how to generate index.html- allure reporting- testng-maven-selenium webdriver - maven

I am new to allure reporting. I am having selenium testng tests and using maven to run them. After mvn test, a xml file is generated allure-result folder.
Can anyone tell me how to generate index.html file with this. Do i need to add something in pom.xml. Here is my pom.xml :
I tried running MVN site but that did not work.

The problem is that you are using old report (Allure 1) together with new adaptor (that is only supported by Allure 2).
You can find the full documentation here
Also there is working example available


How include in jar test class and all dependency?

i use IntelliJ for a project with many modules:
Eache Module has a pom.xml. and has also Test Class in src\test\java*.
My parent's pom.xml is this:
<maven.test.skip.exec>true</maven.test.skip.exec> <---this for no run test when i do mvn install
with maven-jar-plugin when ido MVN PACKAGE i obtain 3 jar without test class and so dependencies..
In intelliJ i'm able to create 3 jar include test in CREATE ARTIFACT and INCLUDE TEST WITH DEPENDENCY (in each pom.xml in module).
I must put dependency in parent's pom.xml or in each module pom.xml?
this is pom module1:
i want genereate :
jar1 (module1) for module1 with this dependencies.
jar2 (module2) with his dependencies.
jar3 (module3) with his dependencies.
when i do mvn package in this project folder.

How to avoid running test cases twice using maven command

I am developing a test automation project. I run the test cases with testNg plugin in eclipse. That's fine. But when I run test using mvn test command, maven runs the test cases twice. Things become worse when it execute from jenkins. It takes long time to finish all the test cases.
How could I fix the issue. My POM file is like below-
Please let me know how mvn command just run test cases only once.
<!-- Build an executable JAR -->
<!-- this is relative to the pom.xml directory -->
<!-- Configuring the test suites to check executed fine -->
<!-- <plugin>
</plugin> -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
There exists multiple plugins, which might be enabling multiple executions. 'maven-surefire-plugin' is sufficient enough to run the tests, you may try commenting other plugins one by one and check which one is running the tests again.

Cucmber Feature file execution from Maven CLI

I am trying to execute a cucumber feature file from maven command line and facing the following issue - Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.14.1:test (default-test) on project Maven: No tests were executed!
The command I have used to execute is -
mvn -Dtest -Document.options="src/test/resources/maven_poc/excel_colors.feature:3"
However the step definitions file is executed successfully when executed from maven command prompt.
• mvn -Dtest=excel_color_stepdef test
Screenshot at the link -
My pom.xml is as below. Anyone who has faced similar issues? Any tips on resolution steps is appreciated.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
Those don't look like valid maven commands. It's mvn test. And the system property is named cucumber.options. So mvn test -Dcucumber.options="src/test/resources/maven_poc/excel_colors.feature:3"
You should execute the java test class that references the cucumber. Something like:
#ContextConfiguration(loader = SpringBootContextLoader.class, classes = EligibilityApplication.class)
#CucumberOptions(features = "src/test/resources/cucumber/eligibility/listpolicies/ListPolicies.feature", strict = true)
public class ListPoliciesTest {
And in the maven command you will use something like:
mvn -Dtest="src/test/java/../"

How to extract maven multi-module project from existing simple project?

I would like to find out how to extract/refactor current maven project into maven-multimodule project, due to growth of the project.
Its Selenium, Java, Maven, Cucumber-JVM automation project.
For parallel runs we use cucumber-jvm-parallel-plugin (which in turn relies on maven-surefire-plugin) in POM.xml.
mvn clean verify -Dcucumber.options="--tags #ios_e2e,#android_e2e" -DtargetEnv="cloudStackEnv"
But for serial local run, I rely on pom-singleRunner.xml, which also has a maven-surefire-plugin to invoke Cucumber runner.
mvn -f pom-singleRunner.xml clean verify
Inevitably dependencies has got copied in both of above pom files.
Is there any easier way to consolidate this (maven multi-module structure)?
or refactor it in such a way that - common dependencies etc could be extracted at root pom.
** kindly notice that - although there are two poms but both of them point to same module(s), in slightly different way.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<!-- Mandatory -->
<!-- List of package names to scan for glue code. -->
<!-- These are optional, with the default values -->
<!-- Where to output the generated tests -->
<!-- The directory, which must be in the root of the runtime classpath, containing your feature files. -->
<!-- Directory where the cucumber report files shall be written -->
<!-- List of cucumber plugins. When none are provided the json formatter is used. For more
advanced usage see section about configuring cucumber plugins -->
<!--Optional output directory. Overrides cucumberOutputDirectory. Usefull when different
plugins create files with the same extension-->
<!-- CucumberOptions.strict property -->
<!-- CucumberOptions.monochrome property -->
<!-- The tags to run, maps to CucumberOptions.tags property. Default is no tags. -->
<!-- Generate TestNG runners instead of JUnit ones. -->
<!-- The naming scheme to use for the generated test classes. One of 'simple' or 'feature-title' -->
<!-- The class naming pattern to use. Only required/used if naming scheme is 'pattern'.-->
<!-- One of [SCENARIO, FEATURE]. SCENARIO generates one runner per scenario. FEATURE generates a runner per feature. -->
<parallelScheme>FEATURE</parallelScheme> <!--Using Feature for accomodating Scenario Outline -->
<!-- Specify a custom template for the generated sources (this is a path relative to the project base directory) -->
<!-- Specify a custom package name for generated sources. Default is no package.-->
<!-- Cucumber report merger
<!-- optional -->
<name>App Name</name>
<name>Device Name</name>
<name>Target Env</name>
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version>[![enter image description here][2]][2]
<!-- -->
Also, One more reason, In case of serial runner I am exploring to have a retry runner, which could be invoked after serial run is over. But maven-surefire plugin do not guarantee particular order of execution, so perhaps I could add one more POM for running cucumber runner for retry.

runtest tesng.xml does not run any test

When I try to execute my automated tests with:
runtest.bat testng.xml
and I get this:
Selenium Tests
Total tests run: 0, Failures: 0, Skips: 0
The solutions I found are:
clean the project -> did not work
check the #Test annotations before every automated test-> yes. I have them
check the import: import org.testng.annotations.Test; -> yes I have it
I ran out of ideas, could anyone help me? Thanks
The complete pom.xml:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- needed for Bamboo -->
<value>org.uncommons.reportng.HTMLReporter, org.uncommons.reportng.JUnitXMLReporter</value>
<!-- needed for Bamboo -->
I faced this similar issue, i think u have imported external libraries also, please remove all your libraries from build path as dependencies are already added in POM.xml, now refresh your project and now run the maven test, it should work, please keep me posted I can guide you through this issue.
You need to configure your testng xml file in POM.xml file.
The annotation #Test you are using is for testng tests. So Maven doesn't get the tests to be executed.
You need to add testng.xml file in your POM.xml file for any plugin such as maven-surefire-plugin like :
