Use both arrayformula and filter in google sheets - sorting

I have a spreadsheet document with two sheets. Columns A is the name of a person. Rest of columns are informations about the person.
Using arrayformula() I "copied" column A of sheet1 to column A of sheet2 (so it updates automatically as soon as I add someone in the list).
All columns of sheet1 have filters so I can sort easily.
In the 2nd sheet I have other infos about the persons.
Now my problem is that when I sort from A-Z for instance, all info in sheet1 are sorted aswell. But in sheet2 they are all messed up.
I search for workarounds but didn't find any yet. I continue searching but I hope someone can help me here :)
Thanks for your answers !
(I can prepare a special sheet to show you my problem if you want)
Here is my doc so you can see what's wrong :


Newbie help - with vlookup

I am new to Google Sheets and need some help in validating data from one sheet into another. I have a list of item on other sheets and just want to validate on my master sheet whether that item is on each of my two other sheets.
On my master sheet (Delivered List), I have a list of approx 5k items and want to check to see which items are on my two other lists, Live Yes and Live No.
Here is the Delivered List sheet.
!Delivered List](
In column K, I need a formula to check Live Yes to see which items in column D are on that sheet.
In column L, check Live No list for same.
Here are the screenshots of Live Yes and Live No.
I hope this is clear enough and if anyone can help me with this.
thanks tremendously!
I tried copying a similar formula from another example, but couldn't get it to work.
The syntax for google sheets VLOOKUP is VLOOKUP(search_key, range, index, [is_sorted]). So in this case, the key you're looking for is the Item column. And you're looking for it in the Item # column on the delivered list sheet.
I don't have sheets up right now, but my guess is that, for example, the first cell of "On Delivered List" for "Live Yes" would be =VLOOKUP(C3,'Delivered List'!D:D,FALSE).
Try put this in K3 of your 'Delivered List' sheet.
This should do what you want.
XLOOKUP(ITEM,'Live Yes'!$C:$C,'Live Yes'!$C:$C,"UNFOUND")<>"UNFOUND"&","&
XLOOKUP(ITEM,'Live No'!$C:$C,'Live No'!$C:$C,"UNFOUND")<>"UNFOUND"
)('Delivered List'!$D$3:$D))

Google Sheets: dynamic sum-formula of multiple sheets

I'm working on a call tracking sheet for our sales teams to see their numbers.
Now I've following case I don't know how to solve.
Every sales person has his own sheet with his name.
In the main sheet I want to add up the data from all sellers, which currently happens via the following formula:
='Closer 1'!C4+'Closer 2'!C4+'Closer 3'!C4+'Closer 4'!C4+'Closer 5'!C4+'Closer 6'!C4+'Closer 7'!C4+'Closer 8'!C4
My question now is, how can I dynamically extend the formula with a database table so that when another seller is added, I don't have to adjust a formula?
That the formula is automatically supplemented by the additional person?
Here I added a picture how does it look like: Picture 1
The Sheet of a sales person looks like: Picture 2
Because It would need really much time to change all the formulas for every day of the year.
Thank you very much for your help guys!
My idea is to use INDIRECT function and store sellers names in sum sheet.
This formula treats string as a reference so you can take sheetnames from your spreadsheet.
My sheet you can find here:

How to mail merge into more that one specific merge field on the same document

Good Day
I want to apply mail merge to a document which have 4 name, surname and birthday fields.
The reason why I did this is to save paper.
How can I use a loop to print each merge field with a different row in the data source.
I'm using Aspose.Words by the way.
Thanks in advance
in Microsoft Word you could use Rules...Next Record and the end of a cell or a row. adding this hidden field at the end of a table cell or row will get the data from the next record on the same page, saving you paper ... :-)
You can achieve this by executing "Mail Merge with Regions" functionality of Aspose.Words. Please refer to the following articles:
Mail Merge with Regions Explained
How to Execute Mail Merge with Regions
Hope, this helps. I work with Aspose as Developer Evangelist.

