I'd like to know how to get ILocalizationContext inside the service or the controller. For example, I would like to get the DisplayName of the permission but it requires "ILocalizationContext": DisplayName.Localize(ILocalizationContext).
I tried injection, it doesn't work...
I tried multiple ways to inject it, constructor, using... I can see something similar inside "PermissionCheckerExtensions" :
var iocManager = (permissionChecker as IIocManagerAccessor).IocManager;
using (var localizationContext = iocManager.ResolveAsDisposable<ILocalizationContext>())
using (var permissionManager = iocManager.ResolveAsDisposable<IPermissionManager>())
return permissionNames.Select(permissionName =>
var permission = permissionManager.Object.GetPermissionOrNull(permissionName);
return permission?.DisplayName == null
? permissionName
: permission.DisplayName.Localize(localizationContext.Object);
The problem was from myself... You can just inject it with the controller and it should work.
I've tried inside PostInitialize with Resolve
You should not localize in PostInitialize. There is no user to localize for.
It should work inside AppService and Controller.
Make sure you:
inject where there actually is a localization context.
await async methods.
I'm in the process of rewriting one little WPF-App I wrote to make use of ReactiveUI, to get a feeling about the library.
I really like it so far!
Now I've stumbled upon the Throttle method and want to use it when applying a filter to a collection.
This is my ViewModel:
namespace ReactiveUIThrottle
public class MainViewModel : ReactiveObject
private string _filter;
public string Filter { get => _filter; set => this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref _filter, value); }
private readonly ReactiveList<Person> _persons = new ReactiveList<Person>();
private readonly ObservableAsPropertyHelper<IReactiveDerivedList<Person>> _filteredPersons;
public IReactiveDerivedList<Person> Persons => _filteredPersons.Value;
public MainViewModel()
Filter = string.Empty;
new Person("Peter"),
new Person("Jane"),
new Person("Jon"),
new Person("Marc"),
new Person("Heinz")
var filterPersonsCommand = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask<string, IReactiveDerivedList<Person>>(FilterPersons);
this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.Filter)
// to see the problem
.Throttle(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(2000), RxApp.MainThreadScheduler)
_filteredPersons = filterPersonsCommand.ToProperty(this, vm => vm.Persons, _persons.CreateDerivedCollection(p => p));
private async Task<IReactiveDerivedList<Person>> FilterPersons(string filter)
await Task.Delay(500); // Lets say this takes some time
return _persons.CreateDerivedCollection(p => p, p => p.Name.Contains(filter));
The filtering itself works like a charm, also the throttling, when using the GUI.
However, I'd like to unittest the behavior of the filtering and this is my first attempt:
public void FilterPersonsByName()
var sut = new MainViewModel();
sut.Filter = "J";
This test fails because the collection still has 5 people.
When I get rid of the await Task.Delay(500) in FilterPersons then the test will pass, but takes 2 seconds (from the throttle).
1) Is there a way to have the throttle be instant within the test to speed up the unittest?
2) How would I test the async behavior in my filter?
I'm using ReactiveUI 7.x
Short answers:
Yes, by making sure you're using CurrentThreadScheduler.Instance when running under test
Instead of using CurrentThreadScheduler, use a TestScheduler and manually advance it
The longer answer is that you need to ensure your unit tests can control the scheduler being used by your System Under Test (SUT). By default, you'll generally want to use CurrentThreadScheduler.Instance to make things happen "instantly" without any need to advance the scheduler manually. But when you want to write tests that do validate timing, you use a TestScheduler instead.
If, as you seem to be, you're using RxApp.*Scheduler, take a look at the With extension method, which can be used like this:
(new TestScheduler()).With(sched => {
// write test logic here, and RxApp.*Scheduler will resolve to the chosen TestScheduler
I tend to avoid using the RxApp ambient context altogether for the same reason I avoid all ambient contexts: they're shared state and can cause trouble as a consequence. Instead, I inject an IScheduler (or two) into my SUT as a dependency.
I'm trying to use callMethod() from a method executed on the server.
In this case, I should be able to call it in synchronous mode. However, through trial and error I have found that in this context (i.e. on the server), the method requires three parameters rather than the two mentioned in the docs.
It requires
the first parameter to be a string
the second parameter to be an array
the third parameter to be an object
I've tried quite a few combinations with these parameters but nothing seems to work. At the same time, Wakanda doesn't throw an error as long as the parameters are in the correct form.
Any ideas would be more than welcome.
Let's suppose we have two variable, one containing the name of the dataClass and the second the name of the dataClass's method :
var myDataClass = "User";
var myMethod = "addUser";
To use the dataClass 'User' and call the method 'addUser' you can do it this way :
var currentClass = ds.dataClasses[myDataClass];
The method callMethod() is a clientSide method, it should be used on prototyper Js files.
try to use it on a button.click event :
button1.click = function button1_click (event)
ds.User.callMethod({method:"method1", onSuccess:myFunction, onError:failure});
function myFunction(){
return true;
function failure(){
return false;
To call method in a serverSide js File in a synchronous mode, you can just make the call in this manner :
var test = ds.User.method1();
I'm using MVCSiteMapProvider v4.6.22 and have a dynamic node provider for one of my controllers.
