Problems with Laravel data validation - laravel

I'm having some problems with validations in my api.
I need to send a json array like this:
"acktime": "2021-09-25 08:45:07",
"temp": 15.6
"acktime": "2021-09-25 08:45:07",
"temp": 15.6
probably more array....
I would like to vaidate one by one array and store only the valid data returning error for unvalid data, I have tried a foreach cylce but it convert the array to object but the validate::make want only array.
I have tried this:
$validator = Validator::make($request->all(), [
'*.acktime' => 'required',
'*.temp' => 'required|numeric'
$validatedData = $validator->validated();
return response()->json($validatedData);
But If I send wrong data I get only error without having valid data, so I've tried this way:
foreach($datas as $data){
$arr = (array)$data;
$validator = Validator::make($arr, [
'acktime' => 'required',
'temp' => 'required|numeric'
if ($validator->fails()) {
} else {
$newrawData = new rawData([
'acktime' => $data->acktime,
'temp' => $data->temp,
'synctime' => now()
return response('OK', 200); //or error if some data are not ok
In this way it work, bot I have no idea about get, a probable, validation error..(for the moment there's a continue for continue the cycle) any suggestion?

There are two ways for approaching this kind of validation:
make a custom rule in laravel validation from below and put your validation code in it and this will work:
easier way:
$data = [ 'data' => $requests->all() ];
$validator = Validator::make($data, [
'data.*.name' => 'required|string',
'data.*.' => 'required|string'


Stripe & Laravel how to upgrade or downgrade session subscription?

I have some issues using the Laravel Cashier for creating subscriptions.
First, from my backend I am creating a Package, which calls the following two Strip functions:
public function createStripeProduct(array $data)
$product = $this->stripe->products->create([
'name' => $data['title']." ".appName(),
return $product->id;
public function createStripePrice(array $data)
$price = $this->stripe->prices->create([
'unit_amount' => $data['price'] * $this->multiple,
'currency' => $this->currency,
'recurring' => ['interval' => 'month'],
'product' => $data['stripe_prod_id'],
return $price->id;
Then in my Controller, I am creating the session:
public function create(Request $request)
$key = config('services.stripe.secret');
$stripe = new Stripe\StripeClient($key);
$stripeCustomer = $user->createOrGetStripeCustomer();
$checkout_session = $stripe->checkout->sessions->create([
'customer' => $stripeCustomer['id'],
'success_url' => route('frontend.user.account'),
'cancel_url' => route('frontend.user.account'),
'payment_method_types' => ['card'],
'line_items' => [
'price' => $request->stripe_price_id,
'quantity' => 1,
'mode' => 'subscription',
'allow_promotion_codes' => true,
return $checkout_session['id'];
Everything is working so far, but with the implementation, I can subscribe one use multiple times to the same or to a different Package.
How can I prevent this from happening and also how to implement a future upgrade/downgrade of the Package?
To answer your two questions:
1) I can subscribe one use multiple times to the same or to a different Package. How can I prevent this from happening
Your code is fetching a Stripe Customer object in createOrGetStripeCustomer(). You can list all Subscriptions on the Customer with and then check if you want to create an additional CheckoutSession Subscription on that Customer.
2) how to implement a future upgrade/downgrade of the Package?
You would use the code snippets here: where you update the Subscription's SubscriptionItem with a new Price ID.
$sub = \Stripe\Subscription::update('sub_123', [
'cancel_at_period_end' => false,
'proration_behavior' => 'create_prorations',
'items' => [
'id' => $subscription->items->data[0]->id,
'price' => 'price_456', // the new Price to update to

In Laravel how can I validate an select option multiply type array (name[])?

Validate a named select option input type name[] multiply in the validation options that have laravel version 5.6?
According to the documentation, I tried to validate it that way, but it doesn't work for me
One way
<select name="office[]">
$validator = Validator::make($request->all(), [
'office.*' => 'required'
], [
'office.required' => __('My message')
Otra que tampoco me funciona
$validator = Validator::make($request->all(), [
'office' => "required|array|min:1",
"office.*" => "required|integer|min:1",
], [
'office.*.required' => __('Debes agregar alguna sucursal')
I could be helped by please !!!
PS:I'm with version 5.6.*
For something as complex as an array I would use Custom Validation. That would allow you to write a function and pass the validation however you want.
public function passes($attribute, $value)
if(/** Array complies with your rules **/) {
return true;

Laravel array key validation

I have custom request data:
"data": {
"checkThisKeyForExists": [
"value": "Array key Validation"
And this validation rules:
$rules = [
'data' => ['required','array'],
'data.*' => ['exists:table,id']
How I can validate array key using Laravel?
maybe it will helpful for you
$rules = ([
'name' => 'required|string', //your field
'children.*.name' => 'required|string', //your 1st nested field
'children.*.children.*.name => 'required|string' //your 2nd nested field
The right way
This isn't possible in Laravel out of the box, but you can add a new validation rule to validate array keys:
php artisan make:rule KeysIn
The rule should look roughly like the following:
class KeysIn implements Rule
public function __construct(protected array $values)
public function message(): string
return ':attribute contains invalid fields';
public function passes($attribute, $value): bool
// Swap keys with their values in our field list, so we
// get ['foo' => 0, 'bar' => 1] instead of ['foo', 'bar']
$allowedKeys = array_flip($this->values);
// Compare the value's array *keys* with the flipped fields
$unknownKeys = array_diff_key($value, $allowedKeys);
// The validation only passes if there are no unknown keys
return count($unknownKeys) === 0;
You can use this rule like so:
$rules = [
'data' => ['required','array', new KeysIn(['foo', 'bar'])],
'data.*' => ['exists:table,id']
The quick way
If you only need to do this once, you can do it the quick-and-dirty way, too:
$rules = [
'data' => [
fn(attribute, $value, $fail) => count(array_diff_key($value, $array_flip([
]))) > 0 ? $fail("{$attribute} contains invalid fields") : null
'data.*' => ['exists:table,id']
I think this is what you are looking:
$rules = [
'data.checkThisKeyForExists.value' => ['exists:table,id']

How to validate and insert array of objects in php?

I want to validate and insert array of object into my database. This is my array of objects: (Front end js)
studentData: [
{id: 1, name: 'Juan'},
{id: 2, name: 'Jema'},
This is my current code for StudentController.php:
for($i; $i <= count($request->input()); $i++){
$student = Student::create([
'id' => $request[$i]["id"],
'name' => $request[$i]["name"],
and this works perfectly when I'm inserting all my object. Now, I want to validate all the request. This code is not working:
$validate = $request[$i]->validate([
'id' => 'required|unique:students|numeric'
for($i; $i <= count($request->input()); $i++){
$validate = $request[$i]->validate([
'id' => 'required|unique:students|numeric'
]); //this is the error. I cant validate the data foreach user
$student = Student::create([
'id' => $request[$i]["id"],
'name' => $request[$i]["name"],
You have to do array input validation with dot like this:
'studentData.*.id' => 'required|unique:students|numeric',
'studentData.*.name' =>'required'
$messages = [
// write error messages
I hope you will understand.
You can see laravel docs for array input validation here

Better way for testing validation errors

I'm testing a form where user must introduce some text between let's say 100 and 500 characters.
I use to emulate the user input:
->see('greater than');
Here I'm looking for the greater than piece of text in the response... It depends on the translation specified for that validation error.
How could do the same test without having to depend on the text of the validation error and do it depending only on the error itself?
public function store(Request $request)
$success = doStuff($request);
if ($success){
} else {
return Redirect::back():
`array:3 [
"_token" => "ONoTlU2w7Ii2Npbr27dH5WSXolw6qpQncavQn72e"
"_sf2_meta" => array:3 [
"u" => 1453141086
"c" => 1453141086
"l" => "0"
"flash" => array:2 [
"old" => []
"new" => []
you can do it like so -
$this->assertSessionHas('flash_notification.level', 'danger'); if you are looking for a particular error or success key.
or use
I think there is more clear way to get an exact error message from session.
/** #var ViewErrorBag $errors */
$errors = request()->session()->get('errors');
/** #var array $messages */
$messages = $errors->getBag('default')->getMessages();
$emailErrorMessage = array_shift($messages['email']);
$this->assertEquals('Already in use', $emailErrorMessage);
Pre-requirements: code was tested on Laravel Framework 5.5.14
get the MessageBag object from from session erros and get all the validation error names using $errors->get('name')
$errors = session('errors');
$this->assertEquals($errors->get('name')[0],"The title field is required.");
This works for Laravel 5 +
Your test doesn't have a post call. Here is an example using Jeffery Way's flash package
public function store(Request $request, Post $post)
$post->user_id = $request->user()->id;
$created = false;
try {
$created = $post->save();
} catch (ValidationException $e) {
if ($created) {
flash()->success('New post has been created.');
return back();
public function testStoreSuccess()
$data = [
'title' => 'A dog is fit',
'status' => 'active',
'excerpt' => 'Farm dog',
'content' => 'blah blah blah',
$this->call('POST', 'post', $data);
$this->assertSessionHas('flash_notification.level', 'success');
$this->assertSessionHas('flash_notification.message', 'New post has been created.');
try to split your tests into units, say if you testing a controller function
you may catch valication exception, like so:
} catch (ValidationException $ex) {
if it was generated manually, this is how it should be generated:
throw ValidationException::withMessages([
'abc' => ['my message'],
you can assert it liks so
$this->assertSame('my message', $ex->errors()['abc'][0]);
if you cannot catch it, but prefer testing routs like so:
$response = $this->json('POST', route('user-post'), [
'name' => $faker->name,
'email' => $faker->email,
then you use $response to assert that the validation has happened, like so
$this->assertSame($response->errors->{'name'}[0], 'The name field is required.');
in the example I used
$faker = \Faker\Factory::create();
ValidationException is used liks this
use Illuminate\Validation\ValidationException;
just remind you that you don't have to generate exceptions manually, use validate method for common cases:
$request->validate(['name' => [
my current laravel version is 5.7
