How to send dynamic URL parameter with JMeter - jmeter

I want to send URL (PATH) as /controller_1/1/ /controller_2/2/start
But the parameter #2 of controller_2 is dynamic.
How to send that parameter?

make the parameter a variable: /controller_2/${controller2_parameter}/start
Then you define the value of ${controller2_parameter} wherever and however appropriate: a CSV dataset config, using a regular expression extractor to scrape from a webpage, etc.


How to pass the dynamic value in Body data in the Post Request using jmeter

I recorded the .JMX script in Jmeter and one of the request is as below
Body data:
I would like to send the "code" field dynamically and for that I added the regular expressing extractor as below enter image description here
When i re run the script , the code value is not replaced with the dynamic value.
Not sure what part i am missing in the regular expression extractor or in the Body data field
First of all, you cannot extract the value from the request body using the Regular Expression Extractor, normally you should extract the dynamic values from the previous response so inspect the whole flow using View Results Tree listener and look for your "code" value there
Your regular expression extractor in its current configuration will return random value in the parentheses so it could be domainId, nqa, code or 12345skdkdk. Going forward if you need to get some dynamic data from JSON go for JSON Extractor or JSON JMESPath Extractor
List item
you should do three-step of below
go to the random variable according below picture
Define random variable name . in this case we set variable name to code1 and set min & max value to this
Use ${code1} variable to your data section

JMeter how to select randomely from a extracted set of values

I have a requirement to use randome url from a url list I extract from a json response.
Say I extract them in this mannser
In a following JSSR223 sampler I was able to generate a variable called "url" with one of the url names selected randomely
I was thinking to use them in my HTTP request to get the correcponding url as follows. ${${url}}. But soon found out its not giving me anything other than "${${url}}" :(.
JMeter Is it possible to place a varibale inside a varible name?
Basically I need to use one of the extracted urls randomely in my HTTP request.
The easiest way is going for __V() and __Random() functions combination like:
More information: Here’s What to Do to Combine Multiple JMeter Variables
Use __V function
The V (variable) function returns the result of evaluating a variable name expression.

jmeter: extract information from headers and save it to a variable

My task is to make a request and save some data from the headers in a variable and use it later in another requests.
So I've added an http request and added an regular expression extractor. Here is my setup:
And then I've created another request and I'm using the LocationToken variable, but there the variable has the default value (dd). here is the response:
So, as you can see, the pattern patches on the headers. So what have I done wrong?
In Regular Expression Extractor, under Apply to section, you should select Main sampler and sub-samplers option but not JMeter Variable.
Regular Expression Extractor saves the value into the variable which we specified in Reference Name field.
in the question,
Reference Name: LocationToken
in later request, you refer the value as follows:

Extract using regex extractor - Redirect

I am using JMeter to extract some strings.
How do I extract using the regex extractor from the intermediate redirect URL. The issue is regex extractor is not able to match if redirect happened.
I unchecked the Redirect automatically checkbox and it was able to capture regex value, however I don't know to redirect using that variable.
Any help is appreciated.
I got this resolved, by using another HTTP request calling the initial url and used regex to parse data and call the redirect url with another HTTP request.
Try adding a PostProcessor=> Regular Expression Extractor, and select 'URL' under the field to check section.
You will have to add a Reference name for the variable also the regular expression which will help extract it. Further reference this variable in other requests.

JMeter using a variable as input for a response assertion pattern

I have a test plan in JMeter that has a Response Assertion where I'd like to use a variable that comes from a CSV Data Set Config. So my Pattern looks like:
Which corresponds (at least in my thoughts) to what comes from the file used in CSV Data Set Config, but it doesn't work. I have seen multiple suggestions to use a Regular Expression Extractor, but the examples I saw refer to something they're trying to capture from a page. In my case I am using an external csv file.
My question: how can I use a variable as input for a Response Assertion pattern ?
I have successfully used a CSV Data Set Config as a source of string that I use in a url parameter, and then use a Response Assertion to seek out that parameter in the response.
Variable name: P.
URL: /product/${P}.
The response assertion Parterns to Test: ${P}.
I wonder if it is not necessary to use the CSV data variable in the request in order for it to be available in the response assertion?
If my understanding is right,
here your problem:
You want to use the value from your CSV as part of URL and that too via variable.
Configure your CSV Data Set Config like this:
Filename: url csv path
variable name : assert1
Delimiter : , (if your CSV comma separated)
leave remaining unchanged
That's it you can use the variable assert1 anywhere: ${assert1}.
