Is it possible to collapse or hide rows in SlickGrid? - jquery-plugins

I need expand/collapse feature to show/hide rows in SlickGrid.
So to implement this feature, I have a expand/collapse icon on the Grid header row. And by pressing it, it should Show/Hide all data of the grid (Toggle Visibility).
The feature I want to implement is exactly same as grouping where parent row can be expanded/collapsed by clicking on **+ or -** icon. But without applying grouping.

Should be pretty easy. Just find the viewport div and toggle its visibility on click. Everything else should collapse around it.


Grid inside Table or MainTable

I have one WWSD or one SDPanel with some attributes but between these attributes that are fixed inside a Table or directly in the MainTable I want put and Grid, the problem is that the Grid is not showed and when I put the grid its no more possible scroll in the WWSD or SDPanel, is like the Grid stuck the SDPanel more than the grid is not showed.
Anyone can help me to put the Grid and keep with all normally ?
I assume you're targeting Android.
The issue is that Android does not natively support nested scrolling. Therefore, a GeneXus layout that contains a grid will disable the form's own scrolling (so that the grid can itself scroll).
There are two ways of resolving this issue:
Redesign the panel so that the form does not vertically exceed the size of the screen (thus, form scrolling is not necessary).
Set autogrow=true for the grid, which will resize to fit all items (and "push down" any other controls located below it). Since the grid will no longer need to scroll, the form's scroll will be enabled.

Moving selected SlickGrid rows with arrow buttons

is it possible to move selected rows up and down using arrow keys? The drag and drop works great, but my project requires moving using a keyboard as well.
set enableCellNavigation: true in the options object. If you inspect the cells with Firebug or the like you'll notice that the active class value moves along with your keyboard presses.
So the thing is to CSS-format .active, I'm not sure whether SlickGrid provides it it already.

How to make cell save when slickgrid looses focus

I have a SlickGrid with some Editors on a form with some buttons above it. (Save and Cancel). When i edit a cell in the grid and click the buttons above the grid - the cell does not commit it's edit. I've debugged and it is not calling : commitCurrentEdit. I've also tested on clicking an empty area anywhere out of the grid area...
Has anyone noticed this scenario and have a solution to get the cell to commit when one clicks out of the grid. Due to the various positions the grid good be in it would be hard to do an overlay.
You can try this:
$("#buttonName").bind("click", function(){

Slickgrid autoscrolling window on grid click

When enableCellNavigation is enabled, the initial click and double-click on my grid immediately scrolls the page down so that the clicked row is at the top of the screen. This is quite annoying since it is not expected. Is there some way to turn this off? If enableCellNavigation is disabled, rows cannot be selected so this is not an option.
You are looking for focusOnCurrentCell()
In my case grid was scrolling to the end horizontally when clicked.
Commenting the focusOnCurrentCell() inside the function setSelectedCell(newCell,editMode) solved my problem.

Mouse hover event in MVC

I am working in MVC and I want to show my data in an asp GridView and I also want to change the row backcolor whenever mouse hover that particular row. Please let me know how can I do that.
Thanks in advance,
Use Javascript (JQUERY!) and have an on hover event for the row. So when hovered over, you switch the previously highlighted row go back to normal and change the colour of the current row.
You could easily do it with Jquery and by having a row css class and a highlighted row css class.
