Exit jshell in java9 version [duplicate] - java-9

This question already has answers here:
How to shutdown jshell at the end of the script?
(3 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I recently upgraded to java9 and I am using the Jshell option which java provides.
I find it intuitive but I am not able to close the Jshell window, can someone suggest some command for the same.

you can simply type /exit to exit the jshell console.
you can find more info about jshell here

Use /exit to exit the jshell.
For all the available options use /help.


How to see bash script executed command? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can I debug a Bash script? [closed]
(12 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I'm not sure I address this problem correctly, but I've search and search over the net and found nothing, yet.
I'm writing a bash script and I want to see what the script is really doing when being executed, like a log of all the commands, one by one, what are executed - this way, I'll be able to see why my script is falling.
Note : I've post similar question in the past, someone told me I run my bash script with sh -xe script.sh but it doesn't give me enough information to debug properly.
Please advise. Thanks!
Adding set -x at the beginning of the script displays, in the terminal, all the commands sent by the script as the terminal received it. It was exactly what I needed and it working perfectly.

Is there a way to step through Bash Scripts [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How execute bash script line by line?
(5 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I work with git-bash in windows. I have found a bash script that I would like to modify on GitHub. I cloned it and opened it in my pycharm editor. There is a plugin https://www.plugin-dev.com/project/bashsupport/#installation which I've added, but from the documentation this does things like syntax highlighting. Is there a way to step through the code line by line, set breakpoints etc. I don't have much shell scripting experience and stepping through the code might speed up my learning .
I usually debug using -x flag (short for xtrace or execution trace) is useful to add execution information Debugging Bash scripts).
You can use it by executing:
bash -x your-script.sh
or adding adding into your script:
set -x

What is '>' in ubuntu terminal [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to split strings over multiple lines in Bash?
(12 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I sometimes type a command and in haste if I do this
I see >. What feature is this in linux terminal?
It's indicating that the command you've typed is not complete, and it's still waiting for the rest of it.

How to exit bash mode on server [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Exit Bash Mode?
Every time I enter my server I am now in Bash mode.
I don't want to be in bash mode because in it I don't have my current path on my left.
This question has already been asked here:
Exit Bash Mode?
but OP accepted an answer that isn't really an answer.
I have already tried 'reset' and removing my .bashrc file.
Try "chsh -s /bin/sh" if you want to use sh. To see what your available shells are, "cat /etc/shells". You can also see what your current shell is by "echo $0" and simply "exec /bin/sh" will change shell for your session (not perm).
Changing default shell - /etc/passwd - for your unix account:

Finding location of command executed [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Can a Bash script tell what directory it's stored in?
Is there a command-line function (bash) to find the location of the command you've executed?
I understand I could check my $PATH for things I've imported manually but there must be some way to do this. A tricky echo command or something?
Besides whereis, see also which and type.
