How many possible way for barcode to appear with limitation constrain - algorithm

This is one of homeworks from a grader I've got. I've been struggling on this question for two days now. The topic is about Dynamic programming and I have no idea how to make sense of it.
The detail is the following.
A barcode consists of black and white vertical lines in different arrangement. For simplicity, we use a string of “0” and “1” to identify a barcode such that “0” represents a black line while “1” represents a white line.
A barcode is designed to be robust to error thus it has to follow some specific rules:
1) A barcode must consists of exactly N lines
2) There can be no more than M consecutive lines of same color. For example, when M=3, the barcode “01100001” is illegal because it consists of four consecutive white lines. However, 1001100 is legal.
3) We define “color changing” as follows. Color changing occurs when two
consecutive lines have different colors. For example, 1001100 has 3 color
changing. A barcode must have exactly K color changing.
4) The first line is always a black line.
We interest in knowing the number of possible barcode with respect to given
values of N, M and K.
There are only one line contains 3 integers N, M and K where 1 <= N,M <= 30 and 0 <= K <= 30
The output must contain exactly one line giving the number of possible barcodes.
For example
4 3 1
5 2 2
7 9 4

At each step ( the i barcode ) we have 2 options: either choose it white or black, then depend on that update your state (m and k).
here a pseudo Java code with comments, don't hesitate to ask if something is not clear:
static int n,m,k,memo[][][][];
static int dp(int i,int mm,int kk,int last) {
if(mm > m || kk > k) return 0; // limitation constrains
if(i==n) return kk==k?1:0; // if we build our barcode ( i == n ), we need to check color changing if it's ok return 1 else return 0
if(memo[i][mm][kk][last] != -1) return memo[i][mm][kk][last]; // momoization
int ans = 0;
ans += dp(i+1,last==1?mm+1:1,kk+(last!=1?1:0),1); // choose black as a color of this one and update state ( mm, kk )
ans += dp(i+1,last==0?mm+1:1,kk+(last!=0?1:0),0); // choose white as a color of this one and update state ( mm, kk )
return memo[i][mm][kk][last] = ans;
public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception {
n = 4; m = 3; k = 1;
memo = new int[n+1][m+1][k+1][2];
for(int i=0;i<n;i++) for(int j=0;j<=m;j++) for(int l=0;l<=k;l++) Arrays.fill(memo[i][j][l], -1);

There is a quite simple recurrence relation, if T(N, M, K) is the output :
T(N, M, K) = T(N - 1, M, K - 1) + T(N - 2, M, K - 1) + ... + T(N - M, M, K - 1)
A valid barcode (N, M, K) is always a smaller valid barcode plus one new colour, the size of this new colour could be anything from 1 to M.
Thanks to this relation you can create for each M, a N x K table and solve the problem in O(NMK) with dynamic programming.
These rules should be enough to initialize the recurrence:
T(N, M, K) = 0 if (K >= N) and 1 if (K = N - 1)
T(N, M, K) = 0 if ((K+1) * M < N)


Minimum number of squares required to cover a rectangular grid of size n by m

The problem statement is to find Minimum number of squares required whose side is of power of 2 required to cover a rectangular grid of size n by m.
I wrote the following code :
ll solve(ll n,ll m)
return 0;
else if(n%2==0&&m%2==0)
return solve(n/2,m/2);
else if(n%2==0&&m%2==1)
return (solve(n/ 2,m/ 2));
else if(n%2==1&&m%2==0)
return (solve(n/ 2,m/ 2));
return (n+m-1+solve(n/2,m/2));
Suggest me, as it gives wrong answer.
W.l.o.g. we say n>=m and choose m to be of the form 2^x. (If m is arbitrary <= n as well it only means that we apply the same approach to a second rectangle that is n times m-2^x in size, where x=int_floor(ld(m)) and ld is log to the base of 2 of course.)
The following snippet should compute the number of squares needed.
countSquares(m,n,x) :
if n == 0 : return 0
if n == 1 : return m
if n/2^x >= 1 :
return m/2^x + countSquares(m,n-2^x,x-1)
The return in the 3rd if: m/2^x is always a natural number as m is of the form 2^x in the beginning and any 2^(x-(x-i)) remains a natural number.
If we are only interested in a lower bound. I would assume choosing a rectangle of size a times b, where a:=2^x - 1, and b:=2^y -1 should result in roughly ld(a) times ld(b) number of squares.
