Create a reduced size communicator for REDUCE operations - performance

Sometimes not all ranks are needed for a compute task. I am trying to tailor the communicator to the need but MPI appear to stop after the reduced communicator has been constructed (rank=8). MPI debug says 'fatal error in PMPI_Comm_rank: invalid communicator'. My essential code is:
PROGRAM mpi_comm_create
INTEGER comm,i,ierr,group,rank,rank1,root,size,size1,redcomm,redgroup
CALL MPI_init(ierr)
CALL MPI_comm_size(comm,size,ierr)
CALL MPI_comm_rank(comm,rank,ierr)
CALL MPI_comm_group(comm,group,ierr)
!Define new group redgroup and communicator redcomm with size1 processes
CALL MPI_group_incl(group,size1,ranks,redgroup,ierr)
CALL MPI_comm_create(comm,redgroup,redcomm,ierr)
CALL MPI_comm_rank(redcomm,rank1,ierr)
!Use redcomm in a REDUCE operation
CALL MPI_group_free(redgroup,ierr)
CALL MPI_comm_free(redcomm,ierr)

Firstly use MPI_COMM_SPLIT - it is easier as indicated in replies to your essentially identical earlier question.
Secondly the error is because all processes are making the second call to mpi_comm_rank, but not all processes are in the communicator specified in that call.

The root cause of the crash is ranks [size1:size-1] invoke MPI_Comm_rank() on MPI_COMM_NULL, which is not allowed since MPI_COMM_NULL is not a valid communicator. In order to get rid of the crash, you can replace
CALL MPI_comm_rank(redcomm,rank1,ierr)
IF ( CALL MPI_comm_rank(redcomm,rank1,ierr)
From a performance point of view (which is what your question is really about), i do not expect any significant difference between MPI_Comm_create() and MPI_Comm_split().
From a semantic point of view, both MPI_Comm_split() and MPI_Comm_create() are collective operations, and they must be invoked by all MPI tasks from MPI_COMM_WORLD. If MPI tasks [size1:size-1] cannot/should not be involved in the creation of redcomm, then you can use MPI_Comm_create_group(), that should only be called by MPI tasks [0:size1-1].
If all tasks can be involved in the creation of redcomm, then i suggest you stick to MPI_Comm_split() in order to keep your code simpler. If you do not need MPI tasks [size1:size-1] being part of a valid communicator redcomm, then i also suggest you use color=MPI_UNDEFINED on these tasks, so redcomm will be MPI_COMM_NULL instead of a valid communicator. But keep in mind MPI_COMM_NULL is not a valid communicator, so it is up to your code not to invoke MPI_Comm_rank(), MPI_Comm_size(), MPI_Comm_free() and other subroutines on it.


Why does WriteProcessMemory need the handle value passed in, not the ID of the target process?

In the Windows system, we can modify the memory of another process across processes. For example, if process A wants to modify the memory of process B, A can call the system function WriteProcessMemory. The approximate form is as follows:
BOOL flag = WriteProcessMemory(handler, p_B_addr, &p_A_buff, write_size); ...
This function return a Boolean value, which represents whether the write operation is successful. It needs to pass four parameters, let's take a look at these four parameters:
handler. This is a process handle, and it can be used to find B process.
p_B_addr. In process B, the address offset to be written into memory.
p_A_buff. In process A, the pointer to the write data buffer.
write_size. The number of bytes to write.
I am confused about the first parameter handler, which is a variable of type HANDLE. For example, when our program is actually running, the ID of process B is 2680, and then I want to write memory to process B. First I need to use this 2680 to get the handle of process B in process A. The specific form is handler=OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, 2680), and then you can use this handler to fall into the kernel to modify the memory of process B.
Since they are all trapped in kernel functions to modify memory across processes, why is the WriteProcessMemory function not designed to be in the form of WriteProcessMemory(B_procID, p_B_addr, &p_A_buff, write_size)?
Among them, B_procID is the ID of the B process, since each process they all have unique IDs. Can the system kernel not find the physical address that the virtual address of the B process can map through this B_procID? Why must the process handle index of the B process in the A process be passed in?
There are multiple reasons, all touched on in the comments.
Lifetime. The process id is simply a number, knowing the id does not keep the process alive. Having a open handle to a process means the kernel EPROCESS structure and the process address space will stay intact, even if said process finishes by calling ExitProcess. Windows tries to not re-use the id for a new process right away but it will happen some time in the future given enough time.
Security/Access control. In Windows NT, access control is performed when you open a object, not each time you interact with the object. In this case, the kernel needs to know that the caller has PROCESS_VM_WRITE and PROCESS_VM_OPERATION access to the process. This is related to point 3, efficiency.
Speed. Windows could of course implement a WriteProcessMemoryById function that calls OpenProcess+WriteProcessMemory+CloseHandle but this encourages sub optimal design as well as opening you up to race conditions related to point 1. The same applies to "why is there no WriteFileByFilename function" (and all other Read/Write functions).

fortran netcdf close parallel deadlock

I am adapting a fortran mpi program from sequential to parallel writing for certain types of files. It uses netcdf 1.8.9 parallel. I use intel compiler version
When all reads/writes are done it is time to close the files. At this point, the simulations does not continue anymore. So all calls are waiting. When I check the call stack from each processor I can see the master root is different compared to the rest of them.
Mpi Master processor call stack:
__sched_yield, FP=7ffc6aa978b0
opal_progress, FP=7ffc6aa978d0
ompi_request_default_wait_all, FP=7ffc6aa97940
ompi_coll_tuned_sendrecv_actual, FP=7ffc6aa979e0
ompi_coll_tuned_barrier_intra_recursivedoubling, FP=7ffc6aa97a40
PMPI_Barrier, FP=7ffc6aa97a60
H5AC_rsp__dist_md_write__flush, FP=7ffc6aa97af0
H5AC_flush, FP=7ffc6aa97b20
H5F_flush, FP=7ffc6aa97b50
H5F_flush_mounts, FP=7ffc6aa97b80
H5Fflush, FP=7ffc6aa97ba0
NC4_close, FP=7ffc6aa97be0
nc_close, FP=7ffc6aa97c00
restclo, FP=7ffc6aa98660
driver, FP=7ffc6aaa5ef0
main, FP=7ffc6aaa5f90
__libc_start_main, FP=7ffc6aaa6050
Remaining processors call stack:
__sched_yield, FP=7fffe330cdd0
opal_progress, FP=7fffe330cdf0
ompi_request_default_wait, FP=7fffe330ce50
ompi_coll_tuned_bcast_intra_generic, FP=7fffe330cf30
ompi_coll_tuned_bcast_intra_binomial, FP=7fffe330cf90
ompi_coll_tuned_bcast_intra_dec_fixed, FP=7fffe330cfb0
mca_coll_sync_bcast, FP=7fffe330cff0
PMPI_Bcast, FP=7fffe330d030
mca_io_romio_dist_MPI_File_set_size, FP=7fffe330d080
PMPI_File_set_size, FP=7fffe330d0a0
H5FD_mpio_truncate, FP=7fffe330d0c0
H5FD_truncate, FP=7fffe330d0f0
H5F_dest, FP=7fffe330d110
H5F_try_close, FP=7fffe330d340
H5F_close, FP=7fffe330d360
H5I_dec_ref, FP=7fffe330d370
H5I_dec_app_ref, FP=7fffe330d380
H5Fclose, FP=7fffe330d3a0
NC4_close, FP=7fffe330d3e0
nc_close, FP=7fffe330d400
RESTCOM`restclo, FP=7fffe330de60
driver, FP=7fffe331b6f0
main, FP=7fffe331b7f0
__libc_start_main, FP=7fffe331b8b0
I do realize one call stack contain bcast an the other a barrier. This might cause a deadlock. Yet I do not foresee how to continue from here. If a mpi call is not properly done (e.g only called in 1 proc), I would expect an error message instead of such behaviour.
Update: the source code is around 100k lines.
The files are opened this way:
cmode = ior(NF90_NOCLOBBER,NF90_NETCDF4)
cmode = ior(cmode, NF90_MPIIO)
CALL ipslnc( NF90_CREATE(fname,cmode=cmode,ncid=ncfid, comm=MPI_COMM, info=MPI_INFO))
And closed as:
iret = NF90_CLOSE(ncfid)
It turns out when writting NF90_PUT_ATT, the root processor has a different value compared to the others. Once solved, the program runs as expected.

MPI rank is changed after MPI_SENDRECV call [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
MPI_Recv overwrites parts of memory it should not access
(1 answer)
Closed 3 years ago.
I have some Fortran code that I'm parallelizing with MPI which is doing truly bizarre things. First, there's a variable nstartg that I broadcast from the boss process to all the workers:
call mpi_bcast(nstartg,1,mpi_integer,0,mpi_comm_world,ierr)
The variable nstartg is never altered again in the program. Later on, I have the boss process send eproc elements of an array edge to the workers:
if (me==0) then
do n=1,ntasks-1
(determine the starting point estart and the number eproc
of values to send)
call mpi_send(edge(estart),eproc,mpi_integer,n,n,mpi_comm_world,ierr)
with a matching receive statement if me is non-zero. (I've left out some other code for readability; there's a good reason I'm not using scatterv.)
Here's where things get weird: the variable nstartg gets altered to n instead of keeping its actual value. For example, on process 1, after the mpi_recv, nstartg = 1, and on process 2 it's equal to 2, and so forth. Moreover, if I change the code above to
call mpi_send(edge(estart),eproc,mpi_integer,n,n+1234567,mpi_comm_world,ierr)
and change the tag accordingly in the matching call to mpi_recv, then on process 1, nstartg = 1234568; on process 2, nstartg = 1234569, etc.
What on earth is going on? All I've changed is the tag that mpi_send/recv are using to identify the message; provided the tags are unique so that the messages don't get mixed up, this shouldn't change anything, and yet it's altering a totally unrelated variable.
On the boss process, nstartg is unaltered, so I can fix this by broadcasting it again, but that's hardly a real solution. Finally, I should mention that compiling and running this code using electric fence hasn't picked up any buffer overflows, nor did -fbounds-check throw anything at me.
The most probable cause is that you pass an INTEGER scalar as the actual status argument to MPI_RECV when it should be really declared as an array with an implementation-specific size, available as the MPI_STATUS_SIZE constant:
The message tag is written to one of the status fields by the receive operation (its implementation-specific index is available as the MPI_TAG constant and the field value can be accessed as status(MPI_TAG)) and if your status is simply a scalar INTEGER, then several other local variables would get overwritten. In your case it simply happens so that nstartg falls just above status in the stack.
If you do not care about the receive status, you can pass the special constant MPI_STATUS_IGNORE instead.

EINTR and non-blocking calls

As is known, some blocking calls like read and write would return -1 and set errno to EINTR, and we need handle this.
My question is: Does this apply for non-blocking calls, e.g, set socket to O_NONBLOCK?
Since some articles and sources I have read said non-blocking calls don't need bother with this, but I have found no authoritative reference about it. If so, does it apply cross different implementations?
I cannot give you a definitive answer to this question, and the answer may further vary from system to system, but I would expect a non-blocking socket to never fail with EINTR. If you take a look at the man pages of various systems for the following socket functions bind(), connect(), send(), and receive(), or look those up in the POSIX standard, you'll notice something interesting: All these functions except one may return -1 and set errno to EINTR. The one function that is not documented to ever fail with EINTR is bind(). And bind() is also the only function of that list that will never block by default. So it seems that only blocking functions may fail because of EINTR, including read() and write(), yet if these functions never block, they also will never fail with EINTR and if you use O_NONBLOCK, those functions will never block.
It would also make no sense from a logical perspective. E.g. consider you are using blocking I/O and you call read() and this call has to block, but while it was blocking, a signal is sent to your process and thus the read request is unblocked. How should the system handle this situation? Claiming that read() did succeed? That would be a lie, it did not succeed because no data was read. Claiming it did succeed, but zero bytes data were read? This wouldn't be correct either, since a "zero read result" is used to indicate end-of-stream (or end-of-file), so your process would to assume that no data was read, because the end of a file has been reached (or a socket/pipe has been closed at other end), which simply isn't the case. The end-of-file (or end-of-stream) has not been reached, if you call read() again, it will be able to return more data. So that would also be a lie. You expectation is that this read call either succeeds and reads data or fails with an error. Thus the read call has to fail and return -1 in that case, but what errno value shall the system set? All the other error values indicate a critical error with the file descriptor, yet there was no critical error and indicating such an error would also be a lie. That's why errno is set to EINTR, which means: "There was nothing wrong with the stream. Your read call just failed, because it was interrupted by a signal. If it wasn't interrupted, it may still have succeeded, so if you still care for the data, please try again."
If you now switch to non-blocking I/O, the situation of above never arises. The read call will never block and if it cannot read data immediately, it will fail with an error EAGAIN (POSIX) or EWOULDBLOCK (unofficial, on Linux both are the same error, just alternative names for it), which means: "There is no data available right now and thus your read call would have to block and wait for data arriving, but blocking is not allowed, so it failed instead." So there is an error for every situation that may arise.
Of course, even with non-blocking I/O, the read call may have temporarily interrupted by a signal but why would the system have to indicate that? Every function call, whether this is a system function or one written by the user, may be temporarily interrupted by a signal, really every single one, no exception. If the system would have to inform the user whenever that happens, all system functions could possibly fail because of EINTR. However, even if there was a signal interruption, the functions usually perform their task all the way to the end, that's why this interruption is irrelevant. The error EINTR is used to tell the caller that the action he has requested was not performed because of a signal interruption, but in case of non-blocking I/O, there is no reason why the function should not perform the read or the write request, unless it cannot be performed right now, but then this can be indicated by an appropriate error.
To confirm my theory, I took a look at the kernel of MacOS (10.8), which is still largely based on the FreeBSD kernel and it seems to confirm the suspicion. If a read call is currently not possible, as no data are available, the kernel checks for the O_NONBLOCK flag in the file descriptor flags. If this flag is set, it fails immediately with EAGAIN. If it is not set, it puts the current thread to sleep by calling a function named msleep(). The function is documented here (as I said, OS X uses plenty of FreeBSD code in its kernel). This function causes the current thread to sleep until it is explicitly woken up (which is the case if data becomes ready for reading) or a timeout has been hit (e.g. you can set a receive timeout on sockets). Yet the thread is also woken up, if a signal is delivered, in which case msleep() itself returns EINTR and the next higher layer just passes this error through. So it is msleep() that produces the EINTR error, but if the O_NONBLOCK flag is set, msleep() is never called in the first place, hence this error cannot be returned.
Of course that was MacOS/FreeBSD, other systems may be different, but since most systems try to keep at least a certain level of consistency among these APIs, if a system breaks the assumption, that non-blocking I/O calls can never fail because of EINTR, this is probably not by intention and may even get fixed if your report it.
#Mecki Great explanation. To add to the accepted answer, the book "Unix Network Programming - Volume 1, Third Edition" (Stevens) makes a distinction between slow system call and others in chapter/section 5.9 - "Handling Interrupted System Calls". I am quoting from the book -
We used the term "slow system call" to describe accept, and we use
this term for any system call that can block forever. That is, the
system call need never return.
In the next para of the same section -
The basic rule that applies here is that when a process is blocked in
a slow system call and the process catches a signal and the signal
handler returns, the system call can return an error of EINTR.
Going by this explanation, a read / write on a non-blocking socket is not a slow system call and hence should not return an error of EINTR.
Just to add some evidence to #Mecki's answer, I found this discussion about fixing a bug in Linux where a patch caused non-blocking recvmsg to return EINTR. It was stated:
EINTR always means that you asked for a blocking operation, and a
signal arrived meanwhile.
Once you invert the "blocking" part of that set of conditions, EINTR
becomes an impossible event.
Look at what we do for AF_INET. We handle this the proper way.
If we are 'interrupted' by a signal while sleeping in lock_sock(),
recvmsg() on a non blocking socket, we return -EAGAIN properly, not
Fact that we potentially sleep to get the socket lock is hidden for
the user, its an implementation detail of the kernel.
We never return -EINTR, as stated in manpage for non blocking sockets.
Source here:

Kernel threads vs Timers

I'm writing a kernel module which uses a customized print-on-screen system. Basically each time a print is involved the string is inserted into a linked list.
Every X seconds I need to process the list and perform some operations on the strings before printing them.
Basically I have two choices to implement such a filter:
1) Timer (which restarts itself in the end)
2) Kernel thread which sleeps for X seconds
While the filter is performing its stuff nothing else can use the linked list and, of course, while inserting a string the filter function shall wait.
AFAIK timer runs in interrupt context so it cannot sleep, but what about kernel threads? Can they sleep? If yes is there some reason for not to use them in my project? What other solution could be used?
To summarize: my filter function has got only 3 requirements:
1) Must be able to printk
2) When using the list everything else which is trying to access the list must block until the filter function finishes execution
3) Must run every X seconds (not a realtime requirement)
kthreads are allowed to sleep. (However, not all kthreads offer sleepful execution to all clients. softirqd for example would not.)
But then again, you could also use spinlocks (and their associated cost) and do without the extra thread (that's basically what the timer does, uses spinlock_bh). It's a tradeoff really.
each time a print is involved the string is inserted into a linked list
I don't really know if you meant print or printk. But if you're talking about printk(), You would need to allocate memory and you are in trouble because printk() may be called in an atomic context. Which leaves you the option to use a circular buffer (and thus, you should be tolerent to drop some strings because you might not have enough memory to save all the strings).
Every X seconds I need to process the list and perform some operations on the strings before printing them.
In that case, I would not even do a kernel thread: I would do the processing in print() if not too costly.
Otherwise, I would create a new system call:
sys_get_strings() or something, that would dump the whole linked list into userspace (and remove entries from the list when copied).
This way the whole behavior is controlled by userspace. You could create a deamon that would call the syscall every X seconds. You could also do all the costly processing in userspace.
You could also create a new device says /dev/print-on-screen:
dev_open would allocate the memory, and print() would no longer be a no-op, but feed the data in the device pre-allocated memory (in case print() would be used in atomic context and all).
dev_release would throw everything out
dev_read would get you the strings
dev_write could do something on your print-on-screen system
