Get Json Response when error occured in laravel api - laravel

I am working with Laravel and I want JSON response of error which is thrown by request.
For example, using duplicated email address during signup returns:
"email": [
"The email has already been taken."
But I want the response to be like this:
"success": false,
"errors": [ 'errors' ]
Thanks in advance.

$validator = Validator::make($input);
if (!$validator->fails()) {
$responseMessage['success'] = true;
} else {
$responseMessage['success'] = false;
$responseMessage['error'] = $validator->errors();
return responseMessage;

If you are using validator then do like this -
$validator = Validator::make($input, $rules);
if ($validator->fails()) {
$error = array_flatten($validator->messages()->toArray());
$response['response'] = [
"success" => false,
"error" => $error
return $response;
Hope this will work for you.

To return a json error use:
$message = 'Self defined error message';
return response()->json([['error' => $message]], 400);
400 being the http status code you want to return, could be anything you desire. In this case you would likely want to return 400 (Bad Request).
Output for the code above:
"error":"Self defined error message"

$messages = [
'email.unique' => $request->email . " has been used",
$validator = Validator::make($request->email, [
'email' => 'required|max:255|email|unique:users'
], $messages);
if ($validator->fails()) {
return response()->json($validator->messages(), 200);
Hope this can help you :)


Problems with Laravel data validation

I'm having some problems with validations in my api.
I need to send a json array like this:
"acktime": "2021-09-25 08:45:07",
"temp": 15.6
"acktime": "2021-09-25 08:45:07",
"temp": 15.6
probably more array....
I would like to vaidate one by one array and store only the valid data returning error for unvalid data, I have tried a foreach cylce but it convert the array to object but the validate::make want only array.
I have tried this:
$validator = Validator::make($request->all(), [
'*.acktime' => 'required',
'*.temp' => 'required|numeric'
$validatedData = $validator->validated();
return response()->json($validatedData);
But If I send wrong data I get only error without having valid data, so I've tried this way:
foreach($datas as $data){
$arr = (array)$data;
$validator = Validator::make($arr, [
'acktime' => 'required',
'temp' => 'required|numeric'
if ($validator->fails()) {
} else {
$newrawData = new rawData([
'acktime' => $data->acktime,
'temp' => $data->temp,
'synctime' => now()
return response('OK', 200); //or error if some data are not ok
In this way it work, bot I have no idea about get, a probable, validation error..(for the moment there's a continue for continue the cycle) any suggestion?
There are two ways for approaching this kind of validation:
make a custom rule in laravel validation from below and put your validation code in it and this will work:
easier way:
$data = [ 'data' => $requests->all() ];
$validator = Validator::make($data, [
'data.*.name' => 'required|string',
'data.*.' => 'required|string'

Guzzle POST request: required body when execute request

I have a POST request with Guzzle like this:
// Return a collection
$cart = $this->getCart('2019-10-08 07:08:39');
//Return first entry of the collection with first()
$template = $this->getTemplate($config->key);
$isDetail = null;
foreach ($cart as $item) {
try {
$client = $this->getClient();
$headers = ['Content-Type' => 'application/json'];
$body = [
'user_id' => $item->mystore_user_id,
'title' => $template->title,
'message' => $template->message,
'avatar' => $template->avatar,
'detail_id' => $isDetail,
'schedule' => null
$response = $client->post('push-noti/unicast', $headers, $body);
print_r(response()->json(json_decode($response->getBody(), true)));
} catch (QueryException | \Exception $ex) {
echo "Error!";
My body variable value is exist in each loop when it printed. But when I use it in $client->post, my request return error with user_id, title, message is required. I really don't know why is it?
Can you tell me what's wrong in my code?
Thank you!
$response = $client->post('push-noti/unicast', ['body' => $body , 'headers' => $headers]);
If you are calling a third party API, replace push-noti/unicast with complete URL.

Specific ID exception laravel 5.4/5.5

I'm working on a functionality where only a user with the ID number 3 can bet if the match is 1 minute away from starting, it's a success, but now those matches that has the status "Open" is not allowed to place bets. here is the code:
public function *addMatchBet*(Request $request){
$rules = [
'matchid' => 'required|integer|exists:matches,id',
'teamid' => 'required|integer|exists:teams,id',
'bet_amount' => 'required|integer|min:100'
$validation = \**Validator**::make($request->all(), $rules);
if ($validation->passes()) {
$user = \**Auth**::user();
$match = \App\**Match**::find($request->matchid);
$team = \App\**Team**::find($request->teamid);
if(!in_array($team->id, [$match->team_a, $match->team_b])) {
return [
'success' => false,
'errors' => [
'bet' => ['Match teams have been updated! Please refresh
page and try again.']
if($match && $match->status == 'open') {
$betCount = $user->bets
->where('match_id', $request->matchid)
if($match->isClosing(0)) {
return [
'success' => false,
'errors' => [
'bet' => ['Could no longer bet. This match is now
Any ideas anyone? TYIA
I've found a solution, this was the code:
if($match && $match->isClosing(0)) {
if($user->id == 3){
$betCount = $user->bets
->where('match_id', $request->matchid)
return [
'success' => false,
'errors' => [
'bet' => ['Could no longer bet. This match is now starting!']

How to map errors to the field?

Below is my server side validation in lumen :
$rules = array(
'prog_code' => 'required',
'payer_id' => 'required',
$validator = \Validator::make($post, $rules);
if (!$validator->fails()) {
try {
// Start Logic Here
} catch (\Exception $e) {
} else {
$errors = $validator->errors();
return response()->json($errors->all());
and it return error like below :
"The prog code field is required.",
"The payer id field is required.",
but the problem is how I map the error of which field because I want to show the error below the particular text field.
Can we customize error like below :
[prog_code] => "The prog code field is required.",
[payer_id] => "The payer id field is required.",
The way I achieve the same response was to do:
if ( $validator->fails() ) {
$errors = [];
foreach ( $validator->errors()->toArray() as $field => $message ) {
$errors[$field] = $message[0];
return response()->json($errors);
If you dump the $errors variable you have an array of errors like your target:
ViewErrorBag {#406
#bags: array:1 [
"default" => MessageBag {#407
#messages: array:1 [
"pin" => array:1 [
0 => "The Programming Code is required Sir!"
#format: ":message"
$errors variable is injected by validator when there are errors

Better way for testing validation errors

I'm testing a form where user must introduce some text between let's say 100 and 500 characters.
I use to emulate the user input:
->see('greater than');
Here I'm looking for the greater than piece of text in the response... It depends on the translation specified for that validation error.
How could do the same test without having to depend on the text of the validation error and do it depending only on the error itself?
public function store(Request $request)
$success = doStuff($request);
if ($success){
} else {
return Redirect::back():
`array:3 [
"_token" => "ONoTlU2w7Ii2Npbr27dH5WSXolw6qpQncavQn72e"
"_sf2_meta" => array:3 [
"u" => 1453141086
"c" => 1453141086
"l" => "0"
"flash" => array:2 [
"old" => []
"new" => []
you can do it like so -
$this->assertSessionHas('flash_notification.level', 'danger'); if you are looking for a particular error or success key.
or use
I think there is more clear way to get an exact error message from session.
/** #var ViewErrorBag $errors */
$errors = request()->session()->get('errors');
/** #var array $messages */
$messages = $errors->getBag('default')->getMessages();
$emailErrorMessage = array_shift($messages['email']);
$this->assertEquals('Already in use', $emailErrorMessage);
Pre-requirements: code was tested on Laravel Framework 5.5.14
get the MessageBag object from from session erros and get all the validation error names using $errors->get('name')
$errors = session('errors');
$this->assertEquals($errors->get('name')[0],"The title field is required.");
This works for Laravel 5 +
Your test doesn't have a post call. Here is an example using Jeffery Way's flash package
public function store(Request $request, Post $post)
$post->user_id = $request->user()->id;
$created = false;
try {
$created = $post->save();
} catch (ValidationException $e) {
if ($created) {
flash()->success('New post has been created.');
return back();
public function testStoreSuccess()
$data = [
'title' => 'A dog is fit',
'status' => 'active',
'excerpt' => 'Farm dog',
'content' => 'blah blah blah',
$this->call('POST', 'post', $data);
$this->assertSessionHas('flash_notification.level', 'success');
$this->assertSessionHas('flash_notification.message', 'New post has been created.');
try to split your tests into units, say if you testing a controller function
you may catch valication exception, like so:
} catch (ValidationException $ex) {
if it was generated manually, this is how it should be generated:
throw ValidationException::withMessages([
'abc' => ['my message'],
you can assert it liks so
$this->assertSame('my message', $ex->errors()['abc'][0]);
if you cannot catch it, but prefer testing routs like so:
$response = $this->json('POST', route('user-post'), [
'name' => $faker->name,
'email' => $faker->email,
then you use $response to assert that the validation has happened, like so
$this->assertSame($response->errors->{'name'}[0], 'The name field is required.');
in the example I used
$faker = \Faker\Factory::create();
ValidationException is used liks this
use Illuminate\Validation\ValidationException;
just remind you that you don't have to generate exceptions manually, use validate method for common cases:
$request->validate(['name' => [
my current laravel version is 5.7