Extending the code snippet to an arbitrary m seems to involve a second recursion:
partitionAndCount(n,m) :
if n < m : swap(n,m)
var x = floor(ld(m))
var mRes = m - 2^x
if mRes == 0 : return countSquares(2^x,n,x-1)
if mRes == 1 : n + return countSquares(2^x,n,x-1)
return partitionAndCount(n,mRes) + countSquares(2^x,n,x-1)

Find final square in matrix walking like a spiral

Given the matrix A x A and a number of movements N.
And walking like a spiral:
right while possible, then
down while possible, then
left while possible, then
up while possible, repeat until got N.
Image with example (A = 8; N = 36)
In this example case, the final square is (4; 7).
My question is: Is it possible to use a generic formula to solve this?
Yes, it is possible to calculate the answer.
To do so, it will help to split up the problem into three parts.
(Note: I start counting at zero to simplify the math. This means that you'll have to add 1 to some parts of the answer. For instance, my answer to A = 8, N = 36 would be the final square (3; 6), which has the label 35.)
(Another note: this answer is quite similar to Nyavro's answer, except that I avoid the recursion here.)
In the first part, you calculate the labels on the diagonal:
(0; 0) has label 0.
(1; 1) has label 4*(A-1). The cycle can be evenly split into four parts (with your labels: 1..7, 8..14, 15..21, 22..27).
(2; 2) has label 4*(A-1) + 4*(A-3). After taking one cycle around the A x A matrix, your next cycle will be around a (A - 2) x (A - 2) matrix.
And so on. There are plenty of ways to now figure out the general rule for (K; K) (when 0 < K < A/2). I'll just pick the one that's easiest to show:
4*(A-1) + 4*(A-3) + 4*(A-5) + ... + 4*(A-(2*K-1)) =
4*A*K - 4*(1 + 3 + 5 + ... + (2*K-1)) =
4*A*K - 4*(K + (0 + 2 + 4 + ... + (2*K-2))) =
4*A*K - 4*(K + 2*(0 + 1 + 2 + ... + (K-1))) =
4*A*K - 4*(K + 2*(K*(K-1)/2)) =
4*A*K - 4*(K + K*(K-1)) =
4*A*K - 4*(K + K*K - K) =
4*A*K - 4*K*K =
(Note: check that 4*(A-K)*K = 28 when A = 8 and K = 1. Compare this to the label at (2; 2) in your example.)
Now that we know what labels are on the diagonal, we can figure out how many layers (say K) we have to remove from our A x A matrix so that the final square is on the edge. If we do this, then answering our question
What are the coordinates (X; Y) when I take N steps in a A x A matrix?
can be done by calculating this K and instead solve the question
What are the coordinates (X - K; Y - K) when I take N - 4*(A-K)*K steps in a (A - 2*K) x (A - 2*K) matrix?
To do this, we should find the largest integer K such that K < A/2 and 4*(A-K)*K <= N.
The solution to this is K = floor(A/2 - sqrt(A*A-N)/2).
All that remains is to find out the coordinates of a square that is N along the edge of some A x A matrix:
if 0*E <= N < 1*E, the coordinates are (0; N);
if 1*E <= N < 2*E, the coordinates are (N - E; E);
if 2*E <= N < 3*E, the coordinates are (E; 3*E - N); and
if 3*E <= N < 4*E, the coordinates are (4*E - N; 0).
Here, E = A - 1.
To conclude, here is a naive (layerNumber gives incorrect answers for large values of a due to float inaccuracy) Haskell implementation of this answer:
finalSquare :: Integer -> Integer -> Maybe (Integer, Integer)
finalSquare a n
| Just (x', y') <- edgeSquare a' n' = Just (x' + k, y' + k)
| otherwise = Nothing
k = layerNumber a n
a' = a - 2*k
n' = n - 4*(a-k)*k
edgeSquare :: Integer -> Integer -> Maybe (Integer, Integer)
edgeSquare a n
| n < 1*e = Just (0, n)
| n < 2*e = Just (n - e, e)
| n < 3*e = Just (e, 3*e - n)
| n < 4*e = Just (4*e - n, 0)
| otherwise = Nothing
e = a - 1
layerNumber :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
layerNumber a n = floor $ aa/2 - sqrt(aa*aa-nn)/2
aa = fromInteger a
nn = fromInteger n
Here is the possible solution:
f a n | n < (a-1)*1 = (0, n)
| n < (a-1)*2 = (n-(a-1), a-1)
| n < (a-1)*3 = (a-1, 3*(a-1)-n)
| n < (a-1)*4 = (4*(a-1)-n, 0)
| otherwise = add (1,1) (f (a-2) (n - 4*(a-1))) where
add (x1, y1) (x2, y2) = (x1+x2, y1+y2)
This is a basic solution, it may be generalized further - I just don't know how much generalization you need. So you can get the idea.
