskgroup/out/lib/taskgroup.js:163:25)
at b (domain.js:183:18)
at (domain.js:123:23)
at (/Users/balupton/Projects/docpad-extras/skeletons/so-21747504/node_modules/docpad/node_modules/taskgroup/out/lib/taskgroup.js:173:25)
at processImmediate [as _immediateCallback] (timers.js:330:15)
Which indicates that the error is actually inside our event handler, rather than inside our code. That for some reason getGigsData is not being set, despite our:
getGigsData: ->
g = { "date" : "3-4-2013", "location" : "Gent" }
return g
Examining the code, as a CoffeeScript user, I found the issue. As a non-coffeescript user, you can use the coffeescript compiler on the coffeescript website to see the compiled javascript, which is:
events: {
extendTemplateData: function(opts) {
getGigsData: function() {
var g;
g = {
"date": "3-4-2013",
"location": "Gent"
return g;
return opts.templateData["getGigsData"] = getGigsData;
As we can see that is definitely not what we expected. We are just defining getGigsData inside an object, then doing nothing with it.
The issue is that we used a colon instead of an equals sign, so getGigsData: -> instead of getGigsData = ->. This is not a coffeescript thing, but you would have run into the same issue if this was javascript too, albeit javascript may be a bit more obvious due to the necessary squiggly braces around object definitions.
As a sidenote, if you prefer to use JavaScript with DocPad for whatever reason, that is totally supported. You could use a docpad.json or docpad.js file for your docpad configuration file. Another option, is to continue using CoffeeScript then just wrap JavaScript code within the backtick, see:
