Passing multiple parameters in jmeter - jmeter

How can I pass multiple parameters from excel while it comes under BodyData?

Just add your variables inside ${} for example for emailIdName and emailIdValue use:
{"${emailIdName ": "${emailIdValue}"}
You can add User Parameters as Pre Processor and add to different variable the full Body Data, e.g. Name: bodyData, USER_1:
{"${emailIdName ": "${emailIdValue}"}
and then use ${bodyData} inside Body Data


Fetch the value of variable inside variable in jmeter

In the JSR Sampler I am assigning the value of a String I create i.e., SFDC_Prouct_1 in list. for e.g.,
Here SFDCProduct_5 is already a variable which has XML elements. Now I am trying to place a http request and in the payload I want to inject the value of SFDCProduct_5 . But I have to write ${list}, as list has the value of SFDCProduct_5 .
I tried ${${list}}, but thats not working.
Any ideas?
In JSR223 Sampler you can get the nested variable using vars.get
If I correctly understood your question you need to wrap your ${list} into __eval() function like
See Here’s What to Do to Combine Multiple JMeter Variables article for more information if needed.

How to use different properties of a Object type jmeter variable?

I have a jmeter variable suppose ${employee} whose value is {empid:"E101",empname:"XYZ",empcity:"Chennai"}.
I want to use this variable in different Http calls for e.g.${employee}.empid${employee}.empmname${employee}.empcity
I am not able to extract values by using "." operator.
Please suggest extracting values from an object type variable in jmeter.
You can achieve this fairly easily using __groovy() function available since JMeter 3.1, the relevant expressions would be something like:
${__groovy((new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(vars.get('employee'))).empid,)}
${__groovy((new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(vars.get('employee'))).empname,)}
${__groovy((new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(vars.get('employee'))).empcity,)}
More information: Groovy: Parsing and producing JSON
Use JSON Extractor and choose radio button JMeter Variable and enter variable name
to get for example empid use the following setting:
Variable Names: empid (your new variable name for id)
JSON Path Expressions: $.empid
Match No.: 1

Passing Multiple JSON parameters in JMeter

My registration form is accepting body in JSON format, and I need to run the test with 5 different user names.
How do I pass JSON as request body? Also I was unable to pass parameter from CSV file. How can I solve this issue?
Add CSV Data Set Config to your Test Plan
Configure it like:
Filename: full path to the file with your emails
Variable Names: anything meaningful, i.e. EmailId
In your HTTP Request sampler copy the recorded value to Body Data" tab and replace hard-coded email with JMeter Variable like:
{"EmailId" : "${EmailId}"}
In Thread Group set "Number of Threads" to 5
Next time you run your test JMeter will read next line from the file.csv and substitute the ${EmailId} variable with the value from the CSV file.
See Using CSV DATA SET CONFIG article for more information on parameterising your JMeter tests via CSV files.

JMeter - How to pass data from the CSV Data Set Config to the ForEach Controller

My .csv file contains only one column called domain
I have very simple script:
Thread Group
CSV Data Set Config
Debug Sampler - ${domain}
ForEach Controller (in has input variable domain and output variable out)
Debug Sampler - ${out}
It executes the first Debug Sampler but not the second one.
I assume that ForEach does not get the domain variable from the CSV Data Set Config.
Please help.
you are using the For Each Controller in the wrong manner. basically, it expects the input as a list of values, which can be accessed using domain_1, domain_2 etc where domain is the value defined in the Input variable prefix field. This controller is primarily used with the combination of Reg Ex Extractor, which gives similar out (list of values) and accessing mechanism of them (using domain_1).
In your case, domain_1 & domain_2 are not defined, samplers inside won't be executed.
So, you must create/provide the input in the format For Each Controller expects Or use other controllers like While Controller etc.
Note: In order to provide the list of values as For Each Controller expects from CSV file, you can define more columns as follows:
so, you can define Input variable prefix as domain, and make domain_1 & domain_2 variables available to the For Each Controller (As defined in the column fields).

How to send dynamic URL parameter with JMeter

I want to send URL (PATH) as /controller_1/1/ /controller_2/2/start
But the parameter #2 of controller_2 is dynamic.
How to send that parameter?
make the parameter a variable: /controller_2/${controller2_parameter}/start
Then you define the value of ${controller2_parameter} wherever and however appropriate: a CSV dataset config, using a regular expression extractor to scrape from a webpage, etc.