The solution is for 0-based index
Some check for existence is required (n >= a*a)
I'm going to propose a relatively simple workaround here which generates all the indices in O(A^2) time so that they can later be accessed in O(1) for any N. If A changes, however, we would have to execute the algorithm again, which would once more consume O(A^2) time.
I suggest you use a structure like this to store the indices to access your matrix:
Coordinate[] indices = new Coordinate[A*A]
Where Coordinate is just a pair of int.
You can then fill your indices array by using some loops:
(This implementation uses 1-based array access. Correct expressions containing i, sentinel and currentDirection accordingly if this is an issue.)
Coordinate[] directions = { {1, 0}, {0, 1}, {-1, 0}, {0, -1} };
Coordinate c = new Coordinate(1, 1);
int currentDirection = 1;
int i = 1;
int sentinel = A;
int sentinelIncrement = A - 1;
boolean sentinelToggle = false;
while(i <= A * A) {
indices[i] = c;
if (i >= sentinel) {
if (sentinelToggle) {
sentinelIncrement -= 1;
sentinel += sentinelIncrement;
sentinelToggle = !sentinelToggle;
currentDirection = currentDirection mod 4 + 1;
c += directions[currentDirection];
Alright, off to the explanation: I'm using a variable called sentinel to keep track of where I need to switch directions (directions are simply switched by cycling through the array directions).
The value of sentinel is incremented in such a way that it always has the index of a corner in our spiral. In your example the sentinel would take on the values 8, 15, 22, 28, 34, 39... and so on.
Note that the index of "sentinel" increases twice by 7 (8, 15 = 8 + 7, 22 = 15 + 7), then by 6 (28 = 22 + 6, 34 = 28 + 6), then by 5 and so on. In my while loop I used the boolean sentinelToggle for this. Each time we hit a corner of the spiral (this is exactly iff i == sentinel, which is where the if-condition comes in) we increment the sentinel by sentinelIncrement and change the direction we're heading. If sentinel has been incremented twice by the same value, the if-condition if (sentinelToggle) will be true, so sentinelIncrement is decreased by one. We have to decrease sentinelIncrement because our spiral gets smaller as we go on.
This goes on as long as i <= A*A, that is, as long as our array indices has still entries that are zero.
Note that this does not give you a closed formula for a spiral coordinate in respect to N (which would be O(1) ); instead it generates the indices for all N which takes up O(A^2) time and after that guarantees access in O(1) by simply calling indices[N].
O(n^2) hopefully shouldn't hurt too badly because I'm assuming that you'll also need to fill your matrix at some point which also takes O(n^2).
If efficiency is a problem, consider getting rid off sentinelToggle so it doesn't mess up branch prediction. Instead, decrement sentinelIncrement every time the while condition is met. To get the same effect for your sentinel value, simply start sentinelIncrement at (A - 1) * 2 and every time the if-condition is met, execute:
sentinel += sentinelIncrement / 2
The integer division will have the same effect as only decreasing sentinelIncrement every second time. I didn't do this whole thing in my version because I think it might be more easily understandable with just a boolean value.
Hope this helps!

No of ways to walk M steps in a grid

You are situated in an grid at position x,y. The dimensions of the row is dx,dy. In one step, you can walk one step ahead or behind in the row or the column. In how many ways can you take M steps such that you do not leave the grid at any point ?You can visit the same position more than once.
You leave the grid if you for any x,y either x,y <= 0 or x,y > dx,dy.
1 <= M <= 300
1 <= x,y <= dx,dy <= 100
x y
dx dy
no of ways
6 6
12 12
6 6
12 12
If you are at position 6,6 then you can walk to (6,5),(6,7),(5,6),(7,6).
I am stuck at how to use Pascal's Triangle to solve it.Is that the correct approach? I have already tried brute force but its too slow.
C[i][j], Pascal Triangle
C[i][j] = C[i - 1][j - 1] + C[i - 1][j]
T[pos][stp] = T[pos + 1][stp - 1] + T[pos - 1][stp - 1]
You can solve 1d problem with the formula you provided.
Let H[pos][step] be number of ways to move horizontal using given number of steps.
And V[pos][step] be number of ways to move vertical sing given number of steps.
You can iterate number of steps that will be made horizontal i = 0..M
Number of ways to move so is H[x][i]*V[y][M-i]*C[M][i], where C is binomial coefficient.
You can build H and V in O(max(dx,dy)*M) and do second step in O(M).
EDIT: Clarification on H and V. Supppose that you have line, that have d cells: 1,2,...,d. You're standing at cell number pos then T[pos][step] = T[pos-1][step-1] + T[pos+1][step-1], as you can move either forward or backward.
Base cases are T[0][step] = 0, T[d+1][step] = 0, T[pos][0] = 1.
We build H assuming d = dx and V assuming d = dy.
EDIT 2: Basically, the idea of algorithm is since we move in one of 2 dimensions and check is also based on each dimension independently, we can split 2d problem in 2 1d problems.
One way would be an O(n^3) dynamic programming solution:
Prepare a 3D array:
int Z[dx][dy][M]
Where Z[i][j][n] holds the number of paths that start from position (i,j) and last n moves.
The base case is Z[i][j][0] = 1 for all i, j
The recursive case is Z[i][j][n+1] = Z[i-1][j][n] + Z[i+1][j][n] + Z[i][j-1][n] + Z[i][j+1][n] (only include terms in the sumation that are on the map)
Once the array is filled out return Z[x][y][M]
To save space you can discard each 2D array for n after it is used.
Here's a Java solution I've built for the original hackerrank problem. For big grids runs forever. Probably some smart math is needed.
long compute(int N, int M, int[] positions, int[] dimensions) {
if (M == 0) {
return 1;
long sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
if (positions[i] < dimensions[i]) {
sum += compute(N, M - 1, positions, dimensions);
if (positions[i] > 1) {
sum += compute(N, M - 1, positions, dimensions);
return sum % 1000000007;

Finding the Nth Twin Prime

I was trying to solve a problem on SPOJ. We are required to calculate the nth twin prime pair( primes differing by 2). n can be as large as 10^5. I tried a precalculation using a sieve, I had to sieve up to 10^8 to get the maximum n twin prime, but the time limit is strict(2s) and it times out. I noticed people have solved it in 0.00 seconds, so i looked around for a formula on google, and couldnt get anything helpful. Could someone please guide me?
Thanks in advance!!
Out of curiosity, I solved the problem using two variants of a Sieve of Eratosthenes. The first variant completed on the testing machine in 0.93s and the second in 0.24s. For comparison, on my computer, the first finished in 0.08s and the second in 0.04s.
The first was a standard sieve on the odd numbers, the second a slightly more elaborate sieve omitting also the multiples of 3 in addition to the even numbers.
The testing machines of SPOJ are old and slow, so a programme runs much longer on them than on a typical recent box; and they have small caches, therefore it is important to keep the computation small.
Doing that, a Sieve of Eratosthenes is easily fast enough. However, it is really important to keep memory usage small. The first variant, using one byte per number, gave "Time limit exceeded" on SPOJ, but ran in 0.12s on my box. So, given the characteristics of the SPOJ testing machines, use a bit-sieve to solve it in the given time.
On the SPOJ machine, I got a significant speedup (running time 0.14s) by further reducing the space of the sieve by half. Since - except for the first pair (3,5) - all prime twins have the form (6*k-1, 6*k+1), and you need not know which of the two numbers is composite if k doesn't give rise to a twin prime pair, it is sufficient to sieve only the indices k.
(6*k + 1 is divisible by 5 if and only if k = 5*m + 4 for some m, and 6*k - 1 is divisible by 5 if and only if k = 5*m+1 for some m, so 5 would mark off 5*m ± 1, m >= 1 as not giving rise to twin primes. Similarly, 6*k+1 is divisible by 13 if and only if k = 13*m + 2 for some m and 6*k - 1 if and only if k = 13*m - 2 for some m, so 13 would mark off 13*m ± 2.)
This doesn't change the number of markings, so with a sufficiently large cache, the change in running time is small, but for small caches, it's a significant speedup.
One more thing, though. Your limit of 108 is way too high. I used a lower limit (20 million) that doesn't overestimate the 100,000th twin prime pair by so much. With a limit of 108, the first variant would certainly not have finished in time, the second probably not.
With the reduced limit, a Sieve of Atkin needs to be somewhat optimised to beat the Eratosthenes variant omitting even numbers and multiples of 3, a naive implementation will be significantly slower.
Some remarks concerning your (wikipedia's pseudocode) Atkin sieve:
#define limit 100000000
int prime1[MAXN];
int prime2[MAXN];
You don't need the second array, the larger partner of a prime twin pair can easily be computed from the smaller. You're wasting space and destroy cache locality reading from two arrays. (That's minor compared to the time needed for sieving, though.)
int root = ceil(sqrt(limit));
bool sieve[limit];
On many operating systems nowadays, that is an instant segfault, even with a reduced limit. The stack size is often limited to 8MB or less. Arrays of that size should be allocated on the heap.
As mentioned above, using one bool per number makes the programme run far slower than necessary. You should use a std::bitset or std::vector<bool> or twiddle the bits yourself. Also it is advisable to omit at least the even numbers.
for (int x = 1; x <= root; x++)
for (int y = 1; y <= root; y++)
//Main part of Sieve of Atkin
int n = (4*x*x)+(y*y);
if (n <= limit && (n % 12 == 1 || n % 12 == 5)) sieve[n] ^= true;
n = (3*x*x)+(y*y);
if (n <= limit && n % 12 == 7) sieve[n] ^= true;
n = (3*x*x)-(y*y);
if (x > y && n <= limit && n % 12 == 11) sieve[n] ^= true;
This is horribly inefficient. It tries far too many x-y-combinations, for each combination it does three or four divisions to check the remainder modulo 12 and it hops back and forth in the array.
Separate the different quadratics.
For 4*x^2 + y^2, it is evident that you need only consider x < sqrt(limit)/2 and odd y. Then the remainder modulo 12 is 1, 5, or 9. If the remainder is 9, then 4*x^2 + y^2 is actually a multiple of 9, so such a number would be eliminated as not square-free. However, it is preferable to omit the multiples of 3 from the sieve altogether and treat the cases n % 12 == 1 and n % 12 == 5 separately.
For 3*x^2 + y^2, it is evident that you need only consider x < sqrt(limit/3) and a little bit of thought reveals that x must be odd and y even (and not divisible by 3).
For 3*x^2 - y^2 with y < x, it is evident that you need only consider y < sqrt(limit/2). Looking at the remainders modulo 12, you see that y mustn't be divisible by 3 and x and y must have different parity.
I have got AC in 0.66s. As, there are solutions with 0.0s I assume better optimizations are possible, however, I describe my approach here.
I have used one basic optimization in Sieve of Eratosthenes. You know that 2 is the only even prime, using this you can reduce your computation time and memory for calculating primes by half.
Secondly, all the numbers which are twin primes will not be multiples of 2 and 3 (as they are primes!). So, those numbers will be of the form 6N+1 and 6N+5 (rest will not be primes for sure). 6N+5 = 6N+6-1 = 6(N+1)-1. So it can be seen that 6N+1 and 6N-1 can possibly be twin primes for N >= 1. So, you precompute all these values using the primes that you have calculated before. (Trivial case is 3 5)
Note: You don't need to calculate primes till 10^8, the upper limit is much lower.
[Edit: I can share my code if you want, but it would be better if you come up with a solution on your own. :)]
So basically, sieving up to 20,000,000 is enough, according to Wolfram Alpha. Use plain sieve of Eratosthenes, on odds, with vector<bool> in C++ (what language were you using BTW?).
Track the twin primes right inside the sieve loop. Store the lower prime of a pair in a separate vector as you find the twins, and if an out-of-order (smaller then previous) index is requested (and they are, contrary to the examples shown on the description page), just get the prime from this storage:
size_t n = 10000000, itop=2236;
vector<bool> s;
vector<int> twins;
s.resize(n, true);
int cnt, k1, k2, p1=3, p2, k=0;
cin >> cnt;
if( cnt-- > 0 )
cin >> k1;
for( size_t i=1; i < n; ++i ) // p=2i+1
if( s[i] )
p2 = 2*i+1;
if( p2-p1 == 2 ) { ++k; twins.push_back(p1); }
if( k==k1 )
cout << p1 << " " << p2 << endl;
etc. Got accept with 1.05 sec (0.18 sec on Ideone). Or untangle the logic - just pre-calculate 100,000 twin prime pairs right away, and access them in a separate loop afterwards (0.94 sec).
