AWS Script bash on EC instance launch - bash

I would like to automate these steps:
Unzip a zip package (is it possible loading this zip on S3 bucket and downloading it during script? If yes, how?)
Edit apache configuration files (port.conf, /etc/apache2/sites-available/
Run apt-get commands.
I really do not know how to create a script file to be run on EC2 instance startup.
Could everybody help me, please?
Thank you really much

What you're looking at is User Data, that will give you the possibility to run your script when ec2 instance is launched
When you create your ec2 instance, in step 3 (configure instance details) go to the bottom of the script and click on "Advanced Details". From there you can enter your script.
If you're using a Amazon AMI, the CLI is built in and you can use it, make sure to have ec2 IAM role defined with necessary rights on your AWS resources.
Now in terms of your script, this is vague but roughly:
you would run aws s3 cp s3_file local_file to download a zip file from s3 on the instance, use unzip linux command to unzip the content
Edit your files using sed, cat or >, see this Q&A
run commands with apt-get
Note: you're running the user-data script as root, so you dont need sudo when running commands.


How do I use a CloudFormation output value in a script with Ansible

I'm trying to set up some automation for a school project. The gist of it is:
Install an EC2 instance via CloudFormation. Then
Use cfn-init to
Install a very basic Ansible configuration
Download an Ansible playbook from S3
Run said playbook to install a Redshift cluster via CloudFormation
Install some necessary packages
Install some necessary Python modules
Download a Python script that will
Connect to the Redshift database
Create a table
Use the COPY command to import data into the table
It all works up to the point of executing the script. Doing so manually works a treat, but that is because I can copy the created Redshift endpoint into the script for the database connection. The issue I have is that I don't know how to extract that output value from CloudFormation so it can be inserted it into the script for a fully automated (save the initial EC2 deployment) solution.
I see that Ansible has at least one means of doing so (cloudformation_facts, for instance), but I'm a bit foggy on how to implement it. I've looked at examples but it hasn't become any clearer. Without context I'm lost and so far all I've seen are standalone snippets.
In order to ensure an answer is listed:
I figured out the describe-stacks and describe-stack-resources sub-commands to the aws cloudformation cli command. Using these, I was able to track down the information I needed. In particular, I needed to access a role. This is the command that I used:
aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name=StackName --region=us-west-2 \
--query 'Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey==`RedshiftClusterEndpointAddress`].OutputValue' \
--output text
I first used the describe-stacks subcommand to get a list of my stacks. The relevant stack is the first in the list (an array) so I used Stacks[0] at the top of my query for the describe-stack-recources subcommand. I then used Outputs since I am interested in a value from the CloudFormation output list. I know the name of the key (RedshiftClusterEndpointAddress), so I used that as the parameter. I then used OutputValue to return the value of RedshiftClusterEndpointAddress.

aws s3 cli not working in window task scheduler

I try to run the following aws cli command in console it working correctly.
I have aws access key and secret configured.
aws s3 sync "C:\uploadfolder" s3://uploadfolder
However, when i run it inside windows task scheduler in windows 10 as well as windows server 2012, I got the following error:
cannot find the file specified 0x80070002
It does not seems like it is a corrupted profile because it does not work for both windows and other command is running as expected.
Is there any step that I miss out? or any other special command needed when run aws cli in window task scheduler.
Your cli command is attempting to sync a FILE called "uploadfolder". You need to change to the directory first, then run the command. Your command should instead be:
cd C:\uploadfolder
aws s3 sync . s3://uploadfolder/
This will recursively copy all files in your local directory that are not in your s3 bucket. If you would also like the sync command to delete files that are no longer in the local directory, you also need to add the --delete flag.
aws s3 sync . s3://uploadfolder/ --delete

Move files S3 to Ftb using bash script

I want to move files from Amazon s3 to ftp using bash script command...
I already tried
rsync --progress -avz -e ssh s3://folder//s3://folder/
Can anyone please suggest the correct command?
Thanks in advance
AWS built sync in their cli,
aws s3 sync ./localdir s3://mybucket
You can sync your local directory to remote bucket.
How to install aws cli?
If you don't want to take the cli installation route, you can use docker to connect to a container, share your local directory to that container and perform the sync.
Hope it helps.
You can't copy objects from S3 in that way because S3 is not an SSH service, it a file storage. So the easiest way is to mount the S3 bucket. Then you can use it like a normal volume and copy all files to the target.
You should do that on the target system otherwise you have to copy all the file over the third server or computer.

Initialization script on Elastic Beanstalk instances

I have in AWS some instances that are managed by Beanstalk. But I need to include a script in these instances so that as soon as it gets terminate and rebooted again it runs my script. Where and how can I configure this?
.ebextensions might be what you're looking for. You can set up ebextensions config files to do a lot of things, from package installs and placing files in place to raw bash commands.

I Can't download phpmyadmin.conf from amazon ec2

Since i have to change some settings inside "etc/httpd/conf.d/phpMyAdmin.conf".
i can't download this file using "FileZilla", I also tried sudo nano command in putty , it returns empty. i don't know how to change permission for this file.
I spent more than an hour. Guide me if someone know how to resolve this.
EC2 is a computer rental service, not a web hosting service, so you won't be able to connect with FTP (filezilla) unless you run an FTP server on your EC2 instance.
As for editing the file while you're connected through SSH (putty), you need to make sure that you're properly referencing the file you want. Try running "sudo nano /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpMyAdmin.conf". Note the leading "/" on the file path; it's important.
