aws s3 cli not working in window task scheduler - windows

I try to run the following aws cli command in console it working correctly.
I have aws access key and secret configured.
aws s3 sync "C:\uploadfolder" s3://uploadfolder
However, when i run it inside windows task scheduler in windows 10 as well as windows server 2012, I got the following error:
cannot find the file specified 0x80070002
It does not seems like it is a corrupted profile because it does not work for both windows and other command is running as expected.
Is there any step that I miss out? or any other special command needed when run aws cli in window task scheduler.

Your cli command is attempting to sync a FILE called "uploadfolder". You need to change to the directory first, then run the command. Your command should instead be:
cd C:\uploadfolder
aws s3 sync . s3://uploadfolder/
This will recursively copy all files in your local directory that are not in your s3 bucket. If you would also like the sync command to delete files that are no longer in the local directory, you also need to add the --delete flag.
aws s3 sync . s3://uploadfolder/ --delete


How to run the aws command contained in a Bash script without configuring it?

I am trying to run bash script to upload the file into S3 bucket
like : aws s3 <cp xyx.txt> s3://<tos3bucket>
Is that possible to run the aws command without configuring using $ aws configure like below detail.
Either by external file or by command -u 'key' -p 'value' is there?
My aim is run the aws cli without configuring it
I have tried by below
But I got:
upload failed: ... Unable to locate credentials
If I configure aws it works.
Yes, you can run the aws CLI command without configuring or export the key-value but keep in mind add space before the command to avoid command writing to history.
<space> REGION=us-west-2 AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="You_key" AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="secret" aws ec2 describe-instances

Move files S3 to Ftb using bash script

I want to move files from Amazon s3 to ftp using bash script command...
I already tried
rsync --progress -avz -e ssh s3://folder//s3://folder/
Can anyone please suggest the correct command?
Thanks in advance
AWS built sync in their cli,
aws s3 sync ./localdir s3://mybucket
You can sync your local directory to remote bucket.
How to install aws cli?
If you don't want to take the cli installation route, you can use docker to connect to a container, share your local directory to that container and perform the sync.
Hope it helps.
You can't copy objects from S3 in that way because S3 is not an SSH service, it a file storage. So the easiest way is to mount the S3 bucket. Then you can use it like a normal volume and copy all files to the target.
You should do that on the target system otherwise you have to copy all the file over the third server or computer.

Specify an AWS CLI profile in a script when two exist

I'm attempting to use a script which automatically creates snapshots of all EBS volumes on an AWS instance. This script is running on several other instances with no issue.
The current instance already has an AWS profile configured which is used for other purposes. My understanding is I should be able to specify the profile my script uses, but I can't get this to work.
I've added a new set of credentials to the /home/ubuntu/.aws file by adding the following under the default credentials which are already there:
In the script I have tried adding AWS_PROFILE=snapshot_creatorbut when I run it I get the error Unable to locate credentials. You can configure credentials by running "aws configure".
So, I delete my changes to /home/ubuntu/.aws and instead run aws configure --profile snapshot_creator. However after entering all information I get the error [Errno 17] File exists: '/home/ubuntu/.aws'.
So I add my changes to the .aws file again and this time in the script for every single command starting with aws ec2 I add the parameter --profile snapshot_creator, but this time when I run the script I get The config profile (snapshot_creator) could not be found.
How can I tell the script to use this profile? I don't want to change the environment variables for the instance because of the aforementioned other use of AWS CLI for other purposes.
Credentials should be stored in the file "/home/ubuntu/.aws/credentials"
I guess this error is because it couldn't create a directory. Can you delete the ".aws" file and re-run the configure command? It should create the credentials file under "/home/ubuntu/.aws/"
File exists: '/home/ubuntu/.aws'

Not able to run AWS CLI commands through windows script(.bat file)

I am trying to create a "aws_configure.bat" file which will run aws commands. I need to configure "aws_configure.bat" file as windows task. I created my script with below content.
aws configure set AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID <mykey>
aws configure set aws_secret_access_key <myskey>
aws configure set region us-west-2
aws dynamodb list-tables
When I am trying to run this script then its printing the first line in cmd window. Can someone please suggest what is the problem here. Why my script is not able to run the aws cli commands. (I have installed aws cli in my system and when i am running these commands directly in cmd window, everything is working fine).
You should consider creating and configuring your AWS credentials outside of your batch file, then referencing the named profile from the batch file.
Run aws configure --profile myprofile, and provide the information required.
Then from your batch file, call aws dynamodb list-tables --profile myprofile.
To setup the prefered/default profile, set AWS_PROFILE=myprofile in system environment. With this method, you will not need to reference the profile in the batch file.

Use current working directory as path with AWS Cli

I'm attempting to sync my bucket from my local directory using AWS Cli on Windows.
It works using the command
aws s3 sync C:\[long path name] s3://[bucket name]
I would prefer to replace the path name with something shorter or just associate it with the bucket. I've tried chdir and cd. Is there an easy way to do this?
If you wish to synchronize the current directory to an Amazon S3 bucket, use:
aws s3 sync . s3://[bucket name]
Or to sync to a directory within the S3 bucket:
aws s3 sync . s3://[bucket name]/[path]
The same syntax works on Windows and Linux.
