How to remove H1 tag from joomla 2.5? - joomla

I have tried a lot to remove H1 Tag from my website based on joomla 2.5.. Everything i tried to do, but nothing was useful to me. click on website url for details
Please help

Ideally for SEO purposes your web page should have exactly one H1 heading.
It looks like the current H1 heading is associated with the slider extension. If there's no option to switch it off in the slider settings, you could create a custom CSS file and hide it using CSS like this or similar:
.djslider h1 {display: none;}


how to remove side navigation and top header area from all pages in SharePoint using SPFx

I'm trying to remove side navigation and top header area from SharePoint but the result is reflecting only on homepage.
How can I remove it from all pages?
Is there any way to remove this with SPFx extension with out using old css technique
display: none;
For removing it from all pages, you will need to include this CSS code in custom MasterPage and use that MasterPage for your site.
Yes, you could use an SPFx Application Customizer and reference the JS/CSS you want to remove.
Chris O’Brien has written an excellent post on this.

How to apply custom theme to google custom search?

I am trying to understand how to integrate google custom search into websites, I want to accomplish the same result has on their search page:
As you can see, their google custom search button and textbox purple border and search results frame is embedded in their layout, it doesn't look out of place. How did they do this?
I have read the google custom search help pages, they are too obscure to assimilate for newbies like me. I have also tried tinkering with the display settings of google custom search, and tried to understand the custom development docs to no avail. If someone could show me by example it would be greatly appreciated.
The custom styling can be achieved via css. If you are using Chrome browser, you can right click on search element, select "Inspect element" from the menu and this will bring up the Chrome console, where yu can find which element has what css class. The cse elements have usually classes starting with gsc- prefix. Then you can use those classes to write your custom css. E.g.:
.gsc-input-box {
border-color: purple !important;
Here is a jsfiddle example:

joomla blog layout

when I use a blog layout, when I hover over any content, I see a backgound with code #EEE
when I change to single article layout, hovering over the article does not show the background
I am trying to figure out what is causing the issue with hover on the blog layout. I do not want a hover.
I checked the template css, and could not find any code that sets a backround-image or background- color on hover that has the color of #EEE
Any help is appreciated
Check the <head> tag for CSS files other than template.css - most Joomla! templates use multiple CSS files. If you have multiple CSS files you could just search each one for a hover tag.
If that fails, right click the content in the blog layout using a modern browser and select the "Inspect Element" menu item that will launch a document inspector, allowing you to trace back all of the CSS etc that is affecting that element. (You will need either Firefox+Firebug, Safari or Google Chrome, or if you must IE8+).
On the right hand side of the document inspector you will see all the matched CSS with reference to which CSS file it is in, from there you should be able to track it down.

Themes and editing pages in Sitefinity 4.4

When I edit content in the backend I would like to be able to see the page as like it is in sitefinity 3.7. Right now all I'm seeing are the contentplaceholders, I don't think this is will work for inexperienced users. Is this this possible to achieve? I've tried adding themes="theme" to the tag in the web config, but this applies it to the CMS elements as well.
Sitefinity version: 4.4
Thanks for your time!
To apply styles for particular elements only for the page editor (placeholders, widget headers etc.), put .sfPageContainer before every element. For example, if you want to change the color of the links in the page editor write .sfPageContainer a{color:blue} and this will apply only in the page editor, not in the whole system.

unable to edit footer area in magento

I am a newbie in magento. I want to replace the footer area in magento default theme with just an image and for this I edited the footer.phtml file. I removed all the links Contact Us and etc. But how to replace the default blue image from the bottom that is seen on the magento home page using default theme.
You'll have to edit the CSS for the default theme in that case. Also, depending on how you want the footer to look you should also edit the footer html code to fit your design requirements.
Assuming you are using the completely default theme, check this css file for the .footer tags:
You can change all your CSS there.
Would suggest you first activate Template hints from System>Configuration>Developer>
Now look at the footer area to see from which theme the footer.phtml is being loaded. Edit the related CSS and you should be good to go
Would also suggest you empty the Magento Cache after making any css changes as suggested