Sort Rows in Excel?

I have an issue with an excel spreadsheet I want to see if I can do without VBA just because it seems easier to implement that way. Basically, there are many columns in the sheet I want to sort. However, I merely want to look at three columns: the title column, the data column and the status column.
In a new spreadsheet, there will be four sections. Each section corresponds to 3 months of the year (ie Jan, Feb, Mar. will map to the first column on the new spreadsheet, April, May, June will map to the second column on the new spreadsheet).
Based on the date, and if the status column has the word "Finished" (in the original spreadsheet), I want to map the title to a certain column under the new spreadsheet based on the date criteria as described in the previous paragraph. So for example, if the original spreadsheet has following:
Title Date Status
Doc1 1/12/13 Finished
Doc2 2/10/13 UnFinished
Doc3 4/1/13 Finished
Doc4 3/31/13 Finished
Would map to, on the new spreadsheet:
1st Column | 2nd Column
Doc1 Doc3
I have looked a lot into pivot tables but I can't "automate it" as much as I want to. I have gotten it down to the point where I can change the pivot tables into filtering based on date, but I want it even more automated than that. I've also tried excel formulas but that has been to no avail. Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it!
With a PivotTable it seems fairly easy to 'automate' as far as Sheet 2 as below:
but from there to the result requested is relatively 'manual' without VBA, so may not suit.
For my convenience I have changed the date formats. The PivotTable is constructed as usual/indicated without showing grand totals for rows or for columns (PivotTable Options, Totals & Filters). The Column Labels are Date with Grouping By Quarters with appropriate Starting at: and Ending at: (Group) and Collapse Entire Field (Expand/Collapse).
The formula in I6 is to convert the document count (always 1) to document name:
However, to allow room for additional quarters in the PivotTable the formula should be moved to the right. The formula would need to be copied across and down as necessary.
The process becomes more ‘manual’ with copying the results of these formulae, pasting them (with Special / Values) into a new location (in the example 2!A1) and, if required, deleting blanks.
This may be against the rules with regards to maintaining the integrity of the OP's request, but hopefully it doesn't offend :)
Here's another option.
Add another column (shame on me, I know) to the original data, and
called this Quarter. The formula that goes next to the existing data
is the following.
Basically, if the status is "Finished", then determine in what quarter the date is.
Create the pivot table with that data, and then add "Quarter" and
"Title" to the Row Labels (in that order)
Last thing would be to click the arrow next to "Row Labels" and select "Does not Equal" under "Label Filters". There you'll type "Unfinished" (no quotation marks). This will give you something like the image below.
From here the only manual thing you'll need to do is update the data range for the pivot table if more rows are added to the pivot table data and refresh the pivot table if the original data changes
NOTE: To address your question about sorting; after you do the steps above, you can select the Row Labels again and do an A>Z sort to get each quarter to be sorted in alphabetical order

Display data using FILTER formula not working

I have this Google Sheets.
In sheet named Archive I have imported some tweets. In Sheet1 I have the following formula:
=FILTER('Archive'!A2:A;MMULT(SEARCH(TRANSPOSE(" "&A2:A&" ");" "&'Archive'!A2:A&" ");SIGN(ROW('Archive'!A2:A))))
What I would like to do is to display specific tweets from sheet Archive, containing specific keywords listed on Sheet1. This formula should work, but not in this case when I am importing data. All I get is a #N/A.
Am I doing something wrong?
As discussed on the sheet chat window, use:
=FILTER('Archive'!A2:A;MMULT(SEARCH(TRANSPOSE(" "&A2:A&" ");" "&TRIM('Archive'!A2:A)&" ");SIGN(ROW(A2:A))))
In short, the second argument of MMULT needs to have as many rows as there are columns in the first argument. Here is a spreadsheet that tries to describe MMULT used in this sort of way.
The TRIM part is to mitigate against spurious space characters that may be in the raw data.
