I'm looking for wkhtmltopdf v-0.11.0 rc1
I found only links that are redirecting me to installation tutorials/
Is there way to apply files only without installing this version on my machine?
Or anyone can provide a link to direct file download?
Unable to find Wkhtmltopdf on this system. The PDF can not be created.
First, I download the Wkhtmltopdf
Second, Install it to Program files
Third, I add it to a variable environment for the path
Fourth, Reset everything
Still, I cannot get the PDF created. There is no parameter in Odoo settings btw.
Seems like Wkhtmltopdf not installed on your system.
Please check here for more steps, click here
You can install the latest Wkhtmltopdf version from the official website.
After the successfully installed re-start your server.
Not able to find Cypress.exe file in latest Direct download older from cypress.io
Steps to Reproduce:
1) visit Cypress.io website and click on direct download link (IM using Windows OS)
2) Cypress.zip will get downloaded
3) unzip as regular process into destination folder
4) open Cypress Folder and we can see cypress.exe file which will open Cypress tool.
Actual Result: Latest version downloaded but when unzipped package, not able to find cypress.exe file. Its getting extracted as cypress.app folder and not as executable file.
Expected Result: There should be some file to launch cypress tool
I noticed that earlier today as well.
Maybe the direct download OS version checker isn't working correctly? Dunno.
You can however download a specific version via a direct url
So ie. for version 3.2.0 for windows you would use
Installing Cypress
hi i am installing wampserver3 addon php 7.0.13 in my computer. Every time i am trying to install i got the following error:-
"The installation folder chosen (%1) in not that of the Wampserver.
Select the installation folder of wampserver."
i am also attaching a screenshot of the following error. kindly help me to resolve this issue.
That's because you are NOT actually installing WampServer, but its PHP add-on.
If you used Google to find it, you probably downloaded and installed the WampServer PHP add on from Source Forge. It would be named something like wampserver3_x64_addon_php7.0.13.exe
This is NOT what you want.
You can get the actual WampServer install file from the WampServer project site... which leads you to correct file on Source Forge. It would have a name like
You want to get it from here:
The response you are getting means that you are trying to install an incomplete version of WAMPSERVER. The incomplete version could be an addon or an extension. Visit wampserver website and click on the version you would like to download. Desist from using download latest button.
Click here to download full version x64
Click here to download full version x86
Because that green button is missleading and you have not downloaded thw Wamp Installer
but the Maria DB Addon (!) check again
You must navigate in sourceforge and select the latest wamp exe and clik on that link so the download will start
Thank you
you probably downloaded the 64bit version when you need the 32bit version.
I need to install version 0.15 or higher of GNU's gettext so that I can use some i18n feateres with django.
I've downloaded :
from https://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/
However I have no idea how to install it and there's no installation guide on their website.
How can I install it ?
I'm maintaining a GitHub repository with Windows binaries of gettext and iconv (I just updated it to the latest gettext version: 0.19.3)
You can find it here: http://mlocati.github.io/gettext-iconv-windows/
To see how I compiled them (if you want to do it yourself) take a look at https://github.com/mlocati/gettext-iconv-windows
For windows, you may:
download gettext from
unzip both gettext-runtime and gettext-tools
add the bin folder to to PATH
Django docs - https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.7/topics/i18n/translation/#gettext-on-windows
There are a lot of versions, this is what I've downloaded:
And added both bin folders to the Windows PATH.
This is the actual link pointing to the Windows installation: http://mlocati.github.io/gettext-iconv-windows/ (v. 0.19.4)
I spent quite a while before found that there is the link pointing their from the github project mentioned by mlokati.
P.S. Here is the official instruction on this from the Django docs: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/topics/i18n/translation/#gettext-on-windows
You can use tools from that NuGet package https://www.nuget.org/packages/Gettext.Tools/
The latest version of gettext setup is available here
-- - https://mlocati.github.io/articles/gettext-iconv-windows.html
You can find a direct .exe setup file and then you can just add it to the environment variable PATH.
I am using svn_wc.
It gives err as no such file to load -- svn/core (LoadError)
what to do?
The above answer is a link only answer and can become useless when the link is dead. Dumping the link contents here -
SVN 1.5.1 / Ruby bindings on Windows
Rather than messing around with compiling swig bindings etc:
Download the ruby bindings from the svn site: (http://subversion.tigris.org/files/documents/15/43245/svn-win32-1.5.1_rb.zip)
From the zip - copy ruby\lib\svn into c:\ruby\lib\ruby\site_ruby\1.8\svn
From the zip – copy ruby\ext\svn\ext into c:\ruby\lib\ruby\site_ruby\1.8\svn\ext
copy libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll from your subversion 1.5 directory into c:\ruby\bin
run irb and test with: require ‘svn/core’
Where can I find updated binaries? I've looked around on the
Subversion site, but there seems to be no link.
They are available on the subversion site here: svn-win32-1.5.5_rb.zip
If you go to the subversion site and select windows binaries for
apache 2.2 you will see the list.
I just over-wrote the two DLL files (libeay32 and ssleay32) that came
with my ruby 1.8.6 installation with the two that came with my svn
1.5.5 installation. (Yes, I saved the originals.)This was necessary to passing the "require 'svn/core'" test, but is this likely to have
broken something within ruby?
Hey Ramon, i'd hope not but you never know :) The dll's are OpenSSL
libraries so if you see any weird behaviour when using any ssl related
functionality in ruby, that'd probably be the culprit
Ruby can't find svn/core in your installation, if you look at the github page for svn_wc the requirements are listed as:
Requires that the Subversion (SWIG) Ruby Bindings are installed
Which is much easier to do on Linux and OSX than on Windows