A description of an efficient algorithm to solve this can be found here # Programming Praxis entry Also, Scheme and Perl sample code are provided.
I precomputed a large list of primes using the Sieve of Eratosthenes, then iterated through the list counting items that were 2 less than their successor until finding n of them. Runs in 1.42 seconds at I too would like to know how to compute the answer in zero seconds.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define ISBITSET(x, i) (( x[i>>3] & (1<<(i&7)) ) != 0)
#define SETBIT(x, i) x[i>>3] |= (1<<(i&7));
#define CLEARBIT(x, i) x[i>>3] &= (1<<(i&7)) ^ 0xFF;
typedef struct list {
int data;
struct list *next;
} List;
List *insert(int data, List *next)
List *new;
new = malloc(sizeof(List));
new->data = data;
new->next = next;
return new;
List *reverse(List *list) {
List *new = NULL;
List *next;
while (list != NULL)
next = list->next;
list->next = new;
new = list;
list = next;
return new;
int length(List *xs)
int len = 0;
while (xs != NULL)
len += 1;
xs = xs->next;
return len;
List *primes(int n)
int m = (n-1) / 2;
char b[m/8+1];
int i = 0;
int p = 3;
List *ps = NULL;
int j;
ps = insert(2, ps);
memset(b, 255, sizeof(b));
while (p*p < n)
if (ISBITSET(b,i))
ps = insert(p, ps);
j = (p*p - 3) / 2;
while (j < m)
j += p;
i += 1; p += 2;
while (i < m)
if (ISBITSET(b,i))
ps = insert(p, ps);
i += 1; p += 2;
return reverse(ps);
int nth_twin(int n, List *ps)
while (ps->next != NULL)
if (n == 0)
return ps->data - 1;
if (ps->next->data - ps->data == 2)
ps = ps->next;
return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
List *ps = primes(100000000);
printf("%d\n", nth_twin(100000, ps));
return 0;
this is what I have attempted. I have a string of TLEs.
bool mark [N];
vector <int> primeList;
void sieve ()
memset (mark, true, sizeof (mark));
mark [0] = mark [1] = false;
for ( int i = 4; i < N; i += 2 )
mark [i] = false;
for ( int i = 3; i * i <= N; i++ )
if ( mark [i] )
for ( int j = i * i; j < N; j += 2 * i )
mark [j] = false;
primeList.clear ();
primeList.push_back (2);
for ( int i = 3; i < N; i += 2 )
if ( mark [i] )
primeList.push_back (i);
//printf ("%d\n", primeList.size ());
int main ()
sieve ();
vector <int> twinPrime;
for ( size_t i = 1; i < primeList.size (); i++ )
if ( primeList [i] - primeList [i - 1] == 2 )
twinPrime.push_back (primeList [i - 1]);
int t;
int s;
while ( t-- )
printf ("%d %d\n", twinPrime [s - 1], twinPrime [s - 1] + 2);
return 0;
Here is a procedure that could answer your question:
Prime numbers that, when divided by 3, have equal quotients when corrected to decimal 0 (zero) are Twin Primes.
This can be written as
For any pair of prime numbers Px, Py, if [Px/3, 0] = [Py/3, 0] then Px and Py are Prime Twins.
The basis for this is that if prime numbers differ by 2, then dividing the all the prime numbers of interest will yield unique equal quotients when the quotients are corrected to decimal zero. Primes that are not separated by 2 will not have equal quotients when corrected to decimal zero.
For example:
• 11, 13 when divided by 3 will yield unique the unique quotient of 4 when the quotient is corrected to decimal zero.
• 17, 19 when divided by 3 will yield the unique quotient of 6 when the quotient is corrected to decimal zero.
• 29, 31 when divided by 3 will yield the unique quotient of 10 when the quotient is corrected to decimal zero.
Below is a simple procedure using Excel to:
• Find prime twins from any list of primes
• Find twin primes in any range of primes
• Find the largest prime twin prime
• Find gaps between twin primes
Import Kutools into Excel
List prime numbers of interest into column 1.
Insert divisor 3 in column 2 - fill down to the level of the largest prime on the list in column 1.
Divide the first row of column 1 by the first row of column 2 and place the quotient in column 3
Fill down column 3 to the level of the largest prime number on the list in column 1.
Correct to zero decimal. Keep the numbers column 3 (quotients) selected.
From “Conditional formatting’ - Select "duplicate values" from the menu
Go to Kutools and select 'to actual' - This will highlight the cells of all the twin pairs scattered in the Quotient column 3.
Select the quotients in column 3
Select 'Sort and Filter' in Excel
Select 'Custom Sort'
Fill in the menu (For values chose the highlighted color in the quotient column) and and click ‘OK”.
The twin primes will be grouped together in the column.
This list can then be used to find the gaps between primes.
To find the largest twin prime use the above procedure with a range of the largest known prime into column 1 (e.g. the highest 10k primes).
If a prime twin is not found in this range, then go to the next lowest range until a twin prime is found. This will be the largest twin prime.
Hope this helps.

Google Combinatorial Optimization interview problem

I got asked this question on a interview for Google a couple of weeks ago, I didn't quite get the answer and I was wondering if anyone here could help me out.
You have an array with n elements. The elements are either 0 or 1.
You want to split the array into k contiguous subarrays. The size of each subarray can vary between ceil(n/2k) and floor(3n/2k). You can assume that k << n.
After you split the array into k subarrays. One element of each subarray will be randomly selected.
Devise an algorithm for maximizing the sum of the randomly selected elements from the k subarrays.
Basically means that we will want to split the array in such way such that the sum of all the expected values for the elements selected from each subarray is maximum.
You can assume that n is a power of 2.
Array: [0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,0]
n = 12
k = 3
Size of subarrays can be: 2,3,4,5,6
Possible subarrays [0,0,1] [1,0,0,1] [1,0,1,1,0]
Expected Value of the sum of the elements randomly selected from the subarrays: 1/3 + 2/4 + 3/5 = 43/30 ~ 1.4333333
Optimal split: [0,0,1,1,0,0][1,1][0,1,1,0]
Expected value of optimal split: 1/3 + 1 + 1/2 = 11/6 ~ 1.83333333
I think we can solve this problem using dynamic programming.
Basically, we have:
f(i,j) is defined as the maximum sum of all expected values chosen from an array of size i and split into j subarrays. Therefore the solution should be f(n,k).
The recursive equation is:
f(i,j) = f(i-x,j-1) + sum(i-x+1,i)/x where (n/2k) <= x <= (3n/2k)
I don't know if this is still an open question or not, but it seems like the OP has managed to add enough clarifications that this should be straightforward to solve. At any rate, if I am understanding what you are saying this seems like a fair thing to ask in an interview environment for a software development position.
Here is the basic O(n^2 * k) solution, which should be adequate for small k (as the interviewer specified):
def best_val(arr, K):
n = len(arr)
psum = [ 0.0 ]
for x in arr:
psum.append(psum[-1] + x)
tab = [ -100000 for i in range(n) ]
for k in range(K):
for s in range(n - (k+1) * ceil(n/(2*K))):
terms = range(s + ceil(n/(2*K)), min(s + floor((3*n)/(2*K)) + 1, n+1))
tab[s] = max( [ (psum[t] - psum[s]) / (t - s) + tab[t] for t in terms ])
return tab[0]
I used the numpy ceil/floor functions but you basically get the idea. The only `tricks' in this version is that it does windowing to reduce the memory overhead to just O(n) instead of O(n * k), and that it precalculates the partial sums to make computing the expected value for a box a constant time operation (thus saving a factor of O(n) from the inner loop).
I don't know if anyone is still interested to see the solution for this problem. Just stumbled upon this question half an hour ago and thought of posting my solution(Java). The complexity for this is O(n*K^log10). The proof is a little convoluted so I would rather provide runtime numbers:
n k time(ms)
48 4 25
48 8 265
24 4 20
24 8 33
96 4 51
192 4 143
192 8 343919
The solution is the same old recursive one where given an array, choose the first partition of size ceil(n/2k) and find the best solution recursively for the rest with number of partitions = k -1, then take ceil(n/2k) + 1 and so on.
public class PartitionOptimization {
public static void main(String[] args) {
PartitionOptimization p = new PartitionOptimization();
int[] input = { 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0};
int splitNum = 3;
int lowerLim = (int) Math.ceil(input.length / (2.0 * splitNum));
int upperLim = (int) Math.floor((3.0 * input.length) / (2.0 * splitNum));
System.out.println(input.length + " " + lowerLim + " " + upperLim + " " +
Date currDate = new Date();
System.out.println(p.getMaxPartExpt(input, lowerLim, upperLim,
splitNum, 0));
System.out.println(new Date().getTime() - currDate.getTime());
public double getMaxPartExpt(int[] input, int lowerLim, int upperLim,
int splitNum, int startIndex) {
if (splitNum <= 1 && startIndex<=(input.length -lowerLim+1)){
double expt = findExpectation(input, startIndex, input.length-1);
return expt;
if (!((input.length - startIndex) / lowerLim >= splitNum))
return -1;
double maxExpt = 0;
double curMax = 0;
int bestI=0;
for (int i = startIndex + lowerLim - 1; i < Math.min(startIndex
+ upperLim, input.length); i++) {
double curExpect = findExpectation(input, startIndex, i);
double splitExpect = getMaxPartExpt(input, lowerLim, upperLim,
splitNum - 1, i + 1);
if (splitExpect>=0 && (curExpect + splitExpect > maxExpt)){
bestI = i;
curMax = curExpect;
maxExpt = curExpect + splitExpect;
return maxExpt;
public double findExpectation(int[] input, int startIndex, int endIndex) {
double expectation = 0;
for (int i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i++) {
expectation = expectation + input[i];
expectation = (expectation / (endIndex - startIndex + 1));
return expectation;
Not sure I understand, the algorithm is to split the array in groups, right? The maximum value the sum can have is the number of ones. So split the array in "n" groups of 1 element each and the addition will be the maximum value possible. But it must be something else and I did not understand the problem, that seems too silly.
I think this can be solved with dynamic programming. At each possible split location, get the maximum sum if you split at that location and if you don't split at that point. A recursive function and a table to store history might be useful.
sum_i = max{ NumOnesNewPart/NumZerosNewPart * sum(NewPart) + sum(A_i+1, A_end),
sum(A_0,A_i+1) + sum(A_i+1, A_end)
This might lead to something...
I think its a bad interview question, but it is also an easy problem to solve.
Every integer contributes to the expected value with weight 1/s where s is the size of the set where it has been placed. Therefore, if you guess the sizes of the sets in your partition, you just need to fill the sets with ones starting from the smallest set, and then fill the remaining largest set with zeroes.
You can easily see then that if you have a partition, filled as above, where the sizes of the sets are S_1, ..., S_k and you do a transformation where you remove one item from set S_i and move it to set S_i+1, you have the following cases:
Both S_i and S_i+1 were filled with ones; then the expected value does not change
Both them were filled with zeroes; then the expected value does not change
S_i contained both 1's and 0's and S_i+1 contains only zeroes; moving 0 to S_i+1 increases the expected value because the expected value of S_i increases
S_i contained 1's and S_i+1 contains both 1's and 0's; moving 1 to S_i+1 increases the expected value because the expected value of S_i+1 increases and S_i remains intact
In all these cases, you can shift an element from S_i to S_i+1, maintaining the filling rule of filling smallest sets with 1's, so that the expected value increases. This leads to the simple algorithm:
Create a partitioning where there is a maximal number of maximum-size arrays and maximal number of minimum-size arrays
Fill the arrays starting from smallest one with 1's
Fill the remaining slots with 0's
How about a recursive function:
int BestValue(Array A, int numSplits)
// Returns the best value that would be obtained by splitting
// into numSplits partitions.
This in turn uses a helper:
// The additional argument is an array of the valid split sizes which
// is the same for each call.
int BestValueHelper(Array A, int numSplits, Array splitSizes)
int result = 0;
for splitSize in splitSizes
int splitResult = ExpectedValue(A, 0, splitSize) +
BestValueHelper(A+splitSize, numSplits-1, splitSizes);
if splitResult > result
result = splitResult;
ExpectedValue(Array A, int l, int m) computes the expected value of a split of A that goes from l to m i.e. (A[l] + A[l+1] + ... A[m]) / (m-l+1).
BestValue calls BestValueHelper after computing the array of valid split sizes between ceil(n/2k) and floor(3n/2k).
I have omitted error handling and some end conditions but those should not be too difficult to add.
a[] = given array of length n
from = inclusive index of array a
k = number of required splits
minSize = minimum size of a split
maxSize = maximum size of a split
d = maxSize - minSize
expectation(a, from, to) = average of all element of array a from "from" to "to"
Optimal(a[], from, k) = MAX[ for(j>=minSize-1 to <=maxSize-1) { expectation(a, from, from+j) + Optimal(a, j+1, k-1)} ]
Runtime (assuming memoization or dp) = O(n*k*d)