Something like:
public class ProviderDetailsNodeProvider : DynamicNodeProviderBase
public override IEnumerable<DynamicNode> GetDynamicNodeCollection(ISiteMapNode node)
foreach (var provider in providers)
var dn = new DynamicNode()
Title = provider.Name,
ParentKey = "ParentKey",
Key = $"provider_master_{provider.ID}",
CanonicalUrl = "/url/something"
dn.RouteValues.Add("myRouteParamName", "myRouteParamValue");
yield return dn;
Without setting the CanonicalKey or CanonicalUrl properties of the DynamicNode, I get the correct behaviour. However I now wish to have multiple URLs pointing at the same content so I need to utilise the Canonical URL features of MVCSiteMapProvider.
If I attempt to set the CanonicalUrl as in the above snippet, or the CanonicalKey (my preferred choice), then when I attempt to use the helper methods, such as:
I get a NullReferenceException - it's the #Html.MvcSiteMap() which returns null.
What am I doing incorrectly, why do I get this NullReferenceException just by setting these properties against my dynamic nodes?
I'm using the MvcSiteMapProvider.MVC5 package, in an MVC6 application. I can't see a newer version on Nuget.
MVC 6 is not yet supported, as per the issue on NuGet.
I try out the platform-core-1.0 rc5 Plugin to services by events. Now I write a service in the grails-plugin "listadmin":
package listadmin
class SECO_ListenService {
#grails.events.Listener(topic='getEntriesOfList', namespace='listadmin')
def getEntriesOfList(String intnalListName) {
println "SECO_ListenService"
def Liste aList = Liste.findByInternal_name(intnalListName)
return aList.eintrage.toList()
This service should return a list for dropdown in an other grails-plugin called "institutionadmin". I want to use this list of the service for a dropdown of a domain-model. I should mention that I use dynamic scaffolding. Now I try to call this event in the domain-model:
package institutionadmin
import org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException
class Einrichtung {
Long einrichtungs_type
Long type_of_conzept
int anzahl_gruppen
int anzahl_kinder_pro_Gruppe
String offnungszeiten
static hasMany = [rooms : Raum]
static constraints = {
def aList = []
def reply = event(for:"listadmin", topic:"getEntriesOfList", data:"einrichtung_type").waitFor()
aList = reply.value.toList()
einrichtungs_type(inList: aList)
If I try to run this application i get the following error:
Caused by MissingMethodException: No signature of method: institutionadmin.Einrichtung.event() is applicable for argument types: (java.util.LinkedHashMap) values: [[for:listadmin, topic:testEventBus]]
Possible solutions: ident(), every(), every(groovy.lang.Closure), count(), get(java.io.Serializable), print(java.lang.Object)
If call this event in a controller everything is fine and the documentation of this plugin describe that I can call events also in domain-models and services... This error-method tell me, that the class don't know the event method.
Do I have to configure anything else?
Should call the event in another way or where is my mistake?
Has anybody experiences with this module?
The event(...) dynamic methods are not available on class (static) level.
You can pull the grailsEvents spring bean and call its event() method alternatively. You still have to get the bean from the application context statically though.
You could also use a custom validator instead, as you can get the current domain instance as a parameter, which should have the event() method injected.
something like this :
static myList = []
static constraints = {
einrichtungs_type validator: { value, instance ->
// cache it the first time you save/validate the domain
// I would probably recommend you NOT to do this here though in
// real life scenario
def reply = instance.event('blabla').get()
myList = reply.value.toList()
return value in myList
Anyway, In my case I would probably load the list elsewhere (in the Bootstrap.groovy for instance) and use it / inject it in my domain instead of doing in the constraints closure.
I faced similar kind of problem, I wanted to use the event call inside a service class which is going to call the listener in other service class. When I started my application I got the same error.What I did was, added the plugin(platform-core:1.0.RC5) entries in BuildConfig.groovy like below
plugins {
":platform-core:1.0.RC5") {
export = false
compile ':platform-core:1.0.RC5'
runtime ':platform-core:1.0.RC5'
Then I ran grails > clean and grails > compile on that project and restarted the server.It started working. Might be you can give a try.
How do I fetch the Measurement System setting value in javascript?
I'm guessing that it would be throw some WinJS call.
The logical place would be Windows.Globalization, but not seeing if offered there. One pretty simple workaround - faster to write than to research the setting :) is to create a Windows Runtime Component in C# that calls in to System.Globalization:
namespace WindowsRuntimeComponent
public sealed class RegionalSettings
public bool isMetric()
return System.Globalization.RegionInfo.CurrentRegion.IsMetric;
Then add as a reference to your JavaScript app and invoke there:
var r = new WindowsRuntimeComponent.RegionalSettings;
var isMetric = r.isMetric();