Slowly move a circle in PIXIJS - html5-canvas

I have a circle with PIXI and I need that when the touch is fulfilled another object said circle returns to its original position, but it happens that I do not know any function or method for the movement to be appreciable, all I have achieved is that it disappear and appear in its initial position. How did the transition happen?

Just add the movement into rendering loop
I use PIXI.tickerTicker() for loop
let ticker = new PIXI.ticker.Ticker();
the rendering loop in your situation should be
function loop(){
yourCircle.position.x += moveSpeed; //your question
yourCircle.position.x = defaultPos;
and then to start ticker use
Look at ticker documentation


Multiple overlapping animations on the same element in svg.js

I want to start a animation on an element while a previous animation is still active. However, calling animate() on the element queues the new animation at the end of the current animation.
For example, consider an animation where an element is being moved to a new position. Now, I also want to make it fade out when it reaches a certain position. The following queues the “once” animation at the end of the move, rather than at 80%.
rect.animate(1000).move(100, 100)
.once(0.8, function(pos, eased) {
How do I make the element start fading out when it reaches 80% of the move? The API seems to be designed for chaining animations rather simultaneous overlapping animations.
What you are trying to do is a bit more complicated. Unforrtunately its not possible to "hack" into the current animation and add a new animation on the fly.
However what you can do is adding a new property which should be animated:
var fx = rect.animate(1000).move(100, 100)
.once(0.8, function(pos, eased) {
As you will notice that has its own problems because the oopacity immediately jumps to 80%. So this is not an approach which works for you.
Next try: Use the during method:
var morh = SVG.morph(
var fx = rect.animate(1000).move(100, 100)
.once(0.8, function(pos, eased) {
fx.during(function(pos, morphFn, easedPos) {
pos = (pos - 0.8) / 0.2
We just calculate the opacity ourselves

How do i rotate an object in unity at a set of amount time stop it and then again

I'm not good at coding so please help me with my problem.
What i mean with: How do i rotate an object in unity at a set of amount time stop it and then again
is how can i rotate an object at a set of amount time then stop it at a set of amount time then stop it etc.
Easiest way would be like this:
// control the timing of rotating here
var rotate=true;
function Start () {
// rotate an object for 2 seconds
yield WaitForSeconds(2f);
// stop it for a second
yield WaitForSeconds(1f);
// rotate again
// rotate here
function Update() {
transform.eulerAngles+=Vector3(0, Time.deltaTime*90, 0);
If you want the rotation enabling-disabling to loop, wrap the contents of Start in a while(true) {...}.

ILNumeric continuous rendering plots

Is there a way to continously plot changing array data? I've got a ILLinePlot to graph the line to changing data on a button event, but I would like to make it continuous.
while (true)
float[] RefArray = A.GetArrayForWrite();
//RefArray[0] = 100;
Shuffle<float>(ref RefArray);
scene = new ILScene();
pc = scene.Add(new ILPlotCube());
linePlot = pc.Add(new ILLinePlot(A.T, lineColor: Color.Green));
ilPanel1.Scene = scene;
The problem I'm running into is that the loop runs, and i can see updates of the array, but the ILPanel does not update. I'm thinking maybe it's because the main loop can't be accessed due to this infinite loop, so I put it in its own thread as well, but it's still not rendering as I hoped...
As Paul pointed out, there is a more efficient attempt to do this:
private void ilPanel1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
using (ILScope.Enter()) {
// create some test data
ILArray<float> A = ILMath.tosingle(ILMath.rand(1, 50));
// add a plot cube and a line plot (with markers)
ilPanel1.Scene.Add(new ILPlotCube(){
new ILLinePlot(A, markerStyle: MarkerStyle.Rectangle)
// register update event
ilPanel1.BeginRenderFrame += (o, args) =>
// use a scope for automatic memory cleanup
using (ILScope.Enter()) {
// fetch the existint line plot object
var linePlot = ilPanel1.Scene.First<ILLinePlot>();
// fetch the current positions
var posBuffer = linePlot.Line.Positions;
ILArray<float> data = posBuffer.Storage;
// add a random offset
data = data + ILMath.tosingle(ILMath.randn(1, posBuffer.DataCount) * 0.005f);
// update the positions of the line plot
// fit the line plot inside the plot cube limits
// inform the scene to take the update
// start the infinite rendering loop
ilPanel1.Clock.Running = true;
Here, the full update runs inside an anonymous function, registered to BeginRenderFrame.
The scene objects are reused instead of getting recreated in every rendering frame. At the end of the update, the scene needs to know, you are done by calling Configure on the affected node or some node among its parent nodes. This prevents the scene from rendering partial updates.
Use an ILNumerics arteficial scope in order to clean up after every update. This is especially profitable once larger arrays are involved. I added a call to ilPanel1.Scene.First<ILPlotCube>().Reset() in order to rescale the limits of the plot cube to the new data content.
At the end, start the rendering loop by starting the Clock of ILPanel.
The result is a dynamic line plot, updating itself at every rendering frame.
I think you need to call Configure() after any modification of a shape or its buffers. Use the BeginRenderFrame event to do your modifications and you should not add infinitely many shapes / new scenes. It is better to reuse them!
Let me know, if you need an example...

dojo animation on interrupt?

Is there an equivalent of an 'on interrupt' function when using dojo.fx animations?
On my site, I clear an area by sliding the div off the screen to the left and then clearing the innerHTML. So that the div is available for future use in the same place, I set its final position to be equal to its original position (though it's empty and invisible, so the user doesn't see). I do this by referencing the position when the function is fired to avoid hard coding the position in.
function clear (node) {
// get the current position
var position = domGeom.position (node, true);
// slide the calendar off the screen
var anim = dojo.fx.slideTo ({
node: node,
left: -2000,
unit: "px"
// attach on onEnd function
dojo.connect (anim, "onEnd", function (n1, n2) {
node.innerHTML = "";
// Reset the node's position
domStyle.set (node, "left", position.x + "px");
The problem is that if the user clicks 'clear' while the function is in progress, for example if they accidentally double click, then the 'position' variable takes the value of the node mid-animation. If I later put some content in the node, it's in the wrong place, or sometimes completely off screen.
What I was thinking of doing was adding a listener to the animation so that if it was ever interrupted, it would stop the animation and instead execute the 'onEnd' function immediately, so that the second clear function would have the correct position variable.
Unfortunately, I can't find such a listener; could anyone point me in the right direction, or suggest an alternative solution?
You might be interrupting the flow of events in your page, but you're not really 'interrupting' in Animation terms: there's no way an Animation could give you an event to tell you that Clear has been pressed, I'm afraid.
If you want the animation to be stopped when the user presses Clear, you'll have to stop the animation manually when the user presses Clear: Dojo can't automatically detect there's any link between the two things, and indeed there may well be other animations that you want to continue even if the user does press Clear.
So, you'll probably be looking to call .stop on the animation when appropriate.

Example on how to control tweens using Ticker in CreateJS

I'm working with CreateJS and wondered if anyone here has examples of controlling tweens using the Ticker object. I'm trying to get a sprite to follow a path defined by waypoints but i don't want to control each tween (in between waypoints) by time. I want to have smooth movement between each waypoint controlled by the Ticker object. I tried this code which doesn't seem to work at all.
var index = 0;
function move(){
if (index < path.length) {
.to({x:gridSize * path[index][0] - pathOffset,y:gridSize * path[index][1] - pathOffset})
createjs.Ticker.addEventListener("tick", function(event){
This code seems to only jump between waypoints and not tween at all. Any ideas what i may be doing wrong or any code/tutorials which might help?
You need to add a duration(in milliseconds) to your tween, otherwise it would default to 0, this will cause the "jump", e.g.: 500 for half a second
instead of: .to({x:..., y:...})
use: .to({x:..., y:...},500)
And a second thing: You don't NEED to call createjs.Tween.tick(1); this is usually called automatically by the Tween-class.
Here is some help and some small examples:
Advanced Examples:
