I add a gltf format model to scene, and it shows. when i try to get intersects by
raycaster.intersectObjects( scene.children )
its not working
it worked on obj format model
No matter what I do, I cannot get a texture to update after importing a GLTF model using react-three fiber.
const { nodes, materials } = useGLTF("/glb4.glb");
const newtexture = useLoader(TextureLoader, "texture1.jpg");
newtexture.flipY = false;
Now I can do
let newmaterial = new THREE.MeshPhysicalMaterial({ map: newtexture});
to import it into the scene with
However it results in a grey material without the texture. Even modifying the original gltf material with the new texture gives the same result.
Is there a way to update the texture of a gltf mode dynamically? Here is the full codesandbox: https://codesandbox.io/p/github/Mazzz-zzz/fabrigen/main?file=%2Fsrc%2FApp.js
I am loading a .glb model into Three.js. All the materials get turned into MeshStandardMaterial. How can I convert them to MeshBasicMaterial?
The goal is to get the exact colors that I used in Blender without having to use any lights in the Three.js scene.
(1) I have tried the following code, based on https://stackoverflow.com/a/61717988/795016, but the problem is that this approach appears not to work when going from a more complex to a less complex material.
// For each child in the group
loadedGroup.traverse((child) => {
// If this child has a mesh standard material
if (
child instanceof THREE.Mesh
&& child.material instanceof THREE.MeshStandardMaterial
) {
var prevMaterial = child.material;
child.material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial();
THREE.MeshStandardMaterial.prototype.copy.call(child.material, prevMaterial);
console.log("child.material", child.material);
(2) I have also tried to use the gltf-transform tool to change the materials in the model to be unlit, but Three.js still shows them as MeshStandardMaterial.
gltf-transform unlit model-in.glb model-out.glb
I am loading a GLTF model into threejs. All the materials used on the object (and there a quite a few of them), use a mesh basic material, and we want them to be a material that can be affected by lights. Is there a way to convert all materials from a basic material to one that can receive lights, like Phong (including their existing properties?).
I can currently add a new material as follows:
glb.scene.traverse(child => {
if (child.isMesh) {
//child.material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({ flatShading: true });
but everything just looks a solid gray color and doesn't contain any of the properties of the mesh basic material it replaced.
The default material in glTF is usually mapped to MeshStandardMaterial in three.js — your model must have the "unlit" glTF extension (KHR_materials_unlit) enabled if it's creating MeshBasicMaterial. Short of changing that in a modeling tool like Blender, which might be easiest, you can also convert it in three.js...
model.traverse((child) => {
if ( ! child.isMesh ) return;
var prevMaterial = child.material;
child.material = new MeshPhongMaterial();
MeshBasicMaterial.prototype.copy.call( child.material, prevMaterial );
Note that the reverse does not necessarily work — calling a complex material's copy() method on a simpler material (like MeshBasicMaterial) will cause it to look for properties that do not exist.
I'm trying to load a pretty simple model with two materials (applied per-face) in Three.js exported from Blender. The issue I'm running into is that with multiple materials applied via the code below the mesh disappears entirely, but I can easily use materials[0] or materials[1] in place of materials and see a solid object. My export settings from blender along with what it should look like are below and the json of the model is visible online here.
I tried your JSON file and it displayed just like your image. Here's the code I used (three.js r83):
var mesh = new THREE.Object3D();
var jsonLoader = new THREE.JSONLoader();
function (geometry, materials) {
mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry,
new THREE.MultiMaterial(materials));
I'm having issues getting a custom made collada object with no built in camera or lighting to render. I more or less copied what I had seen in a few collada examples to create my own loader, which looks like this:
var loader = new THREE.ColladaLoader();
var room, scene, stats;
loader.load('../Models/Rooms/boot.dae', function colladaReady( collada ){
collada.scene.getChildByName('Cube',true).doubleSided = true;
room = collada.scene;
room.scale.x = room.scale.y = room.scale.z = 1;
The init function is fairly basic and looks like this
scene = new THREE.Scene();
scene.add( room );
scene.add( camera );
renderer.render(scene, camera);
Here is the actual object I'm trying to render. I have also tried it out with the monster.dae file that is in the examples folder without success. The Chrome javascript console isn't showing any errors, so I'm not quite sure where to look in my code. It all resembles functional examples, so I'm not sure why it's not functional. Is there something I'm unaware of that is relevant to collada loading?
RESOLVED: The item was rendering, but had no skin or texture associated with it. So it was rendering at the same colour as the background, which understandably appears to not be rendering at all. Discovered by adding a grid to the ground just to check.