Can't seem to make a functional THREE.js collada loader - render

I'm having issues getting a custom made collada object with no built in camera or lighting to render. I more or less copied what I had seen in a few collada examples to create my own loader, which looks like this:
var loader = new THREE.ColladaLoader();
var room, scene, stats;
loader.load('../Models/Rooms/boot.dae', function colladaReady( collada ){
collada.scene.getChildByName('Cube',true).doubleSided = true;
room = collada.scene;
room.scale.x = room.scale.y = room.scale.z = 1;
The init function is fairly basic and looks like this
scene = new THREE.Scene();
scene.add( room );
scene.add( camera );
renderer.render(scene, camera);
Here is the actual object I'm trying to render. I have also tried it out with the monster.dae file that is in the examples folder without success. The Chrome javascript console isn't showing any errors, so I'm not quite sure where to look in my code. It all resembles functional examples, so I'm not sure why it's not functional. Is there something I'm unaware of that is relevant to collada loading?

RESOLVED: The item was rendering, but had no skin or texture associated with it. So it was rendering at the same colour as the background, which understandably appears to not be rendering at all. Discovered by adding a grid to the ground just to check.


Aframe Load lightmap after loading GLTF - lightmap not showing

I'm trying to add a lightmap to some mesh after loading them from a GLTF file.
All my objects have 2UV channel.
I'm waiting 'object3dset' and here is my code :
const mesh = this.el.getObject3D('mesh');
var textureLoader = new THREE.TextureLoader();
textureLoader.load("lightmap.png", function(lmap){
mesh.traverse((node) => {
if (!node.isMesh) return;
node.material.lightMap = lmap;
lmap.flipY =; //needed to flip the texture
node.material.needsUpdate = true;
If I replace the material with a new one and set the lightmap, it's working.
But I want to find a way without recreating all materials.
The lightmap was loaded, but not easy to see.
By default metalness from Khronos Blender Exporter converted in threejs after loading GLTF result to a level 1.0. With this configuration, the lightmap is hard to see and is not corresponding to what we see in Blender.
I hope my mistake can help someone else losing too much time.

Three.js Mesh With Multiple Materials Disappears?

I'm trying to load a pretty simple model with two materials (applied per-face) in Three.js exported from Blender. The issue I'm running into is that with multiple materials applied via the code below the mesh disappears entirely, but I can easily use materials[0] or materials[1] in place of materials and see a solid object. My export settings from blender along with what it should look like are below and the json of the model is visible online here.
I tried your JSON file and it displayed just like your image. Here's the code I used (three.js r83):
var mesh = new THREE.Object3D();
var jsonLoader = new THREE.JSONLoader();
function (geometry, materials) {
mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry,
new THREE.MultiMaterial(materials));

Three.js StereoEffect cannot be applied to CSS3DRenderer

I'm in the process of developing a chrome VR web app. Now I'm desperately trying to figure out how to render a website into my into my stereoscopic scene which has some meshes in it.
So I have my renderer for the meshes, which works well. The following code is only the relevant snippets:
var renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer();
Then i have my stereoeffect renderer which receives the webgl renderer:
var effect = new THREE.StereoEffect(renderer);
Next is that I create the website renderer, and apply it to the stereoeffect:
var rendererCSS = new THREE.CSS3DRenderer();
var effectHUD = new THREE.StereoEffect(rendererCSS);
Then I have scenes which are being rendered:
var scene = new THREE.Scene();
var sceneCSS = new THREE.Scene();
function render(dt) {
effect.render(scene, camera);
effectHUD.render( sceneCSS, camera );
No what I receive is this:
A stereoscopic image of my mesh, but a non stereoscopic image of the website. The problem is that the when I try to add the css renderer into the StereoEffect renderer, the setViewport function (among others, probably) are missing.
I've tried adding the website object to the webgl renderer, but it doesn't want to render my website, so adding the website object to the scene with the meshes doesn't work.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
I've been having the same problem.
It appears there was a CSS Stereo renderer but it's been removed along with all examples. This could have been for any number of reasons so use the following with caution, or until they reintroduce compatibility:
After searching I found a remaining copy of their demo from which you can mine the code and copy its CSS3DStereoRenderer.js file.
Hopefully this helps.

Loading multiple objects in Three.js from Blender

I have a quite complex shape (dressed girl) that in Blender is broken down into different objects and it's loaded into Three.js with the JSON loader (with a little hack I made, that uses zipped files instead of just JSON files, as there are a lot of vertices).
As I want to change dynamically the style of the dress from a Web page, I was wondering how I can show/hide different pieces (e.g. sleeves) in the scene.
I tried traversing the THREE.Mesh, but there are no children.
When I export from Blender with the JSON exporter, I don't see anything referring to the names of the objects in the JSON. Is the structure lost?
If you are using meshes containing lots of vertices, I would advise you to use the openCTM webGL loader instead of zip hacking. Here is a link to the loader :
This mesh compression tool uses LZMA compression method and can reduce the size of your files by 93%...
Concerning the JSONLoader, using an array might help:
var meshes = [];
var loader = new THREE.JSONLoader();
var onGeometry = function(geom)
var mesh = new THREE.SceneUtils.createMultiMaterialObject(geom, [material]);
meshes.push( mesh );
loader.load("yourfile.js", onGeometry);
Hope this helps
It is possible to load an entire scene with several meshes from a json file exported from Blender and handle them separately!
You can follow the complete process of exporting a entire scene from Blender and the right way of handling the exported meshes on my answer of this post.
So, you can get the different meshes and manipulate them separately using the getObjectByName method. But it is important to know that the loaded object isn't a Geometry anymore. It is labeled with the Scene type by now and it must be handled in a different way.
The loading code must look like this one:
loader = new THREE.JSONLoader();
loader.load( "obj/Books.json", function ( loadedObj ) {
var surface = loadedObj.getObjectByName("Surface");
var outline = loadedObj.getObjectByName("Outline");
var mask = loadedObj.getObjectByName("Mask");
} );
Besides, you can handle the multiple materials of single mesh using THREE.MeshFaceMaterial like in the following code:
var mat1 = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial( { map: texture1 } );
var mat2 = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial( { map: texture2 } );
var materials = [mat1, mat2];
var faceMat = new THREE.MeshFaceMaterial(materials);
mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, faceMat );
scene.add( mesh );
Hope this helps :)

ColladaLoader: Could not find the skeleton for the skin

I was trying to render a primitive character I made in 3dsmax, but seems like there's something wrong with my exported DAE file or just ColladaLoader is unable to process it correctly.
Scene consists of an animated biped skeleton, simple rigged character using Physique modifier, one static box and an animated one.
Here's my code:
<script src="three.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="ColladaLoader.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var size_width = window.innerWidth;
var size_height = window.innerHeight;
var player;
var scene = new THREE.Scene();
var camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(75, size_width/size_height, 0.1, 1000);
var renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer();
renderer.setSize(size_width, size_height);
camera.position.x = 100;
camera.position.y = -50;
camera.position.z = 7;
camera.rotation.x = 1.4;
var player_loader = new THREE.ColladaLoader();
player_loader.load( "running_babe.dae", function(collada) {
player = collada.scene;
function init() {
function render() {
renderer.render(scene, camera);
But all I get are those two boxes and a error:
ColladaLoader: Could not find the skeleton for the skin.
Here's exported DAE file I use -
Any suggestions?
Update: After rigging character with skin modifier I came up with the same result - could not find the skeleton for the skin.
Here's the link to exported dae with skin modifier -
I had the same problem and spent days playing with exporter settings before i started reading the threejs colladaloader source and figured it out. so in case you haven't solved it yet, here's what you have to do:
First: when you export your model from max, make sure none of the elements in your scene have the same name as your filename (or your geometry wont show up this has something to do with generated ids in the DAE file)
Now, 3DSMax somehow neglects to export a node, so you have to add that manually:
open the running_babe.dae file in a text editor
look for an <instance_controller url="...."/> node and rewrite it to:
<instance_controller url="....">
wherein 'xxxxx' is the id(=element/bone name in 3dsmax) that is the root element of your skeleton hierarchy. and don't forget the 'hash' at the beginning! :)
hope that solves it for you. i haven't tried animation yet, but i will now, and let you know if there's anything missing from this solution.
edit: nevermind, apparently i just scratched the surface of the tip
of a huge frigging iceberg.. seems like getting collada(from 3dsmax
2013) + skinned animation working is a pain.. i'll look at writing a new json exporter.
the format seems straight forward and well documented, plus, there's the old .ms file
from github to start from. good luck to you! if you find something, be so kind as to post
your method here, would you? :)
The default plugin that comes with 3ds max does not work. You need to use the OpenCollada plugin. Then you can follow the collada loader example. You get bones, animations and all!